Friday, May 5, 2017

Lakewood zmanim ערב שבת פרשת אחרי מות-קדושים

Friday, May 5, 2017 / ט' אייר תשע"ז
Candle lighting:  7:38 pm 
Shkia: 7:55 pm 
weather: rain high of 67
Admor of Tolna Ashdod will be at Gur B'M 1518 Tanglewood, Lakewood NJ
Comment: There is a serious shaila going around about spinners on shabbos. When you spin the spinner it grinds the gears and a small amount of the metal gets rubbed off each time. It might be a serious shabbos issue


  1. There is a serious shaila going around about spinners on shabbos. When you spin the spinner it grinds the gears and a small amount of the metal gets rubbed off each time. It might be a serious shabbos issue . Please consult you local rabbi

    1. It could be a problem of Tochen when you grind the metal into small shavings.

  2. depends on the mechanics te ones i see dont have any metal coming off

  3. That is ridiculous
