A voice for the Tzibbur by the Tzibbur- overcoming challenges. We take no responsibility for comments posted you are solely responsible for any comments you make and their accuracy. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for any comments posted by you or any third-party.
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Tuesday March 18 News Updates Lakewood
Israel At War Tuesday March 18
Monday, March 17, 2025
Oif Simchas Monday 18 Adar
Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva Speak Out Against Voting in WZO Elections
Israel Ar War Monday March 17
Monday March 17 News Updates Lakewood
Sunday, March 16, 2025
Oif Simchas Sunday 17 Adar
Sunday March 16 News Updates Lakewood
Israel At War Sunday March 17
Saturday, March 15, 2025
Motzei shabbos Shushan Purim
Friday, March 14, 2025
Zmanim פורים עש"ק פר' כי תשא
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Purim 5785 News Briefs Lakewood
Executive Orders – Purim Edition
"My fellow Yidden, it's the most fabulous Purim ever — maybe the best Purim in history, everybody's saying it. And I’m signing some tremendous executive orders. Believe me, no one makes Purim great like me. Not even Achashverosh. He didn’t even rule Chinaa or have frum einiklach.
📜 Executive Order #1: Adirei Access for All
No more exclusive VIP fundraising dinners. All yungerleit must be invited. We’re making Torah great for everyone. No velvet ropes in the olam haTorah!
📜 Executive Order #2: Universal Yeshiva Acceptance
Every boy must be accepted to a yeshiva — no exceptions. Failure to comply? The menahel gets deported. We’ll send him to Toms River.
📜 Executive Order #3: Rabbonim Cannot Endorse Democrats
It is hereby illegal for Rabbonim to pressure people to vote for liberal politicians. This is a free country —well, not Free tuition
📜 Executive Order #4: Make Shuls Friendly Again
No talking in shul bans are canceled. Gabbaim are hereby instructed to smile, offer a candy, and chill out. Let people whisper about the Rabbis speech— it’s therapeutic.
📜 Executive Order #5: Milchig-Fleishig status Rule
All Fleishig Restaurant Reviewers must wait six hours after a milchig slice before rating ribs. No more cheesy opinions about brisket or Chulen or however they say it Choont
📜 Executive Order #6: Hitchhiker Protection Act
Anyone who refuses to pick up a bochur hitching on Route 9 will have their driver’s license revoked. Even Teslas must slow down for yeshiva boys.The Genisis guys don't pick up,bad middos.
📜 Executive Order #7: Anonymity is Over
All anonymous askanim must be unmasked. The files will be released — names, photos, favorite kugel recipes. No more mystery men pulling strings from dark leil shishi cholent spots.
📜 Executive Order #8: Sourdough is a Mitzvah
At least one Lechem Mishnah must be sourdough. It’s time to elevate the Shabbos table. Bonus: it pairs nicely with Trump-brand hummus (now in gold tubs).
📜 Executive Order #9: Matanos L’Evyonim & Shalach Manos Rules
You’re yoitze with two eggs, but not if they came from a WIC box. Sorry take that up with Ivanka she's not a bas talmid chochom
📜 Executive Order #10: Publications With Nashim Must Include Melania
Any frum magazine that prints women’s pictures must include Melania. She’ll be tznius. She’s wearing a black hat and a sheitel — and she looks fantastic.
Effective immediately, any resident from Jackson, Toms River, or Howell who uses Lakewood for its superior schools, restaurants, or even endures our infamous traffic, and then dashes back to their cushy home, will face special tariffs. Usage Fee: If you benefit from Lakewood’s communal excellence, you must contribute accordingly.
Fair Share: It’s only fair that those who take advantage of our community’s strengths help keep Lakewood great!
📜 Executive Order #12: Standardized Interview Language
Effective immediately, all media interviews—whether for community events, shidduch updates, or national headlines—must be conducted in clear, standard English. "My fellow Yidden, clarity and respect are the foundation of great communication—and we simply won't have any interviews where the language is a confusing mix of tunabeigeled or Yinglish Yeshivish. It's time to ensure that all interviews are conducted in proper, clear English, so that no Litvkas ever feel spoken down to!"
✨ Conclusion:
This Purim, we’re bringing back common sense, kavod hatorah, and good herring. We’re gonna Make Shushan Great Again.
President Donald Y. Trumpstein
Israel At War Thurs March 13
Zmanim and Places for Krias Megilla for נשים
Maariv in BMG 7:52 PM קריאת מגילה is 8:14
Thursday Taanis Esther March 13 News Updates Lakewood
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Taanis Esther Zmanim
Kol Korei from The Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America
Israel At War Wed March 12
Taanis Esther Survival Guide for Lakewood Parents
Wednesday March 12 News Updates Lakewood
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Hashkafa: Shidduch Remedy
Oif Simchas Tuesday 11 Adar
Purim on Friday When Do You Eat The Seuda
For informational purposes only for Halacha and Minhagim speak your LOR.
The next time Purim falls out on Friday is in 20 years.
Written by Rabbis Eli Gersten, Yaakov Luban, and Moshe Zywica of the Orthodox Union
The Rema (Shulchan Aruch OC 695:2) writes that when Purim is on erev Shabbos, it is preferable to begin the Purim seuda in the morning (before chatzos) so as not to detract from the honor of Shabbos.
The Mishnah Berurah (695:10) cites the Yad Efrayim who writes that if this will be difficult, one may l’chat’chila postpone the seuda up until three hours before Shabbos Bedieved (after the fact), if one is unable to begin the seuda until later, one must still eat the seuda up until Shabbos. If one is still in the middle of the Purim seuda at shkia (sunset), when shabbos begins, one can be “Poress Mappa”, in which the Purim Seuda and Shabbos evening meal are essentially combined into one. According to this approach, the Purim Seuda begins late in the day on Friday. In the minutes leading up to sunset, one is to cover the challah/lechem mishna which is on the table and one then be mekabel shabbos with the recitation of Kiddush. (If one drank more than a Reviis wine ny the purim seuda he does not make a bracha of borei pri hagefen by kiddush only vayechulu and asher kideshanu) After Kiddush has been recited one simply eats a kzayis of bread and continues with one’s meal which has now been transformed into the Shabbos evening meal. Maariv is done after the meal. The Mishnah Berurah writes that if this were to happen, one would recite Retzei in bentching, but not al hanissim. One cannot recite both retzei and al hanissim, since this would be a contradiction. Since we are required to recite retzei, this indicates that it is Shabbat and Purim is over. Therefore, one can no longer recite al hanissim. (Kosher.com)