Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunday Sep 15 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 77° Plenty of sunshine.

- Vivek Ramaswamy - America Is Skating On Thin Ice... Political Violence Needs To Stop Now
I’m calling on the Secret Service to IMMEDIATELY step up its protection for President Trump to the same level they provide to Biden. 
There’s no excuse not to. 
But there’s also a deeper sickness in our country that we need to cure. America is skating on thin ice, and I thank God we’ve averted tragedy twice this summer. We can only hope that the two assassination attempts on President Trump already will be the worst things that happen this election cycle."

-  Gov. Ron DeSantis" The State of Florida will be conducting its own investigation regarding the attempted assassination at Trump International Golf Club.  The people deserve the truth about the would be assassin and how he was able to get within 500 yards of the former president and current GOP nominee.

- Heavy traffic tonight in downtown Lakewood area due to Mexican independence day parties with hundreds of cars 

- Senior Trump campaign advisers write: “Today, for the second time in two months, an evil monster attempted to take the life of President Trump.”

- At a wedding in Lakewood tonight the New Rosh Yeshiva of Riverdale Yeshiva, Harav Eliyohu Ausband shlita was mesader kiddushin for a talmid, following the petirah of his father Tav Avrohom Ausband ZTL, last week.

2nd Trump assassination attempt:

-- Jack Posobiec:"There is no question that this guy had overlap with national security agencies given his activities in Ukraine"

- Police believe that the Go-Pro Camera the Suspect had setup on a Fence near the Site of the Shooting, was intended to Film or possibly Livestream his Assassination Attempt against Former U.S. President Donald J. Trump.

- Ryan Wesley wrote on Facebook that it is unclear from a historic map what part of Israel the Jews owned as it looks all Palestinian. The Facebook account was since scrubbed not before screenshots were saved.

- The would be assassin social media is filled with anti-Israel content and calls to recruit people to fight in Ukraine.

-  The Trump would-be assassin has been identified as Ryan Wesley Routh,58  according to Fox News. Routh was allegedly hiding in the bushes with an AK-47 with a scope, two backpacks, and a GoPro and was spotted by the Secret Service before he could take action.

-the USSS advance team was scouting the holes ahead of President Trump as he was golfing. Agents spotted the suspect in the tree line in possession of a semi-automatic rifle which they believe to be an AK-47 or similar. The agents either exchanged fire with him, or else it was only the agents shooting at the suspect—this remains unclear. The suspect immediately fled into the trees and initially managed to evade agents, but was quickly apprehended and is now in law enforcement custody.

-  Fox News it was the Secret Service that fired the gunshots at the suspected gunman outside former President Trump's golf club."The Secret Service saw a man carrying an AK-47 The man with the AK-47 did not open fire, it was the Secret Service that opened fire. The man dropped the rifle and took off running. We now understand based on local reports, that that suspect is now in custody."

- Update from former Pres. Trump:
“There were gunshots in my vicinity, but before rumors start spiraling out of control, I wanted you to hear this first: I AM SAFE AND WELL! Nothing will slow me down. I will NEVER SURRENDER! I will always love you for supporting me. Unity. Peace. Make America Great Again.”

- CNN is now reporting that a man is in custody after an exchange of fire with Trump’s Secret Service detail. He was armed with an AK-47 rifle and was wearing a GoPro camera.

Officials now believe the gunfire at Trump International Golf Club was intended for former Trump. An AK-style weapon was reportedly used, and a car has been stopped in connection with the incident. Authorities are continuing their investigatio. (CNN)

- The green white and red  flags  on cars driving around Lakewood is the Mexican flag celebrating their independence day. Not to be confused with the so called Palestinian flag.

- State police in Lakewood today traffic enforcement with unmarked cars

- Hachnosas Sefer Torah will be held in Lakewood  today l’iluy nishmas hayeled Shmuel Brog z”l, the 4-year-old boy who was killed in a tragic car accident in Jackson in at 12:00 PM wiKsivas Osiyos 12pm at, 27 Nussbaum Avenue. A procession will then follow at 2:00 PM to Kahal Prospect Square-Ashkenaz,  317 Blanche Street.

- Petirah Of Mrs. Kreindy Pinkovicz A”H
ברוך דיין האמת בצער רב ויגון קודר מודיעין אנו על פטירתה של האשה החשובה מרת קרינדל יכט ע''ה
אשת חברינו היקר ר' בנימין פינקאוויטש שליט''א
הלויה יתקיים בשעה    12:0ליד בביהמ"ד קהל חתם סופר
Levaya at 490 Manneta Ave with kevura in Floral Park cemetery Dean's, NJ

- Satmar boys school in Lakewood under the leadership of Rav Zalman Leib Teitelbaum will start the school year after a meeting took place at the rebbes house and  a parents commitee was formed to oversee the school operations

- Bingo/Mesamchaei Lev yom tov sale  starts today Sept 15 thru Sept 28

- Flea market open today at Ocean county park in Lakewood until 1:00pm

- Several accidents took place at the new Vermont Rt 70 intersection since it opened on Friday including a fatal one Friday night.

- Jackson day Today at Johnson Park 192 Kierych memorial drive including rides for the kids, Motorcycle stunt shows, Helicopter landings and more. At 6:45 there will be a state of the art drone show. Kosher Pizza will be sponsored by the Jackson Republican club.

- Hachtara at Bais Medrash Blue River in South Lakewood with the appointment of their new Rav. Harav Meir Isser Ludmir shlita day and Brashov in Williamsburg, will undertake the rabbanus if the kehila.

- Editorial today on "Trump courts the Jewish vote -- while embracing a Nazi | Editorial" after a event was hosted in his Bedminster home in defense of those who entered capital hill on January 6th which included a nazi sympathizer who seethed about a “Hasidic Jewish invasion” of New Jersey.
 The Trump campaign claimed Trump was “not aware of this individual”.


  1. I'm no Trump fan but blaming him for a Nazi sympathizer being part of an event that rented out his Bedminster country club is an unfair accusation. It's not his invitation only private house . It actively looks to rent itself out for events. Trump who is not directly involved in the leasing is under no obligation to approve of every person involved in every event held there. Does every Heimish real estate investor only rent out to Tzadikim?

    1. Waiting for Agudah statement attacking Trump

    2. Either he is super dumb, or he is, err, what can I say about the former president, super dumb. No other way to explain it. Don't think Trump is prejudice against Jewish people.

      Par for the course. Talking on national television about people eating dogs. Not willing to say that he want the Commies to lose the war in Ukraine. Not so sure about evil, but just really dumb.

    3. Reason the klutz from 11:57 only sees super dumb, is quite simple. He is so engulfed in his super dumness, that he came here to simply share it with us. Nu, nu. Par for the course.

    4. So what you are saying is that I am super dumb and engulfed in dumbness so that is I why I came to Hefkerville to share my dumbness with other dumb people.

      OK but it does not take a rocket scientist to know that a presidential candidate should not be meeting with the Pu-ye, whoever he is, the China emperor? Kan-ye? Just a nobody with a big mouth and upside down values. Nor should the candidate associating himself with crazies like Kennedy, or for that matter, the Proud Boys or this little Hun squirt, Adolf-looking guy. Trump is going to lose because of his dumb remarks and the company he keeps more than anyone else.

      How can any American not be able to answer in the affirmative if he wants see the Soviets (Russians, Putin, Stalin, Czar, Brezhnev, all the same thing) lose the war in Europe.

      Harris hit the nail on the head. He is more willing to be flattered and played a chump by our enemies than to spend some time to learn foreign policy, history, and to absorb an understanding of American interests and commitments. The man even once complained to the chiefs of staff that the Prussian Army would do anything their Chancellor said, to which of course, they informed the President that the exact opposite was true, the General Staff wanted to kill the murderer, nazzi vermin.

      Trump is not a threat to the republic. He is just plain dumb, more than he is evil.He just makes you feel good about the American ladder of opportunity, that anyone, no matter how weird or whacked out he is, can become president.

  2. PSA The Elul concert in MSG is a mixed event there's a secular crowd in the audience dressed inappropriately
    Last year there was mixed dancing in the crowd and ladies dancing and shaking their bodies in front of men with kol Isha.

    1. But this concert was advertised on the heiliger billboard of Lakewood how dare you call this event not so kosher. The billboard had the support of the Lakewood vaad who always follow daas torah

    2. Did the men shake back?
      Did they sing louder?
      Did anyone pay the women to sing?
      People went to hear Mr Ribbo sing, not some out of tune women

    3. How do you know that last year there was mixed dancing in the crowd and ladies dancing and shaking their bodies in front of men.? The type of crowd who goes to such events probably relies on the Sreidei Aish for the kol Isha issue in this situation.

    4. 11:57. RYYW and Rav Ovadiah and many others
      Lakewood standards are not worldwide Orthodox standards.
      If it would be located in Lakewood, you'd have an argument.

      Even in the Alte Heim, Hungarian minhagim were different than Galicianer minhagim different than Yekke minhagim. Secret they don't teach you in yeshiva, Lita was one country that had different minhagim, even in the same town.

  3. Sad that lakewood community became Modern Orthodox with professional sports leagues and mixed crowds of ladies men teenage boys and girls cheering on the teams from the sidelines all sitting together mixed while fressingg hot dogs and drinking beer. This is approved by our mechanchim and rabbonim, shameful!

    1. You make it sound like your grandparents never went to the Yankees game when they were kids.

    2. They didn't. They went through the concentration camps.

    3. Mixed seating is a problem by shiur / Torah………… it’s become norm to have separate seating now but let’s relax. Lakewood is doing just fine buddy.

    4. No shaychus, a Yankee game is a goyish event and you make a delcision to go there
      This concert calls itself Elul and ads are targeting the frum community as if it's a frum kosher event yet there's taaruvis mixed dancing and secular ladies not dressed appropriately

    5. Its obviously not targeting the yeshiva crowd. Its targeting the Lakewood non-yeshiva crowd. There are plenty of those in Lakewood thanks to the developers and realtors. Lakewood is a different place than 30 years ago, bro.

    6. Why should the BTs whose grandparents went to Yankee games be the ones to set the tone? Some of us have grandparents who were mosser nefesh to fight the Goyishe influences, Bnei Torah when it was unpopular, and baalebattim who protected their homes from evil.

    7. My grandfather and my rabbeim used to go to the Yankee games, and they all became massive talmidei chachomim. Maran Rav Chaim Pinchus Sheinberg Zatzal used to be a busboy for the Yankees.
      Seriously, get a life. There is nothing wrong with baseball. I wouldn't send my kids to the Yankee game today because of the pritzus, but what's wrong with some good baseball in a frum environment?

    8. This is a misconception to categorize it like that, yes there were great people that in their youth did things unbecoming of their future greatness and in spite of it still managed to rise and grow to become great, rabbi scheinberg went off to learn in Europe and immersed himself in his learning 24 hours a day and at a young age was writing entire sefarim on the ketzos etc.
      So what certain people did as kids or young teens, is not something we have to aspire to, but in spite of it they overcame it and threw it all away, public school, tv, or other things that they grew up with, they overcame it, while most others from that generation couldn't or didn't have the role models and conviction and ultimately most were lost...
      The proof is always that did any of these gedolim encourage or allow their own children or talmidim to do any of those things that they themselves did in their youth, so we need to learn from their teachings of gadlus, not their actions when they were nobodies.
      The only redeeming factor is that yes there is hope and even if somebody is holding no place they still can grow and become great.

    9. Anon 2;28 - you hit the nail on the head.
      Yes, they became Talmidei Chachamim, but they, and you, were not imbibed with certain Yiddishe ideas. Following a baseball team is wrong, and even though people did so and became Talmidei Chachamim, if they wouldn't have done so, they would have been greater.
      The BTs should not be the ones setting the tone. Leave that to those who never strayed.

    10. “Those who never strayed” what a shameful comment.

      What if some of us weren’t born frum? Why should that be held against us as if we stayed.

  4. Worse than sad.Worse than a communal farce we pretend to be.Worse than tragic.

  5. Wake up, 99% of ALL Hiemesh, yeshivish homes in Brooklyn in the 60's - 70's had a TV!

    1. I'm old enough to remember those days .There were few families who considered themselves Yeshivish in the 60s - 70s but from those who did very few owned TVs. The typical (former) kollel yungerman did not own a TV even back then. That is putting aside that TV then had no connection to what TV is now.

    2. I'm from those families that didn't have TV. And yet my Rabbeim went to the Yankees games when they were boys and they shteiged to become massive talmidei chachomim. We don't go to Yankee games today because of the pritzus, but there is nothing wrong with a good old baseball game in a frum environment.
      There is nothing comparable between a TV and a baseball game in a frum environment.

  6. Why is our brilliant township committee men leadership installing sidewalks all along route 9 and all of the areas that are supposedly supposed to be where route 9 is going to be widened within the next few generations?

    1. Wake up, a few years ago the state said they are not widening RT9 because it's to expensive. the town started to build houses right on River Ave. after that.

  7. I grew up in the 70s and 80s in BP and most people did not have TVs if they did it was hidden in the closet. I attended BYBP we had all types and stripes in our classes and (we weren't affected but that's another story) most girls didn't have TVs.

  8. As one that grew up in Boro Park in the 70s my class had 25 kids and 6 had tv's

  9. Let me guess Vermont is now going to close because it's to dangerous to be opened

  10. The msg concert is for us tuna bagels. So just bud out

  11. What a chilul Hashem mixed dancing mixed seating ladies singing at the Elul concert with frum heimish Jews sitting in the crowd
    What a shameful kitrug on klal Yisrael heading into rosh hashana

    1. Writing comments on the internet is also a huge kitrug.

    2. Ignoring it as an alternative would be worse

  12. The tv's in the frum homes happened in the 50s and 60s when I grew up in Boro Park and went to Bais Yaakov. The vast manjority of frum Yidden had tv's then and those few who didn't have went to their friends' homes to watch tv. I didn't have one when i was very little, but we got one eventually. By the time I got married in the 70s fewer people had tv's and I did not bring a tv into my new home. This has nothing to do with our heilige Baalei Tshuva. Tv's were found in most heimishe & European homes, either in the open or hidden in a closet or basement (as my neighbors did). Most of us also went to the movies and listened to secular music on the radio. That does not make it right! We are all baalei tshuva and most of us stopped doing all those things when we grew up and established our own homes.

    1. As stated,there were notable exceptions

    2. Unfortunately the net is alot worse than any of TV's,we have thrown in the towel

  13. How did this become an 'attempted assassination'?
    Someone was shot by SS near Trump's golf course, nobody shot at Trump.

    Sounds quite fishy to me. Trump lost a debate and needed a way back into the news. That makes more sense to me.

    1. Do you speak English? An attempted assassination means someone attempted to assassinate, which is what happened. Luckily the USSS saw him and shot him first.
      You sound like the typical conspiracy theorist. You claim, without evidence, conspiracies that have debunked many times over. Do you also believe 9/11 was an inside job?

  14. State Police traffic enforcement -- if I got ten of my friends to drive around at night honking horns loudly, sometimes playing music, the State Police would do some enforcement on us
    Having said that, I actually don't begrudge the Mexicans, let them celebrate their way, and let me celebrate my way, medurot, announce what time Shabbat starts, and burn chametz bepharhesia.

    1. On purim we do the same

    2. You all badly miss the boat.Whatever was the home situation back then,it wasn't ever implied to be the best case reality scenario.It was presumed temporary generational which we all yearned & hoped to improve up from.& For a decent while we were improving.
      At least enough of us.
      Now aren't we sliding backwards?
      If you were told back then, that in 2024 this is where, again, we would be holding, wouldn't most of you would have ripped your clothes?
      & some would've virtually jumped off a bridge.
