Thursday, May 9, 2024

Agudah Statement on the WH Unprecedented Decision to Cease Supplying Certain Arms to Israel

 Agudath Israel of America Statement on the White House’s Unprecedented Decision to Cease Supplying Certain Arms to Israel

Agudath Israel of America is deeply troubled by the White House’s unprecedented decision to cease supplying certain arms to a country whose security the President has reiterated his ironclad commitment to, especially amidst Israel’s multifront war against its mortal enemies.

Nor is this arms embargo limited to large bombs, but, according to sources, could include smart bombs designed to hit targets with precision and artillery – in other words exactly the tools an army needs to fight while limiting civilian casualties.

Agudath Israel appreciates the administration’s longstanding support for Israel, including supplying the Iron Dome so Israel may defend itself – as Israel was forced to do just last month when Iran directly launched the largest military drone attack in history. But being allowed to parry an incessant stream of rockets is insufficient.

Reasonable minds can differ on military strategies. We also recognize the President’s record of support for Israel and commitment to combat antisemitism. But by publicly creating a rift with Israel in its hour of need instead of casting full-throated blame on the terrorists who brutally initiated the war and vow to repeat it, continue to hold hostages, have refused countless negotiations for peace, and for whom employing human shields is a sick military strategy, the United States is endangering Israel and providing oxygen to antisemites worldwide.


  1. The point of putting the weapons shipment on pause was to demonstrate to Israel that it is not the powerful country it makes itself out to be but nothing more than a proxy of the US. The only reason it has the powerful military it has is because its in the interest of the US that it should be that way. And so it is limited to acting in ways the US deems to serve the interests of the US. And this is what the whole world has seen now, that Israel is no power of its own but nothing more than a proxy of the US meant to serve the interests of the US.

  2. When your much long enough till it becomes expected and then the benefactor decides that it's in his best interest to hold off a bit's a scandal no less..... How dare the USA do what is good for them while Israel can thumb their nose at the USA when it's in their best interests.

    Oh I take that all back, this is the daas Torah speaking, The actual layman who run and speak for the venerated moetzes gedolei hatorah. You begin to wonder if these people are so educated knowledgeable and brilliant why can't they speak in their own name and not have to knock off their ideas as if it is coming from the moetzes? I'm being so brilliant you would expect a bit of originality not the same talking points distributed by AIPAC

  3. Aguda attacked Trump the Ohev Yisroel who supported Israel more than anyone for a meeting with Kanye but slobbering over Biden even as he stabs Israel in the back and betrays the Jews during a war after the worst civilian massacre in Israel and only find it troubling
    What a shanda

  4. I think the Agudah America should just stick to what it knows how to do like making a nice Siyum Hashas every 8 years

  5. Smart bombs are what is needed to prevent civilian casualties. (Assuming they're really civilians.)
    So first President Biden wants to minimize civilian casualties, then he prevents them from carrying out that part of the mission.
