Friday, September 15, 2017

33 Yidden Sitting in IDF Jails


  1. How many non charedim are also sitting? Maybe if you were worried about jews rather then the type of jews ie: charedim, then things would be a bit different. Stop dividing jews by prefix. Hitler didnt use prefixes becaisr s jew is a jew.

    1. Couldn't have said it better. I had a thought this Tisha B'Av. We are taught a million times growing up that as a result of שנאת חינם the בית המקדש השני was destroyed. But hold on a second, why was it baseless hatred?! they were צדוקים, בריונים, בייתוסים, and all kinds of other groups of rogue Hellenists amongst us? Yet as a result of this hatred and infighting, over 1 million Jews died in the Civil War leading up to the Roman destruction. ONE MILLION JEWS. So wouldn't it seem that there was very valid and reasonable qualifiers to hate on all these groups of Jews? Yet Chazal, all of them, call it baseless hatred. שנאת חינם. And until we cannot figure out this lesson in history, as an absolute truth and prerequisite for having תורת ישראל, בארץ ישראל, לעם ישראל, it'll never work.

    2. This is a campaign by a secular government persecuting innocent from Jews. You can't compare it to other Jews who are unfortunately in Jail

    3. so your point is that we should take our hashkafos from hitler?

    4. Yes that is exactly his point . More so,his point is that adults with the brain of a 3 year old should not be commenting on a blog.

    5. so why did you comment?

  2. Excuse me but hesder talmidim are also jews and they are also targets. As the previous commentator wrote. "Hitler didnt differentiate. He didnt care if you wore a Chazon ish yarmulka or a pepsi cola yarmulka or if u wore black or brown shoes. Stop with the division. Division in kllal yisroel is what is keeping mashich from coming . Its pure sinas chinum to use prefixes referring yo a yid.

  3. Thank you to the blogger for changing the headline.

  4. Header is Mizrachi I don't think they fight for any Chareidi rights about learning in Yeshiva maybe the opposite they may be part of the problem

  5. ליטוואק פון בודאפעסטSeptember 17, 2017 at 4:55 AM

    I wouldn't trust anything coming from EY on this topic.

    The general idea is, since the state started, the Gedolim worked to get the state to allow those who wanted to learn, too stay in beis hamedrash. As long as an option of learning was available, they held it was dangerous and irresponsible to try and change things.
    The laws changed, courts changed, but the Gedolei Yisroel have held on to this belief system,not allowing ephemeral externalities to confuse them and distract them from the true goal. As long as it is possible to sit and learn, don't try and anger them and risk that concession.
    Now, as always, the option of learning exists. Some problems still exist,some people are unaware of the pitfalls, but sitting and learning is still an option, within reach of those who want to.
    Nothing has essentially changed and risking the current deal is as dangerous as it always was.

  6. Mr Litvak. The current deal just died. The supreme court killed it. There is no more deal and within a year they will start drafting.

  7. Right. And who knows how much blame can be placed squarely at the doorstep who worked their hardest to keep this topic on the forefront of Israeli news? Blocking streets, demonstrating and bothering soldiers keeps the news focused on this issue, and garners legal protests culminating in this Supreme Court decision. It seems that the protesters don't take the issue seriously enough and they are willing to risk the whole deal and all Yeshivos for some short term gain.

    1. Blame is squarely on the pashranus of bnei Brak who cut a deal and gave the Bagatz a place to stick their fingers in. The architect of the Tal Law admitted this in a article. Had we been defiant and not compromised the Bagatz would never gotten involved.

    2. He oiber chuchum. Find me one civilized country which would stand for thier civilians blocking traffic for reasons of army draft.
      You expect the government to play mr nice guy when u clearly show zero hakaras hatov for the country you live in? And on top of that you leach off the government the same time. Sorry buddy but the gravy train is coming to an end, all because of your selfishness.

    3. Your negius and hatred for the Pele I'd obvious on your response. People have a right to protest on any civilized country . You all of a sudden feel compassion for the Israeli Government because you disagree with the Peleg and the naritive fits your blind agenda.
      But the bagatz ruling unmasked the nakedness and the farce that Bnei Brake tried putting on. Now it's proven that everyone is at danger.

    4. As a non-litvak, I too agree 100% with this statement:

      "Who knows how much blame can be placed squarely at the doorstep [on those people] who worked their hardest to keep this topic on the forefront of Israeli news?"

      So true. So so true.
      That's what happens. Even according to those exaggerated stories of Giyus, imho, it was not keday, to sacrifice the Kllal for the alleged unverified 'giyus' of a yachid'. Now, unfortunately we have nothing.
      That's why Roiv of the chasdishe world and litvishe Rabbanim were against the "giyus" hafganas and tzimmis. Unfortunately, the yechidim ruined this for all.

    5. ליטוואק פון בודאפעסטSeptember 17, 2017 at 12:55 PM

      That is exactly the point. Bleating about a 'right' to protest and other unimportant issues, when the Yeshiva system is in danger. The claim of the Talmidei Chachomim in Eretz Yisroel against those demonstrating has consistently been 'stop acting irresponsibly, this isn't child's play'. But people insisted on using slogans and frivolous side issues, making them central to their argument. There are real people suffering here, stop with the petty revenge.

    6. What and how did bnei brak unveil. Who is bnei brak /bagatz Last i check bnei brak is a city amd bagatz is an acronym.

  8. Do u believe everything the architect of the tal law says or said or only quoting him when its convenient for your agenda?

  9. This bagatz ruling bhas nothing to do with the noise or demonstrations. Its nonsense. They don't want drone boys to be different than the others. Plain and simple. The people that appealed couldn't care less about the noise.
