A voice for the Tzibbur by the Tzibbur- overcoming challenges. We take no responsibility for comments posted you are solely responsible for any comments you make and their accuracy. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for any comments posted by you or any third-party.
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Body recovered in Lakewood, Lake Shanendoah
NJ.com LAKEWOOD — Authorities recovered a body from Lake Shenandoah Sunday morning, ending a search that began Friday evening, Lakewood police said. The body was recovered early Sunday, Lakewood police spokesman Lt. Gregory Staffordsmith. Police did not immediately identify the person. read more HERE
Friday, July 29, 2016
ערב שבת פרשת פינחס שבת מברכים חודש מנחם אב
Zemanim for Lakewood, NJ Parahas Pinchos July,29 2016 - 23 Tamuz 5776
Candle lighting 7:55
Shkiah 8:13
Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av: Friday, Aug. 5th
The Molad is on Wednesday August 3, 2016 1:12 pm (2 chalakim)
Bochur injured in Brick crash thanks the klal for their Tefillos
One of the bochurim injured in a car accident at the Brick Lakewood border in June, thanked everyone for their tefillos in a letter posted on Matzav.com .
Many of you know me as Yehuda Nesanel ben Basha Baila, as you have been davening for me since the car accident at the beginning of June that almost took my life. Those in the medical field attest that the fact that I am writing this note at this juncture is miraculous. I say that it is thanks to all of your tefillos. I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to Jews around the world, most of whom do not know me, who have davened for me.
Many of you know me as Yehuda Nesanel ben Basha Baila, as you have been davening for me since the car accident at the beginning of June that almost took my life. Those in the medical field attest that the fact that I am writing this note at this juncture is miraculous. I say that it is thanks to all of your tefillos. I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to Jews around the world, most of whom do not know me, who have davened for me.
NWS: flood advisory for Ocean county rain most of the day
The NWS issued a flood advisory shortly before 8 a.m. Friday, warning of flooding in low-lying areas in Monmouth and Ocean counties and parts of Mercer and Middlesex counties as well. Advisory is until noon EDT Today
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Things to do tonight in Lakewood
-Balloon Sculpting- At the Lakewood Library for tweens and teens on how to make balloon creations with a seasonal twist sign up here at 7-8:30 pm
-Community forum with law enforcement at the Lakewood Township Municipal Auditorium 321 Third Street, Lakewood, NJ Thursday ,July 28, 2016 @ 7:00PM.
-Community forum with law enforcement at the Lakewood Township Municipal Auditorium 321 Third Street, Lakewood, NJ Thursday ,July 28, 2016 @ 7:00PM.
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Lakewood events July 27 2016
-Pearl Blau parlor meeting Glatt Ambiance hall in Glatt bite 7:15 pm
-Torah Temima Lakewood Dinner 8:30 Tiferes Bais Yaakov hall 613 Oak street
-Cheder Toras Zev annual Dinner Neeimas Hachaim hall 7:30 pm
-Yeshiva Noam Hatalmud (R' Uri M. Kanarek) Parlor meeting at 8:15 pm
-Shidduch meeting event live hook up from Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky 419 8th Street 10:00 pm
-Torah Temima Lakewood Dinner 8:30 Tiferes Bais Yaakov hall 613 Oak street
-Cheder Toras Zev annual Dinner Neeimas Hachaim hall 7:30 pm
-Yeshiva Noam Hatalmud (R' Uri M. Kanarek) Parlor meeting at 8:15 pm
-Shidduch meeting event live hook up from Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky 419 8th Street 10:00 pm
Shiva info for R' Tzvi Rackoff z"l
Shiva for R' Tzvi Rackoff z"l צבי אריה בן נחום אהרון is at 101 E Harvard Street between Park Ave & East End Ave. Only Mrs. Chana Elisheva Rackoff is sitting at this location, the rest of the family parents and siblings is sitting in Passaic. (Misaskim)
The family will be sitting Shiva at the Rackoff home at 411 Rutherford Blvd. Clifton NJ. Message from the family: “Your support through this trying time was so uplifting to us and your Tefillos were priceless and are surely accompanying Tzvi and bringing many Yeshous to all of Klal Yisrael.”
The family will be sitting Shiva at the Rackoff home at 411 Rutherford Blvd. Clifton NJ. Message from the family: “Your support through this trying time was so uplifting to us and your Tefillos were priceless and are surely accompanying Tzvi and bringing many Yeshous to all of Klal Yisrael.”
A thank you letter to Mesameach from a Lakewood family
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Yosef Grady Zt"l |
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Reb Meir Baal Hanes Kollel Shomrei Hachomos Annual Lakewood Dinner Live hook up answering Lakewood shailos

Reb Meir Baal Hanes Kollel Shomrei Hachomos Annual Lakewood Dinner TONIGHT, July 26, 2016 Tiferes Bais Yaakov Hall 613 Oak Street, Lakewood, NJ Reception: 8:45 Program: 10:00pm Sharp Elegant Buffet By Tessler Catering HISTORIC EVENT FEATURING LIVE VIDEO HOOKUP FROM ERETZ YISROEL WITH Q&A AND DIVREI BRACHA BY POSEK HADOR MARAN HAGAON RAV MOSHE STERNBUCH SHLITA RA'AVAD EIDAH HACHAREIDIS
Oif Simchas Lakewood July 26, 2016
Vort: Chosson Usher Weldler (Monsey) to Kallah Esty Stern Bas R' Shayki (Lkwd) Tues 7:30 at Khal Chasidim hall 1401 Cedar Row corner 14th st.
Vort: Chosson Gershon Landynski is engaged to Gitty Rottenberg from Antwerp tonight at 8:15 in Beis Hora'ah, corner 4th & Madison Lakewood
Vort: Chosson Sruly Goodman to Kallah, Goldstein (Baltimore) at Westgate Simcha hall 100 Ropschitz ct. 7:30 pm
Vort: Chosson Gershon Landynski is engaged to Gitty Rottenberg from Antwerp tonight at 8:15 in Beis Hora'ah, corner 4th & Madison Lakewood
Vort: Chosson Sruly Goodman to Kallah, Goldstein (Baltimore) at Westgate Simcha hall 100 Ropschitz ct. 7:30 pm
Yeshiva Bais Reuvain Kamenitz gives plaque to LPD
Newly named Chief, Capt. Gregory Meyer and Capt Tom Langenberger graciously accept a plaque of appreciation that was given to us by Rabbi Avrohom Rabin and Staff from the Bais Reuven Kamenitz School. In attendance were approximately 150 students ranging from First to Fourth grade. (LPD FB page)
Shloshim seuda for Habachur Yosef Greidi Z'L
Friends and family of Habachur Yosef Greidi Z''L will be hosting a shloshim seuda and azkara this evening in Lakewood. The event will take place at Yeshiva Bais Pinchos 1951 New Central Avenue. Mincha at 7:30pm followed by the Siyum, Seuda and divrei zikaron.
Change of date for Annual Night Out Against Crime
The Lakewood Police Department invites the entire Lakewood Community to its Annual Night Out Against Crime. Tuesday August 2, 2016 4pm - 8pm Lakewood Pine Park (Country Club Drive & County Line Rd) on the township summer schedule the original date was August 9th. HERE (that would have been during the 9 days) Admission is free and includes bicycle raffles, free giveaways, pony rides, LSCW Bike Registration, Lakewood First Aid & Extrication Demo, Ocean County Sheriff K9 Demo, and the State Police
Monday, July 25, 2016
NWS: Flash flood alert for Lakewood
The National Weather Service issued a flash flood warning to Lakewood and surrounding areas. Avoid potential flood zones or streets that are known to flood.
Tonight: Ahavas Tzedaka of Lakewood annual dinner
July,25- 6th annual Dinner for Ahavas Tzedaka of Lakewood At Ateres Chana hall reception 7:15 Dinner 8:15 9:45-11:00 Buffet and zemiros. Come show your support for Dr. and Mrs. Shanik who are always there for the community.
Artillery training at Joint base MDL
Posted July, 22 on the JBMDL Facebook page For the next week, we''ll have some field artillery units training on our ranges firing mortars and Howitzers. Noise may be louder during cloudy or overcast weather. As always, JB MDL is committed to being good neighbors, and we SO greatly appreciate your patience as we train our nation's fighting force. Thank you!
BDE R' Tzvi Rackoff Z'L
After a short illness R''L Reb Tzvi Rackoff a''h Passed away early this morning. Levaya will take place in Lakewood 11:30am at the 7th street chapel, kevurah is in Clifton, NJ. R' Tzvi Aryeh, (27) originally from Passaic and a son in law of Rabbi and Mrs. Yaakov Weinberger of Lakewood. He was a Chaver kolell at Beth Medrash Govoha he leaves behind a wife and 1 child May the mishpacha know of no more tzaar.
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Tehillim and Kinus Hisoirerus
A Kinus Hisoirerus will take place today at 6 pm as a zechus and refuah Sheleima for R' Shmaya Dovid Yaakov ben Malka (Shulman) who was injured in a car accident last week at the Lakewood Howell border. It will take Place today Sunday at Rav Nosson Stein's yeshiva at the corner of 9th Street and Monmouth Ave at 6 pm.
Going to Philly? CHOP? DNC? expect road closures this week

New bus route Lakewood to the Catskills
Bus service from Lakewood to the Catskills Sundays and Fridays $40 one way children under 3 free per adult. For more info call 718-599-5040
To the Catskills from Lakewood:
Locust Street @ Harmony Park Sunday 4:40 pm Friday 9:55 am
Seasons supermarket Sunday 4:45 pm Friday 10:00 am
Forest and 9th street Sunday 4:55 pm Friday 10:10 am
To the Catskills from Lakewood:
Locust Street @ Harmony Park Sunday 4:40 pm Friday 9:55 am
Seasons supermarket Sunday 4:45 pm Friday 10:00 am
Forest and 9th street Sunday 4:55 pm Friday 10:10 am
Fast of Shiva Assar B'Tamuz (Nidchah) Lakewood, NJ
Sunday July 24th, שבעה עשר בתמוז -נדחה High of 92 degrees at 1 pm
Shkia 8:17 fast is over 9:05 pm
-Divrei chizuk for women and girls high school age and over at the Bais Faiga Gratter building 1:30 pm by Rav Nechemia Gramma shlita "connecting to the Churban". Admission: Women $10 students $5.
-Live stream Shiva Assar B'Tamuz program at 3 pm HERE
-BM of Kelmwoods Westgate Rav Dovid Schustal after 7:40 mincha.
-B'M Albert: Rav Avrohom Greenfeld Shlita will be speaking B'Inyana diyoma at 8:20 followed by Maariv at 8:58 pm.
Shkia 8:17 fast is over 9:05 pm
-Divrei chizuk for women and girls high school age and over at the Bais Faiga Gratter building 1:30 pm by Rav Nechemia Gramma shlita "connecting to the Churban". Admission: Women $10 students $5.
-Live stream Shiva Assar B'Tamuz program at 3 pm HERE
-BM of Kelmwoods Westgate Rav Dovid Schustal after 7:40 mincha.
-B'M Albert: Rav Avrohom Greenfeld Shlita will be speaking B'Inyana diyoma at 8:20 followed by Maariv at 8:58 pm.
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Friday, July 22, 2016
ערב שבת פרשת בלק Zmanim for Lakewood, NJ
מַה-טֹּבוּ אֹהָלֶיךָ, יַעֲקֹב; מִשְׁכְּנֹתֶיךָ, יִשְׂרָאֵל כִּנְחָלִים נִטָּיוּ, כְּגַנֹּת עֲלֵי נָהָר
Hadlokas Neiros \ candle lighting 8:01 pm
Shkiah 8:19 pm
Sunday, July 24, 2016 / XVIII Tammuz nine years
Fast of 17 Tamuz begins Sunday morning at Alos 4:36 am
Shabbos day-Hazy, hot and humid. Chance of a late-day t-storm. Winds will be WSW 5-15 MPH. The temperature will be 98 degrees.
SUNDAY -Hazy sunshine, hot and humid. Highs near 94. Lows near 76.
Hadlokas Neiros \ candle lighting 8:01 pm
Shkiah 8:19 pm
Sunday, July 24, 2016 / XVIII Tammuz nine years
Fast of 17 Tamuz begins Sunday morning at Alos 4:36 am
Shabbos day-Hazy, hot and humid. Chance of a late-day t-storm. Winds will be WSW 5-15 MPH. The temperature will be 98 degrees.
SUNDAY -Hazy sunshine, hot and humid. Highs near 94. Lows near 76.
Ocean county Heatwave alert for the weekend and Sunday 17th of Tammuz (Nidcheh)
The National Weather Service has issued an EXCESSIVE HEAT WATCH for COASTAL OCEAN, EASTERN MONMOUTH, OCEAN, and WESTERN MONMOUTH county, effective through MON at 6:00 PM.Temps are expected to reach 100 degrees on The weekend with a high humidity. Those fasting on Sunday should make sure to keep hydrated and stay indoors with AC. Since shiva asar B'Tamuz this year falls out is on shabbos, the fast is observed on Sunday the 18th.
Photos: Lakewood Rosh yeshiva Rav Yerucham Olshin on the chizuk mission to Moscow, Vilna and Eastern Europe
A delegation Led by The Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Rav Yerucham Olshin on behalf of operation open curtain to visit yeshivos and kollelim in Russia. The delegation visited kevarim of the Vilna Gaon, Rav Chaim Ozer Grodzenky ztl and went on the Yartzheit of Rav Elchanan Wasserman HY'D at the 9th fort in Kovno where he was killed along with many other kedoshim. Photos by JDN more pics & video HERE
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Kever HaGra |
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Lakewood events- Simchas Thursday July 21
-Parlor meeting Vaad Lhtzolas Nidchei Yisrael at Esther Gerber hall 6th and Madison 8:45 pm, hot buffet Rav Shlomo Feivel Schustal guest speaker
-Bluzhev Rebbe Rav Moshe SPira in Lakewood for Yartzheit seuda of his father previous Rebbe at yeshiva Shaar Hatorah 360 Ridge avenue after 9:25 Maariv
-Wedding- Samet- Krupenia at Neeimas Hachaim hall
-Sitorsky- Rozeman Chasunah at Ateres Chana Hall
-Gerstel- Loebenstein wedding at Ateres Reva Hall Lakewood, NJ
-Bluzhev Rebbe Rav Moshe SPira in Lakewood for Yartzheit seuda of his father previous Rebbe at yeshiva Shaar Hatorah 360 Ridge avenue after 9:25 Maariv
-Wedding- Samet- Krupenia at Neeimas Hachaim hall
-Sitorsky- Rozeman Chasunah at Ateres Chana Hall
-Gerstel- Loebenstein wedding at Ateres Reva Hall Lakewood, NJ
Rav Shmuel Kaufman Zt'L from Detroit, Levaya in Lakewood tomorrow
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Photo: Yated.com |
Born in New York, Rav Kaufman was a son of Rabbi and Mrs. Fishel and Fraida Kaufman. Fraida, Rav Kaufman’s mother, was a daughter of the great tzaddik, Rav Yaakov Yosef Herman zt”l, Torah pioneer of All for the Boss fame.
BMG is #1
Its #1 because of the thousands who are learning Torah Lishma.
Cross- Currents
The chart lists the universities that produced the highest pass rate for those taking CPA exam for the first time. Ostensibly, this reflects both the quality of student an educational experience that positions candidates to get it right from the beginning. Outside of our circles, many must be scratching their heads. Is Beth Medrash Govoha a branch of Princeton? Rutgers?
Cross- Currents
The chart lists the universities that produced the highest pass rate for those taking CPA exam for the first time. Ostensibly, this reflects both the quality of student an educational experience that positions candidates to get it right from the beginning. Outside of our circles, many must be scratching their heads. Is Beth Medrash Govoha a branch of Princeton? Rutgers?
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Video: Dr. Meir Wikler monthly Lakewood vaad
Oif Simches
Pekeris-Owsianka chasunah at Lakewood Cheder hall
Schiff- Trainer Wedding at Ateres Reva hall
Jacobs- MInzer wedding at Lake Terrace hall, Lakewood
Vort: Chosson Tzvi Friedman ben R' Moshe(Montreal) to HaKallah Bas R' Doniel Rottenberg at Ateres Yeshaya hall, Lakewood, NJ 08701
Schiff- Trainer Wedding at Ateres Reva hall
Jacobs- MInzer wedding at Lake Terrace hall, Lakewood
Vort: Chosson Tzvi Friedman ben R' Moshe(Montreal) to HaKallah Bas R' Doniel Rottenberg at Ateres Yeshaya hall, Lakewood, NJ 08701
Lakewood events July 20 2016
-Mesivta of North Jersey parlor meeting 136 Sunset Lakewood, NJ guest speaker Harav Yeruchem Olshin shlita 7:30 pm
-Lakewood Hatzolah auction event watch HERE
-Mesivta Eitz Chaim of South Fallsburg Lakewood perlor meeting at 5 Ilan court, Guest speker Harav Malkiel Kotler shlita 9:30 pm
-Yartzheit gathering for Harav Mottel Weinberg Z'TL at 9 13th street in BM zichron Moshe 9:50 pm
-Lakewood Hatzolah auction event watch HERE
-Mesivta Eitz Chaim of South Fallsburg Lakewood perlor meeting at 5 Ilan court, Guest speker Harav Malkiel Kotler shlita 9:30 pm
-Yartzheit gathering for Harav Mottel Weinberg Z'TL at 9 13th street in BM zichron Moshe 9:50 pm
Driver airlifted to hospital following crash
Tehillim-Please Daven for Shmaya Dovid Yaakov ben Malka injured in this morning's accident.
Earlier today at the Lakewood Howell border on rt 9 a dump truck and car collided pinning the driver. A medivac was requested it landed at the BJ's parking lot in Howell
Lakewood: News Photos and videos
Schi Challenge video below
Video: Lakewood media covering the RNC convention in Cleveland
Gourgeous Lakewood weather today, heatwave over the weekend
Today we get a break from the heat with temps in the low 80's but more so a very low humidity making it a enjoyable day to be outdoors. For the weekend thats a different story as forecasters predict a excessive heatwave temps will again soar into the 90s to near 100 degrees or above this weekend through Monday. On Sunday Shiva Asar B'Tamuz (Nidcha) the fast day, temps will be in the low 90's with high humidity.
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Oif Simches
Shachar- Gartenhaus Chasunah at Ateres Reva hall
Gelbaum- Newman wedding at Neeimas Hachaim hall
Roszenstock- Katz wedding at Lakewood cheder hall
Gelbaum- Newman wedding at Neeimas Hachaim hall
Roszenstock- Katz wedding at Lakewood cheder hall
Lakewood events Tuesday July 19 2016
-Yeshiva Gedolah Bais Knesses Yisrael annual reception (Rav Yaakov Kokis R'Y) at 619 6th street 8:30 pm Rav Uren Reich guest speaker
-Chai Life Lakewood annual reception Ateres Chana hall 8:30 pm
-Yartzheit Seudah and siyum For Haavreich Rav Yisrael Meir Yagen Z''TL tonight At Binyan Hertzka Bais Esther hall 8:30 pm
-Shloshim azkara and Siyum Hamishnayos for Rav Yitzchok Meir Weisberger Z''tl at B"M Bais Elimelech 105 East Harvard St. 6:30 pm
-Yeshiva Toras Emes 13th Anniversary Dinner at Bnos Devorah hall 360 Oak Street. 7:30 pm.
-Chai Life Lakewood annual reception Ateres Chana hall 8:30 pm
-Yartzheit Seudah and siyum For Haavreich Rav Yisrael Meir Yagen Z''TL tonight At Binyan Hertzka Bais Esther hall 8:30 pm
-Shloshim azkara and Siyum Hamishnayos for Rav Yitzchok Meir Weisberger Z''tl at B"M Bais Elimelech 105 East Harvard St. 6:30 pm
-Yeshiva Toras Emes 13th Anniversary Dinner at Bnos Devorah hall 360 Oak Street. 7:30 pm.
It was a commercial
Last Thursday a video clip was shown of some guys playing or at least pretending to be playing pokemon go in front of a Yeshiva. It appeared to be a joke, but subliminally it might have portrayed talmidei chachomim in a bad light. Turns out it was part of a scene filmed in Lakewood for a kiruv organization to pair up chavrusah mates. Lesson, dont judge until you see the whole picture.
Monday, July 18, 2016
Lakewood, NJ -VS- Dallas, Texas

Oif Simches
Weissman- Pick wedding at Ateres Reva hall
Lemberger -Spinrad at Lakewood Cheder Hall
Katz-Lieb Chasunah at Lake Terrace hall, Lakewood
Lemberger -Spinrad at Lakewood Cheder Hall
Katz-Lieb Chasunah at Lake Terrace hall, Lakewood
Chacham Yitzchak Yosef to visit Deal tonight
Join Us in Welcoming The Chief Rabbi of Israel Hacham Yitzchak Yosef Tonight! Monday, July 18th 8:30pm Sharp Cong. Magen David of West Deal 395 Deal Road, Ocean, NJ.
Potential Haz-Mat incident in the area of Rt 9 and Birch Street.
LPD: Potential Haz-Mat incident in the area of Rt 9 and Birch Street. Please avoid the area. Agency is currently involved in a police activity in Location/Area. Please avoid this area for the next Time frame. Relevant details Instructions Please avoid the area. Find alternate route until further notice. Thank you
New sephardic center in Lakewood opened its doors this shabbos
By, Rabbi Ovadia
What a tremendous turnout for our first Shabbat! We will be getting more chairs and tables to fit almost forty people.
The excitement that filled the air was truly special. Boys read portions of the Tefilla, and enlisted their fathers to teach them more, my daughters joined me in shul and felt at home, and so many people came forward vying to be part of building a community center and Bet Kenesset, Baruch Hashem. Bookshelves, Humashim, lighting, Kiddush - everyone wanted to participate in some way, and this is exactly what we are hoping to create.
As someone noted: "This will inspire our next generation to do and to lead"...
What a tremendous turnout for our first Shabbat! We will be getting more chairs and tables to fit almost forty people.
The excitement that filled the air was truly special. Boys read portions of the Tefilla, and enlisted their fathers to teach them more, my daughters joined me in shul and felt at home, and so many people came forward vying to be part of building a community center and Bet Kenesset, Baruch Hashem. Bookshelves, Humashim, lighting, Kiddush - everyone wanted to participate in some way, and this is exactly what we are hoping to create.
As someone noted: "This will inspire our next generation to do and to lead"...
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Oif Simches
Lorbart -Elazary wedding Lake Terrace hall Lakewood
Zipper- Burszytyn Chasunah Ateres Chana hall
Housman- Klugman wedding Ateres Reva hall
Zipper- Burszytyn Chasunah Ateres Chana hall
Housman- Klugman wedding Ateres Reva hall
Sunday: Things to do
Jersey Shore Hatzalah Carnival Sunday, July 17th, 2016 11am-6pm At the JCC 100 Grant Ave, Deal, New Jersey
Keren Hakayitz Bike a thon for boys 3-8 grade 4- 6 pm at First energy park. $50 minimum to join.
Lakewood: Finnigan's Lanes kids bowl free register Here
Howell: Howell Lanes $2 shoes $2 games
Boating- Lake Carasaljo, Manasquan,
Parks: Mantolooking playground Cedarbridge Avenue to the end make a left before the Draw Bridge. Beautiful playground for kids on the bay. Watch boat launches fishing Crabbing and more.
Keren Hakayitz Bike a thon for boys 3-8 grade 4- 6 pm at First energy park. $50 minimum to join.
Lakewood: Finnigan's Lanes kids bowl free register Here
Howell: Howell Lanes $2 shoes $2 games
Boating- Lake Carasaljo, Manasquan,
Parks: Mantolooking playground Cedarbridge Avenue to the end make a left before the Draw Bridge. Beautiful playground for kids on the bay. Watch boat launches fishing Crabbing and more.
Store updates
BD'E Mr. Eli Freundlich Z'L
Levaya of Mr. Eli Freundlich today in Lakewood. He was 91 years old. (Matzav)
The levayah will take place today, at noon, at at Congregation Sons of Israel’s Holocaust Memorial Chapel, located at 613 Ramsey Street, off of East 7th Street, in Lakewood, NJ. The family will be observing shivah at the Zucker home(daughter) in Village Park in Lakewood, NJ.
In his youth, Mr. Freundlich attended Yeshiva Torah Vodaas in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
The levayah will take place today, at noon, at at Congregation Sons of Israel’s Holocaust Memorial Chapel, located at 613 Ramsey Street, off of East 7th Street, in Lakewood, NJ. The family will be observing shivah at the Zucker home(daughter) in Village Park in Lakewood, NJ.
In his youth, Mr. Freundlich attended Yeshiva Torah Vodaas in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
Friday, July 15, 2016
ערב שבת פרשת חקת Zemanim for Lakewood, NJ
Friday, July 15, 2016 / ט' תמוז תשע"ו ערב שבת פרשת חקת
Candle lighting 8:06
Shkiah 8:24
Visiting day shabbos
-KZY: R' Zalmen Raber will be Speaking for the Women this Shabbos afternoon at 5:15 in the Ezras Noshim. All women are invited!!
-Kol Aryeh No womans shiur this shabbos
Candle lighting 8:06
Shkiah 8:24
Visiting day shabbos
-KZY: R' Zalmen Raber will be Speaking for the Women this Shabbos afternoon at 5:15 in the Ezras Noshim. All women are invited!!
-Kol Aryeh No womans shiur this shabbos
Free document shredding this Friday in Lakewood
LAKEWOOD- Public Works Yard 1 America Ave. Friday, July 15
9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
LAKEWOOD- Public Works Yard 1 America Ave. Friday, July 15
9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Oif Simches
Flagler- Brotsky wedding at Ateres Chana hall
Grossman- Halpern Chasunah at Lake Terrace
Simon- Mintz chasunah at Ateres Reva hall
Grossman- Halpern Chasunah at Lake Terrace
Simon- Mintz chasunah at Ateres Reva hall
ליקווד ׳פוקימון׳
ניו ג׳רזי. גם בליקווד החרדית יוצאים אברכים ובני ישיבה במרדף אחרי ה׳פוקימון׳. pic.twitter.com/bTHBa58Hqj— ישראל כהן (@Israelcohen911) July 14, 2016
NWS: 101-Degree Heat Index In N.J The afternoon heat will be followed by a thunderstorm threat.
NWS- Extreme heat Thursday will give way to potentially strong thunderstorms later in the day in New Jersey, forecasters with the National Weather Service are warning. There is an excessive heat warning in place through 8 p.m. Friday. Heat index values as high as 101 are possible Thursday throughout the region, according to forecasters. On Thursday evening, there is also a threat of thunderstorms that could be severe in some places.
LPD statement on new chief
Over the past 10 years we have been led by Chief Robert Lawson who has devoted over 35 years of his life to our great agency.
At the end of this month the chief will retire and now, officially announced in yesterday's public ceremony, he will pass the office of the Chief of Police to Captain Gregory Meyer.
Captain Meyer has already taken great steps to continue the advancement and the growth of the police department. Most recently, in conjunction with the
At the end of this month the chief will retire and now, officially announced in yesterday's public ceremony, he will pass the office of the Chief of Police to Captain Gregory Meyer.
Captain Meyer has already taken great steps to continue the advancement and the growth of the police department. Most recently, in conjunction with the
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Oif Simches/Events

-Frischman- Kaufman Chasunah at Lake Terrace hall
-Goodman- Pollack wedding at Ateres Reva .hall
-Klein- Ganzvi wedding at Lakewood cheder
-Magid- Frank wedding at Ateres Chana hall
-Yartzheit Seuda for Rav Zalman Malinowitz Z"tl at Bnos Bracha hall 9:15 pm
-Vort: Shain - Itzkowitz at TBY hall on Oak st.
-Chai Lifeline Chestnut Parlor meeting 1172 Coughlin street
Pokémon PokéStops in Lakewood.

2016 Ocean county fair opens today
The Ocean county fair opens today in Berkeley township,NJ a 30 minute drive from Lakewood. Admission to the fair is $7 for anyone age 10 or older, Children younger than 10 get in free. Its at Robert J. Miller Airpark on Route 530, five miles west of the Garden State Parkway. Take Exit 77. Coming southbound, turn left off the exit ramp onto Double Trouble Road; at the traffic light turn
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Supper/ Oif Simches
-Yartzheit Seudah for Harav Yitzchok Kleiman z'tl tonight at 11th and Lexington shul (R' Gross) 7:30
-BBQ for yeshiva Bais Meir at 75 Shady Lane
-BBQ for Special childrens center 159 Sommerset
Chasuna Lakewood July,12
-Wedding: Slomovitz- Rothstein At Ateres Reva hall, Lakewood
-Wedding: Ganeles- Meisels at Ateres Chana Hall, Lakewood
-Wedding:Goldburd- Furest at Neeimas Hachaim hall
-Wedding: Lake Terrace hall 11 Peice band Teitelbaum, Daskal & Yedidim choir.
-BBQ for yeshiva Bais Meir at 75 Shady Lane
-BBQ for Special childrens center 159 Sommerset
Chasuna Lakewood July,12
-Wedding: Slomovitz- Rothstein At Ateres Reva hall, Lakewood
-Wedding: Ganeles- Meisels at Ateres Chana Hall, Lakewood
-Wedding:Goldburd- Furest at Neeimas Hachaim hall
-Wedding: Lake Terrace hall 11 Peice band Teitelbaum, Daskal & Yedidim choir.
B''H no serious injuries in Lakewood porch collapse
A Rena lane porch collapsed,(Sterling Place) no serious injuries 2 ambulances on location 1 patient requiring ALS (advance life support)
Seasons kosher opens second NJ location
Seasons kosher opened its Clifton, NJ store today serving the Passaic Clifton communities. The store is located in the former Acme at 467 Allwood Road, it will employ about 125 people. The Lakewood store was the first in NJ which opened in March of 2016.
Boyaner Rebbe in Lakewood today
The Boyaner Rebbi from Eretz Yisroel will be davening Mincha in Kol Aryeh today on Hope Chapel at 7:00. pm You can give shalom the rebbe before Mincha. The Rebbe is here for a wedding and will be going next week to Los Angeles
Bikur Cholim of Lakewood 24 hr fundraiser

Tuesday, starting at 2:00 pm EST, you will have the special opportunity to share the burden with Bikur Cholim of Lakewood!
Bikur Cholim of Lakewood has one overriding goal: to help wherever help is needed. It provides free transportation to out-of-town medical appointments, kosher meals and food pantries in area hospitals, and a selection of medical equipment available for loan.
Monday, July 11, 2016
Video: Simply Tsfat in Lakewood
At the home of Dr. Rothkopf this motzei shabbos Video by M. Fund scroll down for more.
Oif Simchas
Gross- Scheinbaum wedding at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood cheder
Zachariash-Skolnik wedding at Ateres Chana hall
Milstein- Friedman Wedding Lake Terrace hall
Zachariash-Skolnik wedding at Ateres Chana hall
Milstein- Friedman Wedding Lake Terrace hall
Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva graces Toldos Aaron siyum hashas in Eretz Yisrael
The Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Rav Malkiel Kotler who is currently in Eretz Yisrael was honored as the "Orach Hatorah" at the amud yomi siyum hashas of Toldos Aaron chasidim taking place tonight in Eretz Yisrael. The event is taking place at the Avenue hall near Ben Gurion airport.
Lakewood Neziros story first reported on Dans Deals Lakewood forums
From Dans Deals yesterday at 5:16 pm that was the first report.
Interesting story happened in Lakewood last week. A class was learning about Nezirus, and a 12 and a half year old boy said I am becoming a Nozir, for a minute. The Halacha is that someone close to 13 (Kotan hasomuch L’ish) can also be mekabel nezirus (and if you make yourself a Nazir for even a short time, it’s automatically for 30 days). Rav Forsheimer was asked and after consulting with Reb Shmuel Kamintesky, said that they have to keep Nezirus till they go to a Rav to Matir it. (not sure if I got all the facts correct).
באחד מתלמודי התורה בעיר ליקווד, למדו בשבוע האחרון בחומש על הנזיר. שני ילדים בני 12, הודיעו במהלך השיעור כי בעקבות לימוד ההלכות הם מקבלים על עצמם להיות נזירים. על פי ההלכה, ברגע
Interesting story happened in Lakewood last week. A class was learning about Nezirus, and a 12 and a half year old boy said I am becoming a Nozir, for a minute. The Halacha is that someone close to 13 (Kotan hasomuch L’ish) can also be mekabel nezirus (and if you make yourself a Nazir for even a short time, it’s automatically for 30 days). Rav Forsheimer was asked and after consulting with Reb Shmuel Kamintesky, said that they have to keep Nezirus till they go to a Rav to Matir it. (not sure if I got all the facts correct).
באחד מתלמודי התורה בעיר ליקווד, למדו בשבוע האחרון בחומש על הנזיר. שני ילדים בני 12, הודיעו במהלך השיעור כי בעקבות לימוד ההלכות הם מקבלים על עצמם להיות נזירים. על פי ההלכה, ברגע
First shabbos Bris held at the old shul
A milestone occasion took place this past shabos in the Old shul of Lakewood. The Old shul as it is called headed by its current Rav, Rabbi Yoffe, was built in the early 1900's. It was the original congregation sons of Israel before the kehilla built another shul on 6th and Madison avenue. It is the oldest shul in Lakewood. Up until this past shabbos the shul never hosted a shabbos Bris since there was no Eruv in the area and people could not bring their baby to shul. A few years a go a new Eruv was constructed in the vicinity of the shul and beyond enabling this opportunity. This shabbos the shul was host to a shabbos bris the first in its long rich history.
Sunday, July 10, 2016
What Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman said when a LPD officer was shot in 2011
From someone who spoke to Rav Steinmans gabbai in 2011 when a Lakewood Police officer was shot while doing a routine patrol.
"Rav Moshe Schneider told me he spoke to Maran Rav Aharon Leib shlit"a this morning and told him that Lakewood is shut down today for the huge funeral
of a police officer that was shot. Maran shlit"a said that this is very important
since killing a policeman is the worst crime because otherwise there is no fear of the law and the Gemara says if not for the fear of the government people would commit crimes against their fellow man and devour them alive"
"Rav Moshe Schneider told me he spoke to Maran Rav Aharon Leib shlit"a this morning and told him that Lakewood is shut down today for the huge funeral
of a police officer that was shot. Maran shlit"a said that this is very important
since killing a policeman is the worst crime because otherwise there is no fear of the law and the Gemara says if not for the fear of the government people would commit crimes against their fellow man and devour them alive"
Oif Simches
-Dinner:- Yeshiva Bais Hatorah at Ateres Reva hall
-Vort: Chosson Aaron Dov Galet to Kallah Bas Reb Berry Kleinbart at Ner Dovid Corner 14th street and Tangelwood, Lakewood 9:00-11:00 PM.
-Wedding: Gradman - Bronspigel at Ateres Chana Hall
-Vort: Chosson Aaron Dov Galet to Kallah Bas Reb Berry Kleinbart at Ner Dovid Corner 14th street and Tangelwood, Lakewood 9:00-11:00 PM.
-Wedding: Gradman - Bronspigel at Ateres Chana Hall
Lakewood Chaveirim look before you lock campaign
Chaveirim of Lakewood, in conjunction with the Lakewood Police Department, has once again launched their ‘Look Before You Lock’ awareness campaign.
The interior temperature of a vehicle can soar to 130 degrees in less than seven minutes during a heat wave. Even with 80-degree temperatures the temperature inside a car can reach 110 degrees in approximately the same amount of time.
Lakewood Chaveirim, as first responders to incidents where a child is left in a vehicle, report that 99.9% of lockouts occur when a parent or caregiver is right there but accidentally locked the keys in the car with a child or children. However, they continue, “we have seen people run into a store to just grab something, leaving their kids out in the car. We aim to strongly discourage this practice, especially in this heat.
The interior temperature of a vehicle can soar to 130 degrees in less than seven minutes during a heat wave. Even with 80-degree temperatures the temperature inside a car can reach 110 degrees in approximately the same amount of time.
Lakewood Chaveirim, as first responders to incidents where a child is left in a vehicle, report that 99.9% of lockouts occur when a parent or caregiver is right there but accidentally locked the keys in the car with a child or children. However, they continue, “we have seen people run into a store to just grab something, leaving their kids out in the car. We aim to strongly discourage this practice, especially in this heat.
Lakewood Bikur cholim T shirt Sunglasses promotion at Gourmet Glatt
Lakewood Bikur Cholim Promoting their 24 hour fundraising campaign which will take place this Tuesday July 12 Goal is to raise 500K.
Bikur Cholim of Lakewood has one overriding goal: to help wherever help is needed. Within a short time, the organization was providing free transportation to out-of-town medical appointments, kosher meals and food pantries in area hospitals, and a selection of medical equipment available for loan. Bikur Cholim of Lakewood now services most of the NJ area hospitals. It sees to the physical and spiritual well-being of patients and their families with food pantries that are restocked daily, as well as comfortable Shabbos
Bikur Cholim of Lakewood has one overriding goal: to help wherever help is needed. Within a short time, the organization was providing free transportation to out-of-town medical appointments, kosher meals and food pantries in area hospitals, and a selection of medical equipment available for loan. Bikur Cholim of Lakewood now services most of the NJ area hospitals. It sees to the physical and spiritual well-being of patients and their families with food pantries that are restocked daily, as well as comfortable Shabbos
New Sephardic Shul & Center in Lakewood
I am truly excited to announce our new Sephardic center and Bet Kenesset in Lakewood, NJ. DONATE HERE
We will be bringing a warm Tefilla, Baqashot, Te'amim, Halacha, Torah study and so much more to residents, visitors and the Sephardic community at large... I am opening this center with one purpose in mind: to serve as a place for my children and their generation to connect with their traditions, to experience them first-hand and to

Lakewood links...
Lakewood Historical Society and the Lakewood Heritage Commission are holding the “Sheldon Wolpin Memorial Car Show 2016” fundraiser Sunday, July 10, 2016, from 2:00 to 5:30 p.m. at the Clarence Brown Pavilion, Pine Park, West County Line Road Lakewood, N.J. Admission for spectators is free.
-Lakewood School district settles 174K lawsuit
-Lakewood school board pays 25k to settle discrimination lawsuit
-NJ drivers a pay tax per mile instead of at the pump
-Lakewood School district settles 174K lawsuit
-Lakewood school board pays 25k to settle discrimination lawsuit
-NJ drivers a pay tax per mile instead of at the pump
Please daven for the zkan Roshei yeshiva in America Harav Yosef Rosenblum shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Sharei Yosher in Boro park. Lakewood Talmid of Rav Aharon Kotler ZT''L.
Name for Tehillim אברהם יוסף בן חיה שרה.
Name for Tehillim אברהם יוסף בן חיה שרה.
Friday, July 8, 2016
LPD: wanted person apprehended
Updated: The man who ran from our Officers last night was just apprehended!
Just a short time ago Officers from Howell Township Police Department arrested Justin Schneider of Brick NJ.
Thank you for the assistance Howell PD!!!
Just a short time ago Officers from Howell Township Police Department arrested Justin Schneider of Brick NJ.
Thank you for the assistance Howell PD!!!
LPD thanks community for thoughtfulness expressed today
ערב שבת פרשת קרח לייקווד
Friday, July 8, 2016 / ב' תמוז תשע"ו
Zmanim for Lakewood , NJ
Candle lighting 8:10 pm
Shkiah 8:28 pm
-Rav Gissinger shul: R' Mosha Jacobowitz will be Speaking for the Women this Shabbos afternoon at 5:15 in the Ezras Noshim. All women are invited!!
-BMG: Siyum and Shalosh seudos commemorating Yartzheit of Rav Shneur Kotler Zatzal mincha at 6:15 followed by Siyum in Beren dining hall.
Zmanim for Lakewood , NJ
Candle lighting 8:10 pm
Shkiah 8:28 pm
-Rav Gissinger shul: R' Mosha Jacobowitz will be Speaking for the Women this Shabbos afternoon at 5:15 in the Ezras Noshim. All women are invited!!
-BMG: Siyum and Shalosh seudos commemorating Yartzheit of Rav Shneur Kotler Zatzal mincha at 6:15 followed by Siyum in Beren dining hall.
Video: Lakewood township commitee meeting 7/7/16
-Township approves purchase of pot hole spray truck
-Committeeman questioned why he is always abstaining from resolutions
-Maser plan meetings will become a public process
-Butch needs more freezer space
Rav appointed at Pine River village sefard minyan
Harav Boruch Saks shlita was recently appointed as Rav of the Pine River village sefard minyan in Lakewood located in the main shul building. Rav Saks is a R''M in Yeshiva of Staten Island and was the Rav of the Agudah Zeirei minyan in Boro park for many years. A Hachtara took place a few weeks ago. He currently lives in the Pine River village senior community.
Agudah joins Lakewood yeshiva in suit against Ocean Township zoning board
Agudath Israel to NJ Federal Court: Ocean Township Zoning Board Violates Yeshiva’s Rights: In a federal lawsuit pitting a major yeshiva against a local zoning board, Agudath Israel of America is contending that the board’s refusal to grant the yeshiva certain zoning variances necessary for the yeshiva to operate is motivated by a political cave-in to anti-charedi bias.
Yeshiva Gedola Na’os Yaakov of Lakewood, New Jersey, under the leadership of the Rosh Hayeshiva Rabbi Shloime Feivel Schustal, has grown rapidly since its inception several years ago, and has far outgrown its current quarters in Lakewood.
Yeshiva Gedola Na’os Yaakov of Lakewood, New Jersey, under the leadership of the Rosh Hayeshiva Rabbi Shloime Feivel Schustal, has grown rapidly since its inception several years ago, and has far outgrown its current quarters in Lakewood.
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Oif Simches
Pollack- Hess wedding at Ateres Chana hall
Levovitz- Wiederman wedding at Lake Terrace
Salel- Nierenberg at Neeimas Hachaim hall Lakewood
Levovitz- Wiederman wedding at Lake Terrace
Salel- Nierenberg at Neeimas Hachaim hall Lakewood
Tonight Lakewood township committee meeting
Thu, July 7, 7:30pm – 8:30pm Municipal Building - Auditorium
ORDINANCES FIRST READING – Second Reading and Public Hearing to be
held on July 21, 2016 -Agenda HERE.
1. A Capital Ordinance of the Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey Providing for the Acquisition of a New Chassis Mounted Spray Patch Truck, and Appropriating $217,000 Therefor, Authorized in and by The Township of Lakewood, in The County Of Ocean, New Jersey.
ORDINANCES FIRST READING – Second Reading and Public Hearing to be
held on July 21, 2016 -Agenda HERE.
1. A Capital Ordinance of the Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey Providing for the Acquisition of a New Chassis Mounted Spray Patch Truck, and Appropriating $217,000 Therefor, Authorized in and by The Township of Lakewood, in The County Of Ocean, New Jersey.
Asifas zikaron and Yartzheit of Rav Shneur Kotler Zatzal - Hakomas Matzeiva for Rebbetzin Rishel Kotler A'H
This shabbos 3 Tamuz will be the 34th Yartzheit of The Lakewood Rosh yeshiva Harav Yosef Chaim Shneur Kotler zatzal. Tonight Thursday evening there will be hespedim in the yeshiva delivered by Rav Shlomo Eisenberger at 6:30 pm in the Beren hall. On Shabbos a siyum and yartzheit seuda will take place in the yeshiva.
This Sunday 4 Tamuz is 12 months since the petira of Rebbetzin Rishel Kotler a"h. A Hakomas matzeiva will take place this Sunday at Har hamenuchos in Yerushalayim. The Lakewood R''Y Rav Malkiel Kotler and other siblings are going to Eretz Yisrael for the Hakomas matzeiva. The actual yartzheit is 4 AV.
This Sunday 4 Tamuz is 12 months since the petira of Rebbetzin Rishel Kotler a"h. A Hakomas matzeiva will take place this Sunday at Har hamenuchos in Yerushalayim. The Lakewood R''Y Rav Malkiel Kotler and other siblings are going to Eretz Yisrael for the Hakomas matzeiva. The actual yartzheit is 4 AV.
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Oif Simchas- Rosh Chodesh Tamuz
-Hisvadus Chasidim with Rav Leima Wilhelm 6 Bartenura Ct Lakewood 9:30
-Vort: Chosson Akiva Ben R' Dan Greenberg Kallah Devorah Bas R Ahron Yechiel Chapler 7:30 pm at Orchos Chaim Hall Oberlin Avenue
-Wedding: Yehoshua Rotstein- Brochie Feinroth Ateres Chana hall
-Wedding:Shmuel Reich- Leah Lebowitz at Neeimas Hachaim hall
-wedding: Mattisyahu Aron Kohn- Esther Spiegel at Ateres Reva
-Vort: Chosson Akiva Ben R' Dan Greenberg Kallah Devorah Bas R Ahron Yechiel Chapler 7:30 pm at Orchos Chaim Hall Oberlin Avenue
-Wedding: Yehoshua Rotstein- Brochie Feinroth Ateres Chana hall
-Wedding:Shmuel Reich- Leah Lebowitz at Neeimas Hachaim hall
-wedding: Mattisyahu Aron Kohn- Esther Spiegel at Ateres Reva
Hillary: Trump did not make furniture in Lakewood, NJ
Name dropping Lakewood.
At her stump speech (16:45) in Atlantic City, NJ today, Hillary Clinton slammed Donald Trump for not being there for American workers. She said Trump furniture is maid in Turkey instead of Lakewood, NJ. Lakewood is not known for a furniture manufacturing town. However this must be good news for local furniture stores let's see if both peesidential nominees will make their next order from stores in Lakewood New Jersey..@HillaryClinton slams .@realDonaldTrump for not making furniture in Lakewood,NJ— nycphotog (@nycphotog) July 6, 2016
Waiting for Trump to respond. pic.twitter.com/YgHd1LOIBV
Heat advisory in effect as heat wave expected in NJ
After escaping high heat over the Fourth of July weekend, temperatures soar into the 90s F and humidity levels will climb for the middle and latter part of the week. "An official heat wave is likely to occur along the I-95 corridor from Washington, D.C. to Philadelphia," AccuWeather Meteorologist Brett Rathbun said. "This will be the hottest weather so far this year." Tomorrow will be mostly sunny and humid with a high of 90-95. Thursday Mostly sunny and humid with a slight chance of a PM shower/storm with a high of 90-95. Friday sun then clouds with showers and storms in the afternoon with a high of 90-95. Higher humidity,will create even higher temperatures. Be sure to drink plenty of water,
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Oif Simchas
-Vort: Hachosson Avrohom Yeshaya Schnurmann to Kallah Elisheva Leib tonight at Ateres Yeshsaya hall, Lakewood 7:30 pm.
-Vort: Chosson Shimon Kamemetzky to Kallah bas R' Yisroel Solomom(Staten Island) at Stolin hall 153 East 7th street Lakewood, NJ at 8:00 pm
Weddings July 5,2016
-Rubnitz-Kleinman Lake Terrace hall Lakewood
-Geretz- Brog at Ateres Chana hall, Lakewood
-Levi- Schlom chasunah at Ateres Reva hall Lakewood
-Friedman- Breslauer at Lakewood cheder hall
-Vort: Chosson Shimon Kamemetzky to Kallah bas R' Yisroel Solomom(Staten Island) at Stolin hall 153 East 7th street Lakewood, NJ at 8:00 pm
Weddings July 5,2016
-Rubnitz-Kleinman Lake Terrace hall Lakewood
-Geretz- Brog at Ateres Chana hall, Lakewood
-Levi- Schlom chasunah at Ateres Reva hall Lakewood
-Friedman- Breslauer at Lakewood cheder hall
Lakewood Planning board meeting today
Lakewood planing board meeting today Tuesday July 5,2016 at 6:00 pm Municipal Building - Auditorium
1. SD 2143 Kikar Shabbos LLC
Monmouth Ave & Fourth Street Block 160, Lot 1.01
Minor Subdivision to create two lots
1. SD 2143 Kikar Shabbos LLC
Monmouth Ave & Fourth Street Block 160, Lot 1.01
Minor Subdivision to create two lots
Yom Kippur Katan minyanim erev rosh chodesh Tamuz
Somerset walk 1:35 and 7:00 pm
Kol shimshon at 1:45
BM Kelmwoods 2:45
Satmar 1:40 , 2:30, 3:30, 4:30
Chateu park 6:30
Hearthstone 7:15
Hearthstone 7:15
Rav Meir Mazuz visits Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva
Monday, July 4, 2016
Photos: Harav Chaim Walkin visits Lakewood
Harav Chaim Walkin shlita mashgiach of yeshiva Ateres Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael came to America for a granddaughters chasunah. He was in Lakewood and paid a visit to the home of The Rosh Yeshiva Rav Malkiel Kotler, accompanied by Rav Aaron Walkin Rav in Lakewood followed by a musar shmooze in Yeshiva Bais Medrash Govoha.

Oif Simchas
Gross - Scheinbaumin - wedding at Lakewood cheder
Levin- Feiner wedding at Neeimas Hachaim hall in Lakewood
Bernstein- Mandelcorn wedding at Ateres Chana hall alkewood
Levin- Feiner wedding at Neeimas Hachaim hall in Lakewood
Bernstein- Mandelcorn wedding at Ateres Chana hall alkewood
Cory Booker no longer denying he's being vetted as Hillary Clinton's VP pick
CBS-New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker this weekend went from flatly denying he's under consideration to referring questions about vetting to the Clinton campaign. "I'm just referring questions about the vice presidency to the woman who is going to have to make this decision," he said on CNN Sunday. "You should talk to the Clinton campaign. What I do know is that on the Democratic side, there are many fabulous candidates--people that could be really strong vice presidential candidates." CNN's Brianna Keilar tried to get him to elaborate, saying: "That is not a no, sir. That is not a no." One potential downside of choosing Booker is that his replacement would be appointed by
Shiva info Mrs. Rose Goldberg a''h
Shiva for Mrs. Rose Goldberg a''h רחל בת אברהם לייב is at 950 Forest avenue in Lakewood between 9th and 10th street. Getting up from Shiva Friday July 8.
At the Levaya the Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Harav Yerucham Olshin mentioned the granddaughter of Mrs. Goldberg who is still in a coma for 15 years. She was injured at the Sbarro bombing in yerushalayim in August of 2001. Chana Tova Chaya bat Pesha Nachemberg was a Bais kayla student in Lakewood. She is married and has a child who was an infant at the time now 17 years old. from a comment on Aish.com " Chana Nachenberg, Chana Tova Chaya bat Pesha, still remains in a vegetative state from that day. Her daughter, Sara, has grown into a teenager, without a mother.
At the Levaya the Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Harav Yerucham Olshin mentioned the granddaughter of Mrs. Goldberg who is still in a coma for 15 years. She was injured at the Sbarro bombing in yerushalayim in August of 2001. Chana Tova Chaya bat Pesha Nachemberg was a Bais kayla student in Lakewood. She is married and has a child who was an infant at the time now 17 years old. from a comment on Aish.com " Chana Nachenberg, Chana Tova Chaya bat Pesha, still remains in a vegetative state from that day. Her daughter, Sara, has grown into a teenager, without a mother.
Lakewood links
-Going there but not going there "Nisht oif shabbos geredt"
-Shaimos alert: Center of Town ad pg 117 in current issue of The voice of Lakewood
-Affordable housing: Group brings "tiny house" to Lakewood's town square
-Video:Lake Carasaljo Fire works July 4th 2016 and HERE
-Lakewood 3rd poorest city in NJ 35.9% live below the poverty line.
-Former resident among top 50 wealthiest in NJ
-Shaimos alert: Center of Town ad pg 117 in current issue of The voice of Lakewood
-Affordable housing: Group brings "tiny house" to Lakewood's town square
-Video:Lake Carasaljo Fire works July 4th 2016 and HERE
-Lakewood 3rd poorest city in NJ 35.9% live below the poverty line.
-Former resident among top 50 wealthiest in NJ
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