A voice for the Tzibbur by the Tzibbur- overcoming challenges. We take no responsibility for comments posted you are solely responsible for any comments you make and their accuracy. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for any comments posted by you or any third-party.
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Updated: BD"E R' Peretz Sheinerman Z"L
Levaya will be later this afternoon by the cemetery in queens Shiva will be at 5 fieldcrest drive in Monsey from Monday night until Thursday morning. Updated: BD"E R' Peretz Scheinerman Z"l a 58 year old man passed away after he was struck crossing lkwd New Egypt outside Westgate at the entrance near Cory street. He recently moved to lakewood from Monsey he lived in EY for a while. Police are investigating. He is survived by his brother Rav Moshe Scheinerman shlita A rav in Flatbush, and his children. TNZBH. Israeli media reports he was niftar on the yartzheit of his grandfather who was also hit by a car R"L. See HERE
Teshuva. The message is screaming at us. How bad does the situation need to get C"V for us to wake up and admit to Hashem that we accept his wake-up call for TESHUVA?
When klal Yisroel-on all levels of frumkeit-comes together as one nation to do teshuva then Mashiach will come
May his neshama have an aliya and May his family have a nechama
Sinas chinom and machlokes consumes anything in its path. We just finished the shiva for a young buding Talmid Chochom and now again we are struck!The last few weeks tensions were high in Lakewood we have have had everyone fighting against each other. Lets not start finger pointing and blaming that will only defeat the purpose and cause more machlokes and have a opposite effect. People feel disenfranchised and it causes a reaction which brings strife and machlokes. Purim is a time of Achva and Rayus let us take a moment to respect each other to even agree to disagree to look at the big picture. We are here on this world to bring kvod shamayim nothing else. We dont know Hashem's plan but we can all better ourselves let this be the end to soo much tzaar. Let us celebrate Purim together in true simcha and be marbeh Raius which will bring sholom.
There's a BIG difference between fighting out of sinas chinum and fighting for survival. Fighting foto survive is what kllal yisroel has been doing for thousands of years. Here in lakewood the fighting is a result of being choked by a handful of self appointed yechiddim who literally choking the majority of this town. Leave Purim of this fight.
There are many people in pain in Lakewood. People have had their established businesses impacted immeasurably because of out of town investors seeking sport and building mega stores that blow everyone out of the water, including themselves in the long run. The community leaders have sat back passively, instead of lobbying for the towns' residents. The tragedies rach"l in town are quite unprecedented and we all have to look into our actions and do teshuva to repair our failings bein adam lachaveiro.
Service went up and prices are much more competitive now. If stores treated costumers nicely and not take advantage by selling expired food perhaps people would be loyal.
If someone's health and safety is worth less to you then your responsibility of checking freshness, nutritional info and of course hechshrim,then it is really incumbent on you to review your chapter in the be in Odom lachaveiro book.
It's time to put an end to this canard of rationalicing the disloyalty shown to the veteran businesses.how many times did you find expired product? Did you point it out to the store or go out and conduct a smear campaign? Showing solidarity with your brothers and neighbours is a critical value in any society, al ahas kama be kama the premier Torah community in the US.
To all those who don't see a need to wake up and החי יתן אל לבוin response to the very tragic and untimely deaths the community has witnessed over the past few months, it's time to seriously do introspection and examine what we have to improve both bein adam LaMakoma nd bein adam lachaveiro. Machlokes in shuls, schools, among friends, unethical business practices...
A person was nebach killed and some decide why....is ot appropriate at this time to be blaming stores???!! Or other nonsense..do you actually feel the tzar of the family? This is a tragedy and we need to do teshuva.take something small and try to improve.. don't wory about others there's plenty we all need to work on..
ReplyDeleteBDE. Nebbach! Who?.
ReplyDeleteoy what does hashem want from us???? in the last few weeks so many tragedies ?????
ReplyDeleteTeshuva. The message is screaming at us. How bad does the situation need to get C"V for us to wake up and admit to Hashem that we accept his wake-up call for TESHUVA?
DeleteWhen klal Yisroel-on all levels of frumkeit-comes together as one nation to do teshuva then Mashiach will come
May his neshama have an aliya and May his family have a nechama
Sinas chinom and machlokes consumes anything in its path. We just finished the shiva for a young buding Talmid Chochom and now again we are struck!The last few weeks tensions were high in Lakewood we have have had everyone fighting against each other. Lets not start finger pointing and blaming that will only defeat the purpose and cause more machlokes and have a opposite effect. People feel disenfranchised and it causes a reaction which brings strife and machlokes. Purim is a time of Achva and Rayus let us take a moment to respect each other to even agree to disagree to look at the big picture. We are here on this world to bring kvod shamayim nothing else. We dont know Hashem's plan but we can all better ourselves let this be the end to soo much tzaar. Let us celebrate Purim together in true simcha and be marbeh Raius which will bring sholom.
ReplyDelete"stop finger pointing and blaming" yet that is exactly what you are doing in your comment.
ReplyDeletevery well said....thank you
There's a BIG difference between fighting out of sinas chinum and fighting for survival. Fighting foto survive is what kllal yisroel has been doing for thousands of years. Here in lakewood the fighting is a result of being choked by a handful of self appointed yechiddim who literally choking the majority of this town. Leave Purim of this fight.
ReplyDeleteMoved recently from monsey. So sad
ReplyDeleteThere are many people in pain in Lakewood. People have had their established businesses impacted immeasurably because of out of town investors seeking sport and building mega stores that blow everyone out of the water, including themselves in the long run. The community leaders have sat back passively, instead of lobbying for the towns' residents. The tragedies rach"l in town are quite unprecedented and we all have to look into our actions and do teshuva to repair our failings bein adam lachaveiro.
ReplyDeleteService went up and prices are much more competitive now. If stores treated costumers nicely and not take advantage by selling expired food perhaps people would be loyal.
DeleteIf someone's health and safety is worth less to you then your responsibility of checking freshness, nutritional info and of course hechshrim,then it is really incumbent on you to review your chapter in the be in Odom lachaveiro book.
ReplyDeleteAnd they still fight the enlargement of the Helberg shul, with sidom altitude
ReplyDelete"LI'SHAIM-SHU'MAYIM" hevel pi'hem.
stop it already.
Deletethis is not the time and place to talk about machlokes.
Is there a levaya in Lakewood?
ReplyDeleteIt's time to put an end to this canard of rationalicing the disloyalty shown to the veteran businesses.how many times did you find expired product? Did you point it out to the store or go out and conduct a smear campaign? Showing solidarity with your brothers and neighbours is a critical value in any society, al ahas kama be kama the premier Torah community in the US.
ReplyDeleteWhat do grocery stores have to do with a person that was nebach niftar?
DeleteRabosai we need to do yeshiva!!
ReplyDeletewhat do you mean?
DeleteIs he originally from Cleveland?
DeleteDid he work in a store in lakewood? He looks familiar.
ReplyDeleteTo all those who don't see a need to wake up and החי יתן אל לבוin response to the very tragic and untimely deaths the community has witnessed over the past few months, it's time to seriously do introspection and examine what we have to improve both bein adam LaMakoma nd bein adam lachaveiro. Machlokes in shuls, schools, among friends, unethical business practices...
ReplyDeleteWhy dont you be our role model. U seem to know what needs to be done.
DeleteA person was nebach killed and some decide why....is ot appropriate at this time to be blaming stores???!! Or other nonsense..do you actually feel the tzar of the family? This is a tragedy and we need to do teshuva.take something small and try to improve.. don't wory about others there's plenty we all need to work on..