TODAY ONLY!! Partner with The BAIS HAVAAD HALACHA CENTER in raising $260,000.00 to cover our year end goal and add UNIQUE systems, programs, and national venues in year 2016!
The BAIS HAVAAD BUSINESS HALACHA CENTER is powered by the Kollel Zichron Gershon for Dayanus and serviced by a group of experienced Dayanim. The Bais HaVaad is comprised of theCenter for Business Halacha Services [Contract and Heter Iska Draft and Review, Halachic Wills; Shabbos arrangements; Partnership and Employment agreements, etc.] a Small Claims Dispute Resolution Center [Free or subsidized Halachic mediation and arbitration of monetary, familial, and social disputes] and the popular Choshen Mishpat Consultation Line [offering practical guidance by Dayanim and Choshen Mishpat professionals]. The Bais Din Tzedek of The Bais HaVaad is a full service Bais Din and operates by appointment with the Safra D’dayna – court administrator.
Visit the BHHC at: or call 1.888.485.VAAD (8223)
The bais Havaadseems seems to be a legitimate halachic authority worthy of our support. Unlike the so called Bais Horaah that continues to steal from local businesses on a daily basis and has caused a massive chillul hashem. I will be writing all the latest details soon about this blatant ganeiva and lack of any mentchlechkeit from a halachic institution that is occupying an illegally built building based on lies and deceit.