Wednesday, February 15, 2017

BD"E Ruchama Malka (Malkie) Hirth A"H

Levaya  will take place 4:45 PM at shiras Devorah 575 Oak street Lakewood,  NJ
Matzav- It is with great sadness that reports the passing of Ruchama Malka (Malkie) Hirth a”h. She was just seven years old.

Ruchama Malka was a daughter of Rabbi and Mrs. Shmuel Fishel and Shainy Hirth of Lakewood and a granddaughter of Rav Mordechai Hirth (Brooklyn) and lhbcl”c Rav Abba Gorelick zt”l, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Gedola Zichron Moshe of South Fallsburg, NY.
Her father, Rav Shmuel, is the rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Nefesh Hachaim of Lakewood, NJ.

Malkie battled leukemia for the last five years of her life. A most special neshamah, at the young age of 7 she taught others by example how to live – how to really live – a life of emunah.

Malkie, in a recording that was widely disseminated, told Klal Yisroel, “The gates of tears are never closed,” urging them to keep up their tefillos and tears on her behalf.

Thousands of Yidden all over the globe davened for years for Ruchama Malka Breindel bas Shaina Shifra, whose neshamah ascended to Shomayim overnight, pure and unsullied, beautified by the wonderful middos and kindness of this one-of-a-kind child, who inspired anyone who was fortunate to meet her.

The levayah will tentatively be held at Yeshiva Nefesh Hachaim of Lakewood. Further details will be provided once they are finalized. The aron will then be flown to Eretz Yisroel for kevurah there.

May Malkie be a melitzas yosher for her family, and may all the tefillos, mitzvos and chassodim done as a zechus for her serve as an aliyah for her neshamah.

Umacha Hashem dimah me’al kol ponim.h


  1. Written by Malky's sister.

    With a complete broken heart and rivers of tears I am horrifically sad to tell you that Hashem has returned our precious -MOST PRECIOUS Malky to the עלום האמת.
    I know that this is the most difficult news to bear.

    As with all tzaros I think it's important to learn lessons from and learn lessons for , the meis.
    If we all take a minute and think of what Ruchama Malka meant to us, what she taught us, then we will gain insight into what we can take from this and how we can change.

    I'm going to learn to dance.

    Malky was a dancer. I'm pretty sure the first thing she's going to do in shamayim is beg Hashem to watch her moves. Then she's going to be a meiletz yosher for us like non before her. And Hashem is going to listen, He's going to answer, because who can say no to malx? That sweet voice. That smile. Those eyes.

    I always thought she'd grow up to be G.O. laughing as she danced the G.O song across the stage.
    She's a dancer. Through all the pain and suffering she went through, Malky danced.

    So I will learn from dance. To dance through life's challenges and struggles with grace and with elegance. I will learn to dance through nisyonos with a smile. I will dance, not physically, but emotionally. I will dance for Malx.

    May we all find something to learn from and may it be a tremendous nechama for the family and aliyah for her neshama

  2. Wow. Beautifully written and very powerful. I'm joining you in learning to dance. IY"H may you and I and everyone else who wants to join dance with MALKY a"h to greet mashiach tzidkeinu bimhairah b'yamainu. Omein
