Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Updated: New 9:30 am shachris Minyan south of Lake

After Chestnut shul closed down the minyan factory and canceled the half hour minyanim, there is interest for a new 9:30 am minyan in the south side of Lakewood.

(Ltoeles Harabim for those who cannot daven Earlier)
The 9:30 Minyan of the Chestnut Shul which has just been stopped-due to construction of a new Simcha Hall-has been moved to the Chateau Park Vosikin Shul located at 189 Chateau Drive in the Basement. The Minyan will be starting this coming sunday December 11 & continue throughout the year. This will be the only Minyan there besides for Vosikin Shachris every morning with no 10:00 or later Shachris.

We owe alot of Hakaras Hatov to the many people who helped replace this Minyan to another location on the South side for those who need it.

any questions or suggestions please don't hesitate to contact me at 732-444-8735
Thank you.


  1. We could have a huge minyan at many intersections in south Lakewood, with time to spare for breakfast before we move on to wait at the next intersection.
    Oak & Vine could have a minyanim every 5 minutes from 7:30am on.

    In south Lakewood we need a minyan factory within walking distance, because driving is no longer a viable option.
    If we'd drive to a shachris minyan we might get there just in time for Mincha!!

    1. Rockwell the new Satmar development is opening up soon

  2. "When" the state widens Rt 9 ask them to throw in a shteeble within walking distance to help ease congestion

  3. i am the one who wrote the letter above and here is the latest update:

    Chestnut Shul Update

    (Ltoeles Harabim for those who cannot daven Earlier)
    The 9:30 Minyan of the Chestnut Shul which has just been stopped-due to construction of a new Simcha Hall-has been moved to the Chateau Park Vosikin Shul located at 189 Chateau Drive in the Basement. The Minyan will be starting this coming sunday December 11 & continue throughout the year. This will be the only Minyan there besides for Vosikin Shachris every morning with no 10:00 or later Shachris.

    We owe alot of Hakaras Hatov to the many people who helped replace this Minyan to another location on the South side for those who need it.

    any questions or suggestions please don't hesitate to contact me at 732-444-8735

    1. 189 Chateau Dr?
      i know who lives there.

  4. PLEASE PLEASE don't make a minyan factory in any residential neighborhood. PLEASE PLEASE.

    1. Many people don't give a hoot about any neighborhood, as long as they are not inconvenienced

  5. Scoop says minyan formed in Chataeu

  6. very nice so take our cloddish gelt for months and then block the parking and then throw us out. The chassidim are coming and chestnut guys are on the way out.

    1. chestnut shul is already very chasidish- mostly tuna beigels.

    2. So ask for a refund

