the radar, as he raised money for those in need without fanfare.
Rav Kalman was a powerful mashpiah, whose shmuessen and shiurim were compelling and penetrating, moving his listeners to raise their level of avodas Hashem, avodas hamiddos and limud haTorah.
Rav Kalman delivered a weekly vaad to yungeleit and bochurim, imbuing in them pure hashkafah and imparting life lessons that remained with them for years after.
For decades, Rav Kalman delivered a multi-hour shiur at Bais Medrash Govoah on the night of Shavuos to hundreds of youth. For 5 hours straight, first in the dining room of Bais Medrash Govoah and later in Bais Medrash Ateres Brocha, Rav Kalman kept the youth enraptured with chiddushim, vertlach, stories and insights, also drawing older, seasoned talmidei chachomim and yungeleit, who wished to drink from his wellsprings of knowledge and overflowing yiras Shomayim.
The passing of Rav Kalman leaves a gaping void in the hearts of Lakewood residents and those beyond who were inspired and touched by Rav Kalman’s purity, his love of Hashem and his Torah, and his boundless ahavah for other Yidden.
Rav Kalman is survived by his rebbetzin, Mrs. Naomi Krohn, and their wonderful family.
Yehi zichro boruch
ReplyDeleteFix your dates he was Boruch Hashem 71
May his neshama have an aliya
A tzadik yesoid oilam.People don't realize how great he was because he did everything with anivus
ReplyDeleteOy!! Baruch dayan haemes.
ReplyDeleteMark my word there is nobody in the world today and even in past Generations that can replace what we're missing
ReplyDeleteHe was a גדול הדור עד מאוד מאוד מאוד
He was a Tzadik
ReplyDeleteThis loss is beyond expression. He was one of the only true gedolim Lakewood had. No politics, no fairness but real true Avoidas Hashem. I am shocked and have nowhere to reach out as there is no one like him in Lakewood and frankly the world.
ReplyDeleteI once heard from Rav Shlomo Brevda z”tl he said over from seeing notes from Harav Yerucham after the Chofetz Chaim’s petirah Rav Yerucham was devistated n a few days later he spoke in the Mir. Rav Yerucham who was an unamotionable person pounded the shtender n said over the last mishna in Sota that says all the things that are going to be B’ikvasa D’mishacha n chazal keep saying after every few lines אין לנו לישען אלא על אבינו שבשמים. And Rav Yerucham continued true the Chofetz Chaim isn’t here but the one who created the Chofetz Chaim is still here and that’s what chazal are trying to tell us in the mishna in Sota. Rabbosai we have to mechazak in Bitachon in Hashem. Hashem is in charge of everything and doing everything.
ReplyDeleteThis is the פסוק that sums him up the most;
ReplyDelete"ואדרבה בעודותך נגד מלחים ולא אבוש"
He was the only one who truly knew how to debate, רשעים
he was soo smart & he was as good speaker as his brother Paysach,
He was the only one that can explain what's wrong with לימודי חול he was able to explain everything he held so well that there was no place even for a debate afterwards,
the enormous respect
The only true eulogy that I can think of is listening to the 40 + years shiurim recordings;
Then you'll realize they don't make them like that anymore
Many people today's Days could tell you not to eat sushi but nobody could explain you why not
He's the only one that can speak against anything and still be considered normal & make you hold that way
One of the only people in the world that doesn't have even an iota of ספיקות
He would give away his coats on the street to cold people "כי תיראה ערום" " כי תפק לרעב לחמך"--" אז יבקא כשחר אורך
וארוכתך מהרה תצמח והלך לפניך צידקך כבוד השם יאספך
Which sailors came to hear his speeches?
Delete(מלחים means sailors. You of course meant מלכים kings)