Sunday, July 13, 2014

Parking meters coming to downtown?
Who are they fooling here, parking is not the main problem now. Metered parking will not necessarily fix or clean up the mess. You would think there are no other shopping areas in town. Yes many enjoy and would like to shop downtown on main street. Unfortunately, there are still stores and elements that keep people away from shopping there, its not only a parking problem. Although the downtown still seems to be a favorite place to shop for many, more has to be done. Women and children are scared and not comfortable to walk by certain areas of Clifton Avenue. Adding   meters will push customers to shop elsewhere. 


  1. Once again, you want things to change in the downtown area? Don't vote for the same bums over and over again! Vote for Raitzik, and I am sure the downtown will change for the better.

  2. I hardly ever go downtown at all and if there will be parking meters, then I'll probably stay away for good. This town is already like Boro Park, it doesn't have toi get worse.
