Friday, December 21, 2018

TVOL: Lakewood may Opt Out of Marijuana Legalization

The Voice of Lakewood reports Lakewood township would likely follow nearby towns by choosing to opt out of NJ state legislation to legalize Marijuana. 


  1. I feel that given the amount of children in Lakewood, for their protection this is a wise move. I can already picture my teenagers telling me it is ok to smoke marijuana cuz it is legal. this would be a real difficulty for parents. also, if someone needs it for medical reasons they can go out of the area to get it.

  2. Toms River and Jackson real estate just went up in price

  3. Enough weed would make the local taxpayers unbothered by the sky rocketing taxes and lack of services.

  4. What has the township done to get rid of the stores in the downtown that are fronts for drugs.

    1. Thank you for that comment .
      Simple answer. When the stores are renting from Jewish landlords that have connections to the committee they are good to go. If a member of the VAAD decides to start a marijuana store, it will be a different story.

  5. To the first anonymous guy the children already drink alcohol at kiddushes. Alcohol kills tens of thousands of people each year in America. Cannabis (marijuana) kills 0 people each year in america

    1. There have been no long term credible studies on the health effects of mirijauna. The claim that it is healthier than tobacco or fill in the blank... is only because it has not been studied.

      There are no separate statistics for people who got into vehicular accidents from being high on weed. It is definitely illegal, definitely considered DUI. TO claim it has not lead to any deaths is just false and musleading

  6. Reading Meir lichtensteins comments about drug use is comical. Marijuana is no more of a gateway to harder drugs than cigarettes and alcohol. Prescription opiates are the direct cause of addiction to harder drugs such as heroin. I agree we should not allow marijuana stores in Lakewood, just as we should not allow gun shops, pawn shops, adult shops etc. It would be the type of store that attracts an element that is not for a town trying to be respectable. But to say that it is because of addiction? Would you say an adult store would lead to illicit behavior? That is not the concern. The concern is what image do we want Lakewood to project. That being said, now why dont you get off your tuchus and fix up your rotting downtown area? How about showing the main street in Lakewood the same concern you show for the strip malls you manage? Now that you are an expert on drug addiction, perhaps you can become an expert on managing a town as well.
