Thursday, July 31, 2014

Lakewood parents join in the camp spirit

 Vuss tut men nit far der kinder! Look around its color war on wheels. As boys camp season begins the camps are at it again outdoing and competing with each other who can have the best PR and placement on the cars. The shtick changes yearly from the simple bumper sticker to a magnet to a flag a mirror sleeve or perhaps soon a fully painted vehicle. Bright colors catching attention as kids drive with pride ans a badge of honor to the camp they are attending. The parents happily join in despite finding it a bit embarrassing, they join along knowing it makes their children happy. That's real pride thats not needed to be displayed.


  1. Hey, if it would be the rainbow type of pride, then I'd be more uncomfortable... maybe next year!!

  2. My grandchildren in the Monsey area have the best day camp. 3 mothers are taking turns every week running the camp with their children as campers. They are doing all kinds of interesting things, trips, educational programs, weekly themes, scrapbook, sewing a doll etc. The kids love it and it is absolutely FREE! that's the second best part. The first best part is that the kids are having a blast, probably more fun than a professional day camp. Yes they are also learning, not just playing. If a parent isn't working out of the home, I think this is the way to go.

  3. Those yellow flags remind me of the mashiach flag of the mashichistin in crown heights.
