Sunday, May 19, 2024

Sunday May 19 News Updates Lakewood

Weather:  72° Cloudy skies early, then partly cloudy this afternoon. High 72F

- Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi  ‘Butcher of Tehran’ killed in helicopter crash in remote region along with foreign minister and 7 others

- Drone video suggests Iranian president's helicopter completely destroyed An Iranian official told Reuters: Expectations that President Ebrahim Raisi will survive are slim. 

No survivors from helicopter crash involving Iranian President EbrahimRaisí , says Iranian state television. "President Raisi's helicopter was completely burned in the crash ... unfortunately, all passengers are feared dead," the official told Reuters.

- APP reports on Jackson Hamas protest: A group of more than 20 Jackson police officers kept the situation mostly controlled, forming a line between the two groups. But it did grow tense reports app: At one point, the entire group of pro-Israel counterprotesters simply strolled around the officers, walking up to just a few feet behind organizers leading the chants of Palestinian support. Later, two teenagers seemingly snuck into the pro-Palestinian group and unfurled an Israeli flag while standing on a bench.
Police only briefly detained one person, a pro-Palestinian protester, who walked in circles around the group while motioning toward their waistband, police Lt. Fred Meabe said. The person, who ignored questions by a reporter after the incident, was held for no more than 30 seconds while police frisked them before they were released. App

- Wreckage of Iranian president's helicopter found.

- Rav Shaul Alter shlita the Ger Rosh Yeshiva will be coming to the US next week arriving on Wednesday he will spend shabbos in Boro Park.

-Reporter Mike Davis Jackson: Two planes with pro-Israel messaging keep flying by the protest at an altitude so low that it can only be understood as deliberately buzzing the pro-Palestine crowd.

- At 770 Chabad headquarters in Crown heights the crowd sang and danced upon hearing the news of the Iranian helicopter crash they sang the niggun of על נסיך ועל נפלאותיך

- 4:15pm Jackson pro Hamas protest underway with about 10 people a huge counter protest with locals waiving American and Israeli flags chanting USA USA and blasting Israeli music. Jackson police officers standing guard between the groups. A small plane flew overhead with an Israeli flag painted underneath

-Iran state media Tasnim: "The exact location of the helicopter crash was identified    
Commander of the East Azerbaijan Army:  Minutes ago, a signal was received from the helicopter and the mobile phone of one of the crew at the accident site. Right now, we are leaving with all the military forces to the area in question and I hope we will give good news to the people."

- Update Jackson protest location switched to Jackson Mills Lake Park at 200 Commodore blvd. Reports of a counter protest with the attendance of Senate candidate Albert Harshaw to speak in support of the Jewish communit

- Jackson: A pro palestine rally and march is planned for 4 p.m. Sunday, May 19, at the township's public works building on Don Connor Boulevard. Township police officers will be on site to ensure protesters are "where they want to be, and we're not dealing with traffic or any other problems that could come along," Jackson Township Public Safety Director Joseph Candido said. (APP)

- Ocean county Rd crews install concrete island on Cedarbridge Ave from MLK towards Vine st with lanes shifted temporarily due to construction.

-NBC reports that an official Iran announcement will declare their death shortly.

- US officials believe Iranian President Raisi has been killed.

- Update from official news agencey on Iran Helicopter  crash carrying the president and foreign minister: "Now, we know that the helicopter had an accident and did not land safely. The aerial search has been suspended due to the weather conditions. There are about 20 crews on the scene. Darkness in the area is expected to fall soon." 

- Adirei Hatorah event will likely take place again in Philadelphia. BMG youngeleit are signing up to learn Blatt gemara  lezecher nishmas The mashgiach Rav Mattisyahu Solomon zatzal. A siyum Hashas will take place at the event his son from Gatshead will iyh speak at the maamad.

- Giyus Update: Chevron Rosh Hayeshiva Rav Dovid Cohen shlita spoke out strongly against any compromises even for Bochurim that are not learning in yeshiva. He said all the talk about setting up separate units for charedi boys through hatzolah volunteer etc.. is not practical and a serious spiritual danger for them. This is a gezeiras shmad the facts are they will fall and be over the gimmel avaeiros we have no right to take innocent bochurim  and throw them away from yiddishkeit to become porkei ol. This will not be our salvation he says, all we have to protect us is the koach hatorah.

-BDE: Petirah of Admor M' Strelisk Rav Yaakov Shlomo Klughaft ZTL of Noro Park at the age of 94. The Levaya is taking place today 11:30am in order Park at the Boyaner shul with kevirah on Har Hamenuchos.

- Today is the Yartzeit of the Brother of Reb Shayala of Kerestirer Rav Yehuda Tzvi ZTL, he is buried in Staten Island at The Baron Hirsch cemetery 2 minutes off the SI Expressway going to Brooklyn or coming back to Lakewood.
It is said over that Reb Shayala appeared in a dream and told someone that you can go daven at my brothers kever in New York and will be helped just as if you came to me in Kerestir.

- The address for GPS is 1125 Richmond Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10314. Exit 7 off the SI expressway. The kever is  located on second street and avenue c in the Bais Hachaim a 5 minute walk from the entrance.

- Toys For Thought moving out of downtown sale 30% off entire store including the fixtures


  1. Any update on what happened over adiri shabbos

    1. The olam bought shishi for Louie scheiner

  2. I believe this is a mistake. The president of Iran isn't believed to be dead as of 11 25 am

  3. What was price for aliyas

  4. MLK also said " I had a dream!" Lol

  5. Bordering on ridiculous the whole R Shia concept

  6. Message to Chabad from Shlomo Hamelech:

    בִּנְפֹל אוֹיִבְךָ אַל תִּשְׂמָח וּבִכָּשְׁלוֹ אַל יָגֵל לִבֶּךָ: פֶּן יִרְאֶה ה' וְרַע בְּעֵינָיו וְהֵשִׁיב מֵעָלָיו אַפּוֹ:

    1. Here is a message to you from Shlomo Hamelech as well: וּבַאֲבֹ֖ד רְשָׁעִ֣ים רִנָּֽה

    2. I'm not saying anything l'maaseh but many Rishonim seem to understand that posuk as referring to a personal enemy, not someone who is hated for being such a terrible Rosha and Rodef of Klal Yisroel.

    3. Message from Slomo HaMelech בַאֲבֹד רְשָׁעִים רִנָּה

    4. Message to Anonymous from Mordechai HaTzaddik:
      אמר ליה הני מילי בישראל אבל בדידכו כתיב "ואתה על במותימו תדרוך"

  7. Message to anonymous. Shlomo Hamelechs words are talking about Jews.

  8. Less than black & white.Even the mitzri'im we shpritz/pour a bit of wine in order to have a bit of mercy for them

    1. I don't think we shpritzed any wine on the actual day of krias yam suf.

  9. So nice that US Senate candidate Albert Harshaw came to the rally to show support for the Jewish community!
