-Frischman- Kaufman Chasunah at Lake Terrace hall
-Goodman- Pollack wedding at Ateres Reva .hall
-Klein- Ganzvi wedding at Lakewood cheder
-Magid- Frank wedding at Ateres Chana hall
-Yartzheit Seuda for Rav Zalman Malinowitz Z"tl at Bnos Bracha hall 9:15 pm
-Vort: Shain - Itzkowitz at TBY hall on Oak st.
-Chai Lifeline Chestnut Parlor meeting 1172 Coughlin street
a Hookah bar? Jets tickets is this Lakewood?? how have we fallen to this? the gashmiyus just keeps on getting lower and lower. Why is Chestnut privaleged to this but not the rest of town? why are there two sets of rules?
ReplyDeleteThe mashgiach told them not to have the tourdesimcha in lakewood. Nebach a few ladies were injured on the tour this year
ReplyDeleteHow can a ladies bike tour be considered tzniusdik its an oxymoron. What is the point of frum women physically challenging themselves in a public outdoor event. How can that be a zechus for these sick children when laws of tznius are breached?
ReplyDeleteGet off your high horses. Live and let live. If the thought or sight of a woman on a bike causes you to have hirhurim and isn't 'tzniusdik' etc. then maybe the problem is you. Don't play god and decide why people get injured.
ReplyDeleteYou don't want tickets to a Jets game then don't go to the event. You don't want to smoke tobacco with a hookah don't go to the event.
One thing is for certain, your judgmental tone, your holier than thou attitude, your moitzi shem rah, your loshon horah, is no doubt worse than all the 'avlas' you refer to. Take a look in the mirror and see what makes all of YOU so 'frum'.
There is no live and let live when Halacha is publicly violated. No one is playing G-D here. The fact is that some ladies were seriously injured perhaps its not a safe thing to do if it could potentially harm people. And yes the mashgiach shlita was adamantly opposed to the ladies bike tour. He knows better than us.
DeleteWhich halacha was publicly violated?
DeleteAsk your rebetzin to google the pictures of the bike tour and county how many pics are published showing frum ladies with uncovered areas that are halachickly required to be covered in public.
DeleteApparently no need to ask my rebbetzin. You seem to have inspected them thoroughly. As I stated earlier. Look in the mirror.
Deleteno rider was seriously injured. why say something so false just to play god?
DeleteA broken Femur is pretty serious.
ReplyDeleteThe TDS ladies bike tour was moved out of Lakewood since the mashgiach told them to get it away from town. At first you couldn't log in from Lakewood to join but now there was a team from Lakewood.
ReplyDeleteGet with it times have changed my friend. The Mir Dinner last night had a bar to serve drinks thats a reflection of the times.
ReplyDeleteonly wine i think
Deletebottom line, people are helped? Who cares how they raise the money.
ReplyDeleteyou're not serious are you? of course Judaism has to have some standards how we raise money.
DeleteWhich rav gives a hechsher on the womens bike ride? Very not to nous event goes against everything the basis yaakovs teach and instill in the girls for many years.
ReplyDeleteRav Mattisyahu told them not to do it. If you have a Lakewood address you can't sign up.
Which rav gives a hechsher on the womens bike ride? Very not to nous event goes against everything the basis yaakovs teach and instill in the girls for many years.
ReplyDeleteRav Mattisyahu told them not to do it. If you have a Lakewood address you can't sign up.
Mind your own business. If you don't want your wife to ride she is free not to. This is not ISIS. If you have a particular mehalech in the guidelines of tznius doesn't mean yenem holds of same. Happens to be my wife would not join the ride, however I'm not in a position to judge anyone's level of tznius just because it doesn't fit into my box. I'll take what was relayed to R' Matisyahu with a grain of salt. (I'm sure he didn't see any picture and his psak was based upon what was told to him by 'askoooonim')
ReplyDeletewhile all of you kvetch about TDS, look into who the main supporters of chai lifeline are. most are from the modern-orthodox community. most of the riders on TDS are if not from modern-orthodox definitely not "yeshivish". so if those that aren't exactly like us take on to raise money for a cause, even if the way they are doing it doesnt fit your style, shut up.
ReplyDeletemaybe you stand up and fund raise money like these women did. close to a million dollars raised.
yes, telling someone who disagrees with you to shut up is a very good way to make an argument. you sure have loads of class buddy.