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Sunday, July 10, 2016
New Sephardic Shul & Center in Lakewood
I am truly excited to announce our new Sephardic center and Bet Kenesset in Lakewood, NJ. DONATE HERE We will be bringing a warm Tefilla, Baqashot, Te'amim, Halacha, Torah study and so much more to residents, visitors and the Sephardic community at large... I am opening this center with one purpose in mind: to serve as a place for my children and their generation to connect with their traditions, to experience them first-hand and to build an engaged, knowledgeable and vibrant next generation. This campaign is just for the basics (there are no salaries): Aron Kodesh, chairs, tables, books, events etc. There are many dedication opportunities available. We welcome y'all to come visit us in person and we hope to spread our wings nation-wide as well... I thank you all in advance, and with the help of HaKadosh Baruch Hu, this is just the beginning... Rabbi Ariel Ovadia
Where is it located?
ReplyDeletePine St. Near Treeside