Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sunday September 8 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 73° Sunny. High 73F. 

- Chasdei Lev Yom Tov distribution for rebbeim tool place today at Blueclaws stadium in Lakewood 

- Anger and fury from thousands who attended the Levaya of the skulener rebbe in Boro Park it turns out that due to safety concerns the crowd was fooled as the Mittah did not go on the designated route along 14th ave, people waited and parked their cars based on where they were going to be melava the Aaron, but it never came as they drove it away on another street denying thousands a proper chance of halvoyas Hameis. Organizers said due to the very large crowds it was a sakanah and the diversion plan went ahead.

-At the levaya in Boro Park for Admor MSkulen it was mentioned how the city of Boro Park lost 3 giants within the last tekufa. Rav Moshe Wolfson ,The Kossov rebbe, the Skulen rebbe..מיתת צדיקים מכפר
-A Special Tribute and hesped was said on Motzei Shabbos between Levaye and the kvura on Hagaon Reb Avrohom Ausband zt"l by Horav Michoel Sorotzkin. Watch Here

- Nshei Adirei Hatorah will host the annual event for ladies on Tuesday October 8 during Aseres Yemei Teshuva. Details TBA

- Rav Don Segal shlita and Rav Dovid Cohen shlita are speaking in Passaic this afternoon on behalf of Keren Olam HaTorah for men and bochurim 2:15-3:30 pm at Ohel Rivka Hall, 181 Pennington Avenue, Passaic

- Heavy gridlock traffic in Lakewood today along rt 9 Cedarbridge Central Rt 88 area.

- Live hook up in Lakewood to Harav Avrohom Ausband’s levaya  in EY at Tiferes Bais Yaakov 613 Oak Street 1:40 pm watch live Here

- Bittul melacha in Boro Park with many stores closing for the duration of the Laevaya for the Skulen rebbe ztl. The Levaya in Monsey will go from the Bais Medrash at 4 Blueberry Hill rd proceeding on foot to the Vizhnitz Bais Hachaim.

- There's still some girls not yet accepted with high schools starting tomorrow 

- Today Sunday there will be hespedim for the youngerman Rav Boruch Ber Ziemba ztl  at BMG Carey Street bais medrash at 6:30pm divrei hesped ByvRav Malkiel Kotler shlita, Novimonsker Rebbe shlita, His shver Rav Moshe Shimon Luria shlita. He tragically drowned unbtge Delaware River while saving one of his children.

- This past shabbos the Minyan Avreichim of Lakewood  moved into their new home for the first time since the minyan was founded over 35 years ago. A festive kiddush took place in honor of the sincha. The new building was purchased by BMG with the Avreichim minyan having a place to davenbon shabbos. Many Lakewood rabbonim today were from the original and long time mislabeled of the Avreichim minyan

- Levaya of Harav Avrohom Ausband Zatzal in Eretz Yisroel will take place today Sunday night in Yerushalayim 7:30pm (12:30pm in New York) at Achva Shul 11 Reishis Chochma st with kevura at Har Hamenuchos. Hook up number to listen live from US 605-313-6660 712-432- 4305 or watch livestream video HERE

- BDE: Petira of Reb Yitzchok (Itchie) Selengut z”l of Boro Park/Lakewood. He was in his 90s. A talmid of Rav Aaron Kotler zatzal and Rav Moshe Feinstein Zatzal. The Levaya will take place this morning 11:00am in Lakewood at the chapel off 7th street

- Levaya of the Skulener rebbe ZTL will take place in Boro Park 12pm 13th and 54th with kevura in Monsey at 4 pm tens of thousands expected there will be road closures in both places

- BDE: Petirah of Rav Eliyohu Abuchatzeira ZTL at the age of 92, he was the former chief rabbi of Nazareth and a cousin to the Baba Sali.

- Tefillos for the Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok rebbe shlita who is in need of a refuah shleima as the rebbe has been very weak recently. His chasidim will gather today all over for a atzeres tefillah. Name is Shmuel Yaakov be Yenta.

- A new poll by the NYT/Siena College has former President Trump now leading VP Kamala Harris 48% to 47% among likely voters, the first time in weeks Trump has pulled ahead.

Skulen Lakewood notifying the petirah of Skulen rebbe of Boro Park


  1. An emotional hesped about Rosh Yeshivas Riverdale Hagaon Rav Avrohom Ausband ztz"l was said last night by Reb Michoel Sorotzkin

  2. What about girl elementary schools are all kids accepted?
    Do all boys have cheder?
    Do alll buchorim have mesivtas?

  3. There are girl still not in elementary school.

    1. There are still children not accepted by the one school the parents decided is their only option.

  4. So much for excuses of benefits of leaning in to single party control in Trenton
