Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Elul Zman 5784 Begins in Lakewood

 The Boys are back from Camp, the shofar will sound this morning and so will the kol Torah. Elul Zman 5784 officially begins today in Bais Medrash Govoha with a short Chavrusah tumul today. The yeshiva will be learning Maseches Nedarim. The new Avreichim Bais Medrash of BMG will be opening  with a chanura learning Maseches Eruvin. The other yeshivos and Mesivtos in Lakewood are starting today and tonight. Night seder resumes for balei batim. The hustle and bustle is back as the quiet days of summer vacation are coming to an end. This year  Labor day coincides with Rosh chodesh resulting in schools starting a full month before Rosh Hashana. Boys elementary schools will be starting this with a half day schedule. Girls schools are starting the year on Thursday. Hatzlocha and a gut chodesh to all.

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