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The A team band at a chasunah in Lkwd last night |
A voice for the Tzibbur by the Tzibbur- overcoming challenges. We take no responsibility for comments posted you are solely responsible for any comments you make and their accuracy. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for any comments posted by you or any third-party.
Monday, November 30, 2015
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Updated: Shiva info for Rebbetzin Sarah Schustal a''h
The Matersdorfer Rov Rav Simcha Bunim Ehrnfeld Brother,will be sitting at his home in Brooklyn until Monday morning 1655 46th Street. in Boro Park shiva hours are from 1:30-4:30 and 7:45-10:30
Shacharis: 9:00
Mincha: 4:15
Maariv: 7:45
Rebbetzin Gitty Cohen, Rebbetzin Esther Paler, Rebbetzin Leah Kagan, sisters, will be sitting at 614 Princeton Ave in Lakewood
Township Menorah lighting
The Township of Lakewood will be lighting it's Chanukah Menorah on Sunday, December 6th first night of Chanuka at 4:15 pm in Town Square. Notice, scheduled at the same time the twsp will light the holiday tree and a holiday parade will take place prior to that. For more information, please call the Township's Department of Public Works at 732/905-3405.
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Video: A Chabad shliach learned Tanya in Lakewood
When the Rebbe sent Rabbi Nissan Mangel to Lakewood, New Jersey to spread the teachings of Chassidus, he didn’t fully know what to expect. After spending a full week around the Yeshiva and assuming his job was more or less complete without incident, he was in for a most moving surprise. Upon his return to Crown Heights, he was greeted with a welcome from the Rebbe and a cryptic, yet touching, acknowledgement of his work.
Kosher village kids collection
Kosher Village kicks off its kids collection! this Sunday November 29th from 11 am-6 pm Free refreshments and entertainment.Amazing raffles every half hour, cotton candy balloons and pop corn all day. Balloon twisting and Face painting from 2:30- 6:00 pm. Kids collect stickers with every purchase and receive amazing prizes when board is complete.
Melava Malka
Motzei Shabbos parshas Vayishlach November 28, 2015:
Keren Even Habochen Dinner Ateres Chana hall 7:30 reception 8:30 Dinner
Khal Shemen Lemincha 2 Milano drive annual Melava malka 8:30 pm
Modzitz Yartzheit Melava Malka 15 Whispering Pines lane Famed Niggun Ezkara will be sung 8:30 pm
Keren Even Habochen Dinner Ateres Chana hall 7:30 reception 8:30 Dinner
Khal Shemen Lemincha 2 Milano drive annual Melava malka 8:30 pm
Modzitz Yartzheit Melava Malka 15 Whispering Pines lane Famed Niggun Ezkara will be sung 8:30 pm
Friday, November 27, 2015
ערב שבת פרשת וישלח
Licht tzinden 4:15 pm
Shkia 4:33
weather- cloudy 59f/42f precip: 62% have a Gut Shabbos.
Shkia 4:33
weather- cloudy 59f/42f precip: 62% have a Gut Shabbos.
smoke from Jackson fire
A fire in Jackson, has resulted in strong smell of smoke throughout Lakewood.
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Oif Simchas
Simchas mishpachas Jerimias Shalom Zocher this Friday night at the home of R' Burich Jerimias at 8 Primrose Dr in Lakewood. There will be davening in the large tent behind the house. Shira choir, Zevi fried will be there all
Stores avdertising Motzei shabbos sales and promotions
Local Lakewood stores are advertising black Friday and Motzei shabbos promotions and sales. The Small Business Saturday campaign is still here even without the Amex credit. Check local weeklies and flyers for sales and events, or post in comments below.
Help Chaveirim When shoping at Amazon
Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Chaveirim Volunteer Services Inc whenever you shop on AmazonSmile.
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
The Rebbetzin
By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz Yated.com
Were someone to ask me what Sarah Imeinu looked like, I’d say, “Look at Rebbetzin Sarah Schustal and you’ll know.”
Were someone to ask me what a bas Yisroel should look like, I’d say, “Like Rebbetzin Schustal.”
What is tznius? What is tzidkus? How should we act? How should we speak? How should we live our lives? How should we raise our children?
I’d say, “Look at Rebbetzin Schustal and you’ll know.”
A holy woman walked among us. We had an image of what was demanded of us.
Always thoughtful and caring, loving and smart, calm and careful, she was the perfect combination.
Were someone to ask me what Sarah Imeinu looked like, I’d say, “Look at Rebbetzin Sarah Schustal and you’ll know.”
Were someone to ask me what a bas Yisroel should look like, I’d say, “Like Rebbetzin Schustal.”
What is tznius? What is tzidkus? How should we act? How should we speak? How should we live our lives? How should we raise our children?
I’d say, “Look at Rebbetzin Schustal and you’ll know.”
A holy woman walked among us. We had an image of what was demanded of us.
Always thoughtful and caring, loving and smart, calm and careful, she was the perfect combination.
Pittsburgher Rebbe in Lakewood
Tha Admor of Pittsburgh who lives in Eretz Yisrael is currently in Lakewood at the home of Dr. Moshe Todres 369 Ridge Avenue. The Rebbe will be in town through Thursday.
Pittsburgh Kollel parlor meeting
This evening a parlor meeting to benefit the Jewish Learning center of Pittsburgh, PA at the home
of Reb Yisrael Meir Shapiro, 315 Caranetta. Maariv at 8:45 followed by greetings.
of Reb Yisrael Meir Shapiro, 315 Caranetta. Maariv at 8:45 followed by greetings.
WIC class available online
You can now take the WIC class online no need to go down and sit through the class. You can complete your WIC nutrition education requirement online. Once done you print out a certificate and bring it in to pick up your checks. However, You still have to go to the WIC office to pick up the checks but you can do that anytime on the day you were given to come for a class. Even if your class is scheduled for 8:30 am, you can come all day just present your certificate and you will receive your checks.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Holiday garbage schedule
Garbage pickup in some neighborhoods is today on Wednesday.If the holiday falls on Thursday: Garbage and recycling will be picked up on the preceding Wednesday. The Lakewood Township observes the following holidays Thanksgiving Day, day after Thanksgiving.
Petira of Rebbetzin Sarah Schustal a”h.
The Rebbetzin was the wife of Rav Simcha Schustal zt”l, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Bais Binyomin of Stamford, and a daughter of the Mattersdorfer Rov zt”l. The levayah will be held at 9 a.m. at Yeshiva Nachlas Yisroel, located at 1483 East Spruce Street in Lakewood, NJ, between New Hampshire and Albert followed by a levayah at at Yeshiva Bais Binyomin of Stamford (132 Prospect St, Stamford, CT 06902) at noon. The aron will be flown from JFK International Airport at 6:45 p.m. to Eretz Yisroel for kevurah there.
She is survived by a family of leading gedolei Torah, including her sons, Rav Shlomo Feivel Schustal, rosh yeshiva of Yeshova Naos Yaakov, Rav Dovid Schustal, rosh yeshiva of Beth Medrash Govoha, and Rav Tovia Schustal, rosh yeshiva at Yeshivat Ateret Torah, as well as her daughters, Rebbetzin Miriam Ungarischer, wife of Rav Yerachmiel Ungarischer, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Nachlas Yisroel of Lakewood; Rebbetzin Reva Halpern, wife of Rav Binyomin Zev Halpern, rov of Khal Bais Halevi of Lakewood; Rebbetzin Zeilberger, wife of Rav Yeruchem Zeilberger, rosh yeshiva at Yeshiva Bais Hatalmud; and Rebbetzin Bender, wife of Rav Michoel Bender, R”M at Yeshiva Bais Binyomin of Stamford. Matzav.com
She is survived by a family of leading gedolei Torah, including her sons, Rav Shlomo Feivel Schustal, rosh yeshiva of Yeshova Naos Yaakov, Rav Dovid Schustal, rosh yeshiva of Beth Medrash Govoha, and Rav Tovia Schustal, rosh yeshiva at Yeshivat Ateret Torah, as well as her daughters, Rebbetzin Miriam Ungarischer, wife of Rav Yerachmiel Ungarischer, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Nachlas Yisroel of Lakewood; Rebbetzin Reva Halpern, wife of Rav Binyomin Zev Halpern, rov of Khal Bais Halevi of Lakewood; Rebbetzin Zeilberger, wife of Rav Yeruchem Zeilberger, rosh yeshiva at Yeshiva Bais Hatalmud; and Rebbetzin Bender, wife of Rav Michoel Bender, R”M at Yeshiva Bais Binyomin of Stamford. Matzav.com
Monday, November 23, 2015
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Simchas in town
Uri Davidi sings at a local wedding b'h all wedding halls were full last night.
And our Lakewood brothers! Jamming away #ATatteBlabtATatte @Uridavidi @YossiGreenzweig pic.twitter.com/4s3vbsaiep
— CME (@CME1) November 23, 2015
Bikur Cholim pays tribute
submitted as comment.(For list of Chinese auction winners click HERE)
Thank you so much for the tributes to Rebbetzin Kotler a'h and Mrs. Shami Reinman a'h. Rebbetzin Kotler really was the mother of this community and a staunch supporter of the beginning Lakewood Bikur Cholim - Everybody called her for advice, if your kid needed stitches, if you were upset because of town problems, if you just needed help adjusting to Lakewood Life - and Mrs. Shami Reinman who was talented in so many ways, and all her talents were overshadowed by her good heart and her commitment to always see the good in everybody, was always ready to help anybody and really dedicated a lot to many Lakewood organizations, including Bikur Cholim. We miss you so much and may you be meilitzei yosher for all of us.
Thank you so much for the tributes to Rebbetzin Kotler a'h and Mrs. Shami Reinman a'h. Rebbetzin Kotler really was the mother of this community and a staunch supporter of the beginning Lakewood Bikur Cholim - Everybody called her for advice, if your kid needed stitches, if you were upset because of town problems, if you just needed help adjusting to Lakewood Life - and Mrs. Shami Reinman who was talented in so many ways, and all her talents were overshadowed by her good heart and her commitment to always see the good in everybody, was always ready to help anybody and really dedicated a lot to many Lakewood organizations, including Bikur Cholim. We miss you so much and may you be meilitzei yosher for all of us.
Kosher market coming to Newark airport
Looking for kosher food at Newark airport? Yeahthatskosher reports ‘The Kosher Market’ was announced today by CIBO Express Gourmet Markets as the first-of-its-kind kosher market in Newark Airport (EWR) located in Terminal C3 near Gate 139. It is currently open.
The market will feature over 60 freshly prepared Grab & Go items, made by Fresko, CIBO’s Kosher foods partner. The freshly prepared items, including sandwiches, salads, wraps, dips, snacks and more, will be delivered daily to Terminal C.
The Kosher Market will also include unique kosher snacks and candies, including red velvet cookies, chocolate and cinnamon rugelach, as well as non-dairy brownies and blondies. The Kosher Market will also provide kosher products from Coca-Cola and KIND Snacks as well as other national brands.
The market will feature over 60 freshly prepared Grab & Go items, made by Fresko, CIBO’s Kosher foods partner. The freshly prepared items, including sandwiches, salads, wraps, dips, snacks and more, will be delivered daily to Terminal C.
The Kosher Market will also include unique kosher snacks and candies, including red velvet cookies, chocolate and cinnamon rugelach, as well as non-dairy brownies and blondies. The Kosher Market will also provide kosher products from Coca-Cola and KIND Snacks as well as other national brands.
Freezing temps next few nights
Not yet winter but the next few nights will have below freezing temps. Today will see clouds with developing sunshine and windy with a high in the low 50's. Tonight will clear out and it will be cold with a low in the 30's and a real feel of 17° to Tomorrow night will be in the low 20's. Warmer weather is expected over Thanksgiving weekend.
Drasha for Mohalim
A Drasha and shiur for Mohalim given by Rav Eliyohu Ferzichiter from Yerushalayim and Rav Dovid Biton Author of sefer Brisoi shel Avraham will take place this evening at 121 Arbutus DRive. 7:30 pm all Mohalim welcome.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Get your free game at LRBC auction
Tonight get your free limited edition let's do bikur cholim game at the annual Chinese auction for lev Rochel bikur cholim. Lake terrace hall at 8:00 pm
Friday, November 20, 2015
Thursday, November 19, 2015
A nice review from the guru
After seeing so many posts about South Side Sandwich Shop & Smokehouse and following Joseph S. Mutterperl on this group I finally had the privilege of going down to Lakewood, NJ and checking it out. First off I must say, he is an extremely nice guy, a real mentch and was so nice to talk to about food and smoking meat. We had so much food and tried so many things. Everything was very good. I really enjoyed the long bone smoked rib the most, the second cut smoked brisket was melt in your mouth delicious and his fried chicken was delicious. Kosherguru.
Shabbos sheva brachos challenge
The chasunah was somehow taken care of and paid for. Great strides were made over the years to bring down wedding costs. Halls have takana packages for flowers and music bands there are cheaper affordable options. Gemachs for Wedding gowns are plentiful (if your lucky to reserve for the wedding date). The challenge today is the Shabbos 7 brachos. Both financially and logistical. With growing mishachos ka"h the costs go up this is not factoring in extended family but immediate families from both the choson and Kallah sides. Putting up 100 people is no easy task. Those who can afford it go to a hotel with catered meals. For the less fortunate there is no cheap hotel option. A local hall in a shul or school is usually where it is done. Food is either catered or the siblings split the chores amongst
Hachnosas Sefer Torah for the Monmouth medical center Updated change in program
Lev Rochel Bikur Cholim Hachnosas sefer Torah will take place at the far end of the Kimball parking lot to the Bikur cholim house on prospect street. Thursday night 7:30 pm. The sefer will go to the Bais Medrash of Monmouth Medical center.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Report New tenants at former Bell Labs
Countdown begins for new supermarkets grand opening
Rain all day Thursday
Rain is expected to be the heaviest in the northern part of the state, but the entire state will feel the effects of the rain. Showers, mainly after 7am. The rain could be heavy at times. High near 64. Southeast wind 10 to 17 mph, with gusts as high as 28 mph. Chance of precipitation is 100%. New precipitation amounts between a half and three quarters of an inch possible.
Thursday should see rain for most of the day. Thunderstorms are possible in certain areas of New Jersey. Temperatures are expected to reach the low-60s.
Thursday should see rain for most of the day. Thunderstorms are possible in certain areas of New Jersey. Temperatures are expected to reach the low-60s.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
השבת אבידה
My Ecelctus parrot is bright green with a candy cane orange color beak. He went missing in Lakewood nj yesterday. He answers to the name Rocky and he is banded. He loves people so we know he will try to end up at someone's home. We miss him a lot and hope you can help bring our baby back home!!! He doesn't bite so please don't be scared to bring him inside and help return him home. Thank you! reply by email: starrteens@aol.com
Christie: No Syrian refugees, not even 'orphans under age 5'
Gov. Chris Christie on Monday said the United States should not admit any refugees from the Syrian civil war — not even "orphans under age 5."
"I do not trust this administration to effectively vet the people who are supposed to be coming in in order to protect the safety and security of the American people, so I would not permit them in," the Republican presidential candidate said on conservative talk show host Hugh Hewitt's syndicated radio show.
Christie's comments came after French authorities disclosed that one of the attackers who killed 129 people and seriously wounded another 80 in Paris on Friday evening had entered Europe through Greece on a forged Syrian passport last month, posing as a migrant.
"I do not trust this administration to effectively vet the people who are supposed to be coming in in order to protect the safety and security of the American people, so I would not permit them in," the Republican presidential candidate said on conservative talk show host Hugh Hewitt's syndicated radio show.
Christie's comments came after French authorities disclosed that one of the attackers who killed 129 people and seriously wounded another 80 in Paris on Friday evening had entered Europe through Greece on a forged Syrian passport last month, posing as a migrant.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Howell mayor scolds residents over anti-Semitism
Thank you to Howell mayor William Gotto for saying it like it is regarding the opposition on social media to the Chofetz Chaim Yeshiva housing project.
APP-Howell Mayor William Gotto has publicly expressed his "disgust" for the anti-Semitic and classist comments that have been made on some of Howell’s Facebook pages over the past month.
An open letter to the community from Gotto and the Township Council posted on Howell’s website on Tuesday morning — as a followup to the remarks he made at Monday's Township Council meeting — expressed concerns about social media perpetuating “misinformation and half-truths” about the issues and projects going on in town. Town officials trying to give correct information, in many cases, have been blocked from posting on those pages, Gotto said.
Social media activity on two Facebook groups, Howell Happenings NJ and West Farms R9 Housing Project, has intensified since a controversial affordable housing project became the hot issue in town. Citizens have been using Facebook to share information, voice opposition and mobilize to try and stop the development. But included in some of those discussions have been harsh comments about low-income families and people who practice Orthodox Judaism.
“What I don’t get is, as a community, the level of discourse that’s arisen is a very short period of time with some of the absolutely disgusting, anti-Semitic, racial, class-separating comments that I’ve seen by so many residents in this town, predominately on social media,” Gotto said at the council meeting.
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Mayor Gotto |
An open letter to the community from Gotto and the Township Council posted on Howell’s website on Tuesday morning — as a followup to the remarks he made at Monday's Township Council meeting — expressed concerns about social media perpetuating “misinformation and half-truths” about the issues and projects going on in town. Town officials trying to give correct information, in many cases, have been blocked from posting on those pages, Gotto said.
Social media activity on two Facebook groups, Howell Happenings NJ and West Farms R9 Housing Project, has intensified since a controversial affordable housing project became the hot issue in town. Citizens have been using Facebook to share information, voice opposition and mobilize to try and stop the development. But included in some of those discussions have been harsh comments about low-income families and people who practice Orthodox Judaism.
“What I don’t get is, as a community, the level of discourse that’s arisen is a very short period of time with some of the absolutely disgusting, anti-Semitic, racial, class-separating comments that I’ve seen by so many residents in this town, predominately on social media,” Gotto said at the council meeting.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Vasikin zman getting later
The Netz hachama, sunrise this week will be from 6:43am -6:48 am the upward trend will continue until Rosh chodesh shvat January 1o when the latest zman for the Netz is 7:19 am. Many early minyanim for shachris will now daven k'vasikin for the time being.
Not even a thank you!
Its two weeks after the elections the vaad could not even take out an ad thanking everyone for coming out and voting for their candidates. Not even a phone call, where is the hakoras hatov? People shlepped to the polls took time out of their day are they not worth a thank you? What about the politicians did they thank the people for electing them again? To get the vote they know what to do, how about thanking all those who keep them in power.
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Melava Malka
1. BMG- siyum hashas Yartzheit melava malka at the dining room 9 p.m
2. Linas hachesed- 34 White dove ct. 8:30 - 12:00 am
3. Veretzky -14 Bartenura rd 9:00 pm
2. Linas hachesed- 34 White dove ct. 8:30 - 12:00 am
3. Veretzky -14 Bartenura rd 9:00 pm
No credible threat, but NJ on alert after Paris attacks
Gov. Chris Christie said Saturday night that the United States needs strong leadership, especially after Friday's deadly attacks in Paris. APP
Christie, who is running for president, spoke Saturday at the Republican Party’s Sunshine Summit in Orlando, Florida, where he delivered a 20-minute speech that opened with his reflections on Sept. 11, 2001, and his time as U.S. attorney.
Christie said he initially planned talk about the economy and deliver some jokes but the Paris attacks that killed at least 129 people changed his mind. The governor said he sees the world as it really is but that President Barack Obama sees it as a “fantasy.” He also said his experience best qualifies him to be president.
New Jersey State Police said Saturday "there is no credible threat to New Jersey'' in wake of Friday's terror attacks in Paris that left at least 127 people dead, although Port Authority of New York and New Jersey police are operating under heightened alert.
Christie, who is running for president, spoke Saturday at the Republican Party’s Sunshine Summit in Orlando, Florida, where he delivered a 20-minute speech that opened with his reflections on Sept. 11, 2001, and his time as U.S. attorney.
Christie said he initially planned talk about the economy and deliver some jokes but the Paris attacks that killed at least 129 people changed his mind. The governor said he sees the world as it really is but that President Barack Obama sees it as a “fantasy.” He also said his experience best qualifies him to be president.
New Jersey State Police said Saturday "there is no credible threat to New Jersey'' in wake of Friday's terror attacks in Paris that left at least 127 people dead, although Port Authority of New York and New Jersey police are operating under heightened alert.
Friday, November 13, 2015
Toldos Avrum Yitzchok Rebbe in Lkwd
The Toldos Avrom Yitzchok Rebbe is resting up he will be spending shabbos in Lakewood at West Kennedy and Teaberry. Tish Friday night at the same location.
ערב שבת פרשת תולדות ראש חודש א' כסלו תשע"ו
Tefillos for Rav Mattisyahu Solomon
Rain not enough to ease NJ drought worries
Drenching downpours in early October and scattered showers during the past week were not enough to ease the drought worries that have plagued New Jersey this year.
That's what the latest maps, released Thursday by the U.S. Drought Monitor, are showing.
This drought map, released Thursday, Nov. 12, shows 36 percent of the Garden State (yellow) continues to be abnormally dry and nearly 18 percent of the state (orange-cream color) has moderate drought conditions.
That's what the latest maps, released Thursday by the U.S. Drought Monitor, are showing.
This drought map, released Thursday, Nov. 12, shows 36 percent of the Garden State (yellow) continues to be abnormally dry and nearly 18 percent of the state (orange-cream color) has moderate drought conditions.
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Kollel zichron Elimelech parlor meeting
The wesgate night kollel zichron Elimelech is hosting its annual parlor meeting this evening Thursday November 12th. The parlor meeting is taking place at the simcha hall of the Westgate shul 100 Ropshitz beginning at 9:30 pm.
MIncha Gedolah at Kol Shimshon
Looking for the earliest minyan Mincha? there is a daily Minyan for Mincha gedolah at Kol shimshon on Squankum road. MIncha Gedolah today is at 12:10 pm.
Agudah convention live broadcast
The 2015 Agudah convention begins this evening, in previous years there was a live hook up at the sons of Israel shul Madison avenue and 6th street in Lakewood. This year the convention programs will be broadcast online compliments of the Agudah. Watch it HERE at www.yourconvention.org
Another Quick check coming to Jackson
JACKSON -Trees have been cleared at the intersection of New Prospect and Brewers Bridge Road in Jackson. (Behind NPGS) The battle between convenience stores continues – QuickChek and Wawa are expanding in the Garden State. While both stores are more evenly matched in Monmouth County – QuickChek has 15 locations, and Wawa has 18 – there is a greater divide in Ocean County. There, Wawa has over 25 locations whereas QuickChek has only six. QuickChek is making forward strides – trees have been cleared at the intersection of New Prospect and Brewers Bridge Road in Jackson.
N.J. towns may push hospitals to pay up
Cash-strapped local governments around the state may be looking at non-profit hospitals with new eyes, now that the non-profit Morristown Medical Center has agreed to pay its hometown $15.5 million over the next decade to settle demands for property taxes. State Senate President Stephen Sweeney and Sen. Robert Singer, a Lakewood Republican, said this year that they would seek legislative action after Election Day. They will need to balance a range of competing interests: the need for additional government revenue and help for heavily taxed voters as well as the potential effect on employment and services at essential, and sometimes struggling, institutions.
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Rav Don Segal, to speak at atzeres Zikaron
Rav Don Segal will speak at the Atzeres zikaron for the yartzheit of Harav Aharon Kotler zatzal and for the mashgiach Rav Nosson Wachtfogel Zatzal. The hespedim will take place Thursday evening 6:15 pm at the Beren hall in BMG. The Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Rav Malkiel Kotler, Rav Yaakov Shneidman Rosh Yeshiva of Scranton will deliver divrei hesped.
Rav Dov Yoffe in Lakewood
Rav Dov Yoffe, who came in from eretz Yisrael to grace the Agudah convention is currently in Lakewood. The mashgiach will be davening shachris Tomorrow Thursday, Rosh chodesh Kislev at the Bais Horaah corner 4th and Madison. Shachris is at 8 am.
TR approves new rules limiting Real estate soliciters
TOMS RIVER -- APP- With little fanfare and almost no public comment, the Township Council adopted a sweeping new measure Tuesday night aimed at putting more restrictions on real estate solicitors who homeowners in the North Dover area say have been unfairly pressuring residents to sell their homes.
Council members voted 5 to 0 to adopt a revision to the township's soliciting ordinance that allows the township attorney and business administrator to investigate real estate solicitation in Toms River and hold a public hearing to determine what types of solicitation are happening, and in which areas of the township.
Council members voted 5 to 0 to adopt a revision to the township's soliciting ordinance that allows the township attorney and business administrator to investigate real estate solicitation in Toms River and hold a public hearing to determine what types of solicitation are happening, and in which areas of the township.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
3 reported cases of whooping cough
APP LAKEWOOD – Ocean County had three reported cases of whooping cough last week centered in Lakewood's Orthodox Jewish community, according to local health officials.
Whooping cough, or pertussis, is a highly contagious bacterial respiratory infection that causes violent coughing fits and a characteristic "whooping" sound as sick people struggle to breathe, according to the Centers for Disease Control. The infection can be deadly in infants.
In response to the recent cases, the Ocean County Health Department is urging adults who have contact with babies and small children to receive a Tdap vaccination.
Whooping cough, or pertussis, is a highly contagious bacterial respiratory infection that causes violent coughing fits and a characteristic "whooping" sound as sick people struggle to breathe, according to the Centers for Disease Control. The infection can be deadly in infants.
In response to the recent cases, the Ocean County Health Department is urging adults who have contact with babies and small children to receive a Tdap vaccination.
Feeling SAD or depressed at 5 pm?
On a dreary day like today your not alone. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is pretty easy to understand. As seasons shift, so does the amount of sunlight, which affects your circadian rhythm, the body’s internal clock that governs certain brain wave activity and hormone production. In some people, this shift changes mood-related chemicals in a way that can cause depression. Highly sensitive people are especially prone to depression as the weather changes. Darkness one hour earlier can shock a sensitive person’s system much like jet lag — generating an angry response from the central nervous system.
Here are a few way sto survive the shorter days of winter.
1. Get a chavrusah or do homework with your kids
2. Use a Sun Lamp
Bright-light therapy has proven to be an effective treatment for seasonal affective disorder, also known as the winter blues.
Here are a few way sto survive the shorter days of winter.
1. Get a chavrusah or do homework with your kids
2. Use a Sun Lamp
Bright-light therapy has proven to be an effective treatment for seasonal affective disorder, also known as the winter blues.
Kosherfest 2015 opens today in Secaucus NJ
Kosherfest is the world’s largest and most attended kosher-certified products trade show. From chain supermarkets to corner groceries, foodservice establishments to caterers, every kind of kosher decision maker will find opportunity and inspiration at Kosherfest. More than 6,000 industry professionals are expected to attend, and more than 325 exhibitors will feature kosher-certified products and services for the kosher market. its open Tuesday, November 10, 2015: 10am - 5pm Wednesday, November 11, 2015: 10am - 4pm.- The Meadowlands Exposition Center at Harmon Meadows 355 Plaza Drive, Secaucus, NJ 07094
Monday, November 9, 2015
World's first Kosher food court coming to meadowlands in 2017
Most Expensive Retail Project On Earth' Coming To Meadowlands In 2017. Mall of America owners are planning a N.J. project with indoor amusement park, aquarium, ski hill, 'scented' theater, and Kosher food court a significant feature for an area with a large population of observant Jews. The Toys “R” Us plans call for a three-level, 55,000-square-foot store. An 800-room hotel is in the design stage. When complete, the 91-acre complex will be broken up into five connected sections more than a half-mile long. Skylights and large windows will bathe the crisp, clean white walls and spaces with natural light. Fresh flowers, plants, and fountains will highlight the inside and provide what Triple Five says will be a warm, inviting atmosphere when it opens in the summer of 2017.
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Toldos Aharon Rebbe visits Lakewood
The Toldos Aharon Rebbe who is currently in the US made a brief stop in Lakewood as he continues to raise funds for his mosdos. The Rebbe was in the Brook hill neighborhood. He also paid a visit to the mashgiach Rav Maatisyahu Solomon shlita.
Today: Bnos membership event
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