Monday, January 23, 2017

Lakewood Chaveirim: POTHOLE ALERT

POTHOLE ALERT: Heavy rain from the nor'easter damaged many roads, Driving slow reduces chances of getting a flat. MANY FLAT TIRES REPORTED.

LPD: Hazardous road conditions due to flooding. Please stay off the roads if possible. Thank you. 


  1. I do not know what type of paint was used on route nine in lakewood, but when it rains it is nearly impossible to see the divider lanes or where the turning lanes are. We need road reflectors as well as brighter paint. It is extremely dangerous. I witnessed three close calls in a matter of a few blocks driving tonight. We also need street signs that are more visible. Many signs are absolutely illegible with the colors that were used. They should start with the main streets that are most used. Cross, Oak, Sunset, etc.
    Adding more homes before addressing better street lighting and pedestrian safety is irresponsible.
    Cmon boys get to work. There will be 2000 more homes built this year.

    1. Hershel dont you know, it is the state and counties fault. Lakewood is the best planned city ever. It is the state and county that messed everything up.

    2. There is a limited amount of resources available for quality of life expenditures in Lakewood. Now we plainly see what happens when those resources are used for personal gain by a few people. We aren't talking about resources used for the benefit of BMG. While some may disagree, I can see ample reasons to give BMG land and other benefits, because it ultimately helps the Lakewood economy. But we are talking about a few well connected individuals that have taken advantage, together with some of our commtteemen, to squander our resources for their own personal projects. How many parks with sidewalks close to developments could have been built? How many streets could have been newly paved? How many turning signals? So much has been squandered by the constant grabbing game between a few selfish individuals. So many businesses have been hurt,so many builders that are not well connected have been denied and harassed. This has to stop NOW. We need leaders whose only concern is the good of the people, and making sure that the rest of the world sees how much good we can do.
      Imagine if Chaverim ran the town. That is what we need. Not a manipulative, self serving VAAD. We all see what the VAAD is about. They simply want power at any cost. We need a few Chaverim to run this town for the good of everyone.
