Monday, May 20, 2024

Monday May 20 News Updates Lakewood

- Weather: 69° A mix of clouds and sun. High 69F.

- The Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok Rebbe spoke out against the Israeli government attempt to shut down Lag Baomer in Miron and urged his chasidim to head up to Rashbi for Lag Baomer and travel as far north as they can go. He said this is a fight of the sitra achra as the govt has been trying for the last five years to shut down Miron. The rebbe pointed out that no missiles actually fell near the kever and כדאי רבי שמעון לסמוך עליו

- Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein was asked about making a bracha of hatov vehameitiv upon the death of the Iranian president he said to make a shechayanu instead on a fruit and have the simcha in mind.

- LPD:  Buckle up, stay safe! Lakewood Police Department is out in full force for the Click It or Ticket mobilization. Don't risk it, wear your seat belt. 

-Last Monday of Behab minyan mincha with krias Hatorah of Vayechal at Rabbi Forcheimers shul 418 5th st 2:10 pm 

- Some Rabbonim in E"Y told their kehilla not to say tachnun today to celebrate the deaths of the Iranian president the butcher of Teheran

- Tzedek organization Rav Moshe Margaretten says the current events in Iran are beneficial for the campaign on behalf ofvtheb20 year who was sentenced to death as they can now hopefully buy more time as they work on several fronts.

- Mayor Coles said at the recent township meeting that the purchase of the wells Fargo property and building for $2.5 Million will be to extend the parking lots that was started 20 years ago that run from 5th street to Ocean Ave rt 88. As far as the building he said the township has yet to decide what it would be used for

- Lakewood zoning board special meeting today to allow Lake Terrace to operate as a banquet hall watch livestream at 7pm Here also in correspondence Request for Appeal # 4073 for a 2 year extension on the approval. Appeal # 3913 to amend resolution to allow a 3 story building. 

- Target will be lowering prices on at least 5,000 frequently shopped products across its assortment ranging from milk to diapers, the big-box retailer said, as it looks to attract budget-stretched customers

- Ocean county dep of health with ad campaign in Lakewood media publications reaching out to the community to take the covid shots.

- Rav Shlomo Eisenberger shlita Telz R"Y will deliver divrei chizuk today for yemei hasefira at Kol Aryeh 1:10pm Hope chapel and 14th st Lakewood.

-An investigation is underway in Monmouth County about whether or not non-residents used their summer home addresses to register to vote.The New Jersey Globe reported the number of eligible voters increased significantly in the past year in Allenhurst and exceeded the number of residents reported in the 2020 census. Allenhurst has 597 registered voters. Allenhurst had a population of 472 as of the 2020 U.S. Census.

- A car in Manchester was destroyed by a fire after a electric scooter crashed into it and fell under the car igniting it. Miraculously the tefillin  that was in the car was fully intact 


  1. It's a mitzvah to avoid purchasing anything from the woke maniacs at Target who promote the worst תועבות and gender-dysphoria. Don't sell your souls to save a dollars. Avoid Target like the plague.

    1. Are women also obligated?
      Do you say a Beracha of על or ל?

      And avoiding things like the plague has a new meaning after covid, when our geniuses decided that avoiding plagues is g - a - y.

    2. All are obligated to protest Target's nonsense. Failure to do so means that you won't have a דעה when this madness creeps up ח"ו on your own progeny ר"ל. If you don't think the trend has already begun in our own מחנה, you're uninformed.

    3. Well put.agree

  2. Which Rabbanim said not to say tachanun? The same ones who scream at chasidim when they skip tachanun? Hypocrites.

  3. There are politicians endorced by the Agudah that are pro toaivah. Just saying. So is YU

    1. You should learn from Audah and YU to treat lying as a serious avera.

  4. LOl kol Aryeh became the kibbutz galiyos for all the has been Roshey Yeshiva, and Rebayim

  5. The kosher food prices are insane
    Shop in Walmart Aldi Target Costco Amazon or whomever is cheaper
    The message has to be sent loud and clear, the frum consumer has had enough

    We don't need over the top fancy stores to buy food

    1. And some of us are willing to pay extra for features such as Yoshon, Pas Yisroel, Cholov Yisroel, Bishul Yisroel, shechitas bais yosef, and heimeshe hashgochos. And contrary to popular belief, the heimeshe hashgocho is not just a rubber stamp over the OU, there are real differences, including the temperature required to kasher equipment, the frequency of supervision, etc. In many cases, the heimeshe runs are special done and supervised 100% vs the national hashgachos that visit occasionally.
      1lb Haddar Penne in Evergreen is 1.69 vs Barilla at Walmart for 1.76. Glick 8oz tomato sauce is .67 vs Hunts @ walmart 0.69. If you shop smartly, you can save money.

    2. Most 'heimishe' hashgachos don't care for Yoshon at all.
      Pas Yisroel is rarely a halachic issue. It's pas palter, and if it's cheaper, it's muttar lechatchila.
      Cholov Yisroel doesn't have anything to do with anything.
      Bishul Yisroel is rarely an issue, and when it is, Heimishe hashgachos are not much better.
      Shechitas Beis Yosef is not available with general heimishe hashgachos, unless you are willing to invest the time and effort to find it.

      The OU is generally far better than Heimishe hashgachos, especially regarding kashering. And OU mostly doesn't require any kashering, an advantage over all 'heimishe' hashgachos.
      Many of the 'chumros' that these Heimishe hashgachos have are absolute hogwash, not based on Torah or Halacha.

      The 'heimishe' hashgacha scam must stop. On the rare occasions that they are meaningful, that is not enough to excuse the premiums they charge.

    3. You are mistaken. Your "facts" aren't really so. Speak to a mashgiach that knows what goes on.

    4. AB
      You are comparing non brand names with brand names for price comparison.
      Maxwell House in store A is $10 and on Amazon Tasters choice is $14. Store A sells Jetfoil tinfoil for $8 and on Amazon sells Reynolds for $13. Glicks ketchup is $2.50 and Heinz on Amazon is $3.75. Hmmm Amazon must be more expensive.
      Take a look check out how much Great Value pasta is.

    5. I'm a former mashgiach, and I can attest to rabbanei hanmacshir don't care for any of that. You wouldn't believe the kulot they use, which you wouldn't allow in your (and I'm sure, their own) kitchen.

      And by the way, Great Value pasta is 99¢ this week.
      Ketchup is 99¢ at at Lidl till today.
      Store brand coffee is also $4-something, but everybody, especially heimishe wants Taster's Choice, so pay for it.

  6. Lakewood politicians are spending tax money like drunkens without even knowing what they are doing.
    2.5 million on a building that smells from mold and they can't even say what they need it for.
    Vote them all out

    1. They are all looking out for us. Chutzpah. The VAAD said to vote for them.

    2. The Vaad likes mold?

    3. Mold might be better than weed.

  7. I'm joining the toldas Avrham Yitzchak Chassidim to go to Lebanon for
    Lag BaOmer

  8. I would think there are many families that regret the site was not closed in 2021...Going up this year to Miron is clearly putting yourself and potential emegecy responders at great risk.

    1. Your response is exactly what the Zionist regime wants. Fear is a tactic used by elitists to control people just like the lockdowns, masks and the crapcine.


    2. AnonymousMay 20, 2024 at 5:44 PM Your response epitomizes someone whose thinking is controlled by others. You are not saying anything remotely of substance and just falling for the common mind control tactic of "if our enemies' are saying that it must be wrong"

  9. Why is it that most frum American Jews cannot wrap their minds around the idea that going to miron is worth being moser nefesh for and in Israel it's a conversation???

    1. Because it isn't..duh

    2. It could even be assur

    3. Why is it that most frum Eretz Yisroel Jews cannot wrap their minds around the idea that going to miron is not worth being moser nefesh for and in America it's not even a conversation???


    4. Just curious, anyone have any clue on the religious significance of dancing around a fire? Why did the litvish yeshivos back in Lita (or Lakewood until the past 10 years) never find out about this "mitzva" that is worth being moser nefesh for?

  10. interesting religion.
    Leave Jerusalem for Ukraine on the holiest days of the year and turn Lag BaOmer into something more important than the Regalim.

  11. Paganism doesn't die easy and comes in many forms . .
