Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Tuesday October 15 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 60° Sunny to partly cloudy. Winds 10 to 15 mph.
NWS: .Increased Fire Weather Concerns for Tuesday through 6PM... with conditions more favorable for the spread of wildfires. 

- Girls schools and playgroups all off today 

- Daled Minim at Bais Faiga open today 12pm - 10pm  new shipment of 500  Chazon Ish Esrogim

- Three weeks before presidential elections pollster Nate Silver has Trump Harris 50/50, toss up

- Restaurant and Simcha Hall coming to Pine St and Sims Ave no public notice was given by Lakewood planning board according to faanews

- A symposium on Dina Demalchusa will take place in Lakewood on Octoiber 3o at the Lakewood high school featuring attorney Ben Brofman

- Yeshiva Bochurim scrambling to find a yeshiva to go to in Eretz Yirael after Sukkos as the yeshivos are full and not accepting. Some of  the bochurim are coming from yeshivos in the US that have enacted a new policy to not let them stay past 3rd year Sukkos.

- Ami and Mishpacha magazine Sukkos editions are $15 they contain double magazines and supplements weighing 5lb. The Yated Neeman is $7.50

- Lufthansa airline has been fined $4 million by the U.S. Department of Transportation for discriminating against Jewish passengers, including several Lakewood residents, by prohibiting them from boarding a flight in May 2022 because some passengers weren't wearing masks(onejerseyshorr)

- Nshei Adirei Hatorah correction for planner that was given out at the event The time listed for Havdala each week is incorrect and 18 minutes should be added for the 72 minute zman

- Kosher To go at Exxon on Madison ave will open after Sukkos the store has been upgraded and expanded 
- Governor Phil Murphy has announced that 77,000 individuals and families in New Jersey will benefit from the elimination of an additional $120 million in medical debt. This latest effort comes as part of the state’s partnership with the nonprofit organization Undue Medical Debt. To date, the partnership has abolished $220 million in medical debt for 127,000 residents across the state.

- Adirei Hatorah sends out Complimentary Shivti Learning Material on the sugya of Shemini Atzeres in the Sukkah 

Lakewood November Electuons

 General Election Day is in exactly 3 weeks from today. If you are not yet registered to vote, today, October 15, 2024 is the deadline to register. Registration takes one minute and can be done online. The good news is that Lakewood voters have choices at this year's ballot.
R' Moshe Raitzik is running as a republican for a seat on the Township Committee.
R' Moshe currently serves on the Board of Education, and he previously served on the Planning Board until this year when he was swapped by the Township Committee in favor of Yechiel Herzel.
Importantly, R' Moshe has a proven track record of fighting for "how can we do this even better."

A vote for Moshe Raitzik for Lakewood Township Committee is truly a vote for the taxpayer. Faanews.

The incumbents for township committee  didnt  have the decency to reach out to the Lakewood community pre election.

The needs of the kehilla and quality of life are continuously ignored to a point where people have given up and are told to just accept the reality or move away.  Yet they call themselves representatives of the entire town. Any opposition is quashed in the name of not keeping the "Achdus" .

Alot went on over the past few years and there's been not a peep out of anyone besides for some election time articles, puff pieces and PR through their controlled media outlets.

Are you happy the way the township committee is still in covid mode hiding from the public by meeting on zoom once a month for 10 minutes while the mayor speed reads a few emails of public commen denying any criticism or interactions from the public?

Are you ok that municipal taxes alone went up this year by 8 million after raising it by 4 million last year?

Are you OK with the committee  giving out over 7 million on tax breaks and abatements to corperations just this year while the taxpayers are left with the bill to pay the lost revenue 

Are you ok with a committee that voted themselves a huge salary increase of 20k while raising taxes on you to pay for it

Are you ok with having your bloc vote abused by the same few always getting the public funding allocated for Lakewood and not filtering the money down to the needs of the residents and infrastructure 

Are you ok with the attitude of always shifting blame on the county and state but taking no responsibility after being in office for over 20 years

Do you enjoy the traffic now  some predict it will soon become one big parking lot

There's an opportunity for change see below on candidate Moshe Raitzik

Lakewood BOE Member Moshe Raitzik Pursues Township Committee Seat with Focus on Transparent Growth and Public Safety

Moshe Raitzik, a Lakewood Board of Education member, is running as a Republican for a seat on the Township Committee, determined to bring a fresh perspective to the town’s leadership. Drawing from years of public service and community involvement, including a five-year tenure on the Planning Board and a long career as an educator, Raitzik is campaigning on a platform of transparent governance, responsible growth, and enhanced public services. His goal is to ensure Lakewood residents have more input in decision-making processes that impact their everyday lives.

Israel At War Tuesday Oct 15

 Israel at war day 375

- IDF forces captured 3 Hezbollah terrorists from the Radwan Force after they surrendered when they were located in an underground tunnel inside a Lebanese village. They were interrogated by Unit 504 and then brought to Israel for further investigation.

- A senior Israeli official  confirmed that the US has threatened to halt arms shipments to Israel unless it takes steps to improve the humanitarian situation in Gaza and allow more aid to enter the region. According to Yossi Yehoshua, top Israeli officials view the recent leak in American media about Israel's shortage of interceptor missiles as part of Washington's pressure campaign. The US is pushing Israel to   ⁠Scale back operations in Iran, ⁠avoid attacks in Beirut and ro increase aid in Gaza

- The US has given Lebanon information about an Israeli plan for limited military action in the country. According to the report, Israel plans to secure an area 3 km deep and establish a 10 km buffer zone. In the future, Israel intends to hand this area to the Lebanese Army but will keep the option to strike or raid if Hezbollah makes any attempt to return

- Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati told Al Jazeera: "We received American guarantees to reduce the Israeli escalation in Beirut and Dahiya."

- Senior US government officials threatened Israel: resolve the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip within 30 days - otherwise there may be consequences for arms shipments

- Australia asks its citizens to leave Israel immediately

- Terror shooting attack on highway 4 near Ashdod, police killed by Arab terrorist, 4 injured 
Reports say the terrorist arrived at the highway on foot and began walking along the road near an intersection. It is unclear if he arrived at a stopped police car and then opened fire, or whether the police car stopped by him to investigate. He then opened fire with a handgun, critically injuring the officer who later died of his wounds. He then began firing at civilians in cars in the vicinity.
The terrorist was neutralized by an armed civilian who stopped his car and shot him dead.

- Reports of heavy fighting in the North as IDF soldiers in face to face combat with Hezbollah terrorists

- Israel is facing a potential shortage of defense system interceptor missiles as it bolsters air defenses against possible attacks from Iran and its proxies, the Financial Times reported on Tuesday. If Iran and Hezbollah attack Israel simultaneously, Israel's air defenses may be overwhelmed

- Nasrallah's deputy, Naim Kasem, will give a speech this afternoon. In his last speech, he called for an unconditional ceasefire.

The Wall Street Journal confirms the report in the Washington Post: Netanyahu assured Biden in their phone conversation that Israel would not attack Iran's nuclear and oil facilities, and this was also the case in recent discussions between Defense Minister Gallant and Defense Minister Austin. Israel raised the possibility that military and intelligence targets in Iran would be attacked but refrained from giving the US a detailed list of targets

Monday, October 14, 2024

Songs for Sukkos

The Jewish music industry is out with new releases ahead of Sukkos 5785

Malchus Choir, Zanvil, Dovy Meisels Mendy Weiss, Hershey Eisenbach - Lemaan Yedou

Monday October 14 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 69° Sunny early then partly cloudy and windy this afternoon with temps falling to near 60. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph.

- Cold weather first 3 nights of sukkos with temps first night low of  36 and 39 and 41 the next nights although there's no rain temps during the first 3 days will be n the 60's it will warm up over Chol Hamoed 

-Today Monday October 14 is Columbus day there's no USPS mail most banks are closed, TD bank is open no trash pick up, everyone's trash pickup schedule will move ahead one day this week. There will be no bulk pickup this week. All New Jersey state offices, including courts and Motor Vehicle Commission offices will be closed.

- Ami and Mishpacha magazine Sukkos editions are $15 they contain double magazines and supplements weighing 5lb

- President Joe Biden has instructed his National Security Council to make it clear to Iran, that an Assassination Attempt against Former President Donald J. Trump would be seen as an Act of War.

- Jack Coattarelli Candidate for Gov of NJ 2025 visited Lakewood today, first stopping at the daled minim shuk and then to the new Mesameach building under construction.

- A small plane crash in Savannah, Georgia, on Sunday night tragically claimed the life of Boris Yusupov z”l, a Jewish pilot from Glen Rock, New Jersey. A passenger in the plane only sustained minor injuries.

- Trump in a Fox News interview: "Bibi has been a very strong leader. He doesn't listen to Biden."

- Ben Shapiro: Kamala Harris has collapsed in the polls. She was up 5 in the NBC News poll a month ago; now she’s back to even. And Team Biden is eager to undercut her. It turns out the problem for Kamala Harris is simple: no matter how much glitter they throw on her, she’s still Kamala Harris.

- Time magazine: “Harris declined repeated requests for an interview for this story. In contrast, Trump talked about his policy vision with a TIME reporter for 90 minutes across two interviews. Biden spoke to TIME at similar length before dropping out of the race.”

- Dated minim shuk open at Blue Claws stadium parking lot and at Clifton Ave parking lot bet 9th and 10th st.

- Last day to register to vote in the upcoming elections on November 5th is Tomorrow..
There's no push by local organizations to have people register as in previous years. Localy There's elections for 2 seats on  township committee. Moshe Raitzik is running on the republican ticket. The incumbent committeemen Lichtenstein and Miller are up for reelection 

- Restraining orders are not tools to enable parental alienation, says appeals court more at Faanews 

- Donald Trump now leads in every swing state except Nevada on political betting platform Polymarket.  

- Trump: I believe it is very important that Kamala Harris pass a test on Cognitive Stamina and Agility. Her actions have led many to believe that there could be something very wrong with her. Even 60 Minutes and CBS, in order to protect Lyin’ Kamala, illegally and unscrupulously replaced an answer she had given, which was totally “bonkers,” with another answer that had nothing to do with the question asked. Also, she is slow and lethargic in answering even the easiest of questions. We just went through almost four years of that, we shouldn’t have to do it again!

- Shiva for rabbi Shlomo Ullman Z"L is at 153 Skyline Drive Lakewood in the Fairways 
Shachris: 7:30 Mincha 1:45 Maariv 9:30 Getting up Erev YT Wed afternoon

- NJ Transit now says 16 people were injured after a NJ Transit Light Rail train, which was traveling southbound from Trenton and was just north of Roebling Station, sruck a tree on the tracks in Burlington County this morning. The operator of the River Line train was killed.(Onejersey)

- Today is yahrtzeit of Mr. Al Moskowitz Z"L Who would frequent and supported many yeshivos friends will gather at his kever in the Lakewood bais Olam corner of Brook Rd. and East 7th St 1:00pm to say a Tehillim.

- Reform Judaism reckoning: "What we did not intend, is for your generation to turn your backs on our people. We wanted you to be Zionist."  In his Yom Kippur sermon, leading Reform Rabbi Ammi Hirsch, calls out young Jews who protest Israel under the false guise of “Tikkun Olam” and bemoans the fact that the Reform movement has produced so many anti-Zionist Jews. Earlier this year Hirsch publicly acknowledged the failure of the reform movement for the next generation 

- Hundreds of  yeshiva bochurim in Lakewood participated in  a  siyum ksivas oisiyos event last night at Lake Terrace hall and joined a concert like atmosphere with many singers who graced the maamad of kavod Hatorah

- The Belzer rebbe instructed  his chasidim who gave birth to boy who would have had a shalom zachor  on yom Kippur to make a shalom zachor on Shabbos Chol Hamoed sukkos.

Israel At War Monday October 14

Israel at war day 374

- Netanyahu tells U.S. that Israel will strike Iranian military, not nuclear or oil, targets, officials say, suggesting a more limited counterstrike aimed at preventing a full-scale war. The Israeli strike on Iran would be carried out before the U.S. elections on Nov. 5, (Wapo)

- Netanyahu approves Attack on Iran: A senior Israeli security source told Channel 14 that the Israeli attack on Iran will be “significant” and the country should be prepared for rounds of clashes with Iran. The source said that “the reaction will be powerful and not moderate, and therefore we estimate with a high probability that Iran will attack in return, and of course, if this is the case - Israel should be prepared to respond to the additional reaction." The same source emphasized that a harsh Iranian response might cause the US to join the war: "We need to prepare for a significant exchange of blows, which might drag the Americans in, which Iran certainly would not want."

- The IDF and the Shin Bet: We eliminated the terrorist Samer Abu-Daqa, the head of the Hams air force. He was among those responsible for the infiltration plans of the paragliders and UAVs that penetrated Israel on 10/7

- Israeli officials: There was no promise not to attack Beirut but to avoid, if possible in the near future, targeted assassinations with high collateral damage. (Amit Segal)

- Another soldier killed in Gaza bringing death toll to 355 Koren Beitan, 19 from Mash Ha'Ein,

- A Massive Hezbollah underground complex raised by IDF: 800 meters long IDF commando units located and raided the gargantuan underground HQ of Hezbollah's Radwan Force in Southern Lebanon

- A group of Jewish-led protesters in Lower Manhattan just stormed the New York Stock Exchange. They’re calling for an end to Israel’s genocide in Gaza and to war profiteering by companies like Raytheon and Lockheed Martin

- Iran has informed the United States through Back-Channels, that if Israel’s Response to their latest Ballistic Missile Attack is Limited, they will see this Round of “Tit-for-Tat Exchanges” as Over. Kan11

- Yesterday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and IDF Chief of Staff Major General Herzi Halevi held a secret discussion at an IDF Intelligence Corps base about Israel's counter-attack on Iran. The meeting, in which representatives of the IDF Intelligence Division also participated, shows that these three officials will make the final decision on Iran and that the other members of the political-security cabinet will only be informed about it in general terms.(Ynet)

- 3 ballistic missiles were launched, 2 were intercepted and 1 fell in an open area
after Surface-to-surface missiles were fired from Lebanon toward the center of Israel, red alert in Tel Aviv. This is the first time Hezbollah is using this missile There are no casualties BH
sirens sounded across the coastal plain north of Tel Aviv in more than 182 localities on Monday.
The IDF said several sirens sounded across central Israel and that the details are currently under review.

- Names of Four IDF Soldiers killed I'm a military base by Hezbollah drone attack
Omri Tamari (19) from Mazkeret Batya
Yosef Hieb (19) from Tzippori
Yoav Agmon (19) from Binyamina Givat Ada
Alon Amitay (19) from Ramot Naftali

- In the wake of the deadly strike on a Golani training base last night, the Israeli Air Force has set a goal of completely eliminating Hezbollah’s Unit 127, responsible for its UAV production, maintenance and operation, The Times of Israel has learned. The effort to kill every member of the unit will now take priority in terms of intelligence collection and airstrikes.

- About 10 rockets were launched at Chaifa today by Hezbollah bno injuries there was some  damage reported on a vehicle that caught fire from shrapnel

- The IDF eliminated the commander of the anti-tank system of the Radwan unit in Hezbollah; the launchers from which rockets were launched into the north and center of the country were attacked from the air  

- IDF spokesman published a video from the Chief of Staff's visit to the base that was hit yesterday by Hezbollah's drone after propaganda channels affiliated with Hezbollah put forward a false claim according to which the Chief of Staff was the target of Hezbollah's attack.

-  The IDF strike in Zartra in northern Lebanon, near Tripoli, targeted four apartments where more than 20 people live. 8 deaths were reported

- A report in the Qatari Al-Arabi Al-Jadid newspaper states that the meeting between Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar and Egyptian intelligence chief Abbas Kamal ended with the difficulty of forging a cease-fire agreement in Gaza at the current time. According to all indications, negotiations for a deal in Gaza will be frozen until after the US elections in November.

- Last night at 1am a group of boys stood on the side  barrier off rt 9 at the Lake waiving Iisraeli American and Trump flags to passing motorists 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

אושפיזין Naftali Kempeh

Naftali Kempeh אושפיזין Ushpizin 

Sunday October 13 News Updates Lakewood

                         מחרת יום הכיפורים תשפ"ה
Weather: 80° Abundant sunshine. Windy 10 to 20 mph
 High around 80F. No serious rain in the forecast over sukkos until Hoshana Rabba

- Sources close to the Trump campaign tell 
Fox News there was no assassination attempt against Trump at his Coachella, CA rally yesterday. We’re told a man with a gun was arrested at the perimeter of the event without incident.

- The defendant of the 3rd Trump assasination attempt was released from custody after posting his $5000 bail. He is a registered Republican, and the FBI "does not consider him a threat" to President Trump.
- 3rd assassination attemp on Trump:
California police believe they thwarted a would-be Trump assassination after arresting a man with multiple illegal firearms outside of Trump's Coachella rally. 49-year-old Vem Miller was arrested on Saturday. Miller appears to have gotten within feet of Donald Trump Jr. at the RNC .Police say they believe they stopped a third assassination attempt on Trump.

- WSJ: The Pentagon and the White House are increasingly concerned about the appearance of drones near sensitive facilities in the US. Drones were spotted near the Langley Airforcebase , Virginia, and a nuclear weapons testing base in Nevada. These incidents began more than a year ago, and the WSJ claims that Washington does not know who is responsible.

- There will be a simchas Bais Hashoava for all  yeshiva bochurim with singers Shloimy Daskal and Yiddy Bialosotzky Yedidim choir and the Mendy Hershkowitz band  Monday night chol Hamoed at Lakewood cheder hall with the participation of the Lakewood Roshei  yeshiva

- Sukkos bein hazmanim begins the bochrim are back from yeshiva, special bein hazmanim learning programs in neighborhood shuls serving breakfast and other refreshments 

- Kollel Chazu bein hazmanim learning program opens today at 45 locations in the greater Lakewood are

Sukkos shopping
- Dated minim shuk open today at Blue Claws stadium parking lot
- Daled minim shuk at Municipal parking lot at 9th st bet Clifton and Lexington 
- Shuk at Riverwood park in Toms River
- Bingo $6.99 side of Salmon until erev Sukkos
- Ruby Shoe sale today at estreia 12:00pm - 7:00pm
- Daled minim sale at Bais Faiga opens 1pm
- Nutmeg buffet $9.99 a lb supper menu items

- Three weeks to presidential election CBS national poll of likely voters shows Harris up. Donald Trump is one point closer to Kamala Harris nationally than last month, and the decisive battleground states also remain effectively even.
Kamala Harris 51%
Donald Trump 48%
NBC poll shows Trump and Harris tied at 48% among registered voters 

- A judge ruling will allow 125 Duplexes plus basements as the corner of Cross st and James  adding 500 cars to the James Street and Cross Street area traffic under chemdas Hatorah educational campus loophole.  See full story Here

- BDE: Petirah of Reb Shloimy Ullman Z"L who was niftar over Yom Kippur. Originally from Monsey, was a long time rebbe at Yeshiva of Spring Valley for close to 50 years and  from the founding Hatzolah members. He moved to Lakewood  5 years ago. Levaya at the Lakewood chapel off 7th st 1:00pm  shiva at the Fairways 

- Tonight a siyum ksivas oisiyos for a sefer Torah will take place for a  new sefer Torah in the Kol Shimshon Bais Medrash the kesivas oisiyos event will take place in Lake Terrace hall followed by a grand seuda with music featuring a full list of  20 baalei menagnim and singers and the procession will be on the first day of Sukkos after MIncha at Kol Shimshon. Rav Chaim kanievsky and Rav Gershon Eidelstein both wrote oisiyos in this Sefer Torah. 

- Hachnosas sefer Torah today procession leaving from 8 Jule CT Lakewood at 3pm

-Lalechet tours chartering  direct flights to Israel from NY with prices starting at $900- $1000 one way. The company recently received all necessary approvals and  permits to operate. There will be special flights to accomadate bochurim and seminary girls. They wrote on the site, "Please note this will be an all-economy flight. Due to limited aircraft availability, we have secured a safe and reliable plane, but there were no options available with updated interiors. Our primary focus has been to ensure the flight takes place to meet the urgent need for direct travel to and from Eretz Yisroel. See more info Here 

- Lakewood residents were inundated with robocalls for tzedaka all day on Erev Yom Kippur

- The KNA Roberts Sukkos chol Hamoed carnival will take place Tuesday October 22 at Blue claws stadium parking lot 

Israel At War Sunday Oct 13

Israel at war day 357

- The IDF says that it struck terrorists operating from a command center inside the compound and accused Hamas of hiding among civilians and using facilities such as hospitals for terror operations.

- Hezbollah threatens Israel with more attacks if its offensive in Lebanon continues, after a drone attack on a base near Binyamina in central Israel killed four soldiers and injured 51 others. Hezbollah “promises the enemy that what it witnessed today in southern Haifa is nothing compared to what awaits it if it decides to continue its aggression against our noble and dear people,” it says.

- Iranian channels are reporting that out of fear of an Israeli strike, Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian will soon enter the "strongest bunker in the world" alongside Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

- Update: 4 IDF soldiers  were killed HYD in today's Hezbollah drone attack at a military base in the center  of the country 7 remain in critical condition 

 - MK Eli Cohen to Kan 11: "On Thursday in the Cabinet meeting, the head of the Mossad gave us a briefing with the location of every hostage"

- Senior Israeli official: The report on the supposed directive of the political echelon to the IDF to stop its strikes in Beirut is entirely false. Israel maintains freedom of action anywhere and everywhere in Lebanon.

- Three UAVs were launched toward Israel, with two shot down, but one of the UAVs penetrated deep into Israel, crashing in the Binyamina area. No warning sirens were activated, which the IDF will be probing. The drone hit the kitchen area of the base

- Update The number of injured has risen to 67. At least 1 of the injured has died from their wounds so far. and 24 injured, including 9 in critical condition, as a result of a Hezbollah' drone explosion in Binyamina, south of Haifa.

- The drone used was provided by Russia to Hezbollah it avoids radar detection and drops missles before it  explodes

- Update Hezbollah sources say they hit a military base in Central Israel and the drone dropped a missle before exploding 

- Tehillim: 39 injuries A mass casualty event has been declared in Binyamina in Central Israel from a hostile drone impact. At least 20 injured so far, 5 in critical condition—details to come.
Updated: : 3 in critical condition, 5 in serious condition, over 15 in moderate condition. There was no alert sounded before the strike, and initial reports are that the drone fired a missile or dropped an explosive before diving and exploding on the ground.

- Defense minister Galant: Hezbollah has left with less than a third of its missiles and rockets. The entire leadership is dead, and as we expand the ground operation in South Lebanon, we are not encountering any massive resistance. The IDF said, "Once there was a person with an organization that had a state, now the person is gone and the organization is weak."

- Netanyahu: UN must withdraw Lebanon peacekeepers, Hezbollah using them as human shield

- Some 25 IDF soldiers were injured today in ground operations across southern Lebanon, according to Kan news. Two of the soldiers were seriously injured, and the rest were lightly hurt. There is no official word on the matter from the army as of yet.

- IDF captures Hezbollah terrorist hiding in tunnel 

- Repeat rounds of rocket sirens in northern border towns communities as the area comes under sustained rocket attack from Lebanon.

- In Jabalya The IDF is creating a barrier between the northern Gaza Strip and Gaza City.. Netanyahu says the military is pressing operations in northern Gaza’s Jabaliya. The IDF recently launched a fresh ground offensive to prevent the terror group from reestablishing itself in north Gaza.

-A US official says the Biden’s administration is considering transferring Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) air defense systems to Israel, but adds that a decision has not yet been made. Earlier, several Israeli reports claimed that the US will deploy the anti-ballistic missile system in the Jewish state — including sending American troops to Israeli soil to operate it — as part of preparations for the expected Israeli response to Iran’s recent missile attack.(TOI)

- Reports: Hamas delayed Oct. 7 attack to enlist Iran, Hezbollah; plotted 9/11-style bombing aimed to bring down Tel Aviv's Azrieli Towers
The October 7, 2023, attacks had originally been planned for the previous year, but was delayed amid efforts by Hamas to enlist the help of Iran and Hezbollah, according to a series of documents obtained by international media outlets on Saturday. The documents stated that one reason Hamas launched the attack was the internal conflict that prevailed in Israel due to the judicial reform controversy.

- Another soldier killed in Gaza before yom Kippur bringing the death toll to 354.
Ittai Fogel, 22, from Yakir

- Netanyahu: UN must withdraw Lebanon peacekeepers, Hezbollah using them as human shield

- NBC reporting that senior American officials believe that Israel has reduced the number of targets it will attack in Iran, and that symbols of government and oil infrastructure will be attacked - and not targets related to the nuclear facilities.

- IDF activity on Yom Kippur in Gaza and Lebanon: 50 Hezbollah terrorists were killed in clashes with ground forces, and airstrikes destroyed more than 200 targets. In Gaza, forces killed more than 50 terrorists in Jabaliya, and 80 targets were struck from the air. 

- IDF stated on Motzei Yom Kippur that about 320 Hezbollah projectiles were fired by Hezbollah in Lebanon into Israel over Yom Kippur.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Motzei Yom Kippur 5785 Lakewood

 A Gut Kvittel
לך אכול בשמחה לחמך כי כבר רצה אלקים את מעשיך

- Weather tonight 47° some clouds. Low 47F. Winds light and variable.
Tomorrow  81° Mainly sunny. Very warm

- Motzei Yom kippur learning seder at BMG Bais Aharon Liluy Nishmas Harav Chaim Stein zatzal

- Daled Minim shuk open tonight at Blueclaws stadium parking lot 10:00 pm

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Zmanim Erev Yom Kippur 5785 Lakewood

Friday, October 11,  2024 ט׳ תשרי תשפ''ה ערב יום כיפור

יַעֲלֶה תַחֲנוּנֵנוּ מֵעֶרֶב וְיָבוֹא שַׁוְעָתֵנוּ מִבֹּקֶר וְיֵרָאֶה רִנּוּנֵנוּ עַד עָרֶב.
    כִּי הִנֵּה כַּחֹמֶר בְּיַד הַיּוֹצֵר בִּרְצוֹתוֹ מַרְחִיב וּבִרְצוֹתוֹ מְקַצֵּר כֵּן אֲנַחְנוּ בְיָדְךָ חֶסֶד נוֹצֵר לַבְּרִית הַבֵּט וְאַל תֵּפֶן לַיֵּצֶר.
שנה טובה, גמר חתימה טובה,  וצום קל – שיתקבלו תפילותינו לרצון לפני אדון כל

-Yizkor/Yom Kippur candle reminder
-Chatzos 12:43 pm
-Candle lighting 6:04 pm
-Shkiah/sunset 6:22 pm
What time is fast over? -Yom Kippur ends Motzei Shabbos at 7:33 pm (72 minutes)  

Weather: Today 70° Sunny skies
Yom Kippur night: 52°  clear skies
Yom Kippur day: 76° Mainly sunny

Seder Limud Motzei Yom Kippur  share in the zchus HERE לע'נ רב חיים שטיין זצ"ל 

-Gourmet Glatt open till 3 pm, Seasons 3 pm Evergreen  3 pm, NPGS 3 pm, Bingo 3:30 pm,  Judaica plaza 2 pm, Aisle 9 untill 4pm.

Time Release capsule Tylenol, Advil, Aspirin & Caffeine, electrolytes Pills for Yom Kippur. Please call 732-370-3602 12th & Princeton area or at Food ex, Gourmet Glatt, Aisle 9

Mikva app  Erev YK for Nashim- Chesterfield 11-2

Coventry 10 am-2 pm

Westgate Ohel Blima morning hours

Bais Shmuel (Perl) 732 703-1829.

  כפרות   אצל ר' אייזקוביץ רחוב שבע, קליפטון וחמש

Halachos: When Yom Kippur Falls Out on Shabbos 5785

Rav Levi Yitzchok of barditchev, know as "The advocate" was always calm when yom kippur fell on shabbos. The reason he said, is that since Writing on shabbos is prohibited , except to save a life So too God will not write on shabbos except to save our lives. 

This year Yom Kippur 5785 falls out on Shabbos there are some halachos pertaining to this day.
1.  We say Avinu Malkeinu by Shachris on Erev Yom Kippur that comes out on Friday since we dont say it on Yom Kippur
2. One should have in mind to be Yoitze kiddush hayom of shabbos by the bracha of mekadesh hashabos after vayechulu.
3.We do not say Avinu malkeinu According to Ashkenazi customs since we dont ask for personal requests on Shabbos. However by Neeilah we do say it.
4. various minhagim if we say the yud gimmel middos by krias hatorah.
5. If one must eat- Children, or someone sick, according to most poskim we do not recite kiddush before eating.
6. By candle lighting you say lehadlik ner shel shabbos Vshel Yom Hakipurim
7. Havdala begins with Hinei and Besamim (some minhagim don't start from the begining)

The Talmud states, "If only Israel would keep two [consecutive] Shabbosim, they would be immediately redeemed"
.(Shabbos 118b) The book Noam Megadim (parashas Emor), from Rabbi Eliezer Ish Horowitz, a disciple of Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk, offers a compelling interpretation of the passage in the Talmud; that the two Shabbosos refer to two Shabbosos which comes together. That can only be when Yom Kippur falls out on Shabbos. Therefore the possibility for immediate redemption of our people is at hand. We only need to observe them, putting

Thursday October 10 News Updates

Weather: 63° Sunny. High 63F. frost advisory tonight for Ocean county with temps dipping into the low 40;s mid 

- Last night of Selichos at the kosel crowds are maxed to capacity police not allowing people in

- US presidential candidate former President Donald Trump in a special  video message for US citizens in Israel to vote for him: "No one in history has ever stood with Israel and the Jewish people like I have...The other side doesn't even like you."

- Trump: "I am announcing that as part of our tax cuts, we will make interest on car loans fully deductible."

- Tzedaka before Yom Kippur campaign launched to help local family after the mother passed away this week. She was a devoted at-home Morah and her husband a rebbe is now stepping away from his second job to care for their 8 children. May this mitzvah be a zchus for all of us as we approach the Yom Hadin
Donate HERE

- Former President Bill Clinton is gearing up to hit the campaign trail this weekend, focusing on battleground states to support VP Kamala Harris through Election Day, CNN reports

- Fisher-Price Recalls More than 2 Million Snuga Infant Swings Due to Suffocation Hazard After 5 Deaths Reported

- Hurricane Milton’s tear of destruction across central Florida left more than 3 million homes and businesses without power around 4 a.m. Thursday And 6 deaths reported "The storm was significant, but thankfully this was not the worst case scenario," Gov. Ron DeSantis said at a briefing Thursday

- Erev Yom Kippur children still not in school for this year while registration is already open for next year.

-The KNA Roberts Sukkos chol Hamoed carnival will take place Tuesday October 22 at Blue claws stadium parking lot 

- Ruby shoe sale sunday October 13 at Estreia 12pm - 7 pm

- Tips on how to prepare for the fast of Tisha B'Av according to Rabbi Yechezkel Aschayek author of the sefer חיים בריאים כהלכה One should start preparation from the morning 2 days before by drinking 50 % more water of your daily intake. Drink 20 minutes before eating and after meals, don't drink until the food is digested in order not to dilute the acids that digest the food. The food should be chewed well before swallowing in order for the body to digest it and not have it sit in the stomach. One should increase protein starting 2 days before, such as eggs fish etc. By the seudas Hamafsekes one should drink 20 minutes before and no need to drink afterwards

-Ethel Kennedy, the widow of Robert F. Kennedy, has died at the age of 96, her family announced Thursday. She was a sister in law with JFK.

- Trump: a giant fake news scam by cbs & 60 minutes. her real answer was crazy, or dumb, so they actually replaced it with another answer in order to save her or, at least, make her look better. a fake news scam, which is totally illegal. take away the cbs license. election interference. she is a moron, and the fake news media wants to hide that fact. an unprecedented scandal!!! the dems got them to do this and should be forced to concede the election? wow!

- Emerson Poll: Trump, Harris Virtually Tied in seven Swing States according to a new Emerson College Polling/The Hill survey.released Thursday shows Trump ahead of Harris in Arizona (49%-47%), Georgia (49%-48%), North Carolina (49%-48%), and Pennsylvania (49%-48%).
Harris leads in Nevada (48%-47%), and the two presidential candidates are tied at 49% in both Michigan and Wisconsin.

- TRUMP: "The shooter had 3 cell phones. The FBI has never gotten them open. The other shooter had 6 cell phones. They still haven't opened them...some of the apps are foreign based. They had no problem getting the J6 cell phones open. Why is Apple not able to open these phones?" "Who has 6 cell phones? Having 6 cell phones is weird. If I even have two, that's a lot."

Israel Ar War Thursday Oct 10

Israel at war day 370

- Almost all Israeli TV and Radio stations will be off air on Yom Kippur Somerville have a minimal crew available in case of an emergency broadcast

-The Israeli Security Cabinet has convened tonight to discuss final approval for retaliatory strikes against Islamic Iran.

- The target of the assassination in Beirut: Wafik Spa, Nasrallah's brother-in-law and Hezbollah's defense minister, Lebanese sources say he survived the assassination attempt.

- The IDF announced that in a strike on a command and control complex in Jabaliya, at least 12 Hams terrorists, most of whom took part in the 10/7, were eliminated.

- Another  3 reserve IDF soldiers HYD killed today in Gaza during heavy fighting in Jabalia, bringing death toll to 353.
Ori Moshe Borenstein (32) from Moreshet
Netanel Hershkovitz (37), from Nechusha
Tzvi Matityahu Marantz (32) from Bnei Adam
All 3 were alumni of Hesder yeshivos.

- Iranian sources to "Sky News": Quds Force - commander Ismail Qa'ani suffered a heart attack and was taken to a hospital during his investigations. In addition, it is reported that the head of Ka'ani's office is suspected of spying for Israel

-Another Reserve IDF soldier killed in Lebanon  bringing death toll in the ground wwar up North to 12 Ronny Ganizate, 36, of Givat Shmuel HYD
- BDE: Petirah of 35 year old youngerman Refoel Mordechai Fishoff ZTL who died after he was stabbed yesterday in Chedera by a arab terrorist. He was on his way to Kollel when the attack took place he leaves behind a almana with 6 children. A Levaya will take place today in Bnei Brak at the Ponovizh bais hachaim 

- An Israeli official told CNN:  Today there will be a vote in the Israeli cabinet to decide on the type of response to Iran

- The IDF spokesman announced the elimination of the commander of the Hula area in Hezbollah, Ahmed Alhaj Ali, who was responsible for launching hundreds of rockets and anti-tank missiles at Kiryat Shmona.Also, Muhammad Hamdan, the commander of Hezbollah's anti-tank system in Miss Aljabal, was killed. 

- The UN peacekeeping force says that “this morning, two peacekeepers were injured after an IDF Merkava tank fired its weapon toward an observation tower at UNIFIL’s headquarters in Naqoura, directly hitting it and causing them to fall. The injuries are fortunately, this time, not serious, but they remain in hospital.”

- More than 1,000 Americans and their dependents have fled war-hit Lebanon aboard US chartered flights in the last week, arriving in Turkey for a temporary stay, the top US diplomat in Istanbul said on Thursday.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Hashkafa Q&A Erev Yom Kippur

 Haskafa Q&A by Harav Gershon Ribner shlita Rebgershonribner.com 

Tactics to rid yourself of the strain of the Yom Kippur fast

 Rampant disregard for rights of others borders on גזל

 How to extract a mechila request for a long forgotten offense Why many revert back even after a sincere commitment

Wednesday October 9 News Updates Lakewood

Day 7 of עשי'ת
Weather: 70°  Sunshine to start, then a few afternoon clouds. High near 70

-Hurricane Milton slams into Florida’s west coast with 120 mph winds, leaving 1.6M without power.as of 10pm it was downgraded to a category 2

-B"H Mortgage broker Meridian Capital Group will be freed from a Freddie Mac ban months after Freddie stopped buying loans handled by the firm amid an industrywide crackdown on fraud.
Starting on Jan. 1, Freddie Mac will begin considering Meridian-brokered loans again as long as lenders comply with a suite of new conditions.

- Down in Florida, around 8:30 PM, Hurricane Milton has made landfall near Siesta Key, Florida. An extreme wind warning is also in effect for the city of Tampa, along with catastrophic flooding and storm surge. Stay safe Florida!

- Bingo special side of Salmon for $6.99 until erev Sukkos 

- Congressman Andy Kim NJ  Democratic nominee  for US Senate  visited Lakewood today.accompanied by  Assemblyman Avi Schnall  and community activists They visited BMG, Chemed  Hatzolah of Central Jersey headquarters and other locations.

- Giyus Update: Rav Dov Landau spoke at the Mir yeshiva in Yerushalayim and he said "I want to add something that is clear to everyone, we know very well that no member of the yeshiva, no avreich will go to the army, under no circumstances, and in no way, we pray to Hashem that  they will not make it difficult for the members of the yeshiva, but this We declare , no yeshiva bochur and no Avreich will go to the army, I say simple things but they have to be said, no one goes, no one goes."
Israel media commentors did point out that he did not allude to those who are currently not in yeshiva

- Hurricane Milton rages toward Florida, is on track to hit the Florida peninsula Wednesday night or early Thursday, presents an "extremely life-threatening situation" to those on the state's western coast, the National Hurricane Center has repeatedly warned. Milton, a Category 4 storm with sustained winds of 155 mph as of Wednesday morning, briefly regained Category 5 strength Tuesday.

- Playa bowl opening near seasons in Toms River

- Yerushalmi restaurant soft opening located at Squankum and E County Line at the WaWa shopping center 

- Construction crews installing sidewalk today along James street from Sunset to Williams st on the southern side 

- 3 days before Yom Kippur 35 days into the school there are children sitting at home still not accepted to a school yet. חמול על עוללנו וטפנו

- Admor M'Siksa Monsey will be in Lakewood tonight from 8pm - 11pm at 611 E  5th street with Maariv at 8

- Police were ticketing motorists yesterday on Rt 9 near Central Avenue for driving in the Yellow lines of the empty lane that extends from 7 11 to Central. The Police were in unmarked cars

- A westgate style development coming to Jackson ? more here https://www.faanews.com/2024/10/is-westgate-coming-to-jackson.html

- The daily Vivaser newsletter serving the Lakewood area  has been upgraded with new graphics and features

- Former President Trump is scheduled to hold a campaign rally at Madison Square Garden in New York City later this month, CNN reports.

- Three New Jersey hospitals made U.S. News and World Report’s annual list of the best children’s hospitals nationwide. Children’s Hospital at Hackensack Meridian Hackensack University Medical Center, K Hovnanian Children’s Hospital at Jersey Shore University Medical Center, and Bristol-Myers Squibb Children’s Hospital at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital ranking nationally for children in New Jersey.

- Retail spending is down in Lakewood since last year. and the UEZ grant award will be cut by 300k  At the  Lakewood Development Corporation meeting yesterday announced that for FY '25, the Lakewood UEZ will receive a cut of $300,000 from last year's grant award.
 with Home Depot seeing a $1.2 million dip in sales from last year, and the top 30 retailers in Lakewood  experiencing a $1 million cut in sales from last year, see more on FAA 

- Starting in April, the price of a Mega Millions ticket will surge from $2 to $5, but lottery officials believe players will pay the increased cost due to upcoming changes that promise Larger jackpots and more frequent wins

- A cyberattack on New Jersey American Water continues to affect the utility company American Water paused billing to customers as it announced the cyberattack on Monday. the attack has not yet affected water service

- CNN panel admits they messed up and drove Elon Musk away from the Democratic party, say they should have respected his contributions to the world. The panel blasted the Biden administration for purposely excluding Musk from events.

- Trump: I’ve never seen this before, but the producers of 60 Minutes sliced and diced (“cut and pasted”) Lyin’ Kamala’s answers to questions, which were virtually incoherent, over and over again, some by as many as four times in a single sentence or thought, all in an effort, possibly illegal as part of the “News Division,” which must be licensed, to make her look “more Presidential,” or a least, better. It may also be a major Campaign Finance Violation. This is a stain on the reputation of 60 Minutes that is not recoverable - It will always remain with this once storied brand. I have never heard of such a thing being done in “News.” It is the very definition of FAKE NEWS! The public is owed a MAJOR AND IMMEDIATE APOLOGY! This is an open and shut case, and must be investigated, starting today!

Israel At War Wednesday October 9

 Israel at war day 369

- Details from the Biden-Bibi conversation today: Biden demanded that Bibi not attack the nuclear or oil facilities in Iran and claimed that the operation in Lebanon should be ended "as soon as possible" and to strive for an agreement. Bibi stood firm and replied that Israel has a historic opportunity [with Iran] that should not be missed. Concerning Lebanon, he replied that Israel has signed 1701, and the only agreement that it will now consider will be one where Hezbollah is severely beaten and will not be able to threaten the residents of the North or Israel. Channel 14

- ABC is reporting that while Bibi didn't present a fully finalized vision for the counterattack on Iran to Biden, members of the administration were still relatively satisfied with the level of detail that was shared and felt the Israeli government was receptive to their arguments for sticking to conventional military targets rather than nuclear or oil production sites. 

-  The Israeli reaction in Iran will be very, very deadly, even at the cost of an Iranian response that will lead to the destruction of entire buildings in Israel. (Channel 12)

- Israeli source emphasized that the conversation between Bibi and Biden had a "positive atmosphere." The focus of the discussion was the Israeli response to Iran. Biden also said that Israel needs to start planning for the post-fight

- White House: We will not be be willing to let Lebanon become like Gaza.

- Defense Minister Galant during a visit to the Intelligence Division: "The Iranian attack was aggressive but imprecise; on the other hand - our attack will be deadly, precise and above all surprising, they will not understand what happened and how." (Amit Segal)

- The US is quietly talking with some Arab countries and Iran about a ceasefire deal in Gaza, excluding Israel from the discussions, N12 reported on Wednesday morning.

- Tehillim for avreich who was critically injured in the Chadera terror stabbing attack name has been added Chaim Refoel Mordechai ben Sara 

-Joe Biden is expected to hold a phone call with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday to discuss Israel’s plans to retaliate against Iran for its October 1 ballistic missile attack

- Approximately 40 rockets were identified crossing from Lebanon towards Upper Galilee and Haifa Bay on Wednesday, killing two people, a couple in Kiryat Shmona,  both aged 40, Ihe husband and wife fatally sustained wounds due to falling shrapnel while walking their dogs and did not have time to enter the protected area.

- Stabbing attack in chadera 6 wounded, 2 in critical condition the Arab terrorist was shot dead

- Three Israeli soldiers were seriously wounded in the fighting in southern Lebanon over the last day, the IDF said on Wednesday, as forces continued to battle Hezbollah operatives both in close-quarters combat and through airstrikes.

- Wall Street Journal: When Gallant called to update Austin on Nasrallah's elimination, the US Secretary of Defense responded, "Excuse me, what did you say?" Later that day, he made a fairly explicit threat when he asked Gallant if Israel was prepared to defend itself on its own, given the lack of updates to the US.

-Netanyahu and Biden expected to hold call on Iran Wednesday after weeks of silence
US said to be frustrated after Israel declined to share information about its plans, reportedly will try to ‘shape the limitations’ of the response to Iranian missile attack

Tuesday, October 8, 2024


 Petirah of Mrs. Hindy  Kaplan A"H following  an illness. She is survived by Her husband YBL"C R' Chaim and children shlita, her father Reb Menachem Moshe Dreyfus shlita. Levaya this morning Wednesday  10:30am at the Lakewood chapel off 7th st. With Kevura at the nearby Bais Olam. Shiva  at 120 14th st  until Erev Yom Kippur.

Laws of Fasting on Yom Kippur for Expectant Women

                                                                הלכות יום כפור לנשים מעוברות
The laws and Halachos of fasting on Yom Kippur for Expectant Women Reviewed by Harav Shmuel  Felder shlita the information was compiled in collaboration with highly experienced OB/GYNs and frum nurses (see brochure below). For questions and additional copies call the Rav 732-942-9609

Tuesday October 8 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 69° Sunny to partly cloudy.

- BMG roshei Yeshiva graced the Nshei Adirei Hatorah event tonight on a special stage as they addressed the thousands who attended.

- The Jackson Township Council is apparently in a huge rush to pave the way for additional dense housing. The Council tonight voted to hire CME Associates to prepare plans for additional affordable housing in the Township. (Faa)

- Lakewood planning board meeting tonight application for 76 lots off Prospect and Massachusetts, day care and school building at yeshiva Borchas Chaim, addition to hotel on Rt 70, Besader holding application to build 9 lots off 14th street. Watch livestream Here

Update the planning board  tonight voted to withdraw their appeal of the Besader holding application, resident vows to file federal lawsuit against the board full story on faanews.com 

- Hurricane Milton is advancing toward Florida, where it could be one of the most destructive storms on record, according to the National Hurricane Center. The storm on Tuesday strengthened back into a Category 5 hurricane, NHC said, but is forecast to weaken to Category 3 ahead of its landfall somewhere on Florida’s Central Gulf Coast. Officials are warning Floridians to heed warnings and remain vigilant.

- Evacuation at American Dream mall due to a suspicious vehicle in the area. Evacuation of tenants and guests started 5:30pm no further information is available as the investigation continues NJ12

-Trump: lyin’ kamala, who is being exposed as a “dummy” every time she does a show, just stated to the degenerates on the view that she would have done nothing different than crooked joe biden, the worst president in the history of the united states. the lamestream media doesn’t want to pick up the story, the dumb women on the show wish they never asked her the question that led to that election defying answer, but the internet is going wild. for starters, the border disaster, with murderers and everyone else being allowed to invade our country, worst inflation in history, the ukraine disaster, october 7th with israel, loss of energy independence, the afghanistan debacle, loss of respect all over the globe, and much more! her dumbest answer so far!

- Sukkos in Eretz Yisroel will be emptier from tourists due to the war, people have canceled their plans. Hotels are empty

- Amazon Prime day today

- Sukka panels at Bingo $29.99

- Toms River daled minim shuk located at Riverwood park open daily 12 pm - 1 am

- A 180z box of rice chex general mills cereal at a local supermarket is $8.39  is on sale at Instacart for $3.76 0r $4.99 at Target 

- Kosher food available for purchase at the GSP Judy Blume Service Area at mile post 100

- Nshei Adirei hatorah annual aseres Yemei Teshuva will take place at 311 Avenue of the states thousands expected

-  Lakewood Township will close on the Wells fargo building tomorrow located on Main street

- Tax FDollars LDC votes to give $9000 car allowance for the executive director on top of the new salary increase of $164,800 and health insurance benefit in the amount of $76,184.32, The board gave the allowance instead of purchasing a new car, which it already purchased one for the assistant director for $40k

- A Hachnosas sefer Torah will take place Sunday after Yom Kippur for a new sefer Torah in the Kol Shimshon Bais Medrash the kesivas Aoisiyos event will take place in Lake Terrace hall Sunday night followed by a grand seuda with music and baalei menagnim and the procession will be on the first day of Sukkos after MIncha at Kol Shimshon. Rav Chaim kanievsky and Rav Gershon Eidelstein both wrote oisiyos in this Sefer Torah. 

- Piers Morgan: The more interviews Kamala Harris does, the weaker a presidential candidate she seems. Just endless word salad bilge. Democrats must be kicking themselves they didn’t have a proper contest to replace Biden.

- A asifa on gezeiras giyus  in Bnei Brak was scheduked for yesterday October 7th Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, was scheduled  to speak nstead of the planned speech he simply apologized for the timing, and said he didn't realize the designated memorial day would be on Oct 7th, he said we should daven for the soldiers and that the hostages be released. Media reports say that Rav Dov Lando, canceled when he found out it was on Oct 7.

Israel At War Tuesday October 8

 Israel at war day 368

- Advanced" talks are taking place for a telephone conversation between Biden and Netanyahu on the subject of Iran in the coming days. (Barak Ravid)

- The decision to attack Iran has not yet been made."One of Netanyahu's conditions for approving Gallant's trip to the United States is a decision by the Cabinet to attack Iran." (Noam Amir)

- According to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Israel has set conditions for a cease-fire in Lebanon, including the disarmament of Hezbollah and its withdrawal North of the Litani River (Kan 11)

- IDF Spokesman says 50 terrorist operatives and at least six top commanders in Hezbollah’s Southern Front were killed in a wide wave of airstrikes in southern Lebanon yesterday. 

- Israeli airstrike in Damascus the target was a top Hezbollah official in the terror group's Unit 4400, that is is tasked with delivering weapons from Iran and its proxies to Hezbollah in Lebanon.

- Sinwar demanded that the Qataris know in advance whether he would receive immunity from Israel during the negotiations Qatar threatens senior Hamas officials: we will act financially against the senior officials if you do not advance in the negotiations

- An Underground Tunnel running from the Marwahin Area of Southern Lebanon roughly 10-Meters into Northern Israel near the Town of Zar'it, was Destroyed recently by Israeli Forces. 

- Netanyahu tells Gallant  Your trip to Washington - only after the approval of Israel's subsequent actions in the cabinet and my conversation with Biden

- Bibi to the Lebanese people:….”Stand tall and take back your country. You are facing an opportunity that you haven't had in decades: an opportunity to take care of the future of your children and grandchildren. You have an opportunity to save Lebanon before it falls into the abyss of a long war that will bring destruction and suffering, similar to what we see in Gaza. It doesn't have to be this way. Each of you can take a step towards your future—even a tiny step.
I say to you, citizens of Lebanon: free your country from Hezbollah so that this war can end.

- Hezbollah requests an unconditional ceasefire and demands to discuss the details later.

- Bob Woodward claims in his new book that Biden insulted Bibi numerous times. Biden said to his aide a few months ago, "Regarding Rafah, Biden asked Bibi, "What’s your strategy, man?” Bibi responded, “We have to go into Rafah." Biden responded, "Bibi, you’ve got no strategy.”

-Israel Defense Minister Galant in the Northern Command: "When the smoke in the skies of Lebanon clears, Iran will realize that they have lost the precious asset they built for years - Hezbollah. A year after the start of the war, Hams is a disbanded organization, and Hezbollah is a battered, broken organization, without command and control capabilities, without significant fire capabilities, with attempts to raise its head and above all without leadership."

- Over 150 rockets fired at Chaifa  and Krayot in heaviest attack on city since start of war B"H no reports of injuries ,although there's some damage reported.

- Another soldier killed in Gaza bringing death toll to 350 Noam Israel Abdu, 20, from Kadima-Zoran

- Israel is not expected to attack Iran's nuclear program but rather to focus on various kinds of military bases and intelligence sites, New York Times reports.

- Leading religious Zionist rabbis call for ‘responsible’ hostage deal with Hamas

-According to Israeli security officials, the IDF came close to Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar during operations in Gaza, with some assessments suggesting he surrounded himself with hostages at certain points and he carries dynamite with him in case of capture.

-The IDF announces that yesterday Air Force fighter jets targeted the Beirut area and killed Sohil Hossein Hosseini, the head of Hezbollah's headquarters. The attack was carried out with the precise direction of the Intelligence Division

- IDF spokesman announces the entry of the first IDF reserve division (and the fourth in total) into combat in Lebanon

Monday, October 7, 2024

Tzedaka Priorities

                                    ותשובה ותפילה וצדקה מעבירין את רוע הגזירה
          To Whom Do We Give Tzedakah and Who Comes Before Whom?

Aseres Yemei Teshhuva between  Rosh hashana and yom kippur when many tzedaka requests are made by  Mosdos, Yeshivos individuals and organizations asking for donations as klal yisrael is in a giving mode of tzedaka during this time. we are bombarded by Tzedaka letters in the mail, robo calls, telemarketers soliciting donations, emails, a meshulach knocking at your door or approaching you in shul. Some have family obligations to support a relative.   
If one can afford to give to all that would be wonderful, however not everyone is capable of that.  The question is is whom do I have to give

According to Halacha there are priorities in who to give tzedaka to first. Please discuss this with your Local Rabbi as there are differences of opinions.
Some Poskim rule that Hachzokas hatorah is the highest form of giving tzedaka.  categories in giving based on the shulchan aruch Yore Deah: The Laws of Tzedakah siman 251

Category 1: Captives, prisoners and matters of life and death- pikuach nefesh
Category 2: Very close relatives

Monday October 7 News Updates Lakewood

Day 5 of עשי"ת

 Weather: 75° sunny skies for the afternoon. High near 75F
No Rain in the forecast through first days of Sukkos but Temps could be in the low 40's at night

- Hurricane Milton now boasts sustained winds of 180 mph, making it a dangerous Category 5 storm as it nears Florida's west coast. Milton could be one of the most destructive hurricanes in history, with a pressure of 898MB — a rare occurrence, last seen in 2005's Hurricane Wilma.

- Application for 66 duplex homes on Prospect Street adjourned to November meeting after facing heavy opposition tonight from neighbors 

- Power outages in some areas of Lakewood  and Jackson border cross prospect over 5000 customers out. JCP&L investigating. Estimated restoration ETA 10:30pm

- Pro Hamas mobs  chasing down Jews in the streets of New York today

- The Mashgiach Rav Don Segal shlita will deliver a sichas Musser today at BMG Beren hall 7pm

- There will be Hespedim tonight for Rav Avrohom Ausband ZTL at Yeshiva Ohr Chaim Meir 9:00pm 1065 Cross st

Trump arrives at the Ohel watch live Here

- Hurricane Milton Intensifies Into A Category 4; Prompts Hurricane And Storm Surge Watches In Florida

- Ohel Chabad Lubavitch in Queens, NY is under heavy security today in preparation for a visit from Donald Trump

- Gas in Lakewood at $2.97
- Kaparos available at 5th st bet Clifton Ave and Lexington 

- Many Girls still not in school for this year from k-12 including newly families who moved into the greater Lakewood area

-Lakewood zoning board meeting 7:00 pm watch live stream Here  see agenda Here 
Applications for 3 yeshivah dormitories, approval of cell tower on GCU property, 66 lots on Prospect street, the Satmar mikva application for E Kennedy has been postponed.

- The Jackson Township Council is set to vote on an important ordinance Tuesday night that could significantly impact developers seeking to cram housing units together in Jackson.  Ordinance 33-24 would amend the municipal land use code to reduce the number of homes that developers are allowed to build per acre within the Highway Commercial Mixed-Use (HCMU) Zone.

- Tax Dollars LDC director to receive an additional $9,000 annually for travel expenses on top of the 170k salary 

- A 23-year-old man was found dead outside his family’s home on Cedar Street  in Lakewood early Tuesday morning, police said. Officers responded to the residence shortly after 7 a.m. following reports of an unresponsive male. Upon arrival, they discovered the man lying in the front yard. Authorities have not released his name. Despite immediate assessment, life-saving measures were deemed unnecessary, and the man was pronounced dead at the scene, according to officials. Police provided no further information. The investigation has since been closed, with no further details provided.

- New figures released by the ADL  show that the number of antisemitic episodes in the United States surged to the highest ever recorded in a one-year period following the October 7, 2023 Hamas attack on Israel, with New Jersey reporting 830 incidents - the third-most of any state. (One Jersey)

- Hamilton Marketplace, in Hamilton, New Jersey  one of the most visited shopping centers in New Jersey was purchased by Paramount Realty for over $100 million, the company announced on Sept. 24. Paramount is a New-Jersey commercial real estate company with offices in Lakewood and Lancaster, Pennsylvania, according to the company’s website.

- Message from Toms River Mayor Dan Rodrick:
“As we mark the anniversary of the October 7th massacre, our hearts are once again heavy with the memory of the lives lost to an act of

Trump At The Chabad Ohel

 President Trump at the Lubavitcher Rebbe's ohel on the anniversary of October 7 attacks on Israel. He recited a prayer for the return of the hostages. Beside him are Yael and Adi Alexander, the parents of the kidnapped IDF soldier Idan Alexander. He was gifted a siddur and placed a rock on the matzeiva. He was accompanied by political commentator Ben Shapiro who wrote: "October 7 was the greatest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. It was an honor to join President Trump in NY today to pay our respects and remember the lives lost in the horrific terrorist attack one year ago today. I had the additional honor of being accompanied by Yael, Adi, and Roy Alexander whose son and brother, Edan, an American citizen, is still held captive by Hamas. Today and every day we pray for the swift return of all the hostages and a victory over those who sponsored and perpetrated October 7."

Israel At War Monday October 7

Israel at war day 367

-Pro Hamas mobs  chasing down Jews in the streets of New York today

- Media reports of powerful explosions in Teheran, Iranian news agencies deny Israeli attacks, it appears the issue was internal.

- The IDF confirms that 5 missiles were launched by Hezbollah from Lebanon. Some were intercepted, and some landed in the ocean.

- Kan 11 is reporting that a senior Pentagon official told Sky News Arabia that the US believes that Israel's strike on Iran is imminent. He added that attacking the nuclear facilities is incredibly complex and requires aerial capabilities only available to the US.

- After weeks of no communication, the communication between Hamas head Sinwar and the mediators is back on. 

- Over 100 fighter aircraft attacked more than 120 Hezbollah targets in the past hour. These included targets of the Radwan force and Hezbollah's rocket and intelligence headquarters in Southern Lebanon.

- The IDF successfully intercepted a ballistic missile launched by the Houthis in Yemen towards Tel Aviv with the Arrow interceptor. No injuries or damage.

- An Israeli source for Sky News in Arabic: the target of the attack in Dahiya - a military commander in Hezbollah

- Israel marks year since Oct. 7 Hamas slaughter as Gaza rockets target south, Tel Aviv after Hamas fired five rockets at central Israel from Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip, Alerts sounded in Tel Aviv, Kfar Chabad, and Rishon Lezion, among other localities in the country's center. Two were injured from shrapnel

Israeli fighter jets struck and destroyed rocket launchers in southern Gaza's Khan Younis used by Hamas in an attack earlier today on central Israel, the military says.

- The IDF confirms carrying out an airstrike in Beirut  described as a "targeted,"  strike and says further details will be provided soon

- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has reportedly convened an “Urgent Meeting” with several of his Ministers as well as Senior Military and Defense Officials.

- Another 2 IDF reserve soldiers killed in Lebanon 
Aviv Magen, 43, o, from Cherut.
Etay Azulay, 25, from Oranit

Lebanon: A widespread wave of IDF attacks in the south of the country was carried out against more than 30 villages

- The IDF says it is carrying out an "extensive" wave of airstrikes against Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon.

- Many Hamas members, more senior and less, have recently fled from Lebanon and Iran. They are in Qatar and Turkey, as they believe that Israel will not target them there. 

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Eating Pas Yisrael During Aseres Yemei Teshuva

Eating Pas Yisrael During Aseres Yemei Teshuva
By Rabbi Doniel Neustadt shlita  (Torah.org)
As part of their overall strategy to guard the Jewish People from assimilating among the nations of the world, our Sages decreed against eating [kosher] bread that was baked by a non-Jew.(1) This edict was one of several which served to limit social interaction between Jews and non- Jews. Thus non-Jewish wine, bread, and certain cooked foods were all declared off-limits for the Jew.(2)

Since bread is so much more of a dietary staple than other cooked foods – indeed, the Rabbis call it chayei nefesh, the vital element of the diet – the decree against non-Jewish bread was not as widely accepted as the decrees against other cooked foods.(3) Consequently, in many communities where quality Jewish-baked bread was not easily available, it became customary to eat pas palter, which is kosher bread that is baked in non- Jewish bakeries. The rationale behind allowing pas palter is that eating bread that was baked in a non-Jewish bakery does not lead to mingling and socializing with non-Jews.(4)

Tzom Gedalia 5785 News Updates Lakewood

Sunday, October 6, 2024 / ד׳ תשרי תשפ״ה
צום גדליה
Fast ends at 7:11 according to Rav Moshe Feinstein, 50 minutes  zman 7:20pm
Weather: 73°Sunny to partly cloudy. High 73F.

- President Biden and the First Lady will commemorate the one-year anniversary of Hamas's  October 7th, 2023 terrorist attacks tomorrow morning. They'll be joined by a Rabbi for a yahrzeit candlelighting ceremony, honoring the victims and their families.

- Tomorrow New York City is bracing for widespread anti-Israel protests planned for the one-year anniversary of the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks, with some calling on protestors to “flood NYC for Palestine” Security has been beefed up at jewish communities and institutions around the tri state area.

- Over the next few days, protests are anticipated to take place across the city at key locations including Wall Street, City Hall, Washington Square Park, Union Square, Grand Central, Times Square, and Columbus Circle.

- Ocean county Judge tosses out shabbos charge by LPD after officer refused religious rights with arrest on shabos faa

- Peta activists were at kaparos locations today around Lakewood with signs about animal cruelty and to use coins and not live chicken

- Tropical storm Milton in the gulf of Mexico brewing and possibly strengthen to Hurricane with Florida in its path by midweek.

Tonight in Jackson Parlor meeting event with Chinuch Q&A ro benefit the Links family at 16 Pointe circle  7:45 -10:45 with a  tribute to Chatzi Katz ZL. The chinuch panel will feature Rav Yaakov Bender shlita Reb Nosson Mueller shlita moderated by Reb Sruly Bessee 8:45pm

- President Trump will visit the Ohel of the lubavitcher rebbe tomorrow morning bet uam and 9am to offer a prayer as he commemorates the first anniversary of the Ocrober 7th attacks 

-Levaya of Chaim Tzvi Katz ZL 1:15pm at 157 Spruce st watch livestream Hook up HERE
Call in 732-839-3003 ID 7763828466#

- Daled minim today at Bais Faiga hall from 1:50 pm - 6:00 pm and 8:30pm - 11:00 pm
- Tat כפרות at both annual locations Ateres Reva ans Bais Aaron 2:00 pm - 7:00 pm $8 each
- Kaparos in Bingo 1-7 pm $5 each
- Jackson Daled Minim at Bais Shabsi today Pawnee rd 

Lakewood township adds and extends left turning lane from Clifton Ave to rt 88, and there are now 2 lanes for cars to go straight towards Cedarbridge 

- Lakewood Zoning board meeting tomorrow night with big applications including 3  yeshiva dormitories, 66 duplex lots off Prospect, 4 story office building on rt 9, approve cell communications tower at GCU off 14th st, agenda Here

- The levaya for Mrs Shirley Auslander will be Sunday, Oct 6 at the Lakewood Chapel 10:30 am.
Shiva at 514 Curtis Lane 

-Nshei Adirei Hatorah will host the annual event for ladies on Tuesday October 8 during Aseres Yemei Teshuva. Details TBA

Israel At War sunday October 6

 Israel at war day 366

- The IDF says it is investigating after it failed to intercept a barrage of five rockets launched from Lebanon at Haifa this evening.
"Interception attempts were made," the IDF says, adding that several rocket impacts w

- Rockets hit Chaifa: 10 people have been injured moderate to light conditions after a rocket struck a building in Chaifa after a massive missile barrage from Lebanon.

- Multiple Israeli strikes in Syria: Hezbollah munitions depots in Eastern and Southern Homs were targeted. One of the attacks was on the road leading to Al-Qusayr, Hezbollah's most vital stronghold in Syria and the crossing point of munitions from Syria to Lebanon.

-American officials have offered Israel a "compensation" package of extensive diplomatic backing and significant military assistance if they refrain from attacking certain targets in Iran.
Israeli sources say that while they consider the US their ally and are always ready to listen, they will do whatever is necessary to protect Israel's national security. (Amichai Stein, Kan 11)

-The IDF is on high alert for the anniversary of 10/7 with the possibility that Hams and Hezbollah will try to disrupt the commemoration events by firing barrages throughout Israel. There is also a high probability of terrorist attacks on the homefront and in Gaza.

- Iran cancels all flights tonight until tomorrow 6am

- A combined terrorist attack of shooting and stabbing - at three different points in the central station in Be'er Sheva. Reports of one person was killed and ten wounded in various degrees of severity. The terrorist was shot dead

- IDF evacuates tens of thousands from northern Gaza amid Jabalya invasion
The IDF evacuated tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians from northern Gaza on Sunday as 

-Heavy fighting reported in Gaza today with 3 soldiers seriously injured 

- More Israeli gov ministers call for attack on Iran now

- South Lebanon battle update: IDF forces located and destroyed launch sites, tunnel shafts, military buildings, and weapons; the Air Force attacked more than 150 terrorist targets directed by the ground forces. Over 440 Hezbollah terrorists were killed so far. 
 IDF forces in Southern Lebanon found
Russian TBG-29V warheads for RPG-29 launcher
Iranian  anti-personnel mines and anti tank mines with hand grenades 

- Another soldier killed in Gaza bringing death toll to 144. An IDF reservist wounded by an explosive device during fighting in the northern Gaza Strip on June 15 succumbed to his wounds, Nir Hadad, 28, 

Qatari officials said to tell hostage families - Sinwar no longer calling them, but is alive
Qatari officials mediating hostage deal talks with Hamas told the families of captives last week that Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar was no longer calling them, Channel 12 reports.
The Qataris said Sinwar was now only communicating with a pen and paper — a decision made after a series of assassinations that took out Hamas’s and Hezbollah’s leadership — which poses a challenge to their mediation efforts, the report says.
The officials also told the families that it is likely Sinwar has surrounded himself with hostages, and dispelled speculation that he may have been killed in an Israeli airstrike, according to the report.