(And your heavenly reward is beyond doubled as well!) Here in America , a family among us lives in poverty, many months go by with $0 income. Basic necessities of life can't be met. The father has a severe, chronic, debilitating and devastating illness which medically does not allow for him to earn a living. Many Rabbanim familiar with the situation have endorsed this campaign and declared it "100% Mehudar Matanos L'Evyonim" which will be given to the family on Purim day. They need your Matanos L'Evyonim, and you want to give it in the best possible way! Your contribution will make a REAL difference! In the merit of your generous contribution may you and yours merit abundant health, success and joy always. PLEASE FORWARD THIS TO YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY AND POST ON YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA PAGES, SO OTHERS CAN HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO CONTRIBUTE TO THIS WORTHY CAUSE AS WELL.
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