Monday, June 5, 2017

Tonight in Lakewood: Asifa Hasbara Explaining the current Giyus Threat

A public meeting will take place tonight at the Bais Horaah of Lakewood to explain the current situation about the Israeli Draft law. Harav Moshe Shimon Shapiro will be in attendance along with other Roshei Yeshiva. A special envoy from Eretz Yisrael will give a first hand account from the field. Event will begin 9:45 pm 4th and Madison,  Lakewood,  NJ.


  1. will FAA be streaming live?

  2. The news has come from Monroe that the demo has been pushed off a couple of weeks. Any confirmation?

  3. its funny that in america they think there is a problem and the israeli gedolim dont think there is a problem

  4. its funny that in america they think its a problem and the israeli rosh hayeshivos disagree
