-Gourmet Glatt no more deliveries today
-NPGS Motzei shabbos 9:30 - 12:30 Erev R"H till 5pm
-Aisle will be open 24 hours from Motzei shabbos to Erev Rosh hashana
-NPGS Motzei shabbos 9:30 - 12:30 Erev R"H till 5pm
-kosher west open Motzei Shabbos 9- 12 am
Back for the 6th year!!!!!!
Pre selected sets all checked by Rabbi Greenfeld Shira. All order must be in on 9/14 by 3 PM with pick up on 9/20 between 8-10 pm at the shul.
For inquiries and orders please go to:
Email us at:
Call us at: