A descendant of the famed Rav Moshe Shatzkes zt”l, the Lomza Rov, Rabbi Shatzkes was a son of Rav Aaron and Judith (Korb) Shatzkes. Rav Aaron was a talmid chochom who served as a maggid shiur at Yeshivas Rabbeinu Yitzchok Elchonon in New York City.
Rabbi Shatzkes was a talented writer and disseminator of Torah, working, among other things, for ArtScroll/Mesorah on its Schottenstein Talmud. His Torah columns appeared in Yated Ne’eman and elsewhere. Rabbi Shatzkes spent his years immersed in Torah, as evidenced by his wide range of knowledge in Gemara, halacha and other limudim. He carried himself with humility and simplicity, which belied his greatness as an oveid Hashem and a talmid chochom of note. He was the consummate oveid Hashem, and his passing leaves a deep void in the hearts of all who knew him.
Rabbi Shatzkes resided on East 8th Street in Lakewood, where he was a beloved mispallel of Rabbi Hertzberg’s shul. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mashy Shatzkes, and their nine children. Rabbi Shatzkes also leaves behind a brother, Rabbi Yechiel Shatzkes of London.
The levayah will be held tomorrow at BMG Yoshon Bais Medrash 1:00pm Kevvura in Lakewood,
Yehi zichro boruch.
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