Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Story of Donald Trump and Lakewood couple resurfaces

Many in the media are talking about Donald Trumps generosity.
In 1995 Donald Trump was traveling along a New Jersey highway when the limo in which he was traveling experienced a flat tire. Spotting the disabled car along the side of the road, a passing motorist stopped to offer his assistance. After helping, Trump asked how he could repay the good samaritan. The man asked that Trump send his wife a bouquet of flowers. Trump agreed. True to his word, the bouquet arrived several weeks later along with a note saying, "we've paid off your mortgage." They were an Orthodox Jewish couple from Lakewood.

The story, which has been recounted numerous times including in Forbes Magazine, is just one of many that demonstrate the generosity of Donald Trump according to Jerry Falwell Jr., son of the late pastor Jerry Falwell and President of Liberty University.


  1. Shtusim mit lukshen. An old wives tale

  2. http://www.snopes.com/luck/trump.asp

  3. I agree with Anonymous@5:30.

    However, IMHO even if the the wives tale was true, The Donald, unfortunately, has lost his heart since 1995.

    I don't know what happened. Was it his gaaveh, or did the gelt go to his head. Who knows? But, in my opinion one thing is certain, He has become a shlechte, narcissist, and egoist who, if ch״v given the opportunity would destroy this country completely.

  4. Getting trump in office would be the best thing for everyone. This country has been in the dump since Reagan left.

  5. Anonymous @5:10

    With all due respect, there is no equivalency at all between the brash Trump and the Great Communicator Ronald Reagan.

    President Reagan was mentsch!
    Trump, on the other hand, in my opinion, is a grubbe zhlub with a big mouth with a few bucks.

    1. Maybe go back and read my comment. I never compared or equalized the two.

    2. Sounds like your grubbeh zhlub mouth is bigger then his.

  6. Trump is the next best thing after overnight kigel

  7. Trump is the only logical solution at this point.

  8. You can believe what they want you to believe that Trump hates Jews, Blacks, women and Mexicans. Do you really think that? Did you hear what Donald actually said before the media twisted every word out of proportion? Yes he comes across very egotistic but Obama isn't? Clinton isn't? Hillary isn't? Give me a break and think for yourself! Donald is a successful business man it didn't happen by itself!@ He has many minorities working for him who are very happy with him. Donald all the way!
