Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Gedolei Yisrael: Do Not Report to IDF Recruitment Offices

 In a very strong letter today Gedolei Roshei yeshiva in Eretz yisrael iasued a call to all bnei yeshiva specifically those of graduate high schools who are now learning in yeshiva,  with  clear instructions not to report to the recruiting offices known as Lishkat Giyus under any circumstances or appointments and resist any call but continue studying Torah.,they promised that even if one of you gets arrested, the entire yeshiva world will join together and fight for you like they would for every other yeshiva bochur. The Letter is signed by Rav Dov Landau, Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman, Rav Berel Povarsky, Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein, Rav Moshe Yehuda Shlesinger of Kol Torah and Rav Tzvi Dravkin Grodno Beer Yaakov.

 Hebrew text of letter below
"כפי שדברנו, מעת אשר החריפה התנכלותם של הערכאות כלפי בני הישיבות ופתחו הם במלחמה כנגד עולם התורה אין לבני הישיבות להתייצב בלשכות הגיוס כלל, לשום זימון שהוא".

"בימים האחרונים ישנם בחורי ישיבות שקבלו זימון בפועל, וחלק גדול מהם בוגרי ישיבות תיכוניות, אשר בס"ד לומדים כיום בישיבות על טהרת הקדש, והדבר מובן שבחורים אלו שרויים בחשש, וגם הוריהם היקרים אשר רוצים בטובת בניהם חוששים מהמצב בו בניהם אינם נענים לצווים".

"לכן הננו לחזק את אותם בחורים והוריהם היקרים, שלא יתייצבו ושלא יתגייסו חלילה, כי כל פתח שהוא עלול להמיט אסון עליהם (וכן בעקבות זה גם על עולם הישיבות), חלילה וחלילה, לא להתייצב ולא להיענות לשום פני' מהם כי אם בתורת השם חפצו ובתורתו יהגה יומם ולילה".

  : "ואם ח"ו יפיקו רוע זממם למעשה ויתפסו אפילו אחד מכם, עולם הישיבות יתלכד יחדיו וילחמו למענכם כמו לכל בן ישיבה אחר, והשם יושיענו ונתברך בכתיבה וחתימה טובה".


  1. What Rav Shmuel Auerbach said all along but was ridiculed for it.

    1. No. Previously, there was a petur, you just had to show up, register, and ask for it. Now, if you show up it is to be drafted.

      It’s the same reaction, but to an entirely different situation.

    2. He said to fight even if the government wants compromise. Now everyone agrees.

    3. Horav Ahron Shechter ztl saw this clearly and advocated against the Zionist State. Someone once asked him if it was appropriate to call a Zionist police officer a Nazi? The R'Y responded that if one truly understood what a tzioni was he would suffice in calling him a tzioni.

    4. I was I complete different situations than and now!

    5. I've been saying for months they should blow shofar after shacharis. All of a sudden now, everyone agrees with me.

    6. I used to come to shul with a lulav all year round and they ridiculed me, but now that it's sukkos everyone agrees!

    7. Degel UTJ troll parroting lines from R Avrohom Yehoshua about the lulav very cute and funny
      The bottom line is everyone is on board now and if you read the letter they are calling for protests if someone is arrested
      So admit you were wrong

    8. They weren't wrong.
      The best thing to do was to show up to receive a dichuy. Not to show up at a movie theater, clubhouse, restaurant, or lamp post. But the place that they gave a dichuy.
      Now they are not giving a dichuy, so the pesak is the same.

  2. He was ridiculed because instead of staying in Yeshiva and LEARNING his bochurim were roaming the streets blocking traffic on highways

  3. The real difference from then to now is now the government cut off the funding so Degel feels they have nothing to lose anymore. The hashkafa only changed because they are no longer blinded by the money. Many neshamos were lost to compromises that were made all this time while the money was flowing.

  4. It's a trick!

    They know that they can't shut down the Yeshivos, and that's not their goal. Rather, they want to draft the weaker Bochurim from Chareidi families to weaken their Yiddishkeit Ch"v.

    They're hoping that by pretending to go after everyone, we will allow the weaker ones. Ch"V!

    We need some good old fashioned Shtadlanus to convince the Reshaim in power to forget about it. Maybe a son or two of the Israeli Supreme Court justices would like to make a nice windfall in a business deal! And then maybe their father would find a reason that the Chareidi draft is illegal! V'Day L'Chakima B'Remiza.

  5. Here is the answer to the Chiloni on the street who was brainwashed into resenting the Chareidi draft deferments:

    The IDF does not allow Chareidim. Period. Because being Chareidi means to hold youself responsible to keep each and every Mitzvah. Not 80% of the Mitzvos. Not 99% of the Mitzvos. But 100% of the Mitzvos.

    But the IDF does tolerate 100% mitzvah observance! In fact, the U.S. Army is more tolerant of the Jewish religion than the IDF is! How many Bochurim come out of the IDF weaker in Shmiras Hamitzvos than when they went in?

    When the IDF fully embraces Torah observance, like the Jewish armies of old such as of David Hamelech and of the Maccabees, then there will be more Chareidim in the IDF. Perhaps one day the IDF will have only Chareidim!

    1. When you say things like the US army is more tolerant of the Jewish religion than the Israeli army you make it clear that you don't know what you are talking about so your response is worthless. I learn Partners In Torah with a US air force pilot and a former Israeli army paratrooper and discussed this with both of them. Who is your source of information? The coffee room? The Empty Wagon?

    2. Can't answer for him,however There was supposed to have been predicated on,from before Israel's inception,an enormously wide gap between them.Relative to that, there isn't much.
      When the US reinstates the draft then we could have that discussion

    3. The US army is more tolerant of Judaism more than the Israeli army? Does every single US army base have someone make a public Kiddush and havdalah every Shabbos, prohibit organizing social gatherings involving Chilul Shabbos and have a kasrus masgaich?

    4. Since when are non-jews to carry such obligations? You're coming onto their turf??
      Oh, What about their real obligations eg basic morality?Will you show ever a modicum of concern for that?

    5. The false claim that the U.S. Army is more tolerant of the Jewish religion than the IDF was made here. I addressed that. Like always in these conversation the no one ever admits being wrong . They just make up new accusations. Tell me what your issues with basic morality are in a way that even who doesn't believe the same propaganda as you can understand and I'll address that too. Be specific and use unemotional language.

    6. I am the OP.

      Is the IDF really tolerant of Chareidim? Isn't that a goal of the Chareidi draft, to reduce the Chareidi demographics Ch"V?

      Ask the Israeli paratrooper how many of the Chareidim who went into the IDF remained Chareidi.

    7. Are you asking a question or making a statement? I've never heard anyone accuse the graduates of say the IDF’s Shachar program ending up any less Charidei than those in the US who enter the workforce. Particularly the secular workforce. Do you have any evidence that those who enter the Shachar program end up worse than those who go to work in the US?

  6. The Zionists are the neo Communist Amalekim wanting to close down the yeshivas and put us in jail, they hate the Torah. We must protest them and make it clear NOTHING will make us serve them.

    1. I doubt they hate as much as you hate them

    2. He can be a bit simplistic, but cease with your doubts & your usual gaslighting cloaked insinuations
