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Thursday, May 3, 2018
"Lehovin" Newspaper To Inform Caring Jews
"Lehovin להבין" to accurately inform caring Jews is a New Frum NewsPaper distributed free of charge in Lakewood and other Metro Jewish communities in the tri state area. The paper is published bi weekly by Rabbi Sroya London of Flatbush it covers Local US news, Eretz Yisrael News, and other current events. It focuses on in depth investigative reporting on issues of concern to the Jewish community including the current Giyus issue in EY. Other features include a kids pull out section ,Comics, Science news, around the shabbos table Photos and more. Another unique interesting feature is the "Rebbetzin's Recipies" weekly recipes from the wives of roshei yeshivos and Rabbonim. For correspondence email Editor@Lehovin.com See copy of This weeks issue below
much hatzolocha to this newspaper hope it takes off. The frum media in general does not reflect the torah world. It has has been muddied, compromised and lost its way.
the Bnei Torah of today dont read most of the current frum publications they have veered to the left and publish content that is not in line with the hashkafa of taday's youngeleit. As an example the gezeiras giyus gets no mention in any of the publications that claim to represent the Torah yeshiva world. Tio the contrary they mock anyone who mentions it. Look at the Yeshiva world news website how they have portrayed ehrliche bnei Torah as Peleg extremists making fun in any which way in the reporting. Mishpacha magazine is very much on the left. The yated, Hamodia stayed clear and makes no mention of it. Propaganda is also what you dont publish.
'Right' means mentioning giyus and 'left' means not mentioning it. Decided by whom?
In America, newspapers are primarily businesses. They sell what they think society will buy and what the editors want to read. In EY, newspapers exist to push a worldview. When Rav Shach saw that people were being incorrectly influenced by the Charedi newspapers of the time, he founded a new one. The newspaper was supposed to be written and edited by a staff that was overseen by a group of Talmidei Chachomim, and difficult questions were to be brought to Gedolei Yisroel. The tone and the spirit was decided by Gedolei Yisroel, as well as decisions when to discuss certain topics, and when society is better served by not discussing something.
Shortly after the Yated's founding, a coup was undertaken by some aggressive people and they threw out the first generation of editors. Not willing to prolong a fight, the Gedolim left this alone.
This led to a new leadership problem. The new editors did what they wanted, they rarely asked those greater than them. They would attack people, decide on sensitive questions, and generally overstepped their authority. For years, people squirmed and quietly absorbed it, but it did not represent Gedolei Yisroel or their talmidim. Indeed, they wanted to decide who the Gedolim were, yet the Roshei Yeshivos, Yungeleit and askanim ignored the newspaper editors.
Eventually the situation became untenable. There were sensitive matters being decided irresponsibly, and the Gedolim tried to intervene. But one person decided that he knows better and he refused to meet the Gedolei Yisroel, deeming himself the one in charge of them. He claimed he was a talmid of Rav Shach, yet never learnt in Ponovezh. Even if he had, he is a newspaper editor, not a major Talmid Chochom.
The Gedolei Yisroel reviewed the bylaws of the trust governing the Yated and they realized that Rav Shach had anticipated this and there was a way out. They did exactly as the law and the halacha allowed and removed the coup leader from his position.
This newspaper in America has all of the chisronos of the israeli one and none of the maalos. It exists to serve a viewpoint, yet it has no Gedolei Yisroel on top of it. They claim to represent the views of a faction of Gedolei Yisroel in EY, but present no proof of that. Who is the Vaad HoRabonim? Who decides when to come out in public and when to keep things quiet? Who is this Mr London and what are his credentials?
Are you suggesting that sometimes Gedolei Yisroel believe that certain news and views should not be publicized? That is a contradiction to our American sensibilities of 'freedom of press'.
I guess those that publish and disseminate this newspaper are more Americanized and they believe in American hashkafos. The Gedolei Yisroel in EY seem to have different source for their hashkofa. I wonder where that could be.
Litvak fun budapest du redst fun dein........ Nice try to rewrite the facts but you spinned it the other way. actualy it was a coup that took over the Israeli Yated and the Gedolim led by Rav Shmuel Auerbach zatzal founded Hapeles newspaper.
Tell me which newspaper in America today is run by gedolim? Which Gedolim in EY are in charge of the Israeli Yated? That they undermined everything Rav Shach fought for is whole life is that what Rav Shach wanted???
Reb Anonymous 8:56, I must be a little older than you and I remember the first coup, in the early years. Unlile the second, which was masterminded and decided on by Gedolei Yisroel, the first one was not.
I am not sure what you think Rav Shach wanted, but he definitely did not want the editor deciding everything on his own.
This paper is a propaganda paper pushing the Peleg Yerushalayim claims. Read the first issue with its editorial backing the Peleg views. The editorial made no sense if read carefully. Now when I get it on my doorstep I just throw it in the trash
The Derogatory name Peleg was coined by people and the media who do not like this hashkafa led by Rav Shmuel Auerbach zatzal and by other gedolei Torah of today. They never called themselves the "Peleg" its used to paint them in a bad light. Just like the medis refers to charedim as dusim The ones who are making machlokes are those who cant stomach that someone has a different shita than them.
How about those Jews who don't think it makes sense for people from far away to have opinions about matters that they cannot understand? How about those who appreciate that cultures and mores are different in different countries, and it is easier to shock people with selective facts in other countries than in the place where it actually happens? How about people who feel distaste when they see ostensible bnei Torah acting in ways that do not become bnei Torah?
How about people who actually 'care' about bnei Torah being pottur from the army and refuse to do anything to jeopardize the arrangement that Gedolei Yisroel have reached regarding bnei Torah and only bnei Torah, not 'anyone who looks charedi'?
I know that the diehard characters in the Eitz party will not 'care' for this comment. But those who might be persuaded by the 'anti-machlokes' propaganda, written by machlokes propagators, can read here the counter argument
Zichron its funny how you think by posting a comment you refute what other gedolei Torah hold. what you perceive to be a chilul Hashem others see as a major kiddush hashem so your argument needs no response its all how you look at it. Your view gradeh is more of a baal habbos who is influenced by the blogs of yeshiva world and the like
Peleg has managed to alienate people who strongly share their values and goals. Therefore one can only imagine how they are perceived by those who don't them. As someone who had leaned towards supporting Peleg in the past I now think it is time for them to stop. They aren't helping the situation and only making it worse.
The Peleg papers aren't going to tell you this but at least one of their supporters who didn't register not only got arrested he ultimately joined the army. Not to mention their other "heroic" supporters who sat in jail while the other Bochurim sat in Beis Medrash.
While we can we can only help that Degel will be successful with the new draft law Peleg certainly won't be . They will only make the secular crowd more hostile and more demanding Lomdey Torah be drafted.
As above I initially leaned towards Peleg so don't tell me I'm brainwashed etc
Is the purpose of the Israeli Gov't and the Idf simply Shmad? To lure all the Bachurim to a secular lifestyle and Shmad? That's the take after reading Lehovin. They seem to suggest that they have all the Gedoilim on their side. But they have no suggestion as per how Israel should respond to their first news item that Hundreds of Hamas Rockets hit Southern Israel. With no IDF or an IDF whose sole goal is to ruin the Yiddishkeit of the Bnei Torah, how should Israel respond. Their propaganda makes it look like the Gedoilim only care about keeping the Ruchniyus of Bnei Torah safe but couldnt care less about the Chayalim on the front line and the residents of Sderot and Southern Israel being bombarded by Hamas Rockets and Kites wreaking havoc which they put in the News. Something here is very Krum.
Don't pretend that this publication is about anything else besides giyus - the only topic not related to that is the recipes!
ReplyDeletemuch hatzolocha to this newspaper hope it takes off. The frum media in general does not reflect the torah world. It has has been muddied, compromised and lost its way.
ReplyDeletethe day they started the "for bnei torah by bnei torah" lie I went back to getting my news at the mikva
ReplyDeleteI didn't even have to open it. Once I saw the name I knew it is a propaganda paper.
ReplyDeleteYated not a propaganda paper? Hamodia not a propaganda paper? Ami Mishpacha??
DeleteYated not a propaganda paper? Hamodia not a propaganda paper? Ami Mishpacha??
DeleteThose publications, like all newspapers, have propaganda but it isn't their sole purpose.
MOOOORE Bitul Toirah.
ReplyDelete"for bnei torah by bnei torah" ?????
Bnei Torah know better then to read any nai'es.
the Bnei Torah of today dont read most of the current frum publications they have veered to the left and publish content that is not in line with the hashkafa of taday's youngeleit. As an example the gezeiras giyus gets no mention in any of the publications that claim to represent the Torah yeshiva world. Tio the contrary they mock anyone who mentions it. Look at the Yeshiva world news website how they have portrayed ehrliche bnei Torah as Peleg extremists making fun in any which way in the reporting.
ReplyDeleteMishpacha magazine is very much on the left.
The yated, Hamodia stayed clear and makes no mention of it.
Propaganda is also what you dont publish.
'Right' means mentioning giyus and 'left' means not mentioning it. Decided by whom?
ReplyDeleteIn America, newspapers are primarily businesses. They sell what they think society will buy and what the editors want to read. In EY, newspapers exist to push a worldview. When Rav Shach saw that people were being incorrectly influenced by the Charedi newspapers of the time, he founded a new one. The newspaper was supposed to be written and edited by a staff that was overseen by a group of Talmidei Chachomim, and difficult questions were to be brought to Gedolei Yisroel. The tone and the spirit was decided by Gedolei Yisroel, as well as decisions when to discuss certain topics, and when society is better served by not discussing something.
Shortly after the Yated's founding, a coup was undertaken by some aggressive people and they threw out the first generation of editors. Not willing to prolong a fight, the Gedolim left this alone.
This led to a new leadership problem. The new editors did what they wanted, they rarely asked those greater than them. They would attack people, decide on sensitive questions, and generally overstepped their authority. For years, people squirmed and quietly absorbed it, but it did not represent Gedolei Yisroel or their talmidim. Indeed, they wanted to decide who the Gedolim were, yet the Roshei Yeshivos, Yungeleit and askanim ignored the newspaper editors.
Eventually the situation became untenable. There were sensitive matters being decided irresponsibly, and the Gedolim tried to intervene. But one person decided that he knows better and he refused to meet the Gedolei Yisroel, deeming himself the one in charge of them. He claimed he was a talmid of Rav Shach, yet never learnt in Ponovezh. Even if he had, he is a newspaper editor, not a major Talmid Chochom.
The Gedolei Yisroel reviewed the bylaws of the trust governing the Yated and they realized that Rav Shach had anticipated this and there was a way out. They did exactly as the law and the halacha allowed and removed the coup leader from his position.
This newspaper in America has all of the chisronos of the israeli one and none of the maalos. It exists to serve a viewpoint, yet it has no Gedolei Yisroel on top of it. They claim to represent the views of a faction of Gedolei Yisroel in EY, but present no proof of that. Who is the Vaad HoRabonim? Who decides when to come out in public and when to keep things quiet? Who is this Mr London and what are his credentials?
Are you suggesting that sometimes Gedolei Yisroel believe that certain news and views should not be publicized? That is a contradiction to our American sensibilities of 'freedom of press'.
DeleteI guess those that publish and disseminate this newspaper are more Americanized and they believe in American hashkafos. The Gedolei Yisroel in EY seem to have different source for their hashkofa. I wonder where that could be.
Well said as does the yated all chisronos.
DeleteLitvak fun budapest du redst fun dein........
DeleteNice try to rewrite the facts but you spinned it the other way. actualy it was a coup that took over the Israeli Yated and the Gedolim led by Rav Shmuel Auerbach zatzal founded Hapeles newspaper.
Tell me which newspaper in America today is run by gedolim?
Which Gedolim in EY are in charge of the Israeli Yated?
That they undermined everything Rav Shach fought for is whole life is that what Rav Shach wanted???
Reb Anonymous 8:56, I must be a little older than you and I remember the first coup, in the early years. Unlile the second, which was masterminded and decided on by Gedolei Yisroel, the first one was not.
DeleteI am not sure what you think Rav Shach wanted, but he definitely did not want the editor deciding everything on his own.
yeah. only putting up the comments you like will change the reality. you are worse than the scoop.
ReplyDeleteThis paper is a propaganda paper pushing the Peleg Yerushalayim claims. Read the first issue with its editorial backing the Peleg views. The editorial made no sense if read carefully. Now when I get it on my doorstep I just throw it in the trash
ReplyDeleteThe Derogatory name Peleg was coined by people and the media who do not like this hashkafa led by Rav Shmuel Auerbach zatzal and by other gedolei Torah of today.
ReplyDeleteThey never called themselves the "Peleg" its used to paint them in a bad light. Just like the medis refers to charedim as dusim
The ones who are making machlokes are those who cant stomach that someone has a different shita than them.
How about those Jews who don't think it makes sense for people from far away to have opinions about matters that they cannot understand? How about those who appreciate that cultures and mores are different in different countries, and it is easier to shock people with selective facts in other countries than in the place where it actually happens? How about people who feel distaste when they see ostensible bnei Torah acting in ways that do not become bnei Torah?
ReplyDeleteHow about people who actually 'care' about bnei Torah being pottur from the army and refuse to do anything to jeopardize the arrangement that Gedolei Yisroel have reached regarding bnei Torah and only bnei Torah, not 'anyone who looks charedi'?
I know that the diehard characters in the Eitz party will not 'care' for this comment. But those who might be persuaded by the 'anti-machlokes' propaganda, written by machlokes propagators, can read here the counter argument
Zichron its funny how you think by posting a comment you refute what other gedolei Torah hold. what you perceive to be a chilul Hashem others see as a major kiddush hashem so your argument needs no response its all how you look at it. Your view gradeh is more of a baal habbos who is influenced by the blogs of yeshiva world and the like
ReplyDeletePeleg has managed to alienate people who strongly share their values and goals. Therefore one can only imagine how they are perceived by those who don't them. As someone who had leaned towards supporting Peleg in the past I now think it is time for them to stop. They aren't helping the situation and only making it worse.
ReplyDeleteThe Peleg papers aren't going to tell you this but at least one of their supporters who didn't register not only got arrested he ultimately joined the army. Not to mention their other "heroic" supporters who sat in jail while the other Bochurim sat in Beis Medrash.
While we can we can only help that Degel will be successful with the new draft law Peleg certainly won't be . They will only make the secular crowd more hostile and more demanding Lomdey Torah be drafted.
As above I initially leaned towards Peleg so don't tell me I'm brainwashed etc
Lehobin is a great paper. The only one not hiding the truth
ReplyDeleteThis paper is one of reality! when i checked the facts, noticed this was the only one not hiding anything!! Thank you! please continue publishing!
ReplyDeleteIs the purpose of the Israeli Gov't and the Idf simply Shmad? To lure all the Bachurim to a secular lifestyle and Shmad? That's the take after reading Lehovin. They seem to suggest that they have all the Gedoilim on their side. But they have no suggestion as per how Israel should respond to their first news item that Hundreds of Hamas Rockets hit Southern Israel. With no IDF or an IDF whose sole goal is to ruin the Yiddishkeit of the Bnei Torah, how should Israel respond. Their propaganda makes it look like the Gedoilim only care about keeping the Ruchniyus of Bnei Torah safe but couldnt care less about the Chayalim on the front line and the residents of Sderot and Southern Israel being bombarded by Hamas Rockets and Kites wreaking havoc which they put in the News. Something here is very Krum.