Friday, September 6, 2024

Israel At War Friday Sept 6

Israel at war day 336

- Statement from IDF Homefront Command: ALL residents of the Western Galilee need to secure the gates to their communities and stay immediately near bomb shelters. Gatherings and any movement in the area of the settlement should be avoided

- Massive wave of IDF strikes in South Lebanon. Reports of over 20 strikes with large amounts of aircraft over Lebanon right now.

-American officials told the NYT that Hams now added more demands regarding the release of prisoners held in Israel.

- Per Ynet, the US is very reluctant to propose a new deal. After the new Hams demand for more murderers to be released in the 1st phase, Biden/Harris don’t want to be “humiliated” by proposing a deal that is dead on arrival. 

- Anti-Israel protesters march through Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, waving Palestinian flags and chanting antisemitic slogans. Videos posted to social media show the protesters chanting ,”Long live the intifada” and “Globalize the intifada,” a reference to periods of deadly Palestinian terror attacks against Israeli civilians in the late 1980s and early 1990s and again in the early 2000s.

- Jenin: 14 terrorists eliminated, over 30 suspects apprehended, approx. 30 explosives planted under roads dismantled. Additionally, numerous terrorist infrastructure sites have been dismantled, including an underground weapons storage facility located beneath a mosque, and a lab used to manufacture explosives. 

The terrorist Wassem Hazem, head of the Hamas terrorist organization in Jenin, was also eliminated. Hazem directed shooting and explosive attacks in the area of Jenin and was responsible for advancing terror attacks in Judea and Samaria.

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