Monday, June 20, 2016

Lakewood news links Monday June 20

-Besuros tovos: Update  Yehuda nesanel Ben basha Baila still needs our tefilos Bachur injured a few weeks ago in car accident at Brick  Lakewood border out of ICU at  jersey shore hospital
-Rabbi Michael Sanders Z''L Kevurah in Lakewood today 3:30 pm
-NBA player gets emotional when talking about his upbringing in Lakewood, NJ
-Lakewood: Highest overtime in 2015: $33,600 to an Inspection Department employee for a total paycheck of $115,000. total overtime $1.6 million

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to say, the bachur injured a few weeks ago is not on his way home at all. Yehuda nesanel Ben basha Baila still needs our tefilos.
