A voice for the Tzibbur by the Tzibbur- overcoming challenges. We take no responsibility for comments posted you are solely responsible for any comments you make and their accuracy. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for any comments posted by you or any third-party.
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Siyum Yartzheit for the Manchester Rosh Yeshiva Zatzal
There will be an atzeres zikaron marking the yartzheit of the Manchester Rosh Yeshiva Harav Yehuda Zev Segal ZT""L. Tonight Sunday 10:15 pm. @ zichron shneur on Oak knoll. Rav Yisroel Reisman Rav of Chateau park will speak divrei hesped.
Friday, January 29, 2016
Shabbos walkers should be careful, as snow still covers walkways
With the streets cleared and snow gone the sidewalks and shoulders of the roads are still covered in snow forcing pedestrians on to the roadways. The township and homeowners are responsible to clear these walking ways. Along Route 9 and other busy roads walkers have no were to go but the busy street hoping no car drives by. Maybe the township can send out crews and clear the sidewalks so the 20,000 men and boys walking should be able to do so safely.
Bus from Lakewood to the Levaya of Rav Belsky zatzal
A Bus left from the Irvington 10th and Clifton, Lakewood to the Levaya of Harav Yisrael Belsky Zatzal at 8:30
The levaya will be broadcast live on J Root Radio 95.1 FM or
call into 712-432-4217
The levaya will be broadcast live on J Root Radio 95.1 FM or
call into 712-432-4217
Petira of Rav Yaakov Gartenhouse Z'L
The levaya of Rav Yakov Gartenhouse Z'L father of Reb Nisan and Reb Avrohom will take place today at Shomrei hachomos 4218 ft. Hamilton parkwayy Brooklyn NY 12.00pm
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes: Hagaon Harav Chaim Yisroel Belsky, zt”l
It is with hearts full of sadness and grief that we report the passing of Hagaon Rav Chaim Yisroel Belsky zt”l, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas in Kensington, Brooklyn. He was 78 years old. The levayah will be held at Yeshiva Torah Vodaas, located at 425 East 9th Street, between Ditmas Avenue and Courtelyou Road, in Brooklyn, NY. Specific details will be provided once they are finalized. Kevurah will take place in Eretz Yisroel.
Reports of an earthquake in Ocean county and across south NJ
Updated: The U.S. Geological Survey confirms that today's rumblings were not from an earthquake, but from a sonic boom..
The USGS is investigating click HERE
According to the United States Geological Survey, there were no tremors registered today in New Jersey or throughout the region. Ground rattles are also common during training exercises at the Joint Base in Ocean County, but there was no scheduled activity there today. As of 2:00 p.m., it is not known what triggered today's incident.
Reports on social media of houses shaking in Ocean county and south Jersey as a possible earthquake may have taken place. Some in Lakewood claim they felt it too. Others near Atlantic county felt the ground shaking but there are no official news reports about it. Residents report at least two ground shaking sensations around South Jersey.
The USGS is investigating click HERE
According to the United States Geological Survey, there were no tremors registered today in New Jersey or throughout the region. Ground rattles are also common during training exercises at the Joint Base in Ocean County, but there was no scheduled activity there today. As of 2:00 p.m., it is not known what triggered today's incident.
Reports on social media of houses shaking in Ocean county and south Jersey as a possible earthquake may have taken place. Some in Lakewood claim they felt it too. Others near Atlantic county felt the ground shaking but there are no official news reports about it. Residents report at least two ground shaking sensations around South Jersey.
10,000 cars could hit township streets during the morning and afternoon rush
After the total rejection of the state monitor at the polls and his failed referendum Lakewood police chief Rob Lawson is expecting 10,000 cars could hit township streets during the morning and afternoon rushes in according to a report in the APP. Once courtesy busing ends you will have 10,000 kids walking to school on Lakewood's dangerous roads. The Township Committee is looking to hire additional crossing guards to supplement officers assigned to traffic duty. Read more at APP.com
Midwinter break begins
Talk about timing after having off for a few days because of snow, some schools begin mid winter vacation this afternoon.
-Sky zone trampoline park boys jump only today January 28 Sign in 2:15- 3:00 Jump time -3-4 pm. $16
-Sky zone trampoline park boys jump only today January 28 Sign in 2:15- 3:00 Jump time -3-4 pm. $16
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Monday, January 25, 2016
Tefillos for Rav Belsky tonight in Lakewood
Family members of Maran Rav Chaim Yisroel Belsky, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas in Kensington, Brooklyn, tell Matzav.com that talmidim of the rosh yeshiva and others will be gathering in Lakewood, NJ, tonight to daven for a refuah sheleimah. The gathering will be held at Khal Zichron Yaakov (Rav Gissniger’s shul), located at 175 Sunset Road, at 10 p.m. Matzav.com
Storm aftermath- Residents start petition
The following petition was sent to the township committee HERE
As I'm sure you all know, our town was hit with a severe blizzard on January 22nd. The storm dumped nearly two feet of snow on the streets of Lakewood. The storm was accurately forecasted by meteorologists, and as such, should have been taken properly into account by the Department of Public Works. However, as is painfully obvious to all, the Township has done a horrific job of getting the roads plowed and drivable. Clearly there is a serious lack of planning, oversight, and most importantly, competence in Lakewood's Department of Public Works. The leadership must change and should begin at the top with the resignation of Department of Public Works Director Alvin Burdge. Please sign and share this petition with others so that hopefully, as a community, we can make some meaningful change.
As I'm sure you all know, our town was hit with a severe blizzard on January 22nd. The storm dumped nearly two feet of snow on the streets of Lakewood. The storm was accurately forecasted by meteorologists, and as such, should have been taken properly into account by the Department of Public Works. However, as is painfully obvious to all, the Township has done a horrific job of getting the roads plowed and drivable. Clearly there is a serious lack of planning, oversight, and most importantly, competence in Lakewood's Department of Public Works. The leadership must change and should begin at the top with the resignation of Department of Public Works Director Alvin Burdge. Please sign and share this petition with others so that hopefully, as a community, we can make some meaningful change.
Sunday, January 24, 2016
TU Bshvat Lakewood events 5776
6:00 - Shemen Lmincha Mesibas Tu Bshvat 2 Milano Drive
7:15- Payros tisch at the Roberts shul KNA simcha hall Sunday night 7:15 pm
8:45- Tu bishvat shiur Sunday night @ 8:45 with Reb Mottel Kesserman shlita. Full fleishig spread with peiros (shehechiyanu) Come and enjoy!
7:15- Payros tisch at the Roberts shul KNA simcha hall Sunday night 7:15 pm
8:45- Tu bishvat shiur Sunday night @ 8:45 with Reb Mottel Kesserman shlita. Full fleishig spread with peiros (shehechiyanu) Come and enjoy!
FREEZING temps tonight in Lakewood
No, not that freezing, not the snow or cold weather but the door to the Lakewood freezer will open this evening as Tu Bshvat is the unofficial day when new Bochurim start the parsha of shidduchim. The official deadline for the takana is Rosh chodesh Adar, but the dating starts a bit early.
Saturday, January 23, 2016
A shabbos to remember
So far 20+ inches has fallen in Lakewood. The snow started falling in middle of the Friday night seudah around 6:45 and snowed non stop through motzei shabbos another 4 inches expected to accumulate tonight, the storm is expected to blow out early Sunday morning. There were brief blackouts in some areas of town and residents moved their cholent to a blech. Luckily the blackouts did not last that long. Older residents stayed home and could not go to shul on shabbos. Stay tuned for school closing and event cancellations.
Friday, January 22, 2016
Southern, central NJ to get heaviest snow of this winter storm
Will start falling in Lakewood at 6 PM
South central New Jersey is expected to get the heaviest snowfall during the winter storm that's expected to pummel the Northeast over the next 36 hours, according to the most recent update from the National Weather Service in Mount Holly.
South central New Jersey is expected to get the heaviest snowfall during the winter storm that's expected to pummel the Northeast over the next 36 hours, according to the most recent update from the National Weather Service in Mount Holly.
Due to the Winter Storm expected Friday evening, January 22nd, through Sunday, January 24th, please move all trash and recycling cans away from the curb and secure all belongings away from the streets and thoroughfares. Please park all vehicles in driveways or parking lots, this will aid plowing trucks to clear snow from our streets. To report power outages, please call JCP&L at 888/544-4877 (Nisht Oif shabbos geredt)
Lakewood Chaveirim seeks help ahead of storm
Have an SUV & available to assist during the storm for Non-Life Threatening Emergencies?Please email SnowRides@LakewoodChaveirim.org Thanks!
Nichum aveilim today in Lakewood at the Rosh Yeshiva Rav Yerucham Olshin shlita
The Rosh Yeshiva Harav Yeruchim Olshin shlita will be sitting shiva following 1:45 Mincha upstairs chaburah rooms of the Forest Avenue Bais Medrash. Corner 11th and Forest.
They are also a tzelem eloykim
If you see a homeless person reach out to them give them some money or food lets show our kids they are a tzelem eloykim. By doing so we will be mechanech them how to treat all humans with dignity and respect. Usatoday
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Churban of social media
Initially there was no reason to believe that a kid poured hot coffee over the head of a homeless man. We wondered how could it be true where would one even think up something so sick to do and take advantage of another human being. It didn't make any sense. It still dosent make sense. It does not and should not reflect anything on the community but still how could someone imagine it. Than you read the report in APP.com the kid who did this said ‘What’s the problem? There’s many others who are doing this. There’s this website and videos on YouTube of other people paying the homeless to do things like that,’’’ Mejia recounted." Well we cant put the blame squarely on this not knowing any facts but the non stop watsapp videos and other short clips taking advantage and making fun of ppl that we circulate each day no doubt has an effect on us. A kid can quickly lose any sensitivity and judgement and got caught up in something that after watching these things non stop you tend to think its normal. Naaseh loi k' heter.
Due to impending storm the Eruvin may not be reliable
The blizzard and wind gusts expected in Lakewood and NJ may bring down an Eruv in your area ask your local Rabbonim weather you can rely on it this shabbos parshas beshalach shabbos Shira. Prepare for blackouts and loss of heat due to downed power lines. An idea suggested to light 24 hour candles just in case of blackouts.
Kollel Bnei Torah Melava Malka postponed due to weather
Click HERE to donate
KOLLEL BNEI TORAH Under the leadership of Rav Avrohom Lefkowitz Shlita Invites You To Join In Our Shul's INAUGURAL MELAVE MALKA Motzaei Shabbos, Parshas Mishpatim February 6, 2016 8:30 pm At our Bais Medrash 1097 Somerset Avenue, Lakewood, NJ 08701
Click HERE to donate
KOLLEL BNEI TORAH Under the leadership of Rav Avrohom Lefkowitz Shlita Invites You To Join In Our Shul's INAUGURAL MELAVE MALKA Motzaei Shabbos, Parshas Mishpatim February 6, 2016 8:30 pm At our Bais Medrash 1097 Somerset Avenue, Lakewood, NJ 08701
Lakewood snow predictions anyones guess
They haven't gotten it right in the past so it could be a mix of rain and snow or warmer ocean temps that will lead to lower accumulations. Others are saying 30 inches. The storm will start in NJ and work its way north snow continues Saturday into Saturday night and ends early Sunday morning. Snow could mix or change to rain over coastal NJ. Also coastal flooding is a concern especially down the NJ shore. The snow accumulations will change but models show amounts of 12-18+ of snow into central and southern NJ.
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Oif Simches
Kallah Bas Harav Nosson Herzka (Rav- Pine River)- Chosson ben Harav Avrohom Ausband at Neeimas hachaim hall.
Tonight Bonei Olam event for ladies
$20 admission fee includes $20 of tickets, door prize, and admission.
And the reviews are in for the soft opening
Social media mumchim talking about their new shopping experience men HERE Ladies HERE
First look: here is one review:
They are already restocking some shelves.
Verizon Service is poor 2-3 bars/dots.
They kept a very similar layout to Shoprite!
Average isle width is 5.5 feet.
13 Checkout lanes + Customer Service desk.
No self-checkout :(
Huge sushi kitchen.
Nuts and Popcorn area, appetizing counter, "Deli & Takeout", "Fresh from The Sea", "Custom Butcher", " Freshly Baked".
First look: here is one review:
They are already restocking some shelves.
Verizon Service is poor 2-3 bars/dots.
They kept a very similar layout to Shoprite!
Average isle width is 5.5 feet.
13 Checkout lanes + Customer Service desk.
No self-checkout :(
Huge sushi kitchen.
Nuts and Popcorn area, appetizing counter, "Deli & Takeout", "Fresh from The Sea", "Custom Butcher", " Freshly Baked".
Storm to bring major coastal flooding
Please be prepared if you live near the coast! Snow will arrive late Friday night and lasting through at least late Saturday night with heavy snow at times. Li/Coastal NJ could mix with or change to rain for a time. There will be major coastal flooding so please if you near the coast be prepared!The NJ coastline is going to have major problems with coastal flooding due to the storm and because of the moon causing astronomical flooding.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Story of Donald Trump and Lakewood couple resurfaces
Many in the media are talking about Donald Trumps generosity.
In 1995 Donald Trump was traveling along a New Jersey highway when the limo in which he was traveling experienced a flat tire. Spotting the disabled car along the side of the road, a passing motorist stopped to offer his assistance. After helping, Trump asked how he could repay the good samaritan. The man asked that Trump send his wife a bouquet of flowers. Trump agreed. True to his word, the bouquet arrived several weeks later along with a note saying, "we've paid off your mortgage." They were an Orthodox Jewish couple from Lakewood.
In 1995 Donald Trump was traveling along a New Jersey highway when the limo in which he was traveling experienced a flat tire. Spotting the disabled car along the side of the road, a passing motorist stopped to offer his assistance. After helping, Trump asked how he could repay the good samaritan. The man asked that Trump send his wife a bouquet of flowers. Trump agreed. True to his word, the bouquet arrived several weeks later along with a note saying, "we've paid off your mortgage." They were an Orthodox Jewish couple from Lakewood.
A Wawa store at Route 9 and prospect
It appears wawa inc plans on building a convenience store and gas station at the corner of rt 9 and prospect street. The plan is listed in the upcoming planning board meeting but will not be heard at applicants request.
From the planing board:
From the planing board:
SP 2150 Wawa Lakewood, LLC Route 9 and Prospect Street Blocks 420; 420.01, Lots 16; 12, 14, & 23 Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan for a convenience store and gas station Applicant has requested to carry this project to a later meeting. This application will not be heard.
Monday, January 18, 2016
Storm update: Jersey Shore will get most of the precipitation
Current models are showing the Jersey Shore will get most of the precipitation of this weekends storm. It can be more than a foot of snow or just a lot of freezing rain depending on how cold it will be. Stay tuned.
Siyum hashas yartzheit seuda for Rabbi Zecharia Fendel Z""TL
A siyum hashas will take place tonight at the Lakewood commons hall marking the yartzheit of Rabbi Zecharia Fendel ztl. Talmidim and mishpacha will deliver divrei Zikaron. Event is called for 8:00 pm.
Mrs. Pesel Olshin, a”h; Mother of BMG Rosh Yeshivah Harav Yeruchem Olshin
Mrs. Pesel Olshin, a”h; Mother of BMG Rosh Yeshivah Harav Yeruchem Olshin
By Mordechai Wincorn Hamodia.com
On Shabbos Parashas Bo, the Torah world bid a mournful farewell to Mrs. Pesel Olshin a”h, the mother of, ybl”c, Harav Yeruchim Olshin shlita, Rosh Yeshivah, Bais Medrash Govoha of Lakewood. She was remembered for her mesirus nefesh for Torah and selfless dedication to others. In her exceedingly simple Boro Park home, the nifteres merited to raise a family of celebrated marbitzei Torah.
In addition to Harav Yeruchim, her son Harav Shmuel Abba Olshin serves as Rosh Yeshivah of Yeshivah Gedolah of Hillside, and her daughter, Rebbetzin Suri Hirth, is the wife of Harav Mordechai Hirth, nasi of Yeshivas Nefesh Hachaim of Lakewood.
She was 100 years old.
Mrs. Olshin was born in 1915 in Nuremberg, Germany. Her parents, Reb Yeruchim, z”l, and Faiga Leah Silber, a”h, were part of a kehillah of Jews from Poland who had settled in the city after the outbreak of the First World War. Despite the doors of western culture that were now available to them, the family held steadfastly to its mesorah and maintained its high spiritual standards
By Mordechai Wincorn Hamodia.com
On Shabbos Parashas Bo, the Torah world bid a mournful farewell to Mrs. Pesel Olshin a”h, the mother of, ybl”c, Harav Yeruchim Olshin shlita, Rosh Yeshivah, Bais Medrash Govoha of Lakewood. She was remembered for her mesirus nefesh for Torah and selfless dedication to others. In her exceedingly simple Boro Park home, the nifteres merited to raise a family of celebrated marbitzei Torah.
In addition to Harav Yeruchim, her son Harav Shmuel Abba Olshin serves as Rosh Yeshivah of Yeshivah Gedolah of Hillside, and her daughter, Rebbetzin Suri Hirth, is the wife of Harav Mordechai Hirth, nasi of Yeshivas Nefesh Hachaim of Lakewood.
She was 100 years old.
Mrs. Olshin was born in 1915 in Nuremberg, Germany. Her parents, Reb Yeruchim, z”l, and Faiga Leah Silber, a”h, were part of a kehillah of Jews from Poland who had settled in the city after the outbreak of the First World War. Despite the doors of western culture that were now available to them, the family held steadfastly to its mesorah and maintained its high spiritual standards
Israeli Flight club flies in to town to eat at Prime 95
Videos were removed from the prime 95 Facebook page watch other video of scenic view over Lakewood airport
Prime Ninety Five hosted today 20 pilots that flew in for a special luncheon. One of the pilot's, Avi Kubin, took part in the search for Devora Stubin on Shabbos. Today he called on his pilot friends to join United Search and Rescue as new volunteer emergency responders.
Prime Ninety Five hosted today 20 pilots that flew in for a special luncheon. One of the pilot's, Avi Kubin, took part in the search for Devora Stubin on Shabbos. Today he called on his pilot friends to join United Search and Rescue as new volunteer emergency responders.
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Township offices, Schools closed for MLK holiday
Holiday Notice: In observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday on Monday, January 18, 2016 Township offices will be closed. Monday's trash and recycling will be picked up on Tuesday, January 19th. Tuesday's trash and recycling will be picked up on Wednesday. No bulk collection this week. Thursday and Friday's trash and recycle are regular schedule.
Shiva info for Mrs. Peppi Olshin a'h
Shiva for Mrs. Peppi Olshin z"l פעסל בת ירוחם is at 1664 55th St between 16th & 17th Ave in Boro park until Friday afternoon.
Sitting Shiva:
Harav Yeruchem Olshin Rosh Yeshiva of Beth Medrash Govoha Lakewood, NJ
Harav Shmuel Abba Olshin Rosh Yeshiva Yeshiva Gedolah of Hillside, NJ
Mrs. Suri Hirth, Daughter
Sitting Shiva:
Harav Yeruchem Olshin Rosh Yeshiva of Beth Medrash Govoha Lakewood, NJ
Harav Shmuel Abba Olshin Rosh Yeshiva Yeshiva Gedolah of Hillside, NJ
Mrs. Suri Hirth, Daughter
Flurries now potential snowstorm this weekend
The models are showing a potential snowstorm coming in this weekend for today portions of Ocean County and southern New Jersey are under a hazardous weather outlook. Little snow is expected to accumulate on roads, but snow could reduce drivers' visibility, according to the weather service.
Gourmet Glatt ribbon cutting this Tuesday

Saturday, January 16, 2016
BD'E Mrs Pesel Olshin A'H
Matzav It is with great sadness that we report the passing Mrs. Pesel (Peppy) Olshin a”h.
Mrs. Olshin, the matriarch of one of the venerated Torah families in the olam haTorah, was a longtime secretary at Yeshivas Kamenitz in Boro Park.
She was 100 years old. Mrs. Olshin is survived by her children, Rav Yeruchim Olshin, rosh yeshiva of Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, NJ; Rav Shmuel Abba Olshin, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Gedolah of Hillside, NJ; and Mrs. Suri Hirth of Boro Park, wife of Rav Mordechai Hirth.
The levayah will be held tomorrow 11:00 am at Shomrei Hadas Chapels, located at 3803 14th Avenue in Boro Park, Brooklyn.
Mrs. Olshin, the matriarch of one of the venerated Torah families in the olam haTorah, was a longtime secretary at Yeshivas Kamenitz in Boro Park.
She was 100 years old. Mrs. Olshin is survived by her children, Rav Yeruchim Olshin, rosh yeshiva of Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, NJ; Rav Shmuel Abba Olshin, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Gedolah of Hillside, NJ; and Mrs. Suri Hirth of Boro Park, wife of Rav Mordechai Hirth.
The levayah will be held tomorrow 11:00 am at Shomrei Hadas Chapels, located at 3803 14th Avenue in Boro Park, Brooklyn.
Melava Malka parshas Bo
Melava Malka Alumnai association yeshiva Gedolah of Twin Rivers/Monroe at Stolin Simcha Hall 153 East 7th street Lakewood 8:15
Zichron Chana Leah Tzedaka of Kelmwoods BM Westgate at 22 Kelm woods 9:00 pm Guest speaker: Rav Menachem Mintz Rav of Coventry shul
Mothers of children with special needs Melava malka at 10 Cedar Row 8:30 pm
Zichron Chana Leah Tzedaka of Kelmwoods BM Westgate at 22 Kelm woods 9:00 pm Guest speaker: Rav Menachem Mintz Rav of Coventry shul
Mothers of children with special needs Melava malka at 10 Cedar Row 8:30 pm
Friday, January 15, 2016
Updated: BDE- Volunteers from Lakewood Heading to Passaic to Assist in Search of Missing 22-Year Old Woman
BDE - Deborah Stubin (22) missing since Thurs has passed away. she was found in her car inside a river near where she went missing. LINK
Erev Shabbos - Jan. 15, 2016 - Members from Lakewood Hatzolah and LCSW are heading to Passaic, NJ, this afternoon to assist in the search fo Devorah Stubin, a 22-year-old girl missing since last night.
Currently, members of the Police Department, Hatzolah and Chaveirim Passaic are searching for the girl.The girl was last seen at about 8:45 PM last night.
The car she is driving is a 1998 silver Mitsubishi Galant, with NJ Pate number K4O-FPH. Identifying marks on Vehicle: Antenna taped with orange strip and grey tape. Sunroof has peeling duct tape around window. She has never before been missing.
If you have any information, please call Hatzolah at 973‐472‐1002 Passaic Police Department at 973‐365‐3900
Her name for Tehillim is Devorah bas Shoshana Rus.
Erev Shabbos - Jan. 15, 2016 - Members from Lakewood Hatzolah and LCSW are heading to Passaic, NJ, this afternoon to assist in the search fo Devorah Stubin, a 22-year-old girl missing since last night.
Currently, members of the Police Department, Hatzolah and Chaveirim Passaic are searching for the girl.The girl was last seen at about 8:45 PM last night.
The car she is driving is a 1998 silver Mitsubishi Galant, with NJ Pate number K4O-FPH. Identifying marks on Vehicle: Antenna taped with orange strip and grey tape. Sunroof has peeling duct tape around window. She has never before been missing.
If you have any information, please call Hatzolah at 973‐472‐1002 Passaic Police Department at 973‐365‐3900
Her name for Tehillim is Devorah bas Shoshana Rus.
At the Lkwd Matzoh Bakery

Thursday, January 14, 2016
Remembrances Mark 5th Anniversary Of Officer's Murder
TOMS RIVER, NJ Patch.com- Residents and officials throughout Ocean County are paying tribute Thursday morning to the memory of Christopher Matlosz, the Lakewood Township police officer who was gunned down five years ago as he sat in his police car.
In Lakewood, where Matlosz, 27, had worked for five years, Mayor Menashe Miller has ordered the flags flown at half-staff throughout the township, according to The Lakewood Scoop.
In Lakewood, where Matlosz, 27, had worked for five years, Mayor Menashe Miller has ordered the flags flown at half-staff throughout the township, according to The Lakewood Scoop.
Chizuk message from a local Gabbai Tzedaka
שלום וברכה
ב"ה זכינו היום להרבה מצוות בכלל ישראל, אמש היתה הגרלה של לוטו עם זכיה של כמליארד וחצי דולר, הרבה יהודים הבטיחו סכומי כסף רבים לצדקה אם יזכו, ושנינו 'חשב אדם לעשות מצוה ונאנס מעלה עליו הכתוב כאילו עשעה' לפי"ז יוצא שהיום יש בכלל ישראל הון תועפות שמבחינת המצוה כאילו נעשתה (הבעיה שלנצרכים אין מזה כלום) אבל ודאי שזכות הרצון הטוב יגן עלינו לקבל פירור מכל הרכוש גדול שבו יצאנו ממצרים. וכבר ידוע מה שהקשו למה בליל הסדר עושים סימנים זכר למרור, זכר לעבודה קשה, זכר ליציאת מצרים וכו' רק לא זכר לרכוש גדול ? ומתרצים כי מהרכוש גדול לא נשאר זכר
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Zechus harabim Lakewood Cheder pools lotto ticket
The Lakewood Cheder has purchased a lottery ticket for each member of the mosad as a group to be shared by every Cheder Bais Faiga faculty and staff member.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Rav Sholom Shechter in Lakewood
Rav Sholom Shechter from Yeshivas Ner Moshe in Yerushalayim will be giving a shiur in Lakewood today at the Simcha hall of Chevra Lomdei Torah 617 5th street at 12:30 pm.
Monday, January 11, 2016
Sunday, January 10, 2016
חודש שבט - שנתבשר בשורות טובות
So, what if you only match a few numbers, what do you win? Here’s the prize rundown:
Match 5 numbers and the Powerball number = Jackpot
Match 5 numbers, not including the Powerball number = $1 million dollars
Match 4 numbers and the Powerball number = $50,000
Match 4 numbers, not including the Powerball number = $100
Match 3 numbers and the Powerball number = $100
Match 3 numbers, not including the Powerball number = $7
Match 2 numbers and the Powerball number = $7
Match 1 number and the Powerball number = $4
Match only the Powerball number = $4
Match 5 numbers and the Powerball number = Jackpot
Match 5 numbers, not including the Powerball number = $1 million dollars
Match 4 numbers and the Powerball number = $50,000
Match 4 numbers, not including the Powerball number = $100
Match 3 numbers and the Powerball number = $100
Match 3 numbers, not including the Powerball number = $7
Match 2 numbers and the Powerball number = $7
Match 1 number and the Powerball number = $4
Match only the Powerball number = $4
Yated expands Lakewood section
Ever expanding the Yated Ne'eman added some more features and columns to its Lakewood section. A new weekly feature called "A look into Lakewood" interviews personalities, proprietors of local establishments, and services. From the Bais Horaah of lakewood there is now a weekly Halacha question Shailos Uteshuvos with the Lakewood Bais Horaah. From the LRRC a ask the LRRC feature, an informative column on topics of help to the community.
News briefs
Gedolim at a recent Chasunah in Lakewood
A meshigineh velt: Troopers who helped deliver baby of lkwd couple on shoulder of GSP interviewed by national media. Dash cam video of cops assisting is shared online.
Arrest in connection with the shooting of the 35 year old Toms River man who was shoot Thursday afternoon in Lakewood.
A meshigineh velt: Troopers who helped deliver baby of lkwd couple on shoulder of GSP interviewed by national media. Dash cam video of cops assisting is shared online.
Arrest in connection with the shooting of the 35 year old Toms River man who was shoot Thursday afternoon in Lakewood.
Tefilas Yom Kippur Koton
Minyanim for Tefilas Yom Kippur Koton
Kol shimshon at 1:45
Satmar 12:40 1:30, 2:30, 3:30, 4:30
Somerset walk 1:20
Kol shimshon at 1:45
Satmar 12:40 1:30, 2:30, 3:30, 4:30
Somerset walk 1:20
Saturday, January 9, 2016
Lakewood ranks #2 in lead poisoning
You’d think that lead poising would have gone the way of polio since lead was required to be removed from paint in 1978.But in New Jersey, it’s a problem that still exists. Read report HERE
N.J. towns with the most reported cases of lead poisoning during fiscal year 2013-14 for children and adults ages 6 to 26 months old: source
N.J. towns with the most reported cases of lead poisoning during fiscal year 2013-14 for children and adults ages 6 to 26 months old: source
- NEWARK 5228
- PASSAIC 1761
- TRENTON 1576
- CAMDEN 1268
Melava Malka parshas Va'eirah
Yeshiva of Cliffwood dinner at Orchos Chaim hall 410 Oberlin 8:15 pm
BM Zichron Yoel Melava Malka Lawrence avenue 8:15 pm
Bais kaila womens Melava Malka Ateres Chana hall 8:00 pm
BM Zichron Yoel Melava Malka Lawrence avenue 8:15 pm
Bais kaila womens Melava Malka Ateres Chana hall 8:00 pm
Friday, January 8, 2016
Minyan Shabbaton
The Shabbos protests at the Lake brought awareness to a problem. Long into the winter the problem is still here and there are a few individuals who are actually on scene getting their hands dirty and working with the kids getting them the help they need. We must commend and support those yechidim and organizations that are at the forefront of this battle.
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Yartzeit asifa for Rav Shmuel Berenbaum Zatzal
An Asifas zikaron will take place this evening marking the Yartzheit of the Mir Rosh Yeshiva Rav Shmuel Berenbaum zatzal. It will take place at Chevra Lomdei Torah 617 5th street at 10:15 pm. Speaking Rav Asher Berenbaum shlita, Rav Shmuel Gedalya Pollack shlita.
LPD looking for info on shooting at MLK
At approximately 3:30 pm Officer Eduardo Vega responded to the area of Ashley Avenue and Martin Luther King Drive for a report of shots fired.
Upon arrival, officers located evidence suggesting that someone had been shot.
Additional officers responded to Monmouth Medical Southern Campus where they located a gunshot victim.
The male, a 35 year old Toms River man, had an apparent non life threatening wound to his arm.
Upon arrival, officers located evidence suggesting that someone had been shot.
Additional officers responded to Monmouth Medical Southern Campus where they located a gunshot victim.
The male, a 35 year old Toms River man, had an apparent non life threatening wound to his arm.
A Professors thoughts on the recent Yarchei Kallah
Professor Ari Goldman was invited as a guest to join on the BMG Yarchei Kallah. He shared his experience of learning in a noisy Bais Medrash with the Jewish week newspaper.
At first I could not take the noise. Arguments, debates, shouting, pounding on the table and the special singsong pattern of speech unique to Talmud study.
I was in the crowded beit midrash, the study hall, of an annual two-day gathering called a Yarchei Kallah sponsored by Beth Medrash Govoha of Lakewood, N.J. The noise was so deafening that I had trouble hearing my study partner, Rabbi Moshe Rockove, who sat just across the narrow table from me.
After almost an hour of this, I told Rockove that I had enough and suggested that we move to the lobby or find a quiet room to continue our study.
But he urged me not to move. “Think of this as a newsroom on deadline,” he told me. “Here someone is debating a lead, there someone is suggesting a new headline and here comes a reporter with a story. It’s a form of organized chaos.”
I have spent years working in newsrooms and less time in study halls, but I never before saw the connections between the two.
Both were, to be sure, noisy places, but also places full of energy, creativity and intensity where people found a shared purpose.
I persevered through the noise
Girls High school application process begins.
Last year the application process continued 3 months into the school year. Hopefully there won't be a repeat again with girls not accepted after the school year begins.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Free P'tcha Giveaway
Free P'tcha Giveaway:
Shmuli's Grill & Smokehouse in Lakewood just launched their new upscale deli and they are presenting a new product, Smoked P'tcha, and they say it's the world's first perfect beefy flavored p'tcha with a genuine smoke finish.
They are convinced of the beauty and quality of the product that they are encouraging you to stop by tomorrow, starting at 12noon and grab one, at no charge, to enhance your Shabbos and to check out their new beautiful location. Absolutely no purchase necessary and understandably they are limiting one p'tcha per family, so that as many can enjoy as possible. They are preparing 200 containers, so first come first served.
They are located at:
1001 Madison Ave, Lakewood, New Jersey 08701
Shmuli's Grill & Smokehouse in Lakewood just launched their new upscale deli and they are presenting a new product, Smoked P'tcha, and they say it's the world's first perfect beefy flavored p'tcha with a genuine smoke finish.
They are convinced of the beauty and quality of the product that they are encouraging you to stop by tomorrow, starting at 12noon and grab one, at no charge, to enhance your Shabbos and to check out their new beautiful location. Absolutely no purchase necessary and understandably they are limiting one p'tcha per family, so that as many can enjoy as possible. They are preparing 200 containers, so first come first served.
They are located at:
1001 Madison Ave, Lakewood, New Jersey 08701
Shiva info till 1 pm
Shiva for Mrs. Tziporah Uhr Z"l wife of Reb Aron Uhr, daughter of Rabbi and Mrs. Yisroel Gluck from Chicago. Sitting shiva in Lakewood at 74 Carasaljo Drive until 1 pm. Today.
R' Shlomo Gluck, R' Tzvi Gluck,
Mrs. Sara Sorotzkin, Mrs. Chavy Grus, Mrs. Tzirel Weiss, Mrs. Chana Goldstein.
Bikur Cholim blood drive today
Lakewood Bikur Cholim, and the Lakewood Police Department, are sponsoring a blood drive in the Court Room of the Lakewood Municipal Building, 231 Third Street, Lakewood, Wednesday, January 6 from 2:00 to 7:00 p.m. Appointments are optional but appreciated. Donors should allot ½ hour from the time they arrive to donate until they leave. Donors must be healthy, at least 17 years old or be 16 with parental consent, weigh at least 120 pounds, and present a signature ID. Remember to eat and drink plenty of fluids before donating blood.
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Letter in TVOL on voice reward program
Dear voice,
A new phenomenon recently started in Lakewood. A new loyalty program took root, known as Voice Rewards, named after the initiator, the Voice of Lakewood. The business model is basically this. The Voice issues loyalty cards to the public, who present the cards in the local participating stores. The customer gets a percentage back on every purchase, and the participating stores get higher traffic because the customers will gravitate to the stores that offer it. Sounds smart, no? No! It is one of the worst things that ever happened in Lakewood. Allow me to explain. Let's take a closer look at the business model. Every time a purchase is made, a percentage is going back to the customer. This percentage is furnished by the store owner. Another percentage, also furnished by the store owner, is going to the Voice, as a fee for participation in their program. The stores are told that it is worthwhile for them to pay these percentages, because it will drive sales, and they'll make more money overall.
A new phenomenon recently started in Lakewood. A new loyalty program took root, known as Voice Rewards, named after the initiator, the Voice of Lakewood. The business model is basically this. The Voice issues loyalty cards to the public, who present the cards in the local participating stores. The customer gets a percentage back on every purchase, and the participating stores get higher traffic because the customers will gravitate to the stores that offer it. Sounds smart, no? No! It is one of the worst things that ever happened in Lakewood. Allow me to explain. Let's take a closer look at the business model. Every time a purchase is made, a percentage is going back to the customer. This percentage is furnished by the store owner. Another percentage, also furnished by the store owner, is going to the Voice, as a fee for participation in their program. The stores are told that it is worthwhile for them to pay these percentages, because it will drive sales, and they'll make more money overall.
Chaveirim, no matter the weather
Video: One of the dozens of flat tires changed this morning by 1 of our dedicated volunteers. In the freezing cold. pic.twitter.com/ecgAs2Bg42
— Lakewood Chaveirim January 5, 2016
3 arrested in connection to Lakewood murder
LAKEWOOD- NJ12.com - Authorities say three people have been arrested in connection to the murder of a man in Lakewood.
Shiva info
Mrs. Susan Sokol z"l זיסל עטל בת יהושע שכנא
8A Barberry between Pansy Drive & Thyme Drive (a country place) Lakewood
getting up Friday afternoon
8A Barberry between Pansy Drive & Thyme Drive (a country place) Lakewood
getting up Friday afternoon
Monday, January 4, 2016
Yeshiva Zichron Melech Parlor meeting
Parlor meeting for Yeshiva Zichron Melech in memory of Rav Chaim Leib Epstein ZTL tonight at Ateres Yeshaya hall 908 East County line Rd. Maariv 8:30
Sunday, January 3, 2016
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