For Megillah reading info in Lakewood call 732-363-4339
For Purim photos and videos around Lakewood follow Lakewood News Network
Megilah reading for Ladies Today
12:30 pm at Ruvevos Ephraim 1416 Cedarview
11:00 am Westgate Simcha hall
11:30 am 17 Teaberry
4:45 pm at 816 E. End avenue
Farm Fresh supermarket open Purim day until 8:00pm
Purim Zmanin Megillah readings and Mesibos around Lakewood
Scroll down for zmanim in shuls all over Lakewood
סגולה גדולה לקרוא פרק כב' בתהילים ולבקש בזכות מרדכי ואסתר המלכה את כל מה שרוצים
-Seder Limud Binyan Herzka Bais Yitzchok today 4:45- 6:15 pm
-BMG: Maariv Purim night 6:38 pm in all Botei Medrashim
Megilah reading for Noshim 11:30 pm @ Rivevos Efraim 1416 Cedarview
9:00 pm at Westgate shul
Mesibas Purim 10:15 pm first night in Bais Aron B"M 10th & Madison with the Roshei Yeshiva and Mashgiach Music by Mishpachas Brodt
(second night Thursday in Bais Aron building music 9-12 pm for Chaburos)
-Seder Limud in Bais Shalom Purim night B"M 9:15- 10:15 with 15 minute shiur by Harav Yeruchom Olshin shlita
-Lutzk: Purim mesiba with Shmuly Unger
-Roberts shul: Purim Mesiba in BM from 9pm-1:30 am
-Khal Etz Chaim at 1150 Mackenzie 9-11 pm Live DJ
-Lake Terrace Matt Dubb and Strumz, Shwekey 17 and older (bouncers)
-Fundraiser at 210 Miller rd Ari Hill, Shulem Sall,
-At 15 Forest avenue, Bitton
-Friedmans yeshiva Miller rd
-Tefilah for shidduchim at Chatzos at Ateres Yeshaya
A voice for the Tzibbur by the Tzibbur- overcoming challenges. We take no responsibility for comments posted you are solely responsible for any comments you make and their accuracy. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for any comments posted by you or any third-party.
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Purim News Briefs Lakewood 5778
More Supermarkets coming to Lakewood
National Supermarket chains from across the US will be opening branches in Lakewood, NJ. Following the success of of kosher markets popping up all over, it only makes sense to follow suit and open stores in the strong Lakewood Kosher food market. A List of those who plan to open; Albertsons, Ralphs, Path mark, ShopRite, Trader Joes, Wegmans, kroger, Whole Foods, and kosher markets from Israel, Europe and beyond.
Anti Eruv Group teams up with Local Rabbonim
Those opposed to an Eruv in several NJ towns have come up with a idea to team up with Local Rabbis in the Lakewood area in an attempt to use halacha to stop building Eruvin. At the initial meeting they had a hard time pronouncing words and understanding the concepts of Gud Asik, and Mefulash, but they will try whatever it takes. Hey, its strange bedfellows but by partnering with the Rabbonim they hope to have a stronger case. If a Rav from Brooklyn cant make an Eruv in Lakewood they hope to do the same for their communities.
New Takkanos proposed for Parlor Meetings
Askanim are floating the idea of new Takanos for Parlor meetings and other fundraising events requiring Mosdos to have a change in the menu. Its very not bakovodig to schlep people to an event and not serve them properly. Sponge cake, Seltzer and cookies has long fallen by the wayside. There should be a minimum requirement for: 3-4 hot dishes, preferably a 7 course meal (not in the 9 days) Sushi rolled on the spot, Wine tasting and live music is a must. Optional choice of cigar rolling or a Hookka bar. To enforce the new rules the Rabbonim and Roshei Yeshiva will not attend unless these new guidelines are strictly met and enforced.
Breathalyzers installed at Chasuna halls
Wedding halls in Lakewood will now install a breathalyzer near the exits making sure everyone gets home safely. This will be implemented in response to recent incidents were wedding guests have had a L'chaim too many. This is a pilot program, if successful it will soon be mandatory for bar Mitzvas and Fundraising events.
Life size standees of politicians go up in town square
Its very frustrating when you talk to someone but they dont respond to you. That is the feeling you get when attending meetings at the Lakewood town hall. As one resident said, we come to the meetings but we feel like we talk to the wall, its a one way conversation the members just look and bob their heads but dont talk back. Someone came up with the idea instead of going to the meetings on their time to see the puppets, why not just yell at the life size figures of the politicians on our own time. You wont get cut off and can talk for more than 5 minutes.
Gezira or no Gezeira
while the debate continues is there or isn't there a Geziras Giyus one need to look no further than the Megillah. The Nes of Purim is that Mordechai was able to convince Klal Yisrael that there actually is a Gezeira even to those who were skeptic or in denial.
Talk on lifting the Stadium ban
Officials and representatives of the ball club met to discuss how to increase attendance from the local community. One idea came out that its about time the ban be lifted. lakewood is no longer a shtut, its a metropolis a mosaic of many cultures. The Chasidim moving in have been going to stadiums for asifos and other gatherings there is no reason we should deny them that privilege. Also Lakewood has the first Movie theater with Kosher food, a electronic Billboard with Hebrew words, the time is ripe to let the olam enjoy baseballs past time. Arrangements will be made for those living in the vicinity to prepay and walk over for shabbos games.
Name change proposed
As the community continues to expand beyond its borders with the influx of Brooklyn residents a petition was sent out by the Vaad and Lakewood Neighbors asking for ideas to rename the area. some of the submissions: Palm Tree south, Zalis' south, Satu Marie on the Lake, Chaim's River, Jackobs son, Beigel hole, the Groiyseh apple, The Vaad was leaning to the Groiseh apple name as it resembled most to Bad apples.
Exclusive First report Breaking News
A Lakewood resident was driving on the Garden State Parkway near exit 109 and saw a Deer on the side of the road. In another developing story a Lakewood resident ate breakfast in Toms River.
This content, and any other content may not be republished or reproduced without prior permission Copying or reproducing our content is both against the law and against Halacha.
Authorities to crack down on wondering Yeshiva boys
They are known as the wedding crashers or the better yet, as the clean up crew. Its a problem ballei simcha have to cope with giving supper nightly to hundreds of hungry boys who just dont get full from the yeshiva supper. They took
National Supermarket chains from across the US will be opening branches in Lakewood, NJ. Following the success of of kosher markets popping up all over, it only makes sense to follow suit and open stores in the strong Lakewood Kosher food market. A List of those who plan to open; Albertsons, Ralphs, Path mark, ShopRite, Trader Joes, Wegmans, kroger, Whole Foods, and kosher markets from Israel, Europe and beyond.
Anti Eruv Group teams up with Local Rabbonim
Those opposed to an Eruv in several NJ towns have come up with a idea to team up with Local Rabbis in the Lakewood area in an attempt to use halacha to stop building Eruvin. At the initial meeting they had a hard time pronouncing words and understanding the concepts of Gud Asik, and Mefulash, but they will try whatever it takes. Hey, its strange bedfellows but by partnering with the Rabbonim they hope to have a stronger case. If a Rav from Brooklyn cant make an Eruv in Lakewood they hope to do the same for their communities.
New Takkanos proposed for Parlor Meetings
Askanim are floating the idea of new Takanos for Parlor meetings and other fundraising events requiring Mosdos to have a change in the menu. Its very not bakovodig to schlep people to an event and not serve them properly. Sponge cake, Seltzer and cookies has long fallen by the wayside. There should be a minimum requirement for: 3-4 hot dishes, preferably a 7 course meal (not in the 9 days) Sushi rolled on the spot, Wine tasting and live music is a must. Optional choice of cigar rolling or a Hookka bar. To enforce the new rules the Rabbonim and Roshei Yeshiva will not attend unless these new guidelines are strictly met and enforced.
Breathalyzers installed at Chasuna halls
Wedding halls in Lakewood will now install a breathalyzer near the exits making sure everyone gets home safely. This will be implemented in response to recent incidents were wedding guests have had a L'chaim too many. This is a pilot program, if successful it will soon be mandatory for bar Mitzvas and Fundraising events.
Life size standees of politicians go up in town square
Its very frustrating when you talk to someone but they dont respond to you. That is the feeling you get when attending meetings at the Lakewood town hall. As one resident said, we come to the meetings but we feel like we talk to the wall, its a one way conversation the members just look and bob their heads but dont talk back. Someone came up with the idea instead of going to the meetings on their time to see the puppets, why not just yell at the life size figures of the politicians on our own time. You wont get cut off and can talk for more than 5 minutes.
Gezira or no Gezeira
while the debate continues is there or isn't there a Geziras Giyus one need to look no further than the Megillah. The Nes of Purim is that Mordechai was able to convince Klal Yisrael that there actually is a Gezeira even to those who were skeptic or in denial.
Talk on lifting the Stadium ban
Officials and representatives of the ball club met to discuss how to increase attendance from the local community. One idea came out that its about time the ban be lifted. lakewood is no longer a shtut, its a metropolis a mosaic of many cultures. The Chasidim moving in have been going to stadiums for asifos and other gatherings there is no reason we should deny them that privilege. Also Lakewood has the first Movie theater with Kosher food, a electronic Billboard with Hebrew words, the time is ripe to let the olam enjoy baseballs past time. Arrangements will be made for those living in the vicinity to prepay and walk over for shabbos games.
Name change proposed
As the community continues to expand beyond its borders with the influx of Brooklyn residents a petition was sent out by the Vaad and Lakewood Neighbors asking for ideas to rename the area. some of the submissions: Palm Tree south, Zalis' south, Satu Marie on the Lake, Chaim's River, Jackobs son, Beigel hole, the Groiyseh apple, The Vaad was leaning to the Groiseh apple name as it resembled most to Bad apples.
Exclusive First report Breaking News
A Lakewood resident was driving on the Garden State Parkway near exit 109 and saw a Deer on the side of the road. In another developing story a Lakewood resident ate breakfast in Toms River.
This content, and any other content may not be republished or reproduced without prior permission Copying or reproducing our content is both against the law and against Halacha.
Authorities to crack down on wondering Yeshiva boys
They are known as the wedding crashers or the better yet, as the clean up crew. Its a problem ballei simcha have to cope with giving supper nightly to hundreds of hungry boys who just dont get full from the yeshiva supper. They took
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Oif Simchas Lakewood February 27, 2018
תענית אסתר Fast begins at 5:11 am ends 6:28 PM
Chasuna: Leiner- Leizer at Neemas hachaim hall Bais Tova
Chasuna: Finkelstein- Hershkowitz at Lake Terrace hall
Hatzolah BIG campaign Jackson Parlor meeting 20 meadow Run 8:00 pm
Chasuna: Leiner- Leizer at Neemas hachaim hall Bais Tova
Chasuna: Finkelstein- Hershkowitz at Lake Terrace hall
Hatzolah BIG campaign Jackson Parlor meeting 20 meadow Run 8:00 pm
LPD: Statement on False Threat to Lakewood High School
Earlier this morning we received an email, via our department website, that made reference to “blowing up” or “shooting up” an unnamed school. Upon receiving the threat, Detectives immediately took steps to identify the location from which the email was sent. Within a few minutes we were able to determine that it was sent from the Lakewood High School and had the name of a potential suspect.
Earlier this morning we received an email, via our department website, that made reference to “blowing up” or “shooting up” an unnamed school. Upon receiving the threat, Detectives immediately took steps to identify the location from which the email was sent. Within a few minutes we were able to determine that it was sent from the Lakewood High School and had the name of a potential suspect.
What's Your Shalach Manos Blues
*Takes up the whole day
*Why does every kid have to give out 25 shalach Manos
*The theme thing
*Pressure to think of ideas
*Who ever went Shalach manos Shopping
*A waste of money
*Cant afford it its become a social pressure
*How much to spend
*Who to give to/who not to give to
*My shalach Manos is too Nebby
*Can I trust a strangers homemade food
*Posting it on Instagram
*What to do with the leftovers
Purim Message from LPD
LPD-On Wednesday, February 28th be prepared for high-volume traffic throughout the town for the preparation of Purim that will end the nibghtfall of Thursday, March 1st.
Purim can be a very fun and exciting holiday. However, if safety precautions are not followed it can be very dangerous. Please be aware that the Lakewood Police Department will be around to keep everyone safe.
Please celebrate responsibly! Drinking and driving do not mix, please make sure that there are designated drivers. Please also be aware that providing alcohol to someone under the age of 21 is illegal and it can be dangerous! Also fireworks are very dangerous and illegal in New Jersey!!
Purim can be a very fun and exciting holiday. However, if safety precautions are not followed it can be very dangerous. Please be aware that the Lakewood Police Department will be around to keep everyone safe.
Please celebrate responsibly! Drinking and driving do not mix, please make sure that there are designated drivers. Please also be aware that providing alcohol to someone under the age of 21 is illegal and it can be dangerous! Also fireworks are very dangerous and illegal in New Jersey!!
NWS: Potential Storm to Hit the Jersey Shore Friday
You may want to get your shabbos shopping done before Purim.
A potential nor'easter threatens the New Jersey coast with rain, coastal flooding strong winds and potential serious tidal flooding to the Jersey Shore on Friday, according to the National Weather Service. There is a low probability for widespread hazardous weather. One to two inches of rain is anticipated later Thursday into Friday, mainly over northeast and central coastal New Jersey. This may result in localized poor drainage flooding. It
A potential nor'easter threatens the New Jersey coast with rain, coastal flooding strong winds and potential serious tidal flooding to the Jersey Shore on Friday, according to the National Weather Service. There is a low probability for widespread hazardous weather. One to two inches of rain is anticipated later Thursday into Friday, mainly over northeast and central coastal New Jersey. This may result in localized poor drainage flooding. It
Monday, February 26, 2018
Oif Simchas/ Events Lakewood February 26, 2018
Reminder: Kiddush Levana
-Vort: Hachosson Yisroel Goldring to Hakallah Sara Yehudis Kotler Bas Rosh Hayeshiva Harav Malkiel Shlita at Yeshiva Ktana hall 120 2nd street Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Avigdor Pollak to Hakallah Aviva Lopian at R' Hertzka's shul 270 miller road Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Vort Hachosson Moishe Breski to Hakallah Bas R' Elozor Deitel at Westgate Simcha hall 7:30 pm
-Chasuna: Yaselovsky- kaplan Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
-Chasuna: Banilov- Nadoff Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Chasuna: Nussenzweig- Reich Lake Terrace hall
-Yeshiva Toras Aaron annual Dinner at Ateres Reva Hall
-Parlor meeting for R' Kopshitz at 36 Hickory Hill Rd (off New Prospect Rd) in Jackson from 7:30-11pm.
-Vort: Hachosson Yisroel Goldring to Hakallah Sara Yehudis Kotler Bas Rosh Hayeshiva Harav Malkiel Shlita at Yeshiva Ktana hall 120 2nd street Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Avigdor Pollak to Hakallah Aviva Lopian at R' Hertzka's shul 270 miller road Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Vort Hachosson Moishe Breski to Hakallah Bas R' Elozor Deitel at Westgate Simcha hall 7:30 pm
-Chasuna: Yaselovsky- kaplan Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
-Chasuna: Banilov- Nadoff Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Chasuna: Nussenzweig- Reich Lake Terrace hall
-Yeshiva Toras Aaron annual Dinner at Ateres Reva Hall
-Parlor meeting for R' Kopshitz at 36 Hickory Hill Rd (off New Prospect Rd) in Jackson from 7:30-11pm.
Forecast: Rain Expected on Purim Day
Forecast for Purim in Lakewood
Rain showers in the morning will evolve into a more steady rain in the afternoon. High 51F. Chance of rain 80%. Rainfall near a quarter of an inch.
Friday Shushan Purim: Windy with rain likely. High near 45F. Chance of rain 90%. Rainfall around a half an inch. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph.
Rain showers in the morning will evolve into a more steady rain in the afternoon. High 51F. Chance of rain 80%. Rainfall near a quarter of an inch.
Friday Shushan Purim: Windy with rain likely. High near 45F. Chance of rain 90%. Rainfall around a half an inch. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph.
Sunday, February 25, 2018
Mazel Tov! Simchas Lakewood

Oif Simchas/Events February 25, Lakewood
-Chasuna: Galinsky- Paley Ateres Reva hall
-Vort: Hachosson Yoni Metchik to Hakallah Bas R' Yitzchok Basser at Rav Forcheimers shul 418 5th street Lakewood 6:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Steinwurtzl Ben R' Avrohom Chaim to Hakallah Bas R' Shea Frankel at 1 North Apple Lakewood, NJ 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Shimon Barer to Hakallah Leah Kasten Bas R' Daniel at 1382 Lanes Mill Road 6:30-9:30 pm
-Vort Hachosson Chaim Mitnik to Hakallah Dede Jacobowitz (Cleveland)at 263 Lincoln (corner Arlington) 7:00pm
-Vort:Hachosson Moshe Yitzchok Frankel to Hakallah Ruchella Grunfeld Bas R' Heshy at B"M Ner Yisroel 733 Ridge Avenue, Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Vort Hachosson Yisroel Yaakov Pekier to Hakallah Elisheva Bursztyn bas R' Michoel at Yeshiva Ketana hall 120 2nd street Lakewood 7:00pm.
-Vort of Hachosson Avraham Dovid Sanders to Hakallah Chaya Cohen at 699 N Lake Drive Lakewood 7:45-9:00 pm For Men only.
-Music and Torah- a Classical Chamber Music Concert with Rabb Dovid Lipson to benefit Kollel Aliyos Shlomo Yerushalayim at 51 Pamela Drive, Lakewood 7:30
-Yeshiva Gedolah Bais Yisrael Raintree reception at 1376 Red Oak Drive 8:30 pm
-Yeshiva Gedolah of Bayonne Annual Dinner Tiferes Simcha hall 613 Oak Street lakewood, NJ
-Yeshiva Maayan HaTorah Annual Dinner Ne'emas Hachaim hall
-Homework Kollel annual Reception Dedicated in memory of Rav Yaakov Yitzchok Stern ZT"L at Westgate Simcha hall Guest Speaker Harav Yosef Stern Shlita Rav of Agudas Achim Midwood father of Reb Yaakov Yitzchok a'h. Reception 8:00 pm Program 10:00 pm
-Mendy J. Maseches Brachos Music Video release party at the YTI center 20 4th street Lakewood, NJ 9:00 pm
-Parlor Meeting Hachnosas Kallah ffor Mishpachas R Meir Shuland (EY) at 49 South Bell Ave (Yesodei Ct) 7:30 - 11:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Yoni Metchik to Hakallah Bas R' Yitzchok Basser at Rav Forcheimers shul 418 5th street Lakewood 6:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Steinwurtzl Ben R' Avrohom Chaim to Hakallah Bas R' Shea Frankel at 1 North Apple Lakewood, NJ 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Shimon Barer to Hakallah Leah Kasten Bas R' Daniel at 1382 Lanes Mill Road 6:30-9:30 pm
-Vort Hachosson Chaim Mitnik to Hakallah Dede Jacobowitz (Cleveland)at 263 Lincoln (corner Arlington) 7:00pm
-Vort:Hachosson Moshe Yitzchok Frankel to Hakallah Ruchella Grunfeld Bas R' Heshy at B"M Ner Yisroel 733 Ridge Avenue, Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Vort Hachosson Yisroel Yaakov Pekier to Hakallah Elisheva Bursztyn bas R' Michoel at Yeshiva Ketana hall 120 2nd street Lakewood 7:00pm.
-Vort of Hachosson Avraham Dovid Sanders to Hakallah Chaya Cohen at 699 N Lake Drive Lakewood 7:45-9:00 pm For Men only.
-Music and Torah- a Classical Chamber Music Concert with Rabb Dovid Lipson to benefit Kollel Aliyos Shlomo Yerushalayim at 51 Pamela Drive, Lakewood 7:30
-Yeshiva Gedolah Bais Yisrael Raintree reception at 1376 Red Oak Drive 8:30 pm
-Yeshiva Gedolah of Bayonne Annual Dinner Tiferes Simcha hall 613 Oak Street lakewood, NJ
-Yeshiva Maayan HaTorah Annual Dinner Ne'emas Hachaim hall
-Homework Kollel annual Reception Dedicated in memory of Rav Yaakov Yitzchok Stern ZT"L at Westgate Simcha hall Guest Speaker Harav Yosef Stern Shlita Rav of Agudas Achim Midwood father of Reb Yaakov Yitzchok a'h. Reception 8:00 pm Program 10:00 pm
-Mendy J. Maseches Brachos Music Video release party at the YTI center 20 4th street Lakewood, NJ 9:00 pm
-Parlor Meeting Hachnosas Kallah ffor Mishpachas R Meir Shuland (EY) at 49 South Bell Ave (Yesodei Ct) 7:30 - 11:30 pm
Shiva Info
Shiva at Mishpachas Checkanow for Hayeled Ahron Nachman Checkanow a"h Ben R' Efraim and Devoiry sheyichuu at 44 Genesse Place, Lakewood. The 6 week old boy didn't wake up R"L. The Levaya took place 4:00 pm Erev Shabbos at the Lakewood Bais Olam. Shachris 7:30 am Mincha/Maariv 5:30 pm. Getting up from Shiva Purim Morning.
May the family be comforted בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים
May the family be comforted בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים
Sunday February 25, 2018 Lakewood News links
-Lakewood Weather: Rain early...then remaining cloudy with showers in the afternoon. High 54F. Winds WNW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 100%.
-Lakewood school employee: Officials tried to fire me because I'm not Orthodox
- Eagle Ridge: Developers want feedback from neighbors on the project
-Today at Gourmet Glatt Lakewood: there will iyh be clowns 🤡🤡, juggling, unicycling, stilts & magic tricks. Nosh giveaways around the store (not in Purim Section) & free Big Gourmet Glatt Graggers!!! From 1:45 - 5:00
-Purim Shtick available at toys for Thought, River Pharmacy South side, Lakewood Judaica, Toys 4 You,
-Torah Treasures New store Grand Opening specials open daily till 9Pm Old store clearence 20- 70% off
-Lakewood school employee: Officials tried to fire me because I'm not Orthodox
- Eagle Ridge: Developers want feedback from neighbors on the project
-Today at Gourmet Glatt Lakewood: there will iyh be clowns 🤡🤡, juggling, unicycling, stilts & magic tricks. Nosh giveaways around the store (not in Purim Section) & free Big Gourmet Glatt Graggers!!! From 1:45 - 5:00
-Purim Shtick available at toys for Thought, River Pharmacy South side, Lakewood Judaica, Toys 4 You,
-Torah Treasures New store Grand Opening specials open daily till 9Pm Old store clearence 20- 70% off
Photo, Video: At The Levaya On the way to Har Hamenuchos
Tens of Thousands accompany the aron of Harav Shmuel Auerbach ztl by foot to Har Hamenuchos וכבוד גדול עשו לו במותו
See Video Below
Saturday, February 24, 2018
Live stream Video Hook up Levaya of Harav Shmuel Auerbach ZT"L at BMG
There will be a live hook up at BMG Dinning room
The Levaya will start at 11:00 am Israeli Time 4:00 am EST
The Levaya will start at 11:00 am Israeli Time 4:00 am EST
Motzei Shabbos parshas Tezaveh 5778 Lakewood
-Cheder Nesivos Hatorah Dinner at Bnos Devorah hall 360 Oak Street Lakewood
-Yeshiva kol Torah Dinner at Neemas Hachaim hall
-Yeshiva kol Torah Dinner at Neemas Hachaim hall
BDE: Hagaon Harav Shmuel Auerbach zatzal
Video Hook up for Levaya 4:00 am EST click HERE
The Torah world is plunged into mourning with the petirah of Rav Shmuel Auerbach Rosh Yeshiva of Maalos Hatorah. Rav Shmuel was niftar Friday night after suffering a heart attack. He was 87 years old the Levaya will take place tomorrow 11:00 am at his yeshiva.Reb Shmuel learned the medrash Rabba on the parsha after maariv as usual and ate the seuda. He told his gabbai to go to sleep earlier because tomorrow they will read parshas zachor. During the night the gabbi heard noises and rushed in to the room to find the RY in cardiac arrest. They rushed him to sharei tzedek hospital. He was niftar at 12:30. Kevurah at har Hamenuchos.
Reb Samuel was the oldest son of his parents Harav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach ZT"L. His wife passed away in 1990. They were not zoche to have their own children but Rav Shmuel had thousands of Talmidim from his yeshiva and from those who lived in the sharei chesed neighborhood of Yerushalayim.
Friday, February 23, 2018
Krias Zachor for Nashim in Lakewood
Bais Nuchem 12:00
Khal D'Brookwood: 11:15
Bais Nuchem 12:00
Satmar Rockwell 10:30-11:00-3:00
Beacon Hill half hour after davenig
Ner Dovid 1:30
Tiferes Pichos 11:35
Ohr Yechezkel 12:30
Chateu Ashkenaz 15 MInutes after davening
Tiferes shmuel 11:30
Rivevos Efraim 11:15
Khal D'Brookwood: 11:15
Bais Nuchem 12:00
Satmar Rockwell 10:30-11:00-3:00
Beacon Hill half hour after davenig
Ner Dovid 1:30
Tiferes Pichos 11:35
Ohr Yechezkel 12:30
Chateu Ashkenaz 15 MInutes after davening
Tiferes shmuel 11:30
Rivevos Efraim 11:15
Lakewood Zmanim ערב שבת פרשת תצוה פרשת זכור
Erev Shabbos Kodesh Parshas Tezaveh/Parshas Zachor 8 Adar 5778/February 23, 2018
Candle lighting: 5:23 pm
Shkiah 5:41 pm
Sof Zman Krias Shma- Gra 9:24 Am
Weather shabbos day high of 58 chabce of rain showers in the afternoon.
Tannis Esther is next week Wednesday, February 28
Purim Begins Wednesday night
Candle lighting: 5:23 pm
Shkiah 5:41 pm
Sof Zman Krias Shma- Gra 9:24 Am
Weather shabbos day high of 58 chabce of rain showers in the afternoon.
Tannis Esther is next week Wednesday, February 28
Purim Begins Wednesday night

Photos: כינוס התעוררות ותפילה בלייקווד עש"ק פרשת זכור את אשר עשה לך עמלק תשע"ח
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Oif Simchas/Events Lakewood February 22, 2018
-Vort: Hachosson Yitzchok Pfeiffer (Montreal) to Hakallah Elisheva Klein Bas R' Dovid at Bais Nosson Tzvi 1445 14th street Lakewood, 7:30-10:30 pm.
-Vort: Hachosson Nechemya Dov Meyer to Hakallah Bas R Avrohom Luria at Cheder Ohr Torah 780 Vasser Street Lakewood, NJ 7:00- 10pm
-Chasuna: Goodman- Mitnick Lake Terrace hall
-Chasuna: Rosenstock- Pirutinsky Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
-Chasuna: Goldberg- Chain fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Chasuna: Pressman- Krancer Ne'emas Hachaim hall
-Evening of Music to Benefit "RJX" Rutgers Jewish Experience at 28 Linda Drive, Jackson,NJ 8:00 pm Hot Fleishig Buffet Music by Simpleman
-Yeshiva Minchas Aaron Parlor Meeting Rav Yehoshua Eisenberger Rosh Yeshiva, at 325 Case Rd, Lakewood 8:00 pm Divrei Bracha Harav Yisrael Neuman Shlita Rosh Yeshiva Bais Medrash Govoha
-Parlor Meetings for Mishpachas Rav Avrohiom Erlanger
At 140 Clair Drive Hearthstone 10:00 - 11:30
At west gate Simcha hall With Rav Koledetzky shlita
-Hespedim for Rav Dovid Grossman Ztl at 30 5th street Lakewood 7:45 pm
-Tehillim for Gezeiras Giyus banos at BMG Ateres Ester hall Binyan Herzka 10:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Nechemya Dov Meyer to Hakallah Bas R Avrohom Luria at Cheder Ohr Torah 780 Vasser Street Lakewood, NJ 7:00- 10pm
-Chasuna: Goodman- Mitnick Lake Terrace hall
-Chasuna: Rosenstock- Pirutinsky Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
-Chasuna: Goldberg- Chain fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Chasuna: Pressman- Krancer Ne'emas Hachaim hall
-Evening of Music to Benefit "RJX" Rutgers Jewish Experience at 28 Linda Drive, Jackson,NJ 8:00 pm Hot Fleishig Buffet Music by Simpleman
-Yeshiva Minchas Aaron Parlor Meeting Rav Yehoshua Eisenberger Rosh Yeshiva, at 325 Case Rd, Lakewood 8:00 pm Divrei Bracha Harav Yisrael Neuman Shlita Rosh Yeshiva Bais Medrash Govoha
-Parlor Meetings for Mishpachas Rav Avrohiom Erlanger
At 140 Clair Drive Hearthstone 10:00 - 11:30
At west gate Simcha hall With Rav Koledetzky shlita
-Hespedim for Rav Dovid Grossman Ztl at 30 5th street Lakewood 7:45 pm
-Tehillim for Gezeiras Giyus banos at BMG Ateres Ester hall Binyan Herzka 10:30 pm
Tonight: Kinus Hisoirerus in BMG for Gezeiras Giyus Banos
Lakewood tops List of Towns where People spend Most Income on Rent
In a list of 25 Towns in NJ, Lakewood in Ocean County is number 1 where 12,241 renter households spend 43.3% of their income on rent.
NJ Advance Media analyzed U.S. Census data to determine in which New Jersey towns renters spend the largest percentage of their household income on rent, or where the rent burden is highest.
“In New Jersey, residents spend a median of 31.8 percent of their household income on rent, the seventh highest in the nation.” This does not mean that rents are higher in these towns than other places. The list of 25 towns is made up of towns where the rent is high and renter households do not make enough income to have more than 65% of their income left over to pay for necessities and other important expenses.
The top five towns in New Jersey where renters spend the highest percentage of their income on rent are:
NJ Advance Media analyzed U.S. Census data to determine in which New Jersey towns renters spend the largest percentage of their household income on rent, or where the rent burden is highest.
“In New Jersey, residents spend a median of 31.8 percent of their household income on rent, the seventh highest in the nation.” This does not mean that rents are higher in these towns than other places. The list of 25 towns is made up of towns where the rent is high and renter households do not make enough income to have more than 65% of their income left over to pay for necessities and other important expenses.
The top five towns in New Jersey where renters spend the highest percentage of their income on rent are:
Hespedim Tonight in Lakewood for Rav Dovid Grossman ZT"L
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Camps close Registration While Kids Still have No School for Next Year
Mid February, the local summer camps are in full registration mode for the summer of 2018. Some camps already closed registration and there are no slots left. The local papers came out with their camp sections forcing all camps to open registration. Another pressure parents must face rushing to sign up their children before registration is full. The system of competing and chapping before yenem continues to plague us. What is more sad though is that many children are still not accepted into a school for the upcoming year. How do these parents feel waiting daily for answers or hoping to get in somewhere while their neighbor is already enrolled in day camp. Yes camps need time to plan but it should not be before the school registration is complete with every child having a school to go to.
Camps should open registration after Pesach.
Camps should open registration after Pesach.
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Howell PD Make Arrest in Lakewood
HOWELL, NJ (Patch)— Howell Township police said they have arrested a person following a car chase that ended in Lakewood on Tuesday afternoon.
Police released few details in a Facebook post shortly before 2 p.m., saying only that the person was a 43-year-old Newark resident.
The person was being taken to police headquarters and more information will be released later, Howell police said.
Police released few details in a Facebook post shortly before 2 p.m., saying only that the person was a 43-year-old Newark resident.
The person was being taken to police headquarters and more information will be released later, Howell police said.
Oif Simchas Lakewood February 20, 2018
Vort: Hachosson Shmully Weintraub to Hakallah Chavie Schreiber bas R' Maier at R' Gissinger shul 175 Sunset, Lakewood, NJ 7:30 pm
LPD Giving tickets at Lake Terrace make sure to park in the parking lots
Chasuna: Fink- Fisher lake Terrace hall
Chasuna: Rappaport- Nadborny Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
Chasuna: Friedman- Goldzweig Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
Chasuna: Axelbaum- Kahn Ateres Reva hall Lakewood
Chasuna: Zelcer Neemas Hachaim hall
Parlor Meeting at 291 Dewey Avenue for Mishpachas Harav Avrohom Erlanger EY
LPD Giving tickets at Lake Terrace make sure to park in the parking lots
Chasuna: Fink- Fisher lake Terrace hall
Chasuna: Rappaport- Nadborny Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
Chasuna: Friedman- Goldzweig Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
Chasuna: Axelbaum- Kahn Ateres Reva hall Lakewood
Chasuna: Zelcer Neemas Hachaim hall
Parlor Meeting at 291 Dewey Avenue for Mishpachas Harav Avrohom Erlanger EY
Fiirst Yartzheit of Reb Yaakov Ytzchok Stern Z'TL
Today 5 Adar marks the first Yartzheit of R' Yaakov Yitzchok Stern a"h. He was niftar suddenly at the young age of 37 years old, but in his short life he was an accomplished Talmid Chochom. He was a beloved friend to many, a Ben Aliya and yorei Shomayim whose avodas Hashem was pure and heartfelt, and who, together with his wife, was raising his children b’derech Yisroel saba.
The mishpacha and friends held a Siyum Hashas and Yartzheit seuda last night לעילוי נשמתו.
Below is a Hesped by the Admor M' Santov Lakewood where R' Yaakov Yitzchok would daven on shabbos.
The mishpacha and friends held a Siyum Hashas and Yartzheit seuda last night לעילוי נשמתו.
Below is a Hesped by the Admor M' Santov Lakewood where R' Yaakov Yitzchok would daven on shabbos.
What Is the New Law Regarding Giyus Habanos, and Why Has It Sparked Such a Commotion?
OP-ED: Agudas Bnei Torah of America posted on JBN
Did you know that religious girls are being drafted into the army?
Did you know that young girls are being put in jail?
Did you know that this past Tuesday, Feb 13 the Israeli Government enacted a law granting the IDF the final say in whether or not an applicant for a religious exemption is indeed “religious”?
Like many, you may have heard only vague reports or may be totally unaware. Please read this op-ed outlining the current deteriorating situation for our dear young girls living today in the Holy Land of Eretz Yisrael.
The Way it Was
In the early 1950’s the religious community in Eretz Yisroel was in an uproar over the issue of giyus habanos– compulsory conscription of women into the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). The Chazon Ish, zatzal, and the other gedolim of the day waged a fierce battle to oppose the implementation of any program or law that would require religious young women to serve in the military in any capacity, including substituting military service with a compulsory term of sheirut leumi-National Service (which includes various branches of public services).
Did you know that religious girls are being drafted into the army?
Did you know that young girls are being put in jail?
Did you know that this past Tuesday, Feb 13 the Israeli Government enacted a law granting the IDF the final say in whether or not an applicant for a religious exemption is indeed “religious”?
Like many, you may have heard only vague reports or may be totally unaware. Please read this op-ed outlining the current deteriorating situation for our dear young girls living today in the Holy Land of Eretz Yisrael.
The Way it Was
In the early 1950’s the religious community in Eretz Yisroel was in an uproar over the issue of giyus habanos– compulsory conscription of women into the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). The Chazon Ish, zatzal, and the other gedolim of the day waged a fierce battle to oppose the implementation of any program or law that would require religious young women to serve in the military in any capacity, including substituting military service with a compulsory term of sheirut leumi-National Service (which includes various branches of public services).
Monday, February 19, 2018
Oif Simchas Lakewood February 19, 2018
-Vort: Hachosson Avrohom Simcha "Sika" Friedman to Hakallah Chaya Rochel Klein Bas R' Moishe at 207 Glen Ave South Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Moishe Goldstein To Hakallah Bas R' Avi Feigenbaum 8:30 pm @ Bnos Devorah 360 Oak Street, Lakewood NJ
-Chasuna: Bleier- Goldring at Lake Terrace hall
-Chasuna: Kaminsky- Richter Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
-Chasuna: Klein- Friedman Ateres Reva hall
-Chasuna: Rochwerger- Silberberg Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Vort: Hachosson Moishe Goldstein To Hakallah Bas R' Avi Feigenbaum 8:30 pm @ Bnos Devorah 360 Oak Street, Lakewood NJ
-Chasuna: Bleier- Goldring at Lake Terrace hall
-Chasuna: Kaminsky- Richter Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
-Chasuna: Klein- Friedman Ateres Reva hall
-Chasuna: Rochwerger- Silberberg Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
Presidents Day
Lakewood Township Municipal Offices will be Closed on Monday, February 19, 2018 in observance of President's Day. The public schools are also closed. The United States Postal Service will not deliver mail on Presidents Day, but UPS and FedEx will operate as usual.
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Audio: Secular Subjects in Yeshivas
Headlines Podcast
One Thousand Dollar Sandwich - Is it Kosher?
with Rabbi Aryeh Leibowitz - Rav of Beis Haknesses of North Woodmere - 16:15
Secular Subjects in Yeshivas
with Rabbi Gedalya Weinberger - Chairman, PCS - Chairman Emeritus, Agudas Yisroel - 33:30
with HaRav Shmuel Kamenetzky Shlit"a - Rosh HaYeshiva, Philadelphia - 54:20
with HaRav Dovid Yosef Shlit"a - Rav, Har Nof - Member, Moetzet Chachmei HaTorah - 55:20
with HaRav Mendel Shafran - Av Beis Din Hayashar V'hatov Yerushalayim, Rosh Yeshiva Noam Hatorah Bnei Brak - 106:30
with HaRav Nissan Kaplan - R"M Yeshivas Mir, Yerushalayim - 58:00
Oif Simchas/Events lakewood February 18, 2018
-Vort: Hachosson Yaakov Freimark to Hakallah Tzippy Borenstein bas R' Dov at Stolin Hall at 153 east 7th st in lkwd from
7:00 pm -10:00 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Mendy Bloch to Hakallah bas R' Tzvi Ziskind at Tashbar Simcha hall 82 oak street Lakewood, NJ 6:30-9:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Chaim Rosner to Hakallah Devoiry Bernfeld Bas R' Menachem at KZY 175 Sunset 6:00 pm- 9:00 pm
-Chasuna: Beyer Schwartz Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
-Dinner Yeshiva Ohr Yehuda of Lakewood at Ne'emas Hachaim hall reception 7:00 pm
-Rachmasrivka Cheder of Lakewood annual Dinner at Ateres Reva hall 7:00 pm
-Parlor meeting yeshiva Amalah Shel Torah at 606 9th street 9:30 pm
-Parlor Meeting on behalf of Mishpachas Harav Avrohom Erlanger shlita (Mechaber Sefer Birchas Avrohom) at 10 Palm Court across from Bais Rivka Rochel 10:00 -11:30 pm Guest Speaker R' Yaakov Rayman shlita
- For Women & girls Rachel Factor evening of song, Dance and Inspiration at Zichron Shneur hall 280 Oak Knoll, Lakewood nj 8:30 pm $20 admission R' Tovia Factor will speak at 10:30 for the men
7:00 pm -10:00 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Mendy Bloch to Hakallah bas R' Tzvi Ziskind at Tashbar Simcha hall 82 oak street Lakewood, NJ 6:30-9:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Chaim Rosner to Hakallah Devoiry Bernfeld Bas R' Menachem at KZY 175 Sunset 6:00 pm- 9:00 pm
-Chasuna: Beyer Schwartz Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
-Dinner Yeshiva Ohr Yehuda of Lakewood at Ne'emas Hachaim hall reception 7:00 pm
-Rachmasrivka Cheder of Lakewood annual Dinner at Ateres Reva hall 7:00 pm
-Parlor meeting yeshiva Amalah Shel Torah at 606 9th street 9:30 pm
-Parlor Meeting on behalf of Mishpachas Harav Avrohom Erlanger shlita (Mechaber Sefer Birchas Avrohom) at 10 Palm Court across from Bais Rivka Rochel 10:00 -11:30 pm Guest Speaker R' Yaakov Rayman shlita
- For Women & girls Rachel Factor evening of song, Dance and Inspiration at Zichron Shneur hall 280 Oak Knoll, Lakewood nj 8:30 pm $20 admission R' Tovia Factor will speak at 10:30 for the men
Shoppers Pack Stores ahead of Purim
Stores and shopping centers in Lakewood were jam packed today with shoppers trying to beat the erev Purim Rush. With only one more Sunday before Purim, people were buying up shalach manos items and other purim goods. At some stores the lines were out the door with parking lots full to capacity. Stores advertised sale items and frugal shoppers flocked to take advantage.
families with children were getting costumes and other purim shtick in various stores.
With lots of stores hopefully there is enough buisness for everyone during the yom tov season.
families with children were getting costumes and other purim shtick in various stores.
With lots of stores hopefully there is enough buisness for everyone during the yom tov season.
Sunday Feburary 18 Lakewood, NJ
-A Fun Purim Shopping Experience at Gourmet Glatt Lakewood today Sunday
there will be a clown, live music & giveaways From 12:00 - 3:15
-Costume Closeouts 2275 W County Line Beenet Mills Plaza, Jackson open today from 10:00 pm-9:00pm
-Flash Sales every hour at Evergreen kosher in Lakewood
-Golden Fluff Purim Snack Headquarters walk in arehouse get snacks by the case Corner 2nd and Monmouth Lakewood, NJ 9:00 am -6:00 pm
-CKY camp reunion register at Bias Hatorah hall 1815 Swathmore 4:30- 8:30
there will be a clown, live music & giveaways From 12:00 - 3:15
-Costume Closeouts 2275 W County Line Beenet Mills Plaza, Jackson open today from 10:00 pm-9:00pm
-Flash Sales every hour at Evergreen kosher in Lakewood
-Golden Fluff Purim Snack Headquarters walk in arehouse get snacks by the case Corner 2nd and Monmouth Lakewood, NJ 9:00 am -6:00 pm
-CKY camp reunion register at Bias Hatorah hall 1815 Swathmore 4:30- 8:30
Video: Purim Eat4oorah
Oorah is proud to announce their latest fundraising campaign, "Eat4Oorah":
Join the campaign by committing to gain 5 pounds or more this Purim to help yiddishe kinderlach.
With resources such as a helpful list of high-calorie foods, and support along the way, it’ll be easy to raise the requisite $1,800 to participate.
Song by Binyomin Miller, aka "Skinny Pinny", "Dr. Dreizich":
There’s all these crazy things that everybody does
Saturday, February 17, 2018
Lakewood Fire Budget Defeated
Around 400 people voted today in the Lakewood Fire Elections, the two commissioners ran unopposed. The fire Budget asking for $1.3 million tax increase was voted down by the taxpayers 224-176.
When a budget is defeated State law requires the municipal government to hold a public hearing on the budget and either approve it or cut the budget. Last year the Lakewood township made a small reduction of $10,000 and passed the budget after taxpayers voted against it.
When a budget is defeated State law requires the municipal government to hold a public hearing on the budget and either approve it or cut the budget. Last year the Lakewood township made a small reduction of $10,000 and passed the budget after taxpayers voted against it.
BDE reports
It is with great sadness that reports the passing of Eliezer Zvi Biegelseisen z”l of Lakewood, he was nine years old.
Eliezer Zvi was a son of R’ Meir and Chava Esther Biegeleisen.
The levayah will be held at 10 p.m. at the Congregation Sons of Israel’s Holocaust Memorial Chapel, located at 613 Ramsey Street, off of East 7th Street, in Lakewood. The family will be sitting shivah at 1675 Hidden Lane.
Yehi zichro boruch.
It is with great sadness that reports the passing of Eliezer Zvi Biegelseisen z”l of Lakewood, he was nine years old.
Eliezer Zvi was a son of R’ Meir and Chava Esther Biegeleisen.
The levayah will be held at 10 p.m. at the Congregation Sons of Israel’s Holocaust Memorial Chapel, located at 613 Ramsey Street, off of East 7th Street, in Lakewood. The family will be sitting shivah at 1675 Hidden Lane.
Yehi zichro boruch.
Melava Malka Motzei Shabbos Parshas Terumah 5778 Lakewood
LFD Elections for Budget increase in Tax dollars at Town hall until 10:00pm
For News Updates follow instagram @lakewoodnewsnetwork HERE
-Yeshiva Emek Halacha annual Melava Malka at Khal Zichron Yaakov 175 Sunset Program begins 9:15 Guest speaker Rav Yitzchok Paler Shlita
-B"M Ohr Yechezkel annual Melava Malka at 307 Ridge avenue 8:30 pm Guest speaker Rav Yaakov Weinfeld Shlita Rav Lev Avrohom
-B"M Zichron Chaim Villas shul Annual Melava Malka at the shul 901 E Kennedy boulevard Guest speaker Rav Dovid Feinroth shlita
-Bnos Devorah annual Dinner at Neemas Hachaim hall music by Strumz
-Shloshim event for Mrs. Shevy Shurkin A"H at Bais Faiga hall 8:45 pm for women & Girls
-Melava Malka Rebbeim Lakewood Cheder at the shabbaton
-Shiras Devorah Dynamic Holocaust Expo 575 Oak 8:30 pm
-Cooking with Comedy at Gourmet Glatt Ladies night out 9:00 pm
LFD Elections for Budget increase in Tax dollars. at Town hall until 10:00pm
For News Updates follow instagram @lakewoodnewsnetwork HERE
-Yeshiva Emek Halacha annual Melava Malka at Khal Zichron Yaakov 175 Sunset Program begins 9:15 Guest speaker Rav Yitzchok Paler Shlita
-B"M Ohr Yechezkel annual Melava Malka at 307 Ridge avenue 8:30 pm Guest speaker Rav Yaakov Weinfeld Shlita Rav Lev Avrohom
-B"M Zichron Chaim Villas shul Annual Melava Malka at the shul 901 E Kennedy boulevard Guest speaker Rav Dovid Feinroth shlita
-Bnos Devorah annual Dinner at Neemas Hachaim hall music by Strumz
-Shloshim event for Mrs. Shevy Shurkin A"H at Bais Faiga hall 8:45 pm for women & Girls
-Melava Malka Rebbeim Lakewood Cheder at the shabbaton
-Shiras Devorah Dynamic Holocaust Expo 575 Oak 8:30 pm
-Cooking with Comedy at Gourmet Glatt Ladies night out 9:00 pm
LFD Elections for Budget increase in Tax dollars. at Town hall until 10:00pm
Friday, February 16, 2018
ערב שבת פרשת תרומה ראש חודש אדר Lakewood Zmanim
Friday, February 16, 2018 / א׳ אדר תשע״ח
-Candle Lighting: 5:15 pm
-Shkiah 5:33pm
-Weather Shabbos day High 36F chance of rain
בלבבי בלבבי משכן אבנה להדר כבודו, ובמשכן מזבח אקים לקרני הודו, ולנר תמיד אקח לי את אש העקידה, ולקרבן אקריב לו את נפשי היחידה
(הצדיק רבי אלעזר אזכרי)
-Candle Lighting: 5:15 pm
-Shkiah 5:33pm
-Weather Shabbos day High 36F chance of rain
בלבבי בלבבי משכן אבנה להדר כבודו, ובמשכן מזבח אקים לקרני הודו, ולנר תמיד אקח לי את אש העקידה, ולקרבן אקריב לו את נפשי היחידה
(הצדיק רבי אלעזר אזכרי)
Parkland Rabbis Stand With Community Through Tragedy

Photo: Cousins Daniel Zaphrany, left, and David Zaphrany, Bentch Hagomel after surviving the shooting
“I got a phone call about the shooting shortly after it happened,” said Rabbi Biston. “Chabad of Parkland is actually the regional headquarters for Chabad of North Broward and South Palm Beach, and is located five minutes away from the school, so immediately upon receiving the call I hurried over to the school grounds, and I witnessed the emergency vehicles rushing to the scene.
NJ lawmakers Want to Reinstate the Individual Mandate on Obamacare
After President Trump Repealed he individual mandate on those who dont have health insurance to pay a yearly penalty, Democrat lawmakers at the NJ state Senate’s Commerce Committee approved the Democratic legislation, introduced earlier this week requiring a fee. The Bill would require every taxpayer in NJ to have health insurance or pay the tax. It still would have to be voted on by the assembly and legislature, Gov Murphy would sign it.
Read more at NJSpotlight
The bill (S-1877), the “New Jersey Health Insurance Market Preservation Act,” would require those who don’t have health insurance plans that meet certain minimum standards to pay a fee to the state. This penalty would be determined under calculations previously used in the ACA, based in part on the cost of an average bronze-level plan sold on New Jersey’s individual health insurance market.
Read more at NJSpotlight
The bill (S-1877), the “New Jersey Health Insurance Market Preservation Act,” would require those who don’t have health insurance plans that meet certain minimum standards to pay a fee to the state. This penalty would be determined under calculations previously used in the ACA, based in part on the cost of an average bronze-level plan sold on New Jersey’s individual health insurance market.
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Kosher.Com - Shabbos with Yussi : Yerushalmi Kugel
Brought to you by "Shabbos with Yussi" is back with the ultimate crowd pleaser: Yerushalmi Kugel. Watch Yussi Weisz from Snaps Kosher in Lakewood, NJ, as he demonstrates the absolute best way to create the basics. Jewish food, perfected. For the full kugel Recipe click HERE
Oif Simchas Lakewood Rosh Chodesh Adar 5778
משנכנס אדר מרבין בשמחה
-Chasuna: Salb- Mendlowitz at Ateres chana hall Bais Faiga
-Chasuna: Freiman- Krohn at Lake Terrace hall
-Vort: Hachosson Heshy Miller to Hakalla Sara Chaya Ringel Bas R' Shloimy at Shemen L'mincha simcha hall, 2 Milano Dr. Lakewood NJ, 7:30 pm
-Annual reception for Yeshiva Heichal Hatorah Rav Mottel Dick Rosh Yeshiva at the home of Rabbi and Mrs. Menashe Frankel, 1415 Ardenwood Ave., Lakewood 7:30 PM.
-Kumzitz and Jam Music. Food. Drink at Ohr Mattisyahu 953 E. County Line Rd. Lakewood 9:45 pm After Maariv
- Farm Fresh: FREE RUGELACH TASTING TODAY AND TOMORROW Thursday & Friday, Feb. 15 & 16. Rugelach Just $5.99 lb. while supplies last
-Chasuna: Salb- Mendlowitz at Ateres chana hall Bais Faiga
-Chasuna: Freiman- Krohn at Lake Terrace hall
-Vort: Hachosson Heshy Miller to Hakalla Sara Chaya Ringel Bas R' Shloimy at Shemen L'mincha simcha hall, 2 Milano Dr. Lakewood NJ, 7:30 pm
-Annual reception for Yeshiva Heichal Hatorah Rav Mottel Dick Rosh Yeshiva at the home of Rabbi and Mrs. Menashe Frankel, 1415 Ardenwood Ave., Lakewood 7:30 PM.
-Kumzitz and Jam Music. Food. Drink at Ohr Mattisyahu 953 E. County Line Rd. Lakewood 9:45 pm After Maariv
- Farm Fresh: FREE RUGELACH TASTING TODAY AND TOMORROW Thursday & Friday, Feb. 15 & 16. Rugelach Just $5.99 lb. while supplies last
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Oif Simchas Lakewood February 14, 2108 Rosh Chodesh Adar 5778
-Vort: Hachosson Kaufman ben R' Zev to Hakallah Friedman bas R' Chaim Dovid at Ateres Yeshaya hall 7:30 pm
-Chasuna: Sitorsky- Frankel Neemas hachaim hall
-Chasuna: Cohen- Walin Lake Terrace hall
-Chasuna: Plotzker- Orlawick at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Chasuna: Sitorsky- Frankel Neemas hachaim hall
-Chasuna: Cohen- Walin Lake Terrace hall
-Chasuna: Plotzker- Orlawick at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
יום כפור קטן ערב ר׳׳ח אדר Lakewood
- Minyanim for Mincha with Yom Kippur Kattan erev Rosh Chodesh Adar 5778 in Lakewood:
-Lev Avos 1:20 pm
-Somerset walk 1:25 pm
-Chateau 1:15 pm
-Hearthstone 1:15 pm upstairs
-B"M Westgate 1:15 pm
-Alumni 1:45 pm
-BM Kelmwoods Westgate 2:45 pm
-Satmar Forest Avenue every bottom of the hour on the 30 minute mark
Giyus Banos: Knesset Committee Approves New Regulations Permitting Review of IDF Exemptions for Religious Girls - גיוס בנות
"אבל כבד בעולם היהודי: "פרעה לא גזר אלא על הזכרים והם גזרו אף על הנקבות
The Knesset Committee approved new regulations to be able to examine the "Ptur" of frum Religious girls and have the ability to revoke it based on their religious observance. See report in Hebrew at bottom
YERUSHALAYIM -Hamodia - Despite the firm stance of chareidi MKs, who cited the clear ruling of Gedolei Yisrael of previous generations that service by women in the IDF is “yehareg v’al yaavor,” the Joint Committee of the Foreign Affairs, Defense and Constitution and Justice committees on Tuesday approved new regulations to the women’s draft law, and the forming of a committee to examine girls who received an exemption on the basis of religious observance.
The MKs of UTJ and Jewish Home strongly criticized the formation of a committee that consists of a clear majority of secular members, and wondered if it could decide on the veracity of the religious declaration of the applicants.
According to the law passed in 1978, any girl who meets the religious criteria – that she doesn’t travel on Shabbos and keeps kosher – can seek an exemption from military service on religious grounds. It is inconceivable, said the MKs, that this will now need to be verified by a committee of non-religious representatives.
The Knesset Committee approved new regulations to be able to examine the "Ptur" of frum Religious girls and have the ability to revoke it based on their religious observance. See report in Hebrew at bottom
YERUSHALAYIM -Hamodia - Despite the firm stance of chareidi MKs, who cited the clear ruling of Gedolei Yisrael of previous generations that service by women in the IDF is “yehareg v’al yaavor,” the Joint Committee of the Foreign Affairs, Defense and Constitution and Justice committees on Tuesday approved new regulations to the women’s draft law, and the forming of a committee to examine girls who received an exemption on the basis of religious observance.
The MKs of UTJ and Jewish Home strongly criticized the formation of a committee that consists of a clear majority of secular members, and wondered if it could decide on the veracity of the religious declaration of the applicants.
According to the law passed in 1978, any girl who meets the religious criteria – that she doesn’t travel on Shabbos and keeps kosher – can seek an exemption from military service on religious grounds. It is inconceivable, said the MKs, that this will now need to be verified by a committee of non-religious representatives.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Oif Simchas Lakewood February 13, 2018
-Chasuna: Schron-Gonter at Lake Terrace Hall
-Chasuna: Savitz- Oppenheimer at Ne'emas Hachaim hall
-Vort: Hachosson Avrohom Cohen to Hakallah Durst at Stolin Simcha hall 153 E. 7th st Lakewood, NJ 7:00 - 10:00pm
-Kabolas Panim Hachnosas Kallah Reception for Rav Shlomo Zalman Breitshtein of yerushalayim at Madison manor 4th & Madison, Lakewood 7:45 pm Divrei Bracha, Harav Yeruchom Olshin shlita
-Chasuna: Savitz- Oppenheimer at Ne'emas Hachaim hall
-Vort: Hachosson Avrohom Cohen to Hakallah Durst at Stolin Simcha hall 153 E. 7th st Lakewood, NJ 7:00 - 10:00pm
-Kabolas Panim Hachnosas Kallah Reception for Rav Shlomo Zalman Breitshtein of yerushalayim at Madison manor 4th & Madison, Lakewood 7:45 pm Divrei Bracha, Harav Yeruchom Olshin shlita
Trump Plans to Replace Food Stamps With Food Boxes
The Tomchei Shabbos Model may be replicated. How will they deal with kosher foods?
Trump pitches plan to replace food stamps with food boxes
From POLITICO -The Trump administration is proposing to save billions in the coming years by giving low-income families a box of government-picked, nonperishable foods every month instead of food stamps.
White House OMB Director Mick Mulvaney on Monday hailed the idea as one that kept up with the modern era, calling it a "Blue Apron-type program" — a nod to the high-end meal kit delivery company that had one of the worst stock debuts in 2017 and has struggled to hold onto customers. Mulvaney said the administration’s plan would not only save the government money, but also provide people with more nutritious food than they have now.
Trump pitches plan to replace food stamps with food boxes
From POLITICO -The Trump administration is proposing to save billions in the coming years by giving low-income families a box of government-picked, nonperishable foods every month instead of food stamps.
White House OMB Director Mick Mulvaney on Monday hailed the idea as one that kept up with the modern era, calling it a "Blue Apron-type program" — a nod to the high-end meal kit delivery company that had one of the worst stock debuts in 2017 and has struggled to hold onto customers. Mulvaney said the administration’s plan would not only save the government money, but also provide people with more nutritious food than they have now.
Photos: At the Atzeres Tefillah on Giyus Banos in Lakewood
Monday night hundreds gathered in BMG's Ateres Esther hall joined by the Roshei Yeshiva and Gedolei Harabonim for an Atzeres Tefillah ahead ofTuesday's Knesset vote to alter the longstanding laws exempting religious girls from mandatory draft. Divrei hisorrerous were delivered by Harav Malkiel Kotler, Harav Yisroel Neuman and Harav Chaim Flohr (Monsey) followed by Tehillim. Lakewood Rabbonim that attended, Rav Asher Chaim Lieberman, Rav Moshe Shimon Shapiro, Rav Hershel Levenberg, Rav Meir Eisman, Rav Chanoch Saltz, Satmar Dayan, Rav Weissblum Shedlitz Rav, Rav Yehoshua Krupenia, Rav Eli Bursztyn.
Monday, February 12, 2018
Oif Simchas/ Events Lakewood February 12, 2018
-Chasuna: Kushner- Weinstein Fountain ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Chasuna: Cohen- Berliner at Ateres Chana hall Bais faiga
-Vort: Hachosson Yisrael Schiffer to Hakallah Esti Zucker Bas R' Yissocher at Ateres Yeshaya hall 8:00 pm
-Atzeres tefillah for gezeiras Giyus banos in BMG at Ateres Ester hall downstairs of Bais Yitzchok 10:00 pm The Roshei Yeshiva will attend
-Parlor Meeting for Magen Avraham at 9 Soncino Place, Lakewood 8:30PM
-Parlor Meeting: for TMBC 834 Morris Avenue 9:00-11:00 pm
-H2 Expo for Lakewood businesses at Lake Terrace hall
-Chasuna: Cohen- Berliner at Ateres Chana hall Bais faiga
-Vort: Hachosson Yisrael Schiffer to Hakallah Esti Zucker Bas R' Yissocher at Ateres Yeshaya hall 8:00 pm
-Atzeres tefillah for gezeiras Giyus banos in BMG at Ateres Ester hall downstairs of Bais Yitzchok 10:00 pm The Roshei Yeshiva will attend
-Parlor Meeting for Magen Avraham at 9 Soncino Place, Lakewood 8:30PM
-Parlor Meeting: for TMBC 834 Morris Avenue 9:00-11:00 pm
-H2 Expo for Lakewood businesses at Lake Terrace hall
Tonight In Lakewood: Atzeres Tefillah for Giyus Banos בהשתתפות ראשי ישיבות ורבני הקהילות שליט"א
Ahead of this Tuesday's Knesset Committee vote to change the laws regarding Mandatory Draft for girls, a Massive עצרת תפילה will take place tonight in Ateres Esther Hall (BMG Bais Yitzchok) 10:00 p.m.
Giyus Explained by Agudas Bnei Torah of America
Agudas Bnei Torah of America POB 1529 Lakewood, NJ 732-806-1254
A large protest will take place tomorrow at Kikar Shabbos in Yerushalayim as the Knesset debates changes in the Draft law pertaining to giyus banos. The Badatz also called for a half day taanis.
A large protest will take place tomorrow at Kikar Shabbos in Yerushalayim as the Knesset debates changes in the Draft law pertaining to giyus banos. The Badatz also called for a half day taanis.
Lakewood Hospital: No visitors Under 18 Amid Flu Epidemic
LAKEWOOD, NJ (Patch) — Amid the continuing flu epidemic, Monmouth Medical Center Southern Campus in Lakewood is barring those under 18 from visiting patients in the hospital, a spokeswoman said. It's a move that's been made by a number of hospitals around the state, as health care officials look for ways to curtail the illness.
Jersey Shore Medical Center, Neptune said No visitors 12 and under.
Ocean Medical Center, Brick: No visitors 12 and under.
Jersey Shore Medical Center, Neptune said No visitors 12 and under.
Ocean Medical Center, Brick: No visitors 12 and under.
The hospital, formerly known as Kimball Medical Center and part of the RWJBarnabas hospital network, has been seeing a consistent volume of flu cases, said Jean M. Flaherty, a spokeswoman for the hospital.
Tonight Meeting Lakewood Board of Fire Commissioners
Fire Elections this Motzei Shabbos
Board of Fire Commissioners meeting at 316 River Avenue, Lakewood, NJ February 12, 2018 7:00pm
-Resolution to create a Tentative position of Deputy Fire District Administrator
-Resolution Authorizing indemnification of Defense of officials and Employees
-Motion to Approve indemnification of Defense Policy
-Motion to Award a Contract to Device Magic, inc for 15 Devices in the amount of $2,430.00 per Annum (yearly)
Board of Fire Commissioners meeting at 316 River Avenue, Lakewood, NJ February 12, 2018 7:00pm
-Resolution to create a Tentative position of Deputy Fire District Administrator
-Resolution Authorizing indemnification of Defense of officials and Employees
-Motion to Approve indemnification of Defense Policy
-Motion to Award a Contract to Device Magic, inc for 15 Devices in the amount of $2,430.00 per Annum (yearly)
Lakewood Township Municipal Offices Closed today
Lakewood Township Municipal Offices will be Closed on Monday, February 12, 2018 in observance of Lincoln's Birthday.
Sunday, February 11, 2018
The Joy Of Shas
"The Song Of Shas." An entertaining celebration combining 100's of klalim and yesodos of Shas presented by Yossi G at his recent Siyum Hashas in Brooklyn. by Gifter Photos
Oif Simchas/Events Lakewood February 11, 2018
-Chasuna: Geretz- Bick at Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
-Chasuna: Mizrahi- Clapman Ne'emas Hachaim hall
-Vort: Hachosson Dovid Balter Hakallah Sara Elisheva Berger at 660 6th Street, Lakewood, NJ 7:00 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Bentzi Eisen to Hakallah Hindy Laskin bas R' Yaakov 7:30 pm in the Gratter building 100 park Avenue, Lakewood
-Vort: Hachosson Dovid Britvan (Detroit) to Hakallah Mimi Gordon Bas R' Sruly at Ner Dovid Simcha hall, 14th street & Tanglewood 8:00pm
-Vort: Hachosson Yitzi Rajchenboch (Chicago) to Hakallah Bassy Biegel Bas R' Avrohom at Ohr Yechezkel 316 Ridge Avenue Lakewood
-Yeshiva Ktana of Lakewood annual Dinner at Ateres Reva Hall
-Yeshiva Ohel Moshe Lakewood, annual Dinner in Williamsburg at the The Marquis hall 575 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn 8:00pm
Nassie Hayeshiva Harav Malkiel Kotler shlita will speak at 9:30 pm
-Yeshiva Beth Yehuda of Detroit, Lakewood Parlor meeting/ Sefer Torah campaign in Memory of Rav Shmuel Kaufman ZT"L at 228 Powderhorn Drive, Lakewood, NJ 8:00pm Divrei Bracha by Harav Yeruchom Olshin Shlita
-Chasuna: Mizrahi- Clapman Ne'emas Hachaim hall
-Vort: Hachosson Dovid Balter Hakallah Sara Elisheva Berger at 660 6th Street, Lakewood, NJ 7:00 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Bentzi Eisen to Hakallah Hindy Laskin bas R' Yaakov 7:30 pm in the Gratter building 100 park Avenue, Lakewood
-Vort: Hachosson Dovid Britvan (Detroit) to Hakallah Mimi Gordon Bas R' Sruly at Ner Dovid Simcha hall, 14th street & Tanglewood 8:00pm
-Vort: Hachosson Yitzi Rajchenboch (Chicago) to Hakallah Bassy Biegel Bas R' Avrohom at Ohr Yechezkel 316 Ridge Avenue Lakewood
-Yeshiva Ktana of Lakewood annual Dinner at Ateres Reva Hall
-Yeshiva Ohel Moshe Lakewood, annual Dinner in Williamsburg at the The Marquis hall 575 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn 8:00pm
Nassie Hayeshiva Harav Malkiel Kotler shlita will speak at 9:30 pm
-Yeshiva Beth Yehuda of Detroit, Lakewood Parlor meeting/ Sefer Torah campaign in Memory of Rav Shmuel Kaufman ZT"L at 228 Powderhorn Drive, Lakewood, NJ 8:00pm Divrei Bracha by Harav Yeruchom Olshin Shlita
The Purim Room Now Open at Toys for Thought
Saturday, February 10, 2018
Motzei Shabbos Parshas Mishpatim Lakewood 5778
-YTT Dinner Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder Guest Speaker Harav Simcha Bunim Cohen Shlita
-Torah Umesorah lakewood Parlor meeting with Hagaon Harav Dovid Feinstein Shlita at 1528 Laguna Lane. Lakewood 9:15 pm
-Mesivta Meor Hatorah R' Shabsi Brody, Parlor meeting 25 Garfield, Lakewood, NJ Divrei Brahcha Hagaon Harav Yeruchom Olshin Shlita 8:00 pm
-Shloshim for R' Dovid Ozer Notis zt"l at B"M Zichron Shneur 280 Oak Knoll, Lakewood 8:45 Pm Divrei Hesped by Rav Osher Chaim Lieberman shlita, Harav Yitzchok Sorotzkin Shlita, R' Shimon Notis shlita.
- Lakewood Kollel Boker Yeshiva Chaim Berlin Melava Malka at 8:30pm at 13 Jessica Court, Jackson NJ.
-Camp Kevutza Reunion at Tashbar 82 Oak from 8:30- 10:00 pm
-Siyum Maseches Sota Lakewood Commons Rebeim Kollel 8:30 pm Simcha hall
-OTL Cafe will be open Motzei Shabbos! Fresh Sushi made on premises!
264 Cedar Bridge Avenue, Lakewood, NJ
-Torah Umesorah lakewood Parlor meeting with Hagaon Harav Dovid Feinstein Shlita at 1528 Laguna Lane. Lakewood 9:15 pm
-Mesivta Meor Hatorah R' Shabsi Brody, Parlor meeting 25 Garfield, Lakewood, NJ Divrei Brahcha Hagaon Harav Yeruchom Olshin Shlita 8:00 pm
-Shloshim for R' Dovid Ozer Notis zt"l at B"M Zichron Shneur 280 Oak Knoll, Lakewood 8:45 Pm Divrei Hesped by Rav Osher Chaim Lieberman shlita, Harav Yitzchok Sorotzkin Shlita, R' Shimon Notis shlita.
- Lakewood Kollel Boker Yeshiva Chaim Berlin Melava Malka at 8:30pm at 13 Jessica Court, Jackson NJ.
-Camp Kevutza Reunion at Tashbar 82 Oak from 8:30- 10:00 pm
-Siyum Maseches Sota Lakewood Commons Rebeim Kollel 8:30 pm Simcha hall
-OTL Cafe will be open Motzei Shabbos! Fresh Sushi made on premises!
264 Cedar Bridge Avenue, Lakewood, NJ
Friday, February 9, 2018
ערב שבת קודש פרשת משפטים פרשת שקלים שבת מברכים חודש אדר Lakewood Zmanim
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מחצית השקל |
-Candle lighting 5:07 am
-Shkia 5:25 pm
-weather: high of 57 chance of rain Shabbos afternoon
-Rosh Chodesh Adar is Thursday and Friday -Molad for Chodesh Adar is · Thursday afternoon, 9 minutes and 3 chalakim after 3:00 pm.
- Loitzk Rebbe will spend Shabbos in Lakewood at Bais Elimelech 105. E Harvard Friday night Tish will start at 9:30 pm
מעדני הפרשה ערש"ק פר' משפטים שקלים תשע"ח
ואם בפרשת שקלים עסקינן, כדאי לשים לב, כי המסכת היחידה שהיא רק 'ירושלמי' ומצאה את מקומה בש"ס 'בבלי' זו מסכת שקלים, כי כאשר 'ירושלמי' זקוק לשקלים הוא הולך לגלות 'בבל' לקוששם. ולכן מובן למה מודגש שם התנא 'רבי נתן הבבלי' שאם הוא 'נתן' הוא 'בבלי', כי ירושלמי הוא ר' לקח ולא רבי נתן
השבת כבר קוראים פרשת שקלים, והשבת שאחריה 'ויקחו לי תרומה', אמרו הבדחנים: כי הלא ידוע השאלה למה נתנו 2 לוחות? והתשובה: כי כאשר סובב המלאך בין כל העמים ושאלם אם ברצונם לקבל הלוחות, שאלו: מה כתיב בהו?, אך כאשר שאל את עם ישראל, שאלו אותו: מה המחיר? ענה: בחינם. אם כך תתן 2, ענו מיניה וביה. לכן מיד אח"כ מגיע פרשת מחצית השקל ופרשת ויקחו לי תרומה, ללמדנו כי יש מחיר, ועם ישראל נתבעים ונותנים, ואנו מוכנים לשלם בחפץ לב כל מחיר (אכן בתי הכנסת של התימנים והפרסים סגורים בשבתות אלו, אין תרומה ואין שקלים).
השבת כבר קוראים פרשת שקלים, והשבת שאחריה 'ויקחו לי תרומה', אמרו הבדחנים: כי הלא ידוע השאלה למה נתנו 2 לוחות? והתשובה: כי כאשר סובב המלאך בין כל העמים ושאלם אם ברצונם לקבל הלוחות, שאלו: מה כתיב בהו?, אך כאשר שאל את עם ישראל, שאלו אותו: מה המחיר? ענה: בחינם. אם כך תתן 2, ענו מיניה וביה. לכן מיד אח"כ מגיע פרשת מחצית השקל ופרשת ויקחו לי תרומה, ללמדנו כי יש מחיר, ועם ישראל נתבעים ונותנים, ואנו מוכנים לשלם בחפץ לב כל מחיר (אכן בתי הכנסת של התימנים והפרסים סגורים בשבתות אלו, אין תרומה ואין שקלים).
Thursday, February 8, 2018
Hook up phone to Levaya 605-468-8008 pin number 445566 at 9:45 am. It is with great sadness that reports the passing of R’ Shlomo Eliyahu Brustowsky z”l of Lakewood, NJ, He was 29 years old.
Reb Shlomo Eliyahu suffered from a protracted illness, enduring tremendous yissurim. His pure neshamah returned to its Creator this evening, plunging family and friends into mourning. Reb Shlomo Eliyahu was a son of Rabbi and Mrs. Aaron and Miriam Brustowsky. Rav Aaron is a longtime mechanech at the Lakewood Cheder and a renowned baal tefillah at Beth Medrash Govoha.
Reb Shlomo Eliyahu leaves behind his wife, Shayna, and one child.
The levayah will be held at place R' Newman's yeshiva Mayan Hatalmud tomorrow at 9:45am 101 Milton Street, Lakewood, NJ. Yehi zichro boruch. It is with great sadness that reports the passing of R’ Shlomo Eliyahu Brustowsky z”l of Lakewood, NJ, He was 29 years old.
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Photo credit LNN |
Reb Shlomo Eliyahu leaves behind his wife, Shayna, and one child.
The levayah will be held at place R' Newman's yeshiva Mayan Hatalmud tomorrow at 9:45am 101 Milton Street, Lakewood, NJ. Yehi zichro boruch.
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