Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Video: Minyan Shelanu how it all began

R' Mota Frank Breslov Mashpia visits minyan shelanu


  1. I think the Minyan is wonderful so don't take my criticism the wrong way - I do not think you have to publicize this video- when somebody is healed everybody understands that sick was awful - it doesn't have to be broadcast - are you trying to show how low these kids go? I celebrate your victories but i don't think it's necessary to make the degradation look cool in a PUBLIC forum-show it privatelyf for fund raising or for hope to kids - but over here you have no guarantee that you are not opening kid's eyes to new and previously unknown dangers - just sayin....

    1. Agree I would want other chjildren to watch this. I dont think it was meant for the public to see.

  2. what bothered me was really just the smoking..especially indoors.

  3. to the first 2 commenters:
    I'm not sure what you're referring to.
    based on your comments, it's quite obvious that you have no shaychis to chinuch. Not with children in Mosdos nor children who are not currently in mosdos.
    (Maybe it's better that way)

    1. and you certainly have the gift of dealing with people....
