Thursday, October 29, 2015

DR. Feinberg is back!

Doctor Boruch "Bruce" Feinberg will be returning to Lakewood , he will serve as director of Maternal fetal medicine at CHEMED health center.


  1. But he won't be doing deliveries.

    1. When we used him in Kimball he lived nearby and was always there for the delivery. Are you sure he wont deliver but will only be as director?

    2. Even in Kimball he didnt do deliveries unless he was needed. The advantage was that he lived nearby and was always 2 minutes away in case he had to come. Now assuming they will deliver in Monmouth its much further.

  2. Dr. Shoener left Chemed and opened his own practice with DR. Peltz its surprising that Dr Feinberg is going there now.

  3. Bmg/chemed literally begged him to come back. Not sure why he buckled. Time will
    Tell how long he stays.

  4. He's a top doctor and a specialist in his field particularly for high risk pregnancy. The previous administration at Kimball did not do much to accommodate high risk. If the new management decides to reopen the maternity ward and upgrade it that will be a very big toeles for the Olam.

  5. He is not only a brilliant Dr. but a MENCH beyond compare!!! Welcome Back,We miss you. The gang on S. Lake
