Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Oif Simchas

                                                 Mayer Chasunah Lake Terrace hall

Dor Yesharim testing Tomorrow 12-8 pm

This Thursday, December 31st, Dor Yeshorim will be conducting genetic screening event for young men at the Yeshiva Ketana Hall in Lakewood, New Jersey from 6:00 – 8:00 pm.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Trash pick up today

Due to the holiday the Thursday garbage pickup will take place on Wednesday today. Township offices will be closed in observance of the New Year's Day Holiday on Friday, January 1, 2016. Trash and Recycling will be normal pick up for Monday and Tuesday. Thursday's trash and recycle will be picked up on the preceding Wednesday, Dec.30th Friday's trash and recycling will be picked up on Thursday, Dec. 31st. No bulk collection this week.

Help support the Bais Havaad

                                                       To donate click HERE

Photo recap BMG Yarchei Kallah

Click HERE  HERE and HERE for Photo recap

Fire knocked down


NJ seeks to overhaul car emissions testing older cars no longer tested

Good news if you have a "old" yeshivisher car
 Commercial cars & re inspections go to private facilities, older cars from 1995 and earlier will no longer have their emissions tested because the state will eliminate the tailpipe emissions tests. State officials want to steer more vehicles to private facilities for emissions inspections starting in mid-2016, under a plan that would also end emissions tests for a quarter-million older cars. The state Motor Vehicle Commission last week read more HERE

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Oif Simches

                                                           At Neeimas hachaim

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Pervasive Fear of Affordable Housing in New Jersey

  The comments started online shortly after this middle-class Republican stronghold in central New Jersey filed a plan to rezone a wooded area to enable the construction of 72 affordable housing units. There were the usual range of complaints: that the affordable housing would create more traffic, put additional stress on its aging infrastructure, and bring an undesirable element to town. But, in this case, that undesirable element wasn’t the usual target of affordable-housing opponents: read more HERE

Authorities investigating homicide

According to posts on social media Lakewood police are investigating the apparent homicide of a man by the name of, Miguel Rivera who lived in Lakewood. He was employed at a nearby mobile mechanic. RIP

Lakewood youngeleit moving to new large development in Monroe, NY

 REPOST!                                            *Communicated*
Rising home sales, sky rocketing property taxes, sitting in traffic on rt 9, mass immigration of New Yorkers, not getting your kids into school, cold climate, these are some of the factors that have young couples looking for a more affordable and suburban lifestyle. Heimisha real estate agents held seminars in Lakewood showcasing the new lucrative development in Monroe. First phase will consist of 100 units. 70 families already signed up. Many community agencies from Monroe and NYS were on hand to offer help with the transition. Representatives from HUD discussed the legalities of transferring section 8 vouchers over state lines. Due to Obamacare restrictions children will have to remain with their current NJ, pediatrician. Askanim arranged for Monroe bus service to run a weekly shuttle to Lakewood.

Stores closing early

The non Jewish stores Will be closing early today on the 24th and closed all day tomorrow.  Aldi is closing at, Stop and Shop at 6 pm and Shop Rite is closing at 7. In addition the workers at some frum stores will leave early and the checkout lines will take longer.

KZY Melava Malka

Rav Shlomo Gissinger, Mara D'Asra

Motzaei Shabbos Parshas Vayechi
December 26, 2015

Guest Speaker:
Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff Shlita
Mara D'Asra Agudas Yisroel Bais Binyomin

Zemiros By:
Yehuda Aderet
Music by Eli Leiman

8:30 pm - 11:30 pm

at Khal Zichron Yaakov's
Ateres Avraham Simcha Hall

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Power outage Lkwd/New Egypt- Farady area

Customers Affected: >1500
Cause: Pending Investigation
Crew Status: Awaiting Dispatch
Estimated Restoration: Dec 24, 1:30 AM

Vivaser besuros Tovos

         At a wedding in Lakewood a few nights ago

ברוך דיין האמת

Levaya for Ha' Tinok Don A"H Ben R' Chaim Gestetner will be this evening 10:30 pm at the Lakewood cemetery on  East 7th street and Ramsey Avenue.

Pre Shovavim Drasha

HaRav  Avrohom Shorr will give divre hisoirerus in honor of the upcoming weeks of Shovavim. This evening 10:30 pm at B'M Bais Elimelech  105 East Harvard Street.

Avoid the long lines shop early for shabbos

Many employees in local stores will take off due to the upcoming holiday.  As a result the baggers will not be there to help speed the checkout process which means long er checkout lines starting Thursday afternoon as customers bag themselves. Shop early for a quicker trip to the store.

No arrests made in MLK home invasion reports no arrests have been made in a home invasion last night police said the victims were targeted read more here.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015





Garbage pick up on Wednesday

Thursday's trash and recycle will be picked up on the preceding Wednesday, Dec.23rd. Friday's trash and recycling will be picked up on Thursday, Dec. 24th.No bulk collection this week.The Department of Public Works is open on Sundays 9am - 3pm for Bulk Trash Drop-Off.  Township offices will be closed  on Friday, December 25th. 

Video: Minyan Shelanu how it all began

R' Mota Frank Breslov Mashpia visits minyan shelanu

Shiva info

Shiva for Mrs. Lieba Fischer, ע"ה at the Liebb home, 106 East 8th Street, Lakewood, New Jersey 08701, through Thursday night.
 שחרית   7:30
  מנחה  1:40
 מעריב    7:30 
 from Misaskim

Oisfast Bais Hatalmud parlor meeting

Lower gas prices

Monday, December 21, 2015

Atzeres Tefilla lezchus HaMashgiach Rav Matisyahu Chaim Ben Etel

The Roshei Yeshiva called for a yom Tefilah today Assara B'Teves as a zechus and refuah shlaima for the  Lakewood mashgiach Horav Mattisyahu Solomon shlita. All botei medrashim shuls and yeshivos in Lakewood will be reciting Tehillim at their designated times. 
BMG - In the Botei Medrash of  Bais Medrash Govoha Tehillim will be said  before mincha following divrei hisoirerus from 1:30 -1:50 and again before Maariv.
Lev Avos B'M-  The Atzeres Tefilla  will take place between Mincha and Mariv.
Ohr Tovia- Tehillim  4:55
Ohr Yechezkel- Tehilim 5:05
Hearthstone- Tehillim 3:30
Chateau Sefard- Tehillim between 4:10 Mincha and Maariv at 5:07
Ner Dovid- Tehillim after 1:45 mincha
Ohr Gedalya Between 4:15 Mincha and Maariv
Kol Yehuda Tehillim 5:00
Westgate Kelmwoods after 4:00 Mincha
Sterling Forest sfard Tehillim 4:30
Prospect park Atzeres at 5:00 pm

Shmuli's Grill & Smokehouse

At the former Yiddies location 10th and Madison

School will be half day tomorrow

Tomorrow is Asarah Bteves schools will be on a half day or Friday schedule plan accordingly.  The holiday schedule for the end of the week is not finalized yet as there may not be any busing available on Friday. Some girls schools may not have school as car pooling is challenging due to the short day.

At Gourmet Glatt

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Ois Simchas -vivaser

Township Menorah goes back up

So much for it being a religious symbol the Township Chanukah menorah has been put back up in town square by the Lakewood township. Perhaps its for next year :) Read Minutes of the meeting Decmber 3rd HERE where the whole issue was discussed at the township committee meeting and yes you can see the Township was actually threatened with having the ACLU involved.

Message from Tomchei Tzedaka


Petira of Mrs. Leiba Fisher a"h mother of Mrs. Leeb, Mrs.Rotkin Levaya was 9am at Chapel 7th street Kevura will be in Worcter, Mass.

Warmer weather ahead

Dont let this cold snap fool you the forecast for Thursday is in the low 70's
  • Dec 20

    Mostly sunny42°Lo 27°
  • Mon

    Dec 21

    Periods of sun; not as cool55°Lo 50°

  • Tue

    Dec 22

    Mostly cloudy, a shower; mild60°Lo 48°

  • Wed

    Dec 23

    Mild with occasional rain60°Lo 58°

  • Thu

    Dec 24

    Warmer with a touch of rain71°Lo 54°

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Melava Malka -vayigash

1. Annual Rebbeim and menahalim meleva networking melava malka at Bais Faiga hall 8:30 pm  Drashos by Harav Uren Reich shlita and Rav Moshe Unger shlita.
2. Admor m'Apola- Amshinov melava malka 6 Bartenura 8:30 pm.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Indoor Kosher family fun coming to Lakewood

Toms River Chabad does need to apply for use varience

After several hours of testimony and public questions, the Toms River zoning board ruled the Chabad does need to apply for a use variance. The board will next schedule a hearing for the use variance. Read coverage of the zoning board meeting HERE

Not so fast

Posted on the Rt 70 Flea market FB page. Why the harsh language. 
We are aware that the Asbury Park Press and the Lakewood Scoop are "reporting" about last nights planning board meeting. Unfortunately they are leaving out all of the details. 
As it was discussed at the meeting, this developer has no legal contract on the property. The developer was not present for the meeting.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

15 hours left help reach the goals on Charidy crowdfunding

   For Bais HaTorah boys school Donate HERE 
   or call 732-800-1647
    For Bnos Penina Girls school donate HERE

At Seasons of Lakewood

 Registers delivered! Wall decor being installed! Watch for our grand opening announcement!!!!

2016 BP calendar is here

The 2016 BP graphics calendar has been delivered to Lakewood homes together with the BP weekly which also has a new logo.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Yom Tefila for the mashgiach Rav Mattisyahu Solomon shlita in all Lakewood shuls on Asara Bteves

The Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva signed a letter calling for a Yom Tefila as A Refuah for the Mashgiach Harav Mattisyahu Chaim ben Ettil this coming Tuesday the fast of Asarah B' teves. All Botei medrashim in Lakewood are asked to set aside a yom tefilah for the mashgiach. 

Video: Na nach at a recent wedding

vivaser besurois tovos

News briefs

Menorah gate: He said she said
Flea market update: Here

Asleep at the wheel

The Agudah issued a statement opposing the recommendation of a state monitor to override and have veto power over a democratically elected school board in East Ramapo, NY. Other  mandated services for non public students  are on the chopping block. Lakewood currently has a state monitor yet there was no statements issued or any meetings called to stop what is being done. The vaad just tells the tzibur to vote for their candidates. Threats to busing and other services continue and the askanim are asleep at the wheel.  They should learn a thing or two from the Monsey askanim.

Video: in Yiddish a powerful message

As daf yomi starts maseches gittin, unfortunately lakewood has its own maseches gittin were children are forcefully separated and ripped away from their fathers in large part as a direct result of the involvement of askanim, therapist's, and incompetent yoatzim. Watch this moving video.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

$1.69 per gallon of gas

 Global oil prices have hit their lowest levels since 2009, according to AAA, leading to lower gas prices that will continue to drop. “The price of oil did hit a low again just in the last two days
AAA officials said that nationally, 25 states already have gas price averages under $2 per gallon for unleaded gas.

1.69  Delta 100 Madison Ave & 1st St   Lakewood
1.69 Gulf 1505 River Ave & Locust St  Lakewood
1.69 Gulf 103 River Ave & Hurley Ave Lakewood 

Daf Yomi Siyum

Chateu park siyum on Maseches Sotah

Monsey school board too faces threat of monitor

 Not only Lakewood but now the same is recommended for East Ramapo.
 Yeshivos in the school district encompassing Monsey and New Square are “in total shock” as a committee they cooperated with recommended that a state monitor be appointed with power to veto the elected school board’s decisions. read more from Hamodia 

kindergarten registration

Monday, December 14, 2015

At a Chuppah in Lakewood tonight

Video: BMG Yarchei Kallah register today

Shivti Yarchei Kallah of Bais Medrash Govoha December 26-28 Register HERE

Demolition of former Capitol hotel

Daf Yomi starts Maseches Gittin tomorrow

This Tuesday Daf Yomi will conclude Maseches Sotah and begin Maseches Gittin. Lakewood Daf Yomi Shiur Schedule: Mon-Fri 6:20am/7:10am Shachris, Shabbos 1 Hour before Mincha, Sunday 9:30am.
Daf Live Call-in: Mon-Fri. [Phone+Shiur ID] 712-432-1212  ID: 886-847-294
Location: Bais Medrash of High Street 27 Grassmere St., Lakewood

Friday, December 11, 2015

ערב שבת פרשת מקץ חנוכה ראש חודש

Shortest Friday of the year early minyanim for mincha on Erev Shabbos chanukah
Candle lighting 4:13
shkiah 4:31

שבת שלום, חודש טוב, וחנוכה שמח
א גוטן שבת, א גוטן חודש, און א פרייליכן, לעכטיגען  חנוכה

The Boys are back

Shabbos Chanukah is here

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Pick up your smowman kit on your way out

Pick up your Snowman Kit from Riverside abstract at:
Orchos Chaim 410 Oberlin Avenue, parking lot
Squankum Road ¼ mile past Whispering Pines 
Riverside Headquarters Lexington Towers 212 2nd Street Suite 502

Running out of Chanukah gelt

Children may actually get some real gelt this chanukah. Did you go to the store and not find any chocolate coins? It appears there is a shortage of the chocolate gelt and stores ran out of it. The chocolate chanukah coins are hard to find it has been sold out in many of the local stores. They are he not getting them in again in before chanukah is over. Real gelt is plentiful just hard to get it :)

Tzedaka on the 5th night

The minhag is to give Chanukah gelt to aniyim on the fifth night. The simple reason since the 5th night never falls out on shabbos. More and more mishpachos among us are struggling financially. People can't afford the basics. In many areas and developments it's common for the gabbei tzedaka or rav to have residents knocking on the door unable to pay the monthly rent or mortgage. The high property taxes and cost of living is taking its toll on the tzibbur. We have many local tzedakos who help for shabbos, yom tov, simchas, camp etc.. But the day to day living is a struggle even in a two income household.  On this night of Chanukah think of a relative or neighbor who maybe treading water or drowning. Not always can you tell from the outside, people are embarrassed and put on a facade. Ask around and give tzedaka bderech kavod. Let's help and look after our own.

Suspicious device on NJ Transit bus to Lakewood was a clock A frum passenger had just got off a flight  from Israel had a alarm clock that sparked a scare on a NJ transit bus to reports, He was heading to see his family in Lakewood, and had a clock on top of his lap that he was using to tell time.
The suspicious device that prompted an evacuation of an NJ Transit bus Thursday morning on Route 9 was a small travel clock, police said. The bus was on its way to Lakewood from Newark when Marlboro police stopped it at around 8:30 a.m. on Route 9 near Robertsville Road, said Jim Smith, a NJ Transit spokesman. 

Thursday Fifth night Chanukah December 10th 29 - Kislev events

1. Twins from France chanukah show at Orchos chaim 410 Oberlin, 4 shows: Families 2pm and 8 pm, Girls only at 4 pm, Boys only at 6pm $15 per person under 3 or over 80 is free!
2. Pirchei extravaganza
 3rd 4th 5th Grade @ Lakewood Middle school 6:10- 9:00 pm
6th 7th and 8th grade @ Lakewood high school 6:25 - 9:15
3. B'M of Lutzk childrens Chanukah party at 5:30
4. Lakewood Daf Yomi Mesiba at 25 Newberry Court 9pm

Why run away, gorgeous weather Shabbos Chanukah weekend

The Riverside abstract chanukah snowman giveaway may have expected a different weather and rightfully so it's in middle of December! The forecast calls for warm weather in the mid 60's through Sunday. 

Kids are off what to do

1. Dont do anything enjoy their time off have a in house family Chanukah party dreidel game make latkes.
2. Twins from France 4 shows at Orchos Chaim hall afternoon and evening
3. Pirchei extravaganza
4. Free donuts at Gelbsteins bakery
5. Free popcorn & Chanukah cookies at Kosher Village
6. Free soda or quick freeze at Quick check
7. Greater adventure learning Sunday 10-11 basis faiga

LPD investigates armed robbery

At approximately 8:40 pm, Officers responded to a reported armed robbery at the BP Gas Station located at 1255 River Avenue.
Upon arrival, Officers learned that an unidentified black male armed with a hand gun, rushed the attendant who was inside the kiosk.

Early school dismissal Thursday

Today, many boys schools and some girls schools will have early dismissal as the Chanukah vacation begins. Buses will run on a Friday schedule complicating thing for the many working parents who have to make arrangements to accommodate the early dismissal. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Light up the night

                       Thanks to Rabbi Bernstein of Freehold Chabad

Manchester lights large menorah at municipal building

MANCHESTER, N.J. -- As Chanukah reaches its midpoint, Manchester will mark the holiday with its Light Up Manchester event -- and will light a large Menorah at the municipal building. Chabad Toms River is hosting the celebration, which begins at 3 p.m. at the municipal building on Colonial Drive. The fourth light of the Menorah will be lit, hot latkes (potato pancakes fried in oil) and donuts will be served, along with hot cocoa, according to Chabad representatives.

Events Wednesday Fourth night Chanukah December 9 - 28 Kislev

1. Yeshiva Torah Temima Chanuka mesibos 9:45 pm at 10 different locations
2.  Schi chanukah mesiba for fathers brothers 7-9 pm at Schi.
3. Admor Bluezhev ribatitch hadlokas Ner Chanukah 606 9th street at 8:30 pm followed by Lechaim tish.
4. Yeshiva Mekor chaim mesiba160 Locust at 8:15
5. BM Nachlas Yakov Central court Chanuka mesiba 9:00 pm
6. Pircrhei Chanukah extravaganza 
Primary- 2nd grade @ lakewood middle school 6:00 pm- 8:00pm(7th and somerset going east on right side) $15t
7. Pircrhei 3rd - 8th grade @ Lakewood high school  7th & Somerset going east Left side 6:25 pm-9:15 pm $15 members $13
8. Menorah lighting in town square 9 ft menorah by Reb Hershel
9. Minyan Shelanu Chanukah mesiba in the BM

Video: Simcha in S. Fallsburg

Though not a local case many Talmidim in Lkwd and alumni of yeshiva south fallsburg were following this court case closely. The Sullivan County Court Judge Frank LaBuda dismissed  the indictment against the youngerman. Tehillim was recited in daily gatherings as the case went on. Friends were overjoyed as the good news was announced.

Video from

Store updates

-Mediterranean foods opened in the former Chicky's at Singin gas station Hurley and rt 9 under KCL 
-Building corner 4th and Clifton  were (DB electronics was and fruit store) is said to be knocked down and replaced
-Jerusalem Nuts store opened on 15 S Clifton near rt 88
-New supermarkets opening within 4 - 6 weeks time

Pirchei Chanukah extravaganza Wed and Thurs