Saturday, May 18, 2024

Motzei shabbos Israel At War

Israel at war day 225

- Another 2 soldiers killed in Gaza bringing death toll to 282. 
Nachman Meir Haim Vaknin, 20, from Eilat  Noam Bittan, 20, from Yad Rambam.

- IDF announces recovery of body of Ron Benjamin,53, from Gaza, says he was killed on Oct. 7

- Benny Gantz issued an ultimatum to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday night, demanding the PM commit to an agreed vision for the Gaza conflict that would include stipulating who might rule the territory after Hamas’s defeat, warning that he would bolt the coalition should this not happen as of June 8.

- US Ambassador Jack Lew, as well as ambassadors from Austria, Germany, and Great Britain, called for the release of hostages during a rally in Tel Aviv. The Biden administration pledged it would never abandon the remaining 128 hostages, alive or dead, as its National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan was due to arrive in Israel on Sunday in an effort to reenergize talks.

- Iranian news agencies have confirmed that the Biden Administration and Iran have been engaged in clandestine back-channel discussions over the past several weeks.  

- Yinon Magal: For months, the Biden administration claimed that Israel "did not present a credible plan" for the evacuation of the refugees from Rafah and that the move would take many months. Twelve days after the start of the IDF operation, close to a million refugees have already been evacuated at record speed and without any particular problems.

By delaying the operation in Rafah, the Biden administration not only harmed Israel's security and violated its commitment to eliminate Hamas - it prolonged the war, prolonged the captivity of the abductees, and the suffering of the Palestinian population, all in the name of narrow political interests.

This is not how an ally behaves; this is not how a statesman behaves or how a friend behaves. This is how politicians behave.

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