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Monday, January 23, 2017
Lakewood family thanks NJSP trooper a year after he helped deliver their baby
Posted on NJSP FB page- Not every trooper will deliver a baby roadside in their career. And for those who do, very few ever reunite with mom, dad, and baby. But on Friday, January 20, Sgt. Sean Boag got a chance to be with the family again, under much better conditions!
Phhoto: NJSP
It all started on December 11, 2015 when Sgt. Boag was off-duty on his way home from work when he heard a dispatcher’s transmission requesting a trooper’s assistance with a woman who was going into labor on the side of the Parkway at milepost 110. Since he was close to where they were stopped, he was able to arrive within minutes of the initial call. Less than 5 minutes after he arrived, Sgt. Boag helped mom deliver a healthy baby girl! The happy family unexpectedly visited Sean so that they could tell him that he made a huge impact on their lives and that he "...was a gift from God." This was a very happy, yet emotional visit for all. We appreciate the family taking the time to visit!
this is my brother!