Rav Yaakov Gershon went to Yeshiva Torah Vodaath and Bais Medrash Elyon before going to learn in Yeshiva of Philadelphia. He ultimately came to Lakewood in 1960, and he never left. He married Chevi Genauer — daughter of Rav Hershel Genauer, one of the original 13 talmidim Harav Aharon Kotler, zt”l, founded the yeshivah with. The couple was one of the first who settled in Lakewood, and they maintained the same exemplary approach to life throughout.
Chazal (Brachos 6b) tell us that when a person who sets himself a specific place for davening is niftar, people say about him, “What a humble person, what a Chassid, he is from the talmidim of Avraham Avinu” — who himself made a specific place for davening. Rabbi Bursztyn was such a person from the beginning of his life to his very last day in his makom kavu’a in Bais Medrash Govoha’s vasikin minyan.
He was humble — those who worked with him for many years cannot remember a single instance of him standing on ceremony or being makpid on his kavod. He had the utmost respect for the yeshivah and its talmidim, and would not dream of keeping them waiting any longer than was absolutely necessary to answer their questions or to fill their needs.
He was a Chassid — a Chassid of the yeshivah he dedicated his life to, both as a talmid of Hagaon Harav Aharon and of Hagaon Harav Shneur, zt”l, and as the registrar; he kept the records for the thousands of talmidim who flowed through the doors of the yeshivah during his tenure.
He was truly from the talmidim of Avraham Avinu — talmidim were always welcome in his office. He would keep the office open at nights, remaining there after hours just in case a talmid needed something after second seder. There were also the people who came into his office just to talk, and he always listened. And, just like Avraham Avinu, his middah of k’vius helped him as he made sense of the many, many demands on his time and experience when it came to helping the talmidim of the yeshivah.
he was a chasid? what awful, cliched writing
ReplyDeleteso obvious the writer is a chasidisher who has no clue who he was or what bmg is
If you ever learnt a word of gemra a "chosid" means a good person who does good thing even though he doesn't have to, so please do yourself a favor and keep your criticisms to yourself unless you want to advertise your stupidity.