Yated Ne'eman: Shabbos Rosh Chanukah: The Mysterious Segulah of Three Parshiyos
By Rav Yaakov Feitman -
This Shabbos, an abundance of kedusha is coming our way. As with all such gifts, we must prepare properly for this present from above or we may miss the opportunity to seize the riches that can be ours. Klal Yisroel will be celebrating the confluence of Shabbos, Rosh Chodesh and Chanukah with the bonus of removing three Sifrei Torah from the Aron Kodesh for three independent readings. Not only should we be glowing with joy over this rare occurrence, but we should realize that this moment in every shul in the world represents an incredible eis ratzon – a time of Divine grace and acceptance – for all of us.
A voice for the Tzibbur by the Tzibbur- overcoming challenges. We take no responsibility for comments posted you are solely responsible for any comments you make and their accuracy. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for any comments posted by you or any third-party.
Monday, December 31, 2018
Lakewood Township to Nominate Mayor at Reorganization Meeting 1/1/2019
The Lakewood township committee will hold its annual reorganization meeting on New years day January 1st 2019 at 11:00 am. Commiteemaen Lichtenstein and Miller will be sworn in again for a 3 year term and the committee will nominate one of its members to serve as Lakewood mayor for the coming year.
A petition recently called on the committee to appoint Isaac Ackerman as mayor for 2019.
A petition recently called on the committee to appoint Isaac Ackerman as mayor for 2019.
Yeshiva Karlin Stolin of Lakewood fundraiser
Building upon the unique Stoliner Chinuch, our Cheder was established 4 years ago. Our dedicated Menahalim & Rebbeim provide a stellar chinuch where they infuse our Talmidim with a geshmak & a bren, as they guide them to grow into Bnei Torah and Bnei Aliya. DONATE HERE
Sunday, December 30, 2018
Photos: Satmar Rebbe Rav Zalman Visits Lakewood
The Satmar Rebbe Rav Zalman Leib Teitelbaum shlita visited Lakewood today to pour the boros for the new Mikvah at Rockwel Satmar development in Lakewood. The Rebbe also paid a visit to Rav Hertz Frankel principal of Satmar girls school Bais Rochel and later on visited Cholim at Kimball Medical center The Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva Harav Malkiel Kotler shlita and Harav Yeruchom Olshin shlita were present at the מעמד יציקת הבורות.
Oif Simchas Lakewood December 30, 2018
-Chasuna: Hertzberg - Waldman at Ateres Reva hall
-Chasuna: Cohn - Mandel at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Vort: Hachosson Yehuda Hamburger to Hakallah Raitzy Berlowitz Bas R' Dovid at The Gratter building 100 Park avenue s 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Moshe Berenbaum to Hakallah Rikel Leah Berenbaum bas R' Avrohom at Madison Manor 4th and Madison 7:30 pm Lakewood
-Vort: Hachosson Yaakov Dovid Lieberman to Hakallah Bas R' Yosef Stefansly at Ohr tuvia Simcha hall 969 East End Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Tuvia Weisz to HaKallah Goldy Zucker at 1100 Somerset Ave, Lakewood 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Baruch Bernstein to Hakallah Rivky Gross at 22 Pressburg Lane. Lakewood
-Parlor Meeting for Zichron Shmuel Yechezkel Chasuna fund at 31 Providence avenue (Oak and Vine) Lakewood ,NJ 7:00 pm
-Satmar Rebbe at Rockwell Mamad “Yetzikas HaBoros” for new Mikvah
-Rabbi Paysach Krohn tonight in Toms River evening of inspiration on Making Marriage special at 1845 Old Freehold Rd 8:30 pm open for Men and Woman free event
-Chasuna: Cohn - Mandel at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Vort: Hachosson Yehuda Hamburger to Hakallah Raitzy Berlowitz Bas R' Dovid at The Gratter building 100 Park avenue s 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Moshe Berenbaum to Hakallah Rikel Leah Berenbaum bas R' Avrohom at Madison Manor 4th and Madison 7:30 pm Lakewood
-Vort: Hachosson Yaakov Dovid Lieberman to Hakallah Bas R' Yosef Stefansly at Ohr tuvia Simcha hall 969 East End Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Tuvia Weisz to HaKallah Goldy Zucker at 1100 Somerset Ave, Lakewood 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Baruch Bernstein to Hakallah Rivky Gross at 22 Pressburg Lane. Lakewood
-Parlor Meeting for Zichron Shmuel Yechezkel Chasuna fund at 31 Providence avenue (Oak and Vine) Lakewood ,NJ 7:00 pm
-Satmar Rebbe at Rockwell Mamad “Yetzikas HaBoros” for new Mikvah
-Rabbi Paysach Krohn tonight in Toms River evening of inspiration on Making Marriage special at 1845 Old Freehold Rd 8:30 pm open for Men and Woman free event
A Tour of Lakewood Eateries- When there Wasn't even a Pizza shop
How times changed. Editor of the Great Kosher restaurants Foodies Facebook page is currently in Lakewood on a food tour visiting the many eateries and checking out the restaurant scene in Lakewood. see video links below
Prior to the trip a Face book post asking for suggestions with people offering their must haves and visits of Lakewood food establishments. One comment points out to how Lakewood changed from a town with only a Bakery and selling Pizza off the back of a truck that came into town to upscale restaurants.
Video reviews here of the Lakewood Tour
Caffoteria video here and below see
The FB post:
Let's talk Lakewood Restaurants....
Prior to the trip a Face book post asking for suggestions with people offering their must haves and visits of Lakewood food establishments. One comment points out to how Lakewood changed from a town with only a Bakery and selling Pizza off the back of a truck that came into town to upscale restaurants.
Video reviews here of the Lakewood Tour
Caffoteria video here and below see
The FB post:
Let's talk Lakewood Restaurants....
LNN: Funeral service today
lakewoodnewsnetwork Funeral services for Victor Lugo, one of the victims of the fatal Parkway crash, to take place today in Lakewood. Lakewood first responders and volunteers, to pay respects.
Victor was an employee at Lakewood department of public works, and a stepson of Lakewood Police officer, Alex Guzman. As a show of respect for his service to the Town, at approximately 1:30 PM on Sunday, the family procession will make its way down Avenue of Americas, and stop in front of the DPW headquarters.
Victor was an employee at Lakewood department of public works, and a stepson of Lakewood Police officer, Alex Guzman. As a show of respect for his service to the Town, at approximately 1:30 PM on Sunday, the family procession will make its way down Avenue of Americas, and stop in front of the DPW headquarters.
Hachnosas Sefer Torah today in Lakewood
written לזכר נשמת Hayeled Hudi Stein a'h ben Rav Yosef Aryeh Shlita Ksiva Oisiyos 11:00 am at 188 Carol procession at 2:00 pm to B"M Zchron Meir at 177 Spruce street Lakewood
Saturday, December 29, 2018
Motzei Shabbos parshas Shemos 5779 Lakewood
-Yeshiva Orchos Chaim 18th annual Dinner at Lake Terrace hall Guest speaker harav Moshe Hillel Hirsch 8:00 pm
-Khal Shedlitz of Lakewood Melava Malka at Villas club house 901 E Kennedy 8:30 pm
-The Siyum: Lakewood Kehila wide event Live demo understanding the Halachos of Shechita with mechaber of sefer שיחת חולין Harav Ammitai Ben Dovid shlita at Ateres Reva hall Live demo at 9:30 pm
-Khal Shedlitz of Lakewood Melava Malka at Villas club house 901 E Kennedy 8:30 pm
-The Siyum: Lakewood Kehila wide event Live demo understanding the Halachos of Shechita with mechaber of sefer שיחת חולין Harav Ammitai Ben Dovid shlita at Ateres Reva hall Live demo at 9:30 pm
Friday, December 28, 2018
Lakewood Zmanim ערב שבת פרשת שמות
ויצא אל אחיו וירא בסבלותם
Friday, December 28, 2018 כ׳ טבת תשע״ט
Candle lighting: 4:20 pm
Shkia/sunset: 4:38 pm
Weather: Friday night Cloudy skies early, followed by partial clearing. Low 47F
shabbos day: 52°HI Partly sunny; breezy, mild
כֹּה אָמַר ה' אֶל בֵּית יַעֲקֹב אֲשֶׁר פָּדָה אֶת אַבְרָהָם: לֹא עַתָּה יֵבוֹשׁ יַעֲקֹב וְלֹא עַתָּה פָּנָיו יֶחֱוָרוּ. כִּי בִרְאֹתוֹ יְלָדָיו מַעֲשֵׂה יָדַי בְּקִרְבּוֹ יַקְדִּישׁוּ שְׁמִי, וְהִקְדִּישׁוּ אֶת קְדוֹשׁ יַעֲקֹב וְאֶת אֱלֹהֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל יַעֲרִיצוּ.
שבת שלום ומבורך!
Friday, December 28, 2018 כ׳ טבת תשע״ט
Candle lighting: 4:20 pm
Shkia/sunset: 4:38 pm
Weather: Friday night Cloudy skies early, followed by partial clearing. Low 47F
shabbos day: 52°HI Partly sunny; breezy, mild
כֹּה אָמַר ה' אֶל בֵּית יַעֲקֹב אֲשֶׁר פָּדָה אֶת אַבְרָהָם: לֹא עַתָּה יֵבוֹשׁ יַעֲקֹב וְלֹא עַתָּה פָּנָיו יֶחֱוָרוּ. כִּי בִרְאֹתוֹ יְלָדָיו מַעֲשֵׂה יָדַי בְּקִרְבּוֹ יַקְדִּישׁוּ שְׁמִי, וְהִקְדִּישׁוּ אֶת קְדוֹשׁ יַעֲקֹב וְאֶת אֱלֹהֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל יַעֲרִיצוּ.
שבת שלום ומבורך!
Shiur on Sugya of taking a loan from Credit Unions
Shiur today from Harav Eliyohu Levin shlita on the topic of Taking a loan from credit unions.
At the kollel choshen Mishpat corner 7th street and Forest Ave at 12:00 pm.
At the kollel choshen Mishpat corner 7th street and Forest Ave at 12:00 pm.
Thursday, December 27, 2018
Oif Simchas Lakewood December 27, 2018
-Chasuna: Laster - Burr at Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
-Chasuna: Purtinsky - Makovsky at Ne'emas Hachaim Hall
-Chasuna: Gershbaum - Farkas at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
Shovavim Minyan with full Tehillim Friday morning at Skver Bais Medrash west Kennedy blvd 5:35 am
-Chasuna: Purtinsky - Makovsky at Ne'emas Hachaim Hall
-Chasuna: Gershbaum - Farkas at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
Shovavim Minyan with full Tehillim Friday morning at Skver Bais Medrash west Kennedy blvd 5:35 am
News briefs Lakewood 12/27/18
BDE Rav Yechezkel Kaminsky z"L of Far Rockaway Kevurah in Lakewood at 3:30 pm w
-Route 70 is closed in both directions at New Hampshire Avenue in Lakewood due to a crash Thursday afternoon, officials said. Witnesses told Patch there is a car overturned and a light signal is down in the road as a result of the crash. Victim was airlifted to hospital
-Lakewood township committee cancels Township meeting for tonight.
-Route 70 is closed in both directions at New Hampshire Avenue in Lakewood due to a crash Thursday afternoon, officials said. Witnesses told Patch there is a car overturned and a light signal is down in the road as a result of the crash. Victim was airlifted to hospital
-Lakewood township committee cancels Township meeting for tonight.
Kol Korei Regarding Credit Unions
Hamodia.com By D. COHEN
Lakewood N.J. - There has been recent rising awareness that using credit unions presents a serious question regarding the issur d’Oraisa of ribbis.
A letter signed by Harav Hillel David, shlita, Rav of Khal Shaarei Torah; Harav Dovid Feinstein, shlita, Rosh Yeshivah, Yeshivas Tifereth Jerusalem Harav Shmuel Kamenetsky, shlita, Rosh Yeshivah, Yeshiva of Philadelphia; Harav Reuven Feinstein, shlita, Rosh Yeshivah, Yeshivas Staten Island and Harav Shlomo Miller, Rosh Kollel, Kollel Avreichim, Toronto states that one may not be part of or borrow from a credit union.
The letter ends off by saying that since there are possible heterim one should consult his Rav. A majority of today’s Poskim hold that at the very least it would be ideal to have a heter iska, with many saying it is a necessity. First Atlantic (the credit union which finances most Lakewood car loans) has been presented with several solutions which unfortunately were all rejected.
Lakewood N.J. - There has been recent rising awareness that using credit unions presents a serious question regarding the issur d’Oraisa of ribbis.
A letter signed by Harav Hillel David, shlita, Rav of Khal Shaarei Torah; Harav Dovid Feinstein, shlita, Rosh Yeshivah, Yeshivas Tifereth Jerusalem Harav Shmuel Kamenetsky, shlita, Rosh Yeshivah, Yeshiva of Philadelphia; Harav Reuven Feinstein, shlita, Rosh Yeshivah, Yeshivas Staten Island and Harav Shlomo Miller, Rosh Kollel, Kollel Avreichim, Toronto states that one may not be part of or borrow from a credit union.
The letter ends off by saying that since there are possible heterim one should consult his Rav. A majority of today’s Poskim hold that at the very least it would be ideal to have a heter iska, with many saying it is a necessity. First Atlantic (the credit union which finances most Lakewood car loans) has been presented with several solutions which unfortunately were all rejected.
Arayat For Mrs. Natalie Cohen A"H Today in Lakewood
Live stream will begin at 4:30pm. belowArayat for Natalie Cohen (Natalie Simha Bat Audrey Chana A"H), will be today 12/27/2018. The Arayat (end of Shiva special meal and study session and hespedim) will be Thursday, December 27th at Congregation Ohel Shulamit
38 Spruce Street
Lakewood, NJ 08701
2:30pm Tehillim
4:20pm Minha
Followed by Speeches & Arbit.
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Oif Simchas/Events Lakewood December 26, 2018
-Chasuna: Spiegel - Bekor at Ateres Reva hall
-Chasuna: Heisler - Klein at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Chasuna: Pick - Taub at Ne'emas Hachaim Hall
-Vort: Hachosson Yaakov Tzvi Teichman to Hakallah Shira Kosowsky at 6 Circle Place Lakewood, NJ 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Chaim Shea Klitnick to Hakallah Gitty Atlas bas R' Yossi at Tiferes Bais Yaakov School, 613 Oak St, Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Sendy Goldstein to Hakallah Aviva Zaks at 260 Spruce Street Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Parlor Meeting Yeshiva Toras Yisrael Rav Chaim Nosson Klein R"Y, at 214 Carol street 8:00 pm divrei Chizuk Harav Uren Reich Shlita
-Hespedim for Rav Avrohom Chaim Levin Zt"l at Yeshiva Orchos Chaim 410 Oberlin Lakewood 8:30pm
-Chasuna: Heisler - Klein at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Chasuna: Pick - Taub at Ne'emas Hachaim Hall
-Vort: Hachosson Yaakov Tzvi Teichman to Hakallah Shira Kosowsky at 6 Circle Place Lakewood, NJ 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Chaim Shea Klitnick to Hakallah Gitty Atlas bas R' Yossi at Tiferes Bais Yaakov School, 613 Oak St, Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Sendy Goldstein to Hakallah Aviva Zaks at 260 Spruce Street Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Parlor Meeting Yeshiva Toras Yisrael Rav Chaim Nosson Klein R"Y, at 214 Carol street 8:00 pm divrei Chizuk Harav Uren Reich Shlita
-Hespedim for Rav Avrohom Chaim Levin Zt"l at Yeshiva Orchos Chaim 410 Oberlin Lakewood 8:30pm
OCHD: End of Measles Outbreak not before January 14, 2019
MEASLES UPDATE * AS OF DECEMBER 26, 2018 from the Ocean County Health Department.
• There are now 33 confirmed measles cases.
• There is 1 case under investigation.
• The measles outbreak is presently defined by a rash onset date of October 17, 2018 through November 30, 2018.
• The measles outbreak continues until at least 42 days after the last known infection. The last rash onset date is November 30, 2018 and 4 days of infection ended on December 4, 2018. Therefore, at present, at least 42 days must elapse from the date of December 4, 2018 prior to consideration of an end to the measles outbreak.
• There are now 33 confirmed measles cases.
• There is 1 case under investigation.
• The measles outbreak is presently defined by a rash onset date of October 17, 2018 through November 30, 2018.
• The measles outbreak continues until at least 42 days after the last known infection. The last rash onset date is November 30, 2018 and 4 days of infection ended on December 4, 2018. Therefore, at present, at least 42 days must elapse from the date of December 4, 2018 prior to consideration of an end to the measles outbreak.
4 Fatalities in GSP crash in Toms River
Patch- More details were released as police identified the four victims killed in a two-vehicle collision on the Garden State Parkway on Wednesday morning, police said. The two-car Toms River crash killed Kevin Quispe-Prieto, 21, of Beachwood and Jimmy Quispe-Prieto, 23, Victor Lugo, 24, and Robert Ordenana, 23, all of Lakewood, police said. The crash happened at 2:50 a.m. when troopers responded to a report of a crash involving a sedan and a tanker truck on the southbound Garden State Parkway at milepost 81.5, authorities said. Based on
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
Shiva Info ניחום אבלים
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים
-Mishpachas Krohn is sitting Shiva for their father Reb Kalman Krohn z"l at 421 6th street between Madison & Forest Ave, Lakewood, NJ. Shachris 8:00 am Mincha 1:45 Maariv 8:00 pm
R' Paysach Krohn Brother Sitting in Lakewood until Wednesday night. Family Getting up Friday afternoon
-Mishpachas Cohen sitting shiva for their mother Mrs. Natalie Simcha Cohen a"h at 799 Cypress, Lakewood, NJ. Shachris 7:00 am Mincha/ Maariv 4:20 pm (Shiva hours until 10:30 pm) getting up Sunday morning
-Mishpachas Koslowitz sitting shiva for their mother Rebbetzin Rochel Leah Koslowitz a"h at 932 Madison Ave, Lakewood (the Concord) Shacharis 8:00, Mincha 1:45, Maariv 7:00 pm
Getting up Friday Afternoon
R' Paysach Krohn Brother Sitting in Lakewood until Wednesday night. Family Getting up Friday afternoon
-Mishpachas Cohen sitting shiva for their mother Mrs. Natalie Simcha Cohen a"h at 799 Cypress, Lakewood, NJ. Shachris 7:00 am Mincha/ Maariv 4:20 pm (Shiva hours until 10:30 pm) getting up Sunday morning
-Mishpachas Koslowitz sitting shiva for their mother Rebbetzin Rochel Leah Koslowitz a"h at 932 Madison Ave, Lakewood (the Concord) Shacharis 8:00, Mincha 1:45, Maariv 7:00 pm
Getting up Friday Afternoon
Oif Simchas Lakewood December 25, 2018
-Chasuna: Green - Greenwald at Lake Terrace hall
-Chasuna: Shonek - Jacobs r Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
-Chasuna: Mandel - Moskowitz at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Vort: Hachosson Eliyahu Greenberg to Hakallah Hadasah Witty at Khal Yaakov Akiva Raintree 1371 Alvarado Ave, Lakewood, NJ 7:30pm- 10:30 pm
-Parlor Meeting for Yeshiva Zichron Melech At KZY Simcha hall 175 Sunset Rd Lakewood maariv 8:30pm Divrei Bracha By the Rosh Yeshiva Rav Shlomo Zalman Epstein.
-Kabolas Panim for Rav Shimon Yitzchok Shlesinger of Yerushalayim at 117 Harvard Lakewood NJ 9:00 pm
-Yartzeit Seuda for the Bnei Yissocher ztl at 218 12th street with the Bluzev Ribatitch Rebbe shlita following Maariv at 7:00 pm
-Chasuna: Shonek - Jacobs r Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
-Chasuna: Mandel - Moskowitz at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Vort: Hachosson Eliyahu Greenberg to Hakallah Hadasah Witty at Khal Yaakov Akiva Raintree 1371 Alvarado Ave, Lakewood, NJ 7:30pm- 10:30 pm
-Parlor Meeting for Yeshiva Zichron Melech At KZY Simcha hall 175 Sunset Rd Lakewood maariv 8:30pm Divrei Bracha By the Rosh Yeshiva Rav Shlomo Zalman Epstein.
-Kabolas Panim for Rav Shimon Yitzchok Shlesinger of Yerushalayim at 117 Harvard Lakewood NJ 9:00 pm
-Yartzeit Seuda for the Bnei Yissocher ztl at 218 12th street with the Bluzev Ribatitch Rebbe shlita following Maariv at 7:00 pm
Lakewood Chaveirim Update on Traffic Today
Two areas are still posing a huge challenge, -Oak/Vine Area
Even though we were able to reduce the wait time substantially, that is still no comfort to anyone who was stuck in traffic. The volume of cars is simply greater than the infrastructure is capable of handling in such a short amount of time. Even though we cannot make the traffic disappear, we keep trying to improve and come up with new solutions to help reduce the traffic pains in Lakewoo
New Mesivtos opening in Lakewood for next year
Four new mesivtos will be opening in Lakewood for 8th grade bochurim going into 9th grade. The mesivta farher and acceptance season will begin in a few weeks. There are approximately 1100 boys entering high school next year Lakewood currently has close to 40 mesivtos.
Agra D'pirka Legal Holiday Program in Lakewood
-Lakewood Township Municipal Offices will be Closed on Tuesday, December 25.
-Traffic Alert: No busing to or from at many schools, expect traffic
- Shop Rite Brick, Howell closed
-Agra Dpirka Legal Holiday program at Khal Zichron Yaakov (Rav Gissinger) at 175 Sunset Road Lakewood, NJ
Following the daily gemara shiur 9:15-10:15, Harav Gershon Ribner, Rosh Kollel, Nesivos Hatorah will speak from 10:30-11:15 AM. Rav Yosef Kushner, mechaber sefer Commerce in Halacha will speak from 11:15-12:00. All are invited to attend. Refreshments will be served.
-Traffic Alert: No busing to or from at many schools, expect traffic
- Shop Rite Brick, Howell closed
-Agra Dpirka Legal Holiday program at Khal Zichron Yaakov (Rav Gissinger) at 175 Sunset Road Lakewood, NJ
Following the daily gemara shiur 9:15-10:15, Harav Gershon Ribner, Rosh Kollel, Nesivos Hatorah will speak from 10:30-11:15 AM. Rav Yosef Kushner, mechaber sefer Commerce in Halacha will speak from 11:15-12:00. All are invited to attend. Refreshments will be served.
Monday, December 24, 2018
Oif Simchas Lakewood December 24, 2018
-Chasuna: Indik - Epstein at Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
- Vort: Hachosson Nachum Jacobs at Madison manor 401 Madison avenue Lakewood 7:30 pm
- Parlor Meeting on behalf of Renewal at 609 14th street Lakewood 8:00 pm Guest speaker Rosh yeshiva Harav Yeruchem Olshin Shlita, Dr. Stewart Greenstein Transplant specialist, Negina by R' Abish Brodt
Video: The Minhag not to learn Torah on Nittel Nacht
- Vort: Hachosson Nachum Jacobs at Madison manor 401 Madison avenue Lakewood 7:30 pm
- Parlor Meeting on behalf of Renewal at 609 14th street Lakewood 8:00 pm Guest speaker Rosh yeshiva Harav Yeruchem Olshin Shlita, Dr. Stewart Greenstein Transplant specialist, Negina by R' Abish Brodt
Video: The Minhag not to learn Torah on Nittel Nacht
Levaya at Lake Terrace hall see Live Stream
Petirah of Mrs. Natalie Cohen a"h wife if Ybl"c Reb Ezra Cohenshe passed away today after a illness at 38 years old R"L. She leaves behind 9 yesomin lo aleinu.
Petirah of Mrs. Natalie Cohen a"h wife if Ybl"c Reb Ezra Cohenshe passed away today after a illness at 38 years old R"L. She leaves behind 9 yesomin lo aleinu.
Defendants counter with motion to dismiss lawsuit
Defendants counter with motion to dismiss Lawsuit see HERE at FAA
Sunday, December 23, 2018
Oif Simchas Lakewood December 23, 2018
Chasuna: Katz - Felder at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheer
-Vort: Hachosson Meir Simcha Levenstein to Hakallah Chani Benattar at Mesoras Avos 23 Congress Street Lakewood
-Vort: Hachosson Dovid Bernfeld to Hakallah Fraidy Farber at Bais Nosson Tzvi, 1445 Willow Court Lakewood NJ 6:00 PM
-Tashbar of Lakewood Dinner at Ne'emas Hachaim hall reception 6:30 PM
-Parlor Meeting on behalf of Yeshiva Toras Yisrael at 22 Kathleen Drive Lakewood, NJ 8:00PM
-Vaad by DR. Meir Winkler at Sterling Place shul after 10:05 Maariv
-Vort: Hachosson Meir Simcha Levenstein to Hakallah Chani Benattar at Mesoras Avos 23 Congress Street Lakewood
-Vort: Hachosson Dovid Bernfeld to Hakallah Fraidy Farber at Bais Nosson Tzvi, 1445 Willow Court Lakewood NJ 6:00 PM
-Tashbar of Lakewood Dinner at Ne'emas Hachaim hall reception 6:30 PM
-Parlor Meeting on behalf of Yeshiva Toras Yisrael at 22 Kathleen Drive Lakewood, NJ 8:00PM
-Vaad by DR. Meir Winkler at Sterling Place shul after 10:05 Maariv
Live Stream: Levaya of Rav Kolman Krohn zatzal
Levaya wil take place at BMG Yoshon Bais Medrash 9:00am
Saturday, December 22, 2018
BDE: Harav Kalman Krohn Zt"l
The Levaya will take place 9:00AM at Yeshiva Bais Medrash Govoha Yoshon B"M 7th street Lakewood. Kevura in Eretz Yisrael
Matzav.com- It is with great sadness that Matzav.com reports the passing of Rav Kalman Krohn zt”l. He was 71 years old. Rav Kalman battled illness for the last period, enduring immense yissurim with fortitude and bitachon. Rav Kalman was a tzaddik who devoted his life to Torah and avodas Hashem. Much of the chesed he performed was conducted under
the radar, as he raised money for those in need without fanfare.
Rav Kalman was a powerful mashpiah, whose shmuessen and shiurim were compelling and penetrating, moving his listeners to raise their level of avodas Hashem, avodas hamiddos and limud haTorah.
the radar, as he raised money for those in need without fanfare.
Rav Kalman was a powerful mashpiah, whose shmuessen and shiurim were compelling and penetrating, moving his listeners to raise their level of avodas Hashem, avodas hamiddos and limud haTorah.
Motzei Shabbos Parshas Vayechi 5779 Lakewood
-Melava Malka building campaign for Khal Tiferes Mordechai Rav Lazer Opter shul at Khal Bnei Torah 304 Monmouth avenue Lakewood, NJ
-Keren Even Habochen Melava Malka Dinner at Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga 8:00 pm Divrei Pesicha Harav Malkiel Kotler shlita Guest speaker Rav Mayer Boruch Turin shlita
Chayeinu: Shiur for women by Harav Simcha Bunim Cohen shlita at the Bais Horaah Madison and 4th upstairs 9:00 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Shimon Bitton to Hakallah Esther Klein Bas R' Yechezkel at Bnos Devora hall 360 Oak street Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Keren Even Habochen Melava Malka Dinner at Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga 8:00 pm Divrei Pesicha Harav Malkiel Kotler shlita Guest speaker Rav Mayer Boruch Turin shlita
Chayeinu: Shiur for women by Harav Simcha Bunim Cohen shlita at the Bais Horaah Madison and 4th upstairs 9:00 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Shimon Bitton to Hakallah Esther Klein Bas R' Yechezkel at Bnos Devora hall 360 Oak street Lakewood 7:30 pm
Friday, December 21, 2018
Lakewood Zmanim ערב שבת פרשת ויחי חזק
Friday, December 21, 2018 / י״ג טבת תשע״ט לייקווד
Candle lighting: 4:16 PM
Shkia/Sunset: 4:34 pm
Shabbos Weather: Friday night cloudy skies overnight. Low 42F.
Shabbos Day Partly cloudy and windy. High 46F.
!חזק חזק ונתחזק
Candle lighting: 4:16 PM
Shkia/Sunset: 4:34 pm
Shabbos Weather: Friday night cloudy skies overnight. Low 42F.
Shabbos Day Partly cloudy and windy. High 46F.
!חזק חזק ונתחזק
OCHD: Zero Measles cases under investigation
MEASLES UPDATE * AS OF DECEMBER 21, 2018 Outbreak will likely be declared over as of early January 2019 since there has not been any new current cases
There are now 33 confirmed measles cases.
• There are 0 cases under investigation.
There are now 33 confirmed measles cases.
• There are 0 cases under investigation.
TVOL: Lakewood may Opt Out of Marijuana Legalization
The Voice of Lakewood reports Lakewood township would likely follow nearby towns by choosing to opt out of NJ state legislation to legalize Marijuana.
Thursday, December 20, 2018
Weather Alert for Ocean County, NJ
Wind Advisory for Ocean County, From 12:00am EST, Fri Dec 21 until 10:00am EST, Fri Dec 21
Petition: Nominate Isaac Akerman to be Lakewood's Mayor for 2019
Petition to the Lakewood township committee:
Make Isaac Akerman Mayor Again SIGN PETITION HERE
The tradition in Lakewood has always been that the position of mayor revolves each year, with the dominating party in the Committee choosing a member of their own party for the Township's top position. Two years ago, the Republican-majority Committee broke from tradition and nominated Democrat Ray Coles as mayor. Last year again, they broke from tradition another way, and choose Coles to be mayor for a second consecutive year - an unheard of phenomenon in Lakewood's recent history. The nomination last year was apposed by two of the three Republicans on the Committee, but Miller's defection, together with Democrats Lichtenstein and Coles' vote, secured the position for Coles. (Coles' own vote shifted the majority in his favor. Had he been disqualified to vote for himself, his nomination would have never held up.)
Make Isaac Akerman Mayor Again SIGN PETITION HERE

Oif Simchas Lakewood December 20, 2018
Chasuna: Winkler - Frank at Ne'emas Hachaim hall
Chasuna: London - Goldstein at Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
Chasuna: Zolty - Eisenstaedt at Lake Terrace hall
Vort: Hachosson Chatzkel Hamburger to Hakallah Nendi skorski (Cleveland) at Ateres Yeshaya hall 908 E County Line rd lakewood, NJ 7:30 pm
Vort: Hachosson Moshe Mishler to HaKallah Sara Pepose at Madison Manor 401 Madison Ave, Lakewood, NJ 7:45 pm
-Yeshiva of Monroe Parlor meeting at 1175 Buckwald Lakewood , NJ 8:00 pm
-Parlor Meeting for Kollel Kaminetz at 3 Merlot Prospect Vines Guest speaker Harav Shlom,o Feivel Schustal shlita
-Shiur on Rambam from Harav Yankel Drilman at 500 Marc Drive 11:00 pm
Chasuna: London - Goldstein at Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
Chasuna: Zolty - Eisenstaedt at Lake Terrace hall
Vort: Hachosson Chatzkel Hamburger to Hakallah Nendi skorski (Cleveland) at Ateres Yeshaya hall 908 E County Line rd lakewood, NJ 7:30 pm
Vort: Hachosson Moshe Mishler to HaKallah Sara Pepose at Madison Manor 401 Madison Ave, Lakewood, NJ 7:45 pm
-Yeshiva of Monroe Parlor meeting at 1175 Buckwald Lakewood , NJ 8:00 pm
-Parlor Meeting for Kollel Kaminetz at 3 Merlot Prospect Vines Guest speaker Harav Shlom,o Feivel Schustal shlita
-Shiur on Rambam from Harav Yankel Drilman at 500 Marc Drive 11:00 pm
OCHD: Measles update 12/20/18
MEASLES UPDATE: More confirmed cases but last onset date remains the same.
The following is a summary with new and ongoing information with respect to the measles outbreak from the Ocean County Health Department.
• There are now 24 confirmed measles cases.
• There are now 10 cases under investigation.
The following is a summary with new and ongoing information with respect to the measles outbreak from the Ocean County Health Department.
• There are now 24 confirmed measles cases.
• There are now 10 cases under investigation.
Lakewood News Briefs December 20, 2018
-Authorities investigating dead body found in a van at the Kennedy Shopping Plaza in Lakewood possible Drug overdose van may have been stolen. Chevra Kadisha services not needed.
-APP: Why this Orthodox Jewish woman is taking on the comments section
-LNN: K'hal Birchas Shimon's Site Plan application was presented at the Planning Board last night.
The proposal is to build a Rabbi's residence / 1600 sq ft shul at Somerset and Linden Ave. Curb and sidewalk already exist, and a lighting and landscaping plan is proposed, however, they are seeking a serious parking variance, as well as front yard setback variances, on a narrow and congested intersection. Many residents, both in support of and in opposition to the proposal, were at the hearing.
-APP: Why this Orthodox Jewish woman is taking on the comments section
-LNN: K'hal Birchas Shimon's Site Plan application was presented at the Planning Board last night.
The proposal is to build a Rabbi's residence / 1600 sq ft shul at Somerset and Linden Ave. Curb and sidewalk already exist, and a lighting and landscaping plan is proposed, however, they are seeking a serious parking variance, as well as front yard setback variances, on a narrow and congested intersection. Many residents, both in support of and in opposition to the proposal, were at the hearing.
Giyus Banos protest
A Chareidi girl from Netanya is in military prison for 10 days already, according to a report on 'Kol Berama' radio! The girl was arrested at Ben Gurion Int'l airport as she was with her mother on the way to a family simchah. Please daven for Rivkah bas Simchah. A large Hafgana is lanned tonight in Kikar shabbos

Arutz Sheva- An young haredi woman from Netanya has been detained in military prison for ten days for evading IDF service. According to Kol Bracha radio, the young woman was educated in Chabad institutions and now lives a haredi lifestyle. Her mother said the daughter was arrested at the airport on her way to Paris for a family celebration. "They put handcuffs on her and took her into custody, and told us she was evading recruitment." According to the mother, an incident occurred a few years ago involving one of her daughters that shook the family. Following the incident, her daughter was transferred to a boarding school and her spiritual level plunged. The daughter shared photos on Facebook in which she appears to be living a secular lifestyle and from which the army based its position that she is secular and therefore must enlist.

Arutz Sheva- An young haredi woman from Netanya has been detained in military prison for ten days for evading IDF service. According to Kol Bracha radio, the young woman was educated in Chabad institutions and now lives a haredi lifestyle. Her mother said the daughter was arrested at the airport on her way to Paris for a family celebration. "They put handcuffs on her and took her into custody, and told us she was evading recruitment." According to the mother, an incident occurred a few years ago involving one of her daughters that shook the family. Following the incident, her daughter was transferred to a boarding school and her spiritual level plunged. The daughter shared photos on Facebook in which she appears to be living a secular lifestyle and from which the army based its position that she is secular and therefore must enlist.
Eiruvin in Lakewood a Halachic Overview
A Kuntrass was recently published discussing the larger eiruvin in Lakewood those from yesteryear and today.
Written by harav Chaim Tzvi Gorelick shlita and as a zechus and refuah shleima for Rav Dovid Trenk shlita Menachem Yechiel Dovid ben Bas-sheva.
Written by harav Chaim Tzvi Gorelick shlita and as a zechus and refuah shleima for Rav Dovid Trenk shlita Menachem Yechiel Dovid ben Bas-sheva.
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Oif Simchas Lakewood December 19, 2018
Chasuna: Ryback - Glanzman at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
Chasuna: Landynsky - Schreiber at Ne'emas Hachaim hall
Vort: Hachosson Aaron Moshe Elezary to Hakallah Fayazi at Madison Manor hall 4th and Madison Lakewood 7:30 pm
Chasuna: Landynsky - Schreiber at Ne'emas Hachaim hall
Vort: Hachosson Aaron Moshe Elezary to Hakallah Fayazi at Madison Manor hall 4th and Madison Lakewood 7:30 pm
Jackson High School in Lock down due to Police Activity
9:00 pm A man who barricared himself inside a backyard shed with a loaded shoutgun surrenders to authorities Wednesday night.
Jackson Police said in a statement "The subject in question regarding the New Central Avenue incident is in custody. Everyone is well, and we thank the neighbors for their understanding as we wrap up and wish everyone a safe evening!"
Jackson Police said in a statement "The subject in question regarding the New Central Avenue incident is in custody. Everyone is well, and we thank the neighbors for their understanding as we wrap up and wish everyone a safe evening!"
Update: OU Reports on Negotiations with NY Education Dept
Cross Currents December 19, 2018
Teach NYS of the OU Confirms 3.5 Hour Daily Core Subject Requirement (Grades 7 and 8) In NYSED Enforcement Guidance (the units of study do not apply to grades 5 and 6) "We have been, and remain extremely concerned by state regulation of Yeshiva and day school curriculum."
To: Teach NYS Member Schools
On November 20th, 2018, the New York State Education Department (NYSED) issued its Substantial Equivalency Guidance regarding curriculum requirements for non-public schools. Since the issuance of this Guidance, TEACH NYS, a project of the Orthodox Union, has been working with our school partners, leadership and advocates in Albany to understand and begin to address these requirements and enforcement measures. Concurrently, we have been communicating with government officials and others in Albany to help them understand and address the myriad issues relating to the guidance.
In summary response to the questions our member schools are asking, there are two issues that we are prepared to report on now. First, with regard to high schools, NYSED’s Guidance provides that all registered high schools are already in compliance and have no further obligations. Virtually all of the high schools in the TEACH NYS network are registered with NYSED. Second, in response to our inquiries, NYSED provided written clarification that the mandatory units of daily secular study are not more than one per grade for core subjects (English, Math, Social Studies and Science). This translates to 3.5 required hours of required instruction per day (not counting physical education) for grades 7-8. We held off distributing this important information until we could confirm this clarification at senior levels of NYSED – which we received from multiple sources at NYSED yesterday.
Teach NYS of the OU Confirms 3.5 Hour Daily Core Subject Requirement (Grades 7 and 8) In NYSED Enforcement Guidance (the units of study do not apply to grades 5 and 6) "We have been, and remain extremely concerned by state regulation of Yeshiva and day school curriculum."
To: Teach NYS Member Schools
On November 20th, 2018, the New York State Education Department (NYSED) issued its Substantial Equivalency Guidance regarding curriculum requirements for non-public schools. Since the issuance of this Guidance, TEACH NYS, a project of the Orthodox Union, has been working with our school partners, leadership and advocates in Albany to understand and begin to address these requirements and enforcement measures. Concurrently, we have been communicating with government officials and others in Albany to help them understand and address the myriad issues relating to the guidance.
In summary response to the questions our member schools are asking, there are two issues that we are prepared to report on now. First, with regard to high schools, NYSED’s Guidance provides that all registered high schools are already in compliance and have no further obligations. Virtually all of the high schools in the TEACH NYS network are registered with NYSED. Second, in response to our inquiries, NYSED provided written clarification that the mandatory units of daily secular study are not more than one per grade for core subjects (English, Math, Social Studies and Science). This translates to 3.5 required hours of required instruction per day (not counting physical education) for grades 7-8. We held off distributing this important information until we could confirm this clarification at senior levels of NYSED – which we received from multiple sources at NYSED yesterday.
Hamodia: Chinuch Crisis Update from the Front Lines
Hamodia.com By Rafael HoffmanTuesday, December 18, 2018 at 7:41 pm | י' טבת תשע"ט
A discussion with Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel about the ongoing chinuch crisis.
News of the revamped regulations for non-public schools has set off a wave of deep concern throughout the Orthodox community. Hamodia spoke with Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Executive Vice President of Agudath Israel of America, to give the public additional clarity as to how the issue has reached its present stage, what is being done, and what can be done.
How did this issue metamorphose from a lawsuit from a small group of malcontents about a limited number of yeshivos into changes so radical that even the Catholic schools felt the need to boycott?
The guidance that New York State’s Department of Education has now issued has totally shifted the focus of our efforts in the fight for Torah chinuch.
Until now we were more or less sparring with a phantom. A small group of disgruntled former yeshivah students formed an organization called [Young Advocates for Fair Education] YAFFED. They painted themselves as “survivors” of the darkness and backwardness of the chassidishe yeshivah system, and they embarked on a crusade to enlighten those still caught in the clutches of what they portrayed as an educational system from the dark ages. The media and many in the “progressive” political camp loved them. The ugly story they told played beautifully in the larger narrative of hatred and fear of Chassidim — and to an extent of all Orthodox Jews — that we unfortunately see more and more of.
A discussion with Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel about the ongoing chinuch crisis.
News of the revamped regulations for non-public schools has set off a wave of deep concern throughout the Orthodox community. Hamodia spoke with Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Executive Vice President of Agudath Israel of America, to give the public additional clarity as to how the issue has reached its present stage, what is being done, and what can be done.
How did this issue metamorphose from a lawsuit from a small group of malcontents about a limited number of yeshivos into changes so radical that even the Catholic schools felt the need to boycott?
The guidance that New York State’s Department of Education has now issued has totally shifted the focus of our efforts in the fight for Torah chinuch.
Until now we were more or less sparring with a phantom. A small group of disgruntled former yeshivah students formed an organization called [Young Advocates for Fair Education] YAFFED. They painted themselves as “survivors” of the darkness and backwardness of the chassidishe yeshivah system, and they embarked on a crusade to enlighten those still caught in the clutches of what they portrayed as an educational system from the dark ages. The media and many in the “progressive” political camp loved them. The ugly story they told played beautifully in the larger narrative of hatred and fear of Chassidim — and to an extent of all Orthodox Jews — that we unfortunately see more and more of.
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Tonight: Lakewood Planning Board Meeting
Oif Simchas/Events Lakewood מוצאי עשרה בטבת 5779
Fast over 5:24 pm Late Maariv Somerset Walk 8:45 PM Or Satmar on Forest ave.
Chasuna: Kanner - Beer at Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
Chasuna: Orbach - Goldberg at Ne'emas Hachaim hall
-Parlor meeting Sinai Academy at 936 West Kennedy Blvd Lakewood 8:00 pm
-Yeshiva Bais hatalmud Lakewood Alumni Parlor meeting at yeshiva Ohr Torah 780 Vasser avenue Marriv at 5:33 pm Hot milchig Buffet Guest Speaker Harav Aryeh Sherwinter shlita
-Kabolas Panim for Slabodka Rosh yeshiva harav Moshe Hillel HIrsch shlita at 13 Soncino Place Lakewood 8:00 pm
-Yartzeit of Ba'al Erech Shai zt''l drasha at 8:00 pm by Gaavad of Woodridge at B:M Erech shai 114 Madison Avenue Lakewood
Chasuna: Kanner - Beer at Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
Chasuna: Orbach - Goldberg at Ne'emas Hachaim hall
-Parlor meeting Sinai Academy at 936 West Kennedy Blvd Lakewood 8:00 pm
-Yeshiva Bais hatalmud Lakewood Alumni Parlor meeting at yeshiva Ohr Torah 780 Vasser avenue Marriv at 5:33 pm Hot milchig Buffet Guest Speaker Harav Aryeh Sherwinter shlita
-Kabolas Panim for Slabodka Rosh yeshiva harav Moshe Hillel HIrsch shlita at 13 Soncino Place Lakewood 8:00 pm
-Yartzeit of Ba'al Erech Shai zt''l drasha at 8:00 pm by Gaavad of Woodridge at B:M Erech shai 114 Madison Avenue Lakewood
Data Shows racial disparities in police use of force across New Jersey.
NJ Advance media Database provides hard evidence of racial disparities in police use of force across New Jersey.
Among the findings:
Black people are three times more likely to face some type of police force than whites.
In 68 cities and towns, black people were at least five times more likely to face force. In Lakewood, they were an astounding 22 times more likely. Lakewood Police Chief Gregory Meyer said he was surprised and concerned to see the numbers and planned to take action. Meyer, said he planned to talk to his captains and trainers about the data to see what could be changed. "We do a lot of diversity training here with our officers when they're new, because things are changing so quickly," Meyer said. "But if we're doing something poorly, we want to know about it."
Among the findings:
Black people are three times more likely to face some type of police force than whites.
In 68 cities and towns, black people were at least five times more likely to face force. In Lakewood, they were an astounding 22 times more likely. Lakewood Police Chief Gregory Meyer said he was surprised and concerned to see the numbers and planned to take action. Meyer, said he planned to talk to his captains and trainers about the data to see what could be changed. "We do a lot of diversity training here with our officers when they're new, because things are changing so quickly," Meyer said. "But if we're doing something poorly, we want to know about it."
Yeshivos face fines for not providing records of students' vaccination rates
News 12 Nine yeshivas in Rockland County are facing fines for not complying with an order put out by the Health Department regarding the measles outbreak. Several hearings are being held at the Pomona Health Complex between county lawyers and schools that failed to give health officials a list of students who are not fully vaccinated against the measles.
The county says nine private schools in Rockland are not in compliance. They face a penalty of $2,000 a day since Nov. 16, when the health commissioner issued the order.
The county says nine private schools in Rockland are not in compliance. They face a penalty of $2,000 a day since Nov. 16, when the health commissioner issued the order.
Monday, December 17, 2018
Oif Simchas/Events Lakewood December 17, 2018
Fast of Asara B'Teves begins at 5:46 AM or at 6:01 AM dawn fixed minutes
-Chasuna: Goldberger - Feldman at Lake Terrace hall
-Vort: Hachosson Yitzy Schwartzto Hakallah Bas R' nachum Berkovitz at 978 River Ave Lakewood
-Vort: Hachosson Eli Birnhack to Hakallah Michal Fuchs at Ateres Yeshaya hall 908 E County Line Rd Lakewood 7:00 pm
- Bais Rivka Rochel Dinner at Ateres Reva hall
- Yartzeit Seuda at Breslov 18 E. 8th Lakewood 9:15 pm
- Yartzeit Seuda and Dinner Breslov of 6th street at 304 Monmouth avenue 8:00 pm
Fast ends: R' Tukaccinsky at - 5:07 PM R' Moshe Feinstein One who finds fasting difficult may eat at - 5:11 PM One who does not find fasting difficult should wait until the time for מוצאי שבת at - 5:19 PM (My Zmanim)
-Chasuna: Goldberger - Feldman at Lake Terrace hall
-Vort: Hachosson Yitzy Schwartzto Hakallah Bas R' nachum Berkovitz at 978 River Ave Lakewood
-Vort: Hachosson Eli Birnhack to Hakallah Michal Fuchs at Ateres Yeshaya hall 908 E County Line Rd Lakewood 7:00 pm
- Bais Rivka Rochel Dinner at Ateres Reva hall
- Yartzeit Seuda at Breslov 18 E. 8th Lakewood 9:15 pm
- Yartzeit Seuda and Dinner Breslov of 6th street at 304 Monmouth avenue 8:00 pm
Fast ends: R' Tukaccinsky at - 5:07 PM R' Moshe Feinstein One who finds fasting difficult may eat at - 5:11 PM One who does not find fasting difficult should wait until the time for מוצאי שבת at - 5:19 PM (My Zmanim)
Bill to Double Security Funding to NJ’s Nonpublic Schools Clears Legislature
News from Agudath Israel of America
New Jersey yeshiva parents will be able to breathe a little easier as a bill that will significantly increase security funding for nonpublic schools has passed the Legislature and makes its way to the governor's desk for his final approval.
The bill makes an $11.3 million appropriation to the Department of Education (DOE) where it will be used to raise the current security allocation from $75 to $150 per child registered in a nonpublic school. Currently, the DOE allocates $205 in security funding for every child registered in New Jersey’s public schools.
New Jersey yeshiva parents will be able to breathe a little easier as a bill that will significantly increase security funding for nonpublic schools has passed the Legislature and makes its way to the governor's desk for his final approval.
The bill makes an $11.3 million appropriation to the Department of Education (DOE) where it will be used to raise the current security allocation from $75 to $150 per child registered in a nonpublic school. Currently, the DOE allocates $205 in security funding for every child registered in New Jersey’s public schools.
Yartzheit gathering at Breslov Lakewood
Breslov Shul in Lakewood Dinner and Yartzheit Seuda at Bais Yosef hall 304 Monmouth Avenue Lakewood. Maariv 8:00 pm
Tax dollars: Lakewood Municipal Govt
Lakewood township municipal Government employs 563 people across all departments including the Police Department.
The list does Not including the Fire Dept LIC, LDC, LTMUA, LHA and BOE employees.
See full list with payroll salaries Posted at First Amendment Activist website.
OCHD Measles Update: Working on Eradication from the County
The following is a summary from the Ocean County Health Department.
• There are now 19 confirmed measles cases.
• There are now 5 cases under investigation.
Ocean County Health Department Public Health Coordinator Daniel E. Regenye, cautions that the measles outbreak continues to generate reports of new potential exposure which must be immediately and thoroughly investigated. We must continue to be vigilant and to take all necessary precautions to avoid an escalation of this measles outbreak, and remind all medical personnel that measles is an immediately reportable disease.” We remain grateful for the efforts of community leaders and members of the public who have embraced and amplified the messaging from the Ocean County Health Department to limit any exponential worsening of this outbreak.” “Our message now is to remain informed on the status of potential measles exposure, insure that one’s family is fully vaccinated and protected, and encourage others in the community to do likewise as we work towards the eventual eradication of measles in our County,” restated Regenye
The following is a summary from the Ocean County Health Department.
• There are now 19 confirmed measles cases.
• There are now 5 cases under investigation.
Ocean County Health Department Public Health Coordinator Daniel E. Regenye, cautions that the measles outbreak continues to generate reports of new potential exposure which must be immediately and thoroughly investigated. We must continue to be vigilant and to take all necessary precautions to avoid an escalation of this measles outbreak, and remind all medical personnel that measles is an immediately reportable disease.” We remain grateful for the efforts of community leaders and members of the public who have embraced and amplified the messaging from the Ocean County Health Department to limit any exponential worsening of this outbreak.” “Our message now is to remain informed on the status of potential measles exposure, insure that one’s family is fully vaccinated and protected, and encourage others in the community to do likewise as we work towards the eventual eradication of measles in our County,” restated Regenye
Moetzes of Agudah calls for Yom Tefillah tomorrow Asarah B'Teves
The State of New York has published new guidelines to ensure that nonpublic schools, including Yeshivos and Bais Yaakovs, provide an education that is “substantially equivalent” to that of the public schools. What this means is that every single Cheider, Yeshiva Ketanah, Yeshiva Gedolah and Bais Yaakov, from elementary through high school, has to meet specific government standards about what they teach and how long they teach it for. The guidelines represent an unacceptable government intrusion into the autonomy of our mosdos. It should be up to the Vaad HaChinuch of each yeshiva, or the Moreh Hora’ah for the Kehillah with which that yeshiva is affiliated, to decide what our children learn.
In recognition of the seriousness of this challenge, the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah are asking all shuls to be marbeh b’tfillah and amiras Tehillim at Minchah, this Tuesday, Asarah B’Teves.
May the zechus of the tefillas rabim help in averting this gezeirah.
In recognition of the seriousness of this challenge, the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah are asking all shuls to be marbeh b’tfillah and amiras Tehillim at Minchah, this Tuesday, Asarah B’Teves.
May the zechus of the tefillas rabim help in averting this gezeirah.
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Oif Simchas Lakewood December 16, 2018
Chasuna: Reinman - Krupnik at Ateres Reva hall
Chasuna: Rotkin - Zelasko at Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
Chasuna: Halpern - Glick at Ne;emas Hachaim hall
Chasuna: Silberberg - Stern at Lake Terrace hall
Vort: Hachosson Yaakov Zipper to Hakallah Henny Tolowinski Bas R' Avrohom Moshe at Ohr Meir Simcha hall 30 5th street Lakewood, NJ 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Vort: Hachosson Yoni Rappaport to Hakallah Blimi Grunberger Bas R' Eliezer at Willow court shul 1455 14th street Lakewood at 6:00pm
Vort: Hachosson Aron Taub to Hakallah Bas R' Yechezkel Beck at B"M Zichron Yoel 1014 Lawrence avenue Lakewood 8:00 pm
Chasuna: Rotkin - Zelasko at Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
Chasuna: Halpern - Glick at Ne;emas Hachaim hall
Chasuna: Silberberg - Stern at Lake Terrace hall
Vort: Hachosson Yaakov Zipper to Hakallah Henny Tolowinski Bas R' Avrohom Moshe at Ohr Meir Simcha hall 30 5th street Lakewood, NJ 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Vort: Hachosson Yoni Rappaport to Hakallah Blimi Grunberger Bas R' Eliezer at Willow court shul 1455 14th street Lakewood at 6:00pm
Vort: Hachosson Aron Taub to Hakallah Bas R' Yechezkel Beck at B"M Zichron Yoel 1014 Lawrence avenue Lakewood 8:00 pm
Uber Driver leaves Girls at wrong Location right before Shabbos
On Friday afternoon a half hour before Shkia, 10 girls took two Uber cars from the Spruce Street area to 6th Street in Lakewood. As Shabbos approached the first car of girls arrived but the second car was nowhere to be found. After an hour of nervous waiting, Lakewood Police was called and a search was conducted for the missing girls. With the assistance of FRUBER the missing girls were tracked to where they had been dropped off about a mile from the correct location. Lakewood Police and FRUBER worked together to find the girls, who were BH found safe and walking toward the correct location. Lkaewood Chaveirim assisted as well.
Coastal Flood Adviory for Ocean County
The National Weather Service in Mount Holly has issued a Coastal Flood Advisory, which is in effect from noon today to 6 PM EST this evening. Up to a ¼ to a ½ inch of rainfall is expected into the evening.
* LOCATIONS...Coastal areas of Ocean County in New Jersey.
* TIMING...High tide on the Ocean County oceanfront occurs between 1 and 2 pm today. High tide on the back bays occurs later than the high tide on the oceanfront.
* LOCATIONS...Coastal areas of Ocean County in New Jersey.
* TIMING...High tide on the Ocean County oceanfront occurs between 1 and 2 pm today. High tide on the back bays occurs later than the high tide on the oceanfront.
Saturday, December 15, 2018
Motzei Shabbos Parshas Vayigash Lakewood 5779
Hespedim for Rav Nosson Herzka z"tl at Pine River shul 8:45 pm
Coventry Shul Annual Melava Malka 8:30 pm 601 E. Kennedy Blvd Harav Gerhon Ribner guest speaker
Tiferes Nachum Forest Park Hachnosas Kallah fund melava malka at 260 Spruce street
Pasaaic Yeshiva alumni Melava Malka at Ne'emas Hachaim hall 9:00 pm
Melava Malka at Chabad Lakewood 1309 central ave with Rav Reuven Wolf 9:00 pm
Coventry Shul Annual Melava Malka 8:30 pm 601 E. Kennedy Blvd Harav Gerhon Ribner guest speaker
Tiferes Nachum Forest Park Hachnosas Kallah fund melava malka at 260 Spruce street
Pasaaic Yeshiva alumni Melava Malka at Ne'emas Hachaim hall 9:00 pm
Melava Malka at Chabad Lakewood 1309 central ave with Rav Reuven Wolf 9:00 pm
Friday, December 14, 2018
Lakewood Zmanim ערב שבת פרשת ויגש
Friday, December 14, 2018 / ו׳ טבת תשע״ט לייקווד
הִנֵּ֨ה אֲנִ֚י לֹקֵ֙חַ֙ אֶת־בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל מִבֵּ֥ין הַגּוֹיִ֖ם אֲשֶׁ֣ר הָֽלְכוּ־שָׁ֑ם וְקִבַּצְתִּ֚י אֹתָם֙ מִסָּבִ֔יב וְהֵֽבֵאתִ֥י אוֹתָ֖ם אֶל־אַדְמָתָֽם
-Candle lighting: 4:13 PM
-Shkia/sunset: 4:31 pm
-Weather Shabbos: Rain Friday night. Day, Rain early showers in the afternoon. High 51F. Chance of rain 90%. Rainfall around a half an inch.
הִנֵּ֨ה אֲנִ֚י לֹקֵ֙חַ֙ אֶת־בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל מִבֵּ֥ין הַגּוֹיִ֖ם אֲשֶׁ֣ר הָֽלְכוּ־שָׁ֑ם וְקִבַּצְתִּ֚י אֹתָם֙ מִסָּבִ֔יב וְהֵֽבֵאתִ֥י אוֹתָ֖ם אֶל־אַדְמָתָֽם
WSJ: Roshei Yeshiva in Op Ed "Albany bureaucrats want to commandeer our curriculum. We won’t have it."
Opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal by By Rabbis Elya Brudny and Yisroel Reisman
Together the two of us have 70 years of experience in Jewish education. Yet nothing could have prepared us for what the New York State Education Department did last month. On Nov. 20, Commissioner MaryEllen Elia issued guidance empowering local school boards to evaluate private schools and to vote on our right to continue educating our students.
Together the two of us have 70 years of experience in Jewish education. Yet nothing could have prepared us for what the New York State Education Department did last month. On Nov. 20, Commissioner MaryEllen Elia issued guidance empowering local school boards to evaluate private schools and to vote on our right to continue educating our students.
Thursday, December 13, 2018
Oif Simchas Lakewood December 13, 2018
Chasuna: Thau - Schulman at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
Chasuna: Paretsky - Preil at Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
Chasuna: Cooper- Zeffren at Ne'emas Hachaim Hall
Chasuna: Klugman - Ehrman at Ateres Reva hall
-Vort: Hachosson Ahron Yehuda Schmelczer ben R' Shmuel to Hakallah Rivky Koppenheim at Ateres Yeshaya hall 908 E. County Line Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Shloime Stern to Hakallah Esti Murik Bas R' Shraga at 23 Shonny Court, Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Abish Panzer to Hakallah Hessy Keltzkin Bas R' Yisrael Ahron at Ateres Malka hall 140 Lehigh Ave, Lakewood, NJ 8:30 pm
Chasuna: Paretsky - Preil at Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
Chasuna: Cooper- Zeffren at Ne'emas Hachaim Hall
Chasuna: Klugman - Ehrman at Ateres Reva hall
-Vort: Hachosson Ahron Yehuda Schmelczer ben R' Shmuel to Hakallah Rivky Koppenheim at Ateres Yeshaya hall 908 E. County Line Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Shloime Stern to Hakallah Esti Murik Bas R' Shraga at 23 Shonny Court, Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Abish Panzer to Hakallah Hessy Keltzkin Bas R' Yisrael Ahron at Ateres Malka hall 140 Lehigh Ave, Lakewood, NJ 8:30 pm
Open Enrollment Deadline
NJ Has the individual mandate insurance tax.
LAKEWOOD, NJ - News 12- Saturday is the last day to enroll in health care for next year, and experts say it is better to sign up sooner rather than later. Health insurance brokers are working around the clock to individualize and break down health care plans for their clients.
"Once we understand their specific insurance needs, then we will be able to provide them with the right plan that will suit their specific needs," says Mark Herschlag, CEO of Cosmo Insurance.
Herschlag says make sure you're not eligible for a subsidy through the marketplace before you go to a broker.
LAKEWOOD, NJ - News 12- Saturday is the last day to enroll in health care for next year, and experts say it is better to sign up sooner rather than later. Health insurance brokers are working around the clock to individualize and break down health care plans for their clients.
"Once we understand their specific insurance needs, then we will be able to provide them with the right plan that will suit their specific needs," says Mark Herschlag, CEO of Cosmo Insurance.
Herschlag says make sure you're not eligible for a subsidy through the marketplace before you go to a broker.
Tonight: Lakewood Township Committee Meeting -Tax Breaks
Lakewood township committee meeting Thursday Dec 13, 2018 7:30 pm
Watch live HERE
Agenda HERE and below
- Tax abatement's, Long term Tax Exemptions for Cedarbridge park properties
-Dedication Of Property To The County Of Ocean ForA Traffic Signal In The Cedarbridge Redevelopment Area
- The Purchase Of A Ford Interceptor, Purchase Of A 2019 Chevy Tahoe
-Appointing A Member To The Lakewood Township Shade Tree Commission
Watch live HERE
Agenda HERE and below
- Tax abatement's, Long term Tax Exemptions for Cedarbridge park properties
-Dedication Of Property To The County Of Ocean ForA Traffic Signal In The Cedarbridge Redevelopment Area
- The Purchase Of A Ford Interceptor, Purchase Of A 2019 Chevy Tahoe
-Appointing A Member To The Lakewood Township Shade Tree Commission
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Oif Simchas Lakewood December 12, 2018
Chasuna: Schustal - Willner at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
Chasuna: Serebrowski - Miller at Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
Chasuna: Shoshana - Zaks at Lake Terrace hall
Vort: Hachosson Moishe Ziberberg to Hakallah Shana Yoffe Bas R' Yehuda at 5 Devash Court Lakewood 7:00 pm
Chasuna: Serebrowski - Miller at Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
Chasuna: Shoshana - Zaks at Lake Terrace hall
Vort: Hachosson Moishe Ziberberg to Hakallah Shana Yoffe Bas R' Yehuda at 5 Devash Court Lakewood 7:00 pm
LNN: Bingo Lakewood Update
Lakewood News Network Here's an update on the BINGO Megastore which is due to open shortly in Lakewood. An opening date has not yet been released.
LNN: A Premier Network of NEWS for the popular and growing Lakewood community.
OCHD: Considerstion to end Measles outbreak not before 1/9/19
"42 days must elapse from the date of November 29, 2018 prior to consideration of an end to the measles outbreak."
• There are now 19 confirmed measles cases, which includes 1 new confirmed case.
• There is now 1 case under investigation.
• The measles outbreak continues until at least 42 days after the last know infection. The last rash onset date is November 25, 2018 and 4 days of infection ended on November 29, 2018. Therefore, at present, at least 42 days must elapse from the date of November 29, 2018 prior to consideration of an end to the measles outbreak.
• There are now 19 confirmed measles cases, which includes 1 new confirmed case.
• There is now 1 case under investigation.
• The measles outbreak continues until at least 42 days after the last know infection. The last rash onset date is November 25, 2018 and 4 days of infection ended on November 29, 2018. Therefore, at present, at least 42 days must elapse from the date of November 29, 2018 prior to consideration of an end to the measles outbreak.
Hamodia: Harav Nosson Herzka zt"l
Hamodia- The olam haTorah of Lakewood, N.J., was thrown into mourning with the passing of Harav Nosson Baruch Herzka, zt”l, one of the most respected Rabbanim of the community. Rav Herzka served as the prominent Rav of Bais Medrash of Pine River and Rosh Kollel, Bais Medrash L’Torah, a night kollel where many exceptional talmidei chachamim learn in the evenings. Rav Herzka took ill several weeks ago and was niftar Shabbos morning at age 67, while surrounded by his family.
Rav Herzka was born in Lakewood, N.J. to his parents, Reb Yaakov Yitzchok (Ernest) and Esther (nee Feldman). In his younger years, he merited seeing Harav Aharon Kotler, zt”l, Rosh Yeshivah of Beth Medrash Govoha. At a young age, due to a health issue, he travelled to Switzerland where he learned in the Lucerne Yeshiva of Harav Yitzchok Dov Koppleman, zt”l, and developed a close relationship with Harav Shimon Zelasnik, zt”l. During this period, which lasted over three years, he rarely spoke with his parents at home due to the high cost of international calls.
Rav Herzka was born in Lakewood, N.J. to his parents, Reb Yaakov Yitzchok (Ernest) and Esther (nee Feldman). In his younger years, he merited seeing Harav Aharon Kotler, zt”l, Rosh Yeshivah of Beth Medrash Govoha. At a young age, due to a health issue, he travelled to Switzerland where he learned in the Lucerne Yeshiva of Harav Yitzchok Dov Koppleman, zt”l, and developed a close relationship with Harav Shimon Zelasnik, zt”l. During this period, which lasted over three years, he rarely spoke with his parents at home due to the high cost of international calls.
Tonight: BOE Meeting Lakewood
Lakewood Board Of Education public meeting – 6:30 P.M. Wednesday December 12, 2018
at 855 Somerset Avenue Lakewood, NJ
Watch Live HERE See full Agenda HERE
at 855 Somerset Avenue Lakewood, NJ
Watch Live HERE See full Agenda HERE
-Approve the revised contract and salary guides with the Lakewood Administrators’
-Association for the 2018-2021 school years.
-Approve 2018-2019 salary increases for Lakewood Administrators’ Association employees.
-Accept the transfer of land, Block 1139, Lot 1 from Township of Lakewood. (Vacant Land No assigned Address In The Area of Vine Avenue And Havens Avenue)
Shiva Info
-Mishpachas Herzka is sitting shiva at 14 Fern street in Lakewood (off Warren off MLK ) shachris 7:45 am Mincha 1:45 pm Maariv 8:00 pm please don't come after 11:00 pm
-Harav Shmuel Felder shlita is sitting shiva for his sister today only in Lakewood until 5:00 pm at 800 Clifton avenue, Mincha 1:45 pm
-Harav Shmuel Felder shlita is sitting shiva for his sister today only in Lakewood until 5:00 pm at 800 Clifton avenue, Mincha 1:45 pm
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Oif Simchas Lakewood December 11, 2018
Chasuna: Feinroth - Glatzer at Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
Chasuna: Rosenwasser - Weiss at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
Chasuna: Panski - Schwartz at Ateres Reva hall
Chasuna: Gastfreund - Brailofsky at Lake Terrace hall
Vort: Hachosson Mordechai Rosenberg to Hakallah Miochal Dodelson Bas R' Daniel at R' Gissinger shul 175 Sunset Lakewood, NJ 8:00 pm
Chasuna: Rosenwasser - Weiss at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
Chasuna: Panski - Schwartz at Ateres Reva hall
Chasuna: Gastfreund - Brailofsky at Lake Terrace hall
Vort: Hachosson Mordechai Rosenberg to Hakallah Miochal Dodelson Bas R' Daniel at R' Gissinger shul 175 Sunset Lakewood, NJ 8:00 pm
Meetings today
-LDC Meeting 4:30 PM @ Municipal building room C (authorizing UEZ 2019 Management and administration 2019 $320,000)
-LSTA public meeting 6:00 PM @ Lakewood High School commons
-Planning Board meeting 6:00pm municipal hall
Tonight: Lakewood Planning Board Meeting
Free Speech or Defamation
How far does free speech go, a lawsuit was recently filed as a civil action complaint against several individuals who have also been outspoken about the dealings and going on in the Lakewood township government. The suit claims about falsely accusing a vendor in conspiring with local government officials to obtain business.
Monday, December 10, 2018
Oif Simchas Lakewood December 10, 2018
- Chasuna: Spira - Schustal at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
- Chasuna: Kuntslinger - Pritzker at Ne'emas Hachaim hall
Chasuna: Brody - Feigenbaum at Lake Terrace hall
Vort: Hachosson Betzalel Brecher to Hakallah Elisheva Munk at Ateres Yeshaya hall 908 E county Line rd 7:00 pm
Tenoyim: Hachosson Fishel Konigsberg to Hakallah Schlesinger at 21 Oasis Court Lakewood NJ
- Chasuna: Kuntslinger - Pritzker at Ne'emas Hachaim hall
Chasuna: Brody - Feigenbaum at Lake Terrace hall
Vort: Hachosson Betzalel Brecher to Hakallah Elisheva Munk at Ateres Yeshaya hall 908 E county Line rd 7:00 pm
Tenoyim: Hachosson Fishel Konigsberg to Hakallah Schlesinger at 21 Oasis Court Lakewood NJ
Measles update: Ocean County Residents exposed at NY event
There is currently 18 confirmed cases and 5 under investigation.
Officials confirmed that the 86 ocean county residents who were exposed to someone with measles was at a private event in New York . They are part of a larger group of people at the event. The Ocean county Health department was provided with a list to contact the families.
The following is a summary with new and ongoing information with respect to the measles outbreak from the Ocean County Health Department.
There is currently 18 confirmed cases and 5 under investigation.
Officials confirmed that the 86 ocean county residents who were exposed to someone with measles was at a private event in New York . They are part of a larger group of people at the event. The Ocean county Health department was provided with a list to contact the families.
The following is a summary with new and ongoing information with respect to the measles outbreak from the Ocean County Health Department.
Tonight: Zoning Board Meeting
Development Planned for Massachusetts And Cross streets
The Lakewood Shopper newspaper reports - On Tuesday December 11, 2018 the planning board will hold a hearing for a major site plan for a piece of land on a 15 acre property at the corner of Massachusetts avenue and Cross street. Previous attempts to receive variances for duplexes were denied since its a R20 residentiak cluster zone and duplexes are not allowed.
The new plan is under the name of a yeshiva and asks for approval of 3-4 story buildings under Lakewood's "campus ordinance". This ordnance basically allows a school to bypass zoning laws if the building is done for the students or faculty of the school according to the report.
Numerous schools in Lakewood have built faculty housing or student housing over the past few years under the campus ordnance.
According to the application one of the buildings will contain 264 dormitory rooms and a 6 unit townhouse building. The yeshiva currently does not have a dormitory according to the report in the shopper
The new plan is under the name of a yeshiva and asks for approval of 3-4 story buildings under Lakewood's "campus ordinance". This ordnance basically allows a school to bypass zoning laws if the building is done for the students or faculty of the school according to the report.
Numerous schools in Lakewood have built faculty housing or student housing over the past few years under the campus ordnance.
According to the application one of the buildings will contain 264 dormitory rooms and a 6 unit townhouse building. The yeshiva currently does not have a dormitory according to the report in the shopper
LFD: Lakewood Taxpayers to vote on $1 Million in capital Projects
This Monday December 10 the Lakewood Fire Department will ask residents to vote for an additional million dollars in capital improvements. Last year it was voted down by taxpayers but the township committee overturned it by approving a 1.3 million increase without cutting anything from the budget. see resolution below by the LFD
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Fire Commissioners of Fire District No.
1, Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey, at a special meeting
scheduled for Monday, December 10, 2018, to be held between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., or longer if necessary, at Lakewood Hook & Ladder Company No. 1, Station 68 (meeting room), 733 Cedarbridge Avenue, Lakewood, New Jersey, shall determine whether it shall raise funds for
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Fire Commissioners of Fire District No.
1, Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey, at a special meeting
scheduled for Monday, December 10, 2018, to be held between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., or longer if necessary, at Lakewood Hook & Ladder Company No. 1, Station 68 (meeting room), 733 Cedarbridge Avenue, Lakewood, New Jersey, shall determine whether it shall raise funds for
Sunday, December 9, 2018
Zos Chanukah Lakewood 5779
-Koson Lakewood - Hadlukas Ner Chanukah tonight in the Bais Hamedrash at 72 Oak Street Lakewood @ 8:45pm followed by Mesibas Lechaim and Chalukas Matbeios
-LNN: A women died from serious injuries Sunday after being hit by a vehicle on Route 9 in Lakewood, according to reports. Route 9 is closed between 5th and 6th streets until further notice while authorities investigate the accident the person sustained serious injuries and was in traumatic arrest she was pronounced DOA at the hospital. Misaskim services not needed.
-The last day of Chanukah known as Zos chanukah there are special tefillos to recite and segulos for parnasah on זאת חנוכה. The sefer נטעי גבריאל brings down a מנהג ספרדים to recite 308 times the פסוק of "שובו שברו לנו מעט אוכל" as a Segulah for Parnasah on Zos Chanukah the word שוב is Begematria 308.
-A old minhag in Yerushalayim to daven for rain-
"זאת חנוכה" - היום האחרון של החג היו מביאים קערות גדולות אל תלמוד תורה, ליד בית הכנסת
יוחנן בן-זכאי". שם היה מתאסף כל הציבור, לתפילת הגשם. הראשון" לציון היה עומד על הבמה, קוראים את שיר השירים ומתפללים על הגשמים
-LNN: A women died from serious injuries Sunday after being hit by a vehicle on Route 9 in Lakewood, according to reports. Route 9 is closed between 5th and 6th streets until further notice while authorities investigate the accident the person sustained serious injuries and was in traumatic arrest she was pronounced DOA at the hospital. Misaskim services not needed.
-The last day of Chanukah known as Zos chanukah there are special tefillos to recite and segulos for parnasah on זאת חנוכה. The sefer נטעי גבריאל brings down a מנהג ספרדים to recite 308 times the פסוק of "שובו שברו לנו מעט אוכל" as a Segulah for Parnasah on Zos Chanukah the word שוב is Begematria 308.
-A old minhag in Yerushalayim to daven for rain-
"זאת חנוכה" - היום האחרון של החג היו מביאים קערות גדולות אל תלמוד תורה, ליד בית הכנסת
יוחנן בן-זכאי". שם היה מתאסף כל הציבור, לתפילת הגשם. הראשון" לציון היה עומד על הבמה, קוראים את שיר השירים ומתפללים על הגשמים
Chanukah Carnival
Chanukah Carnival today at Dr. Suss tables 240 Grawtown Rd Jackson, NJ (Off Whitesville rd) 10:30 - 3:30 pm
Saturday, December 8, 2018
BDE Harav Nosson Herzka Z"TL

Phone hook up for Levaya 515-604-9049 code 450538
Petirah of Harav Nosson Boruch Herzka ZT"L rav of the Pine River kehila in Lakewood, he was niftar on Shabbos morning following a brief illness R"L. The Levaya will take place tomorrow Sunday 10:30 am at the Pine River shul in Lakewood. Kevura will be in Lakewood at the bais Olam on 7th Street. Rav Herzka was a talmid chochom and a marbitz Torah. A son in Law of Rav Boruch Sorotzkin zatzal. He was Rosh Yeshiva of Pelham Parkway yeshiva, R"M in Edison yeshiva and than Rosh kollel in Lakewood. He is survived by his wife Rebbetzin Shoshana Herzka of Bais Yaakov D'rav Meir his children and siblings.
Friday, December 7, 2018
Lakewood Zmanim שבת חנוכה פרשת מקץ ראש חודש טבת
א פרייליכן חנוכה
Friday, December 7, 2018 / כ״ט כסלו תשע״ט ערב שבת פרשת מקץ חנוכה
Candle lighting 4:13 pm
Shkia/sunset 4:31 pm
Weather Shabbos day: Partly cloudy. High 36F
שבת שלום, חודש טוב, וחנוכה שמח
א גוטן שבת, א גוטן חודש, און א פרייליכן, לעכטיגען חנוכה
Friday, December 7, 2018 / כ״ט כסלו תשע״ט ערב שבת פרשת מקץ חנוכה
Candle lighting 4:13 pm
Shkia/sunset 4:31 pm
Weather Shabbos day: Partly cloudy. High 36F
שבת שלום, חודש טוב, וחנוכה שמח
א גוטן שבת, א גוטן חודש, און א פרייליכן, לעכטיגען חנוכה
Thursday, December 6, 2018
Oif Simchas/Events 5th Night Chanuka Lakewood 5779
Kumzitz with Yehuda Green For All yeshiva Bachurim L'kavod Chanuka at 770 Vasser Avenue in warehouse next door to yeshiva Ohr hatorah 9:00pm free of charge.
-Chasuna: Alon - Brodsky at Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
-Chasuna: Berkowitz - Klein at Ne'emas Hachaim hall
-Rabbi Yehuda Levin Live Q&A Levin @11 with zemiros at Berditchev Kloiz in Lakewood
-Admor Bluzhev Ribatitch Hadlokas Ner Chanuka at 606 9th street lakewood 8:30 pm
-Yapchik Thursday night specials for Chanuka
-Marcy's Chanuka sale open tonight 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
-Chasuna: Alon - Brodsky at Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
-Chasuna: Berkowitz - Klein at Ne'emas Hachaim hall
-Rabbi Yehuda Levin Live Q&A Levin @11 with zemiros at Berditchev Kloiz in Lakewood
-Admor Bluzhev Ribatitch Hadlokas Ner Chanuka at 606 9th street lakewood 8:30 pm
-Yapchik Thursday night specials for Chanuka
-Marcy's Chanuka sale open tonight 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Vermont Avenue Extension by this Spring
LNN- Lakewood Township's long awaited master plan known as the Vermont Ave Extension Project has just passed a major hurdle it has been granted a CAFRA Land Use Permit from NJDEP. The Vermont Avenue Extension will be an expanded 40-foot wide roadway with sidewalks on the west side for its entire length from Route 70 to Chestnut Avenue. The sidewalks will meet the existing sidewalks at the Wawa project on Rt 70.
FJJ Headline
Flatbush Jewish Journal front page headline about the new guidelines by NY state demanding Yeshivas teach up to 7 hours a day secular studies.
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Oif Simchas 4th Night Chanukah Lakewood 5779
- Chasuna: Nagar - Rabinowitz at Ne'emas Hachaim hall
- Chasuna: Reichenbach - Munk at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
- Yeshiva Mekor Hatorah Chanukah mesiba tonight 8:00 PM
- Admor M'Kosov shlita Hadlokas ner Chanukah followed by a tish and chanukah gelt at Rachmastrivka Shul 610 E. County Line Lakewood 7:15 p
- Chasuna: Reichenbach - Munk at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
- Yeshiva Mekor Hatorah Chanukah mesiba tonight 8:00 PM
- Admor M'Kosov shlita Hadlokas ner Chanukah followed by a tish and chanukah gelt at Rachmastrivka Shul 610 E. County Line Lakewood 7:15 p
Lakewood News Briefs December 5, 2018, 3 Inches of Snow in Ocean County
3 Inches of snow somewhere in Ocean county
The National Weather Service issued a winter weather advisory now that as many as three inches of snow could fall in Ocean, southeastern Burlington and Atlantic counties. The winter weather advisory is in effect until 6 p.m., but much of the snow is expected to fall between 2 and 6 p.m.
Car Jacking in Lakewood
A woman was assaulted and her car stolen early Wednesday morning, according to Lakewood police.
A man approached a silver 2018 Hyundai Sonata in the area of Liberty Drive and Route 9 in Lakewood around 1 a.m, looking for directions, according to police, and began to beat the window until it broke.The 20-year-old woman was parked along the road using her phone, according to police.The man forcefully pushed to the passengers seat by the man as he got into the car. As he
The National Weather Service issued a winter weather advisory now that as many as three inches of snow could fall in Ocean, southeastern Burlington and Atlantic counties. The winter weather advisory is in effect until 6 p.m., but much of the snow is expected to fall between 2 and 6 p.m.
Car Jacking in Lakewood
A woman was assaulted and her car stolen early Wednesday morning, according to Lakewood police.
A man approached a silver 2018 Hyundai Sonata in the area of Liberty Drive and Route 9 in Lakewood around 1 a.m, looking for directions, according to police, and began to beat the window until it broke.The 20-year-old woman was parked along the road using her phone, according to police.The man forcefully pushed to the passengers seat by the man as he got into the car. As he
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Oif Simchas 3rd Night Chanukah Lakewood 5779
Tonight in Chutz La'aretz we begin ותן טל ומטר לברכה
- Springfield Yeshiva alumni Chanuka mesiba at Willow court shul maariv 9:45 pm
-Yeshiva of South Fallsburg Mesiba at zichron Shneur 8:45 maariv
-B"M Ner Yisrael Chanukah Mesiba in the old B”M, 8:45 -10:00pm
-Yeshiva Sharei Shmuel alumni Lakewood chanuka mesiba 104 Vintage cir at 8:00 p.m.
-Admor Stutchin drasha at 127 Courtney 9:35 pm
-Chasuna: Goldberg - Cohen at Ne'emas Hachaim hall
-Chasuna: Weinberger - Eisenbach at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Tenoyim: Hachosson Yechezkel Samet - to Hakalah Bas R' Yisrael Veltz At K’hal Bnei Torah 304 Monmouth Ave Lakewood
- Springfield Yeshiva alumni Chanuka mesiba at Willow court shul maariv 9:45 pm
-Yeshiva of South Fallsburg Mesiba at zichron Shneur 8:45 maariv
-B"M Ner Yisrael Chanukah Mesiba in the old B”M, 8:45 -10:00pm
-Yeshiva Sharei Shmuel alumni Lakewood chanuka mesiba 104 Vintage cir at 8:00 p.m.
-Admor Stutchin drasha at 127 Courtney 9:35 pm
-Chasuna: Goldberg - Cohen at Ne'emas Hachaim hall
-Chasuna: Weinberger - Eisenbach at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Tenoyim: Hachosson Yechezkel Samet - to Hakalah Bas R' Yisrael Veltz At K’hal Bnei Torah 304 Monmouth Ave Lakewood
That Sushi Spot now open in Lakewood
That Sushi Spot now open in Lakewood at 214 Clifton Avenue Lakewood, NJ open daily till 11:00 pm follow on Instagram @ thatsushispotlkwd
OCHD: potential cases decline
MEASLES UPDATE * AS OF DECEMBER 3, 2018 * 4:30 P.M. Ocean County Health department.
• There are now 18 confirmed measles cases.
• There are also 7 potential cases under investigation.
• The measles outbreak is presently defined by a rash onset date of October 17, 2018 through November 24, 2018.
• Vaccination is encouraged and those children involved with exposure to a confirmed case may be subject to an order of exclusion, if unvaccinated
• There are now 18 confirmed measles cases.
• There are also 7 potential cases under investigation.
• The measles outbreak is presently defined by a rash onset date of October 17, 2018 through November 24, 2018.
• Vaccination is encouraged and those children involved with exposure to a confirmed case may be subject to an order of exclusion, if unvaccinated
Tonight in Chutz Laaretz ותן טל ומטר לברכה

Halachos if one forgets to say during the winter:
If one forgot to say VeTen Tal UMatar in Barech Alenu,
if one remembers before saying Baruch Atta Hashem at the end of the bracha, one should go back to the VeTen Tal Umatar and continue from there.
School founder Case heads to trial after Judge Ruling
Superior Court judge today denied a Lakewood special education school founder’s attempt to dismiss the criminal charges against him, clearing the case to move toward trial, the APP reports.
The founder of the School for Children with Hidden Intelligence is tentatively set for trial in January. The fabricated indictment against him was based on false and misleading testimony to a grand jury, but Middlesex County Superior Court Judge Benjamin Bucca disagreed in a 14-page ruling released today.
In this case of trumped up charges, the carry a sentence of 10 to 20 years in state prison and a fine of up to $200,000 years in prison. (Matzav)
The founder of the School for Children with Hidden Intelligence is tentatively set for trial in January. The fabricated indictment against him was based on false and misleading testimony to a grand jury, but Middlesex County Superior Court Judge Benjamin Bucca disagreed in a 14-page ruling released today.
In this case of trumped up charges, the carry a sentence of 10 to 20 years in state prison and a fine of up to $200,000 years in prison. (Matzav)
NJ Non public security bill passes Budget Committee
Agudath Israel welcomes the news that NJ Bill S3080, a bill to double nonpublic school security funding, passed unanimously in the Senate Budget Committee yesterday. The funding increase was Agudath Israel’s top legislative priority for this session and was the focus of an intense advocacy effort.
Currently, nonpublic schools receive $75 per student in security funding. S3080 and its companion Assembly bill will increase the funding to $150, bringing the per student funding closer to the amount received by public schools. The bill would mean an overall increase of $11.3 million for nonpublic students.
Currently, nonpublic schools receive $75 per student in security funding. S3080 and its companion Assembly bill will increase the funding to $150, bringing the per student funding closer to the amount received by public schools. The bill would mean an overall increase of $11.3 million for nonpublic students.
Monday, December 3, 2018
Simchas /Mesibos 2nd night Chanukah 5779 Lakewood
-BMG Chanuka mesiba B'hishtatfus Harav Malkiel Kotler shlita Harav Yisrael Ehrlich shlita R"Y Mishkan hatorah Lakewood 8:00 pm Beren hall
-Admor M'Spinka shlita Khal Toldos Tzvi Hadlokas neiros at 424 15th street Lakewood, NJ 8:00 pm
-Admor M'Spinka Bais Yitzchok Williamsburg Hadlokas Ner Chanuka at 19 Sienna way 8:00 pm
-Admor M'Nadvorna hadlokas ner Chanuka and Chalukas Gelt for Tashbar at 7:30 pm 415 Monmouth avenue lakewood followed by mesibas chanuka at 9:45 pm
- Admor Koson Lakewood hadlokas neiros 8:30 pm at 55 Bradhurst(Oak &Vine) L'chaim and matbeios after hadlokah
-Chasuna: Jundef - Nussbaum Ne'emas Hachsaim hall
-Chasuna: Nussbaum - Feibusch at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Vort: Hachosson Mordechai Maryles to HaKallah Simi Leser at Khal Kol Chaim 618 Caranetta Drive Lakewood 8:00 pm -11:00 pm
-Admor M'Spinka shlita Khal Toldos Tzvi Hadlokas neiros at 424 15th street Lakewood, NJ 8:00 pm
-Admor M'Spinka Bais Yitzchok Williamsburg Hadlokas Ner Chanuka at 19 Sienna way 8:00 pm
-Admor M'Nadvorna hadlokas ner Chanuka and Chalukas Gelt for Tashbar at 7:30 pm 415 Monmouth avenue lakewood followed by mesibas chanuka at 9:45 pm
- Admor Koson Lakewood hadlokas neiros 8:30 pm at 55 Bradhurst(Oak &Vine) L'chaim and matbeios after hadlokah
-Chasuna: Jundef - Nussbaum Ne'emas Hachsaim hall
-Chasuna: Nussbaum - Feibusch at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Vort: Hachosson Mordechai Maryles to HaKallah Simi Leser at Khal Kol Chaim 618 Caranetta Drive Lakewood 8:00 pm -11:00 pm
Sunday, December 2, 2018
First Night of Chanukah 25 Kislev 5779 December 2 2018
"וקבעו שמונת ימי חנוכה אלו להודות ולהלל לשמך הגדול"
Hadlokas Ner Chanua Kminhag Hayeshiva is at 4:54 pm candles should burn until 6:13 pm all nights.
l. Admor M'Bluzhev hadlokas Ner Chanukah 1404 14th street 8:30 pm Chanuka gelt mesibas Lechaim and Kabolas kahal
2. Sterling Place Ashkenaz Chanukah Mesiba in the shul at 9:15 pm
3. Yeshivas Haramuh Ohel Moshe Mesibas Chanuka and Yartzeit seudah for Rav Moshe Yehida Shneider Ztz"l. 8:00 pm B'hishtatfus Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Harav Malkiel Kotler shlita
List your Chanuka mesiba/party in the comment section.
Hadlokas Ner Chanua Kminhag Hayeshiva is at 4:54 pm candles should burn until 6:13 pm all nights.
l. Admor M'Bluzhev hadlokas Ner Chanukah 1404 14th street 8:30 pm Chanuka gelt mesibas Lechaim and Kabolas kahal
2. Sterling Place Ashkenaz Chanukah Mesiba in the shul at 9:15 pm
3. Yeshivas Haramuh Ohel Moshe Mesibas Chanuka and Yartzeit seudah for Rav Moshe Yehida Shneider Ztz"l. 8:00 pm B'hishtatfus Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Harav Malkiel Kotler shlita
List your Chanuka mesiba/party in the comment section.
Erev Chanukah 5779 Lakewood

Stores are packed today with shoppers ahead of chanuka from Judaica to toy stores and of course the long lines waiting for the donuts.
-Gourmet Glatt Sunday spectacular December 2 1:00- 4:00 pm Clowns, Unicyclists, magicians, Fire Jugglers, stilt walkwers chocalate coins givawayas
-Today at Evergreen Lakewood Cookie Decorating for kids Sunday, Dec 2 at Evergreen Lakewood. Four classes available: 12PM 1PM 2PM 3PM $9 per child.
-Foodex all stocked up for Chanuka
-Seasons Lakewood Chanukah giveaways
-Chabad Toms River Menorah lighting at Ocean county mall hot Latkes and donuts 3:30 PM
Saturday, December 1, 2018
Motzei Shabbos Erev Chanukah Lakewood 5779
Tiferes Devorah Lkallah Annual Dinner Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga 8:30
Annual Melava Malka for KZY Rabbi Gissinger's shul 175 Sunset Lakewood
-Parlor Meeting Yedid VYedid/misaskim at 769 Albert 8:30 pm
-Novominsk lakewood alumni Melava Malka at Ne'emas Hachaim hall 555 Oak street 8:15 pm with the Novominsk Rebbe shlita, and R"Y Rav Yossel Mermelstein shlita
-Toys For Thought open Motzei shabbos 7:00 -10:00 pm 3rd and Clifton
Torah Treasures Open tonight
Pre Chanuka food Free party for children with eating restrictions at the Lakewood Bikur Cholin 93 Prospect street 6:30- 8:00 pm
Vort: Hachosson Binyomin Maryless to Hakallah Michal Gold (Detroit) at khal Chasidim 14th Street corner Cedar Row Lakewood 8:00pm
Annual Melava Malka for KZY Rabbi Gissinger's shul 175 Sunset Lakewood
-Parlor Meeting Yedid VYedid/misaskim at 769 Albert 8:30 pm
-Novominsk lakewood alumni Melava Malka at Ne'emas Hachaim hall 555 Oak street 8:15 pm with the Novominsk Rebbe shlita, and R"Y Rav Yossel Mermelstein shlita
-Toys For Thought open Motzei shabbos 7:00 -10:00 pm 3rd and Clifton
Torah Treasures Open tonight
Pre Chanuka food Free party for children with eating restrictions at the Lakewood Bikur Cholin 93 Prospect street 6:30- 8:00 pm
Vort: Hachosson Binyomin Maryless to Hakallah Michal Gold (Detroit) at khal Chasidim 14th Street corner Cedar Row Lakewood 8:00pm
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