Thursday, October 8, 2015

Bobov 45 to open Bais Medrash in Lakewood

 Following the visit of the bobov 45 Rebbe to Lakewood, it was announced a Bais Medrash will open up in Lakewood after Sukkos. Chasidim and followers of the rebbe are currently working on a time and place to bring it to a reality.


  1. They should follow the lead of their Rabbi and open in the Bais Yaakov High School.

  2. so i guess we got all of 'em now.

  3. Then he'll have to take the name 'bais yaakov bobov'. If he moves to westgate, he'll be the kelm bobov rebbe. Maybe they'll find a place near some other new yeshivot and become the 'industrial bobov'.

  4. Let all the Chasidim from Bp and Wiliamsburg move to Lakewood it is a win win situation. They get out of their crowded congested city and buy houses for half the price and the Lakewood Oilem can sell their homes for a Premium and move out to cheaper places
