Thursday, December 6, 2018

FJJ Headline

Flatbush Jewish Journal front page headline about the new guidelines by NY state demanding Yeshivas teach up to 7 hours a day secular studies.


  1. Is it only against the chasidishe schools or the litvish ones too?

    1. It's against all schools Even the MO ones.

      Even the Catholic schools which give a way better secular education than the public schools do, oppose it.

  2. Not against anyone.
    Many chadarim tried to play and abused the system for many years and this is the outcome. Nothing changed.

    1. And of course the Chashmonaim too gamed the system , so Antiyochus had choice but to force them to adapt secular culture. You are one sick person

  3. Kudos to the FJJ for fighting this decree. I wish the Yated and Hamodia would also have this type of guts and aknowledge the teribble decree we are facing.

    1. If you would read the Yated you would have seen that they had an article both last week and this week about this, including interviews with Rav Brudny, Rav Reisman, Avi Schick and Chaim Dovid Zweibel.

  4. This is actually good news. Yeshivos like Darchei will not be affected. It will bring the other school up to par.

    1. I went to school out of town where they had a good English education, I also went to Yeshivas that had a good English education, never had more than 3.5 hours per day, took the PSAT's and scored in the 95 percentile, no one in my class scored under the 70th percentile, 7 hours a day of English is an extreme waste of time.

  5. Darchei has nowhere near 7 hours of secular studies a day. Hopefully, the geniuses at the education department with a 60% passing Regents rate will properly fix Darchei's 90% passing rate so it can fail in line with the public schools.


  6. AnonymousDecember 6, 2018 at 11:34 AM
    And of course the Chashmonaim too gamed the system , so Antiyochus had choice but to force them to adapt secular culture. You are one sick person.
    Say what??

  7. This whole thing was started by a Group called Yaffed comprised exclusively of Ex Chasidic Students not one single Litvishe or ex Litvishe or ex Non Chassidic person is in this group there are no former students from Mir Torah Vodath Chaim Berlin Torah Temimah etc in any of these groups because they were all taught how to Speak write and read English and Much Much More most if not all went through the full Elementary and High school English with as much as Three hours a day which included everything Grammer science History Math from the basic toost advanced levels with Finals and Regents on Algebra Geometry Trigonometry , Chemistry, Biology and American and European History

  8. All of the people on the Yafded Group who forced the Government hand to intervene in the Yeshiva System are Ex Hasidics no Litvaks or Non Chassidim no one from Mir Chaim Berlin Torah Vodath Torah Temimah etc etc they all can speak read and write English to say the least they basically all got a full Elementary and High School Education with Final Exams and Regents any Graduate from any of these Yeshivos is capable of aplyappl for any job if they so wish to

    1. You obviouly have no clue how laws are instituted.
      You csnt just walk up to the government and say i want xyz changed.
      For many years these laws were on the books but for whatever reason the government turned a blind eye etc.
      Now, finally the government is cracking down.
      Yaffed are not polititions nor are they members of congress.

  9. This law requires the district's board of education to audit the yeshivas but in Kiryat Yoel for example they control the board so do you think they will rate themselves not compliant. Basically this is another feel good law like gun control which doesn't solve the problem just creates more problems.

