Friday, September 27, 2024

Saying Selichos Before Chatzos

From the shiur of Rav Yisroel Reisman shlita this Thursday in Flatbush

I do want to repeat what I mentioned in previous years, that the Selichos that are said in shuls before Chatzos Halayla, before midnight, are incorrect, they're inappropriate, even in Shas Had’chak. Rav Moshe writes in a Teshuva that Selichos should be said after midnight. You want to say it in the morning, say it in the morning, but not in the first half of the night.
I mentioned in previous years, the Kaf Hachayim, who says, better not to say the Shelosha Esrai Middos at all, than to say it in the first half of the night. So something that's very important to know, as we were growing up, nobody did this. It's true, Stolin seems to have had this Minhag for a long time, but there was nobody else in Klal Yisrael that said Selichos at such an hour, and it's really not what a person should be doing. Again, I refer to the Kaf Hachayim, so it's better not to say Selichos at all, than to say it in the first half of the night.

Rav Yisroel Reisman 


  1. This is somewhat surprising, and I wonder if R Reisman actually said this.

    Everyone agrees that saying סליחות before chatzos is extremely בדיעבד. But R' Moshe Feinstein ZL writes (אג"מ ח"ב סי' ק"ה ד"ה אך) that if the only way you can get a minyan to say selichos is before chatzos, then you can be matir to do it then. So it's surprising that R' Reisman would say it's better not to say selichos altogether, in the same statement in which he's quoting R' Moshe for support, since it would appear that R' Moshe disagreed with this psak.

    1. It is the Kaf Hachaim not Reb Moshe who said better not to say yug gimmel midos at all than to say it before chatzos

    2. Maybe someone can explain to me why it is that this is precisely when we say selichos on leil Yom Kippur (and by neilah)

    3. That is the whole idea of Yom Kippur, that it is כולו רחמים, and we don't need to wait for חצות הלילה for Hashem's רחמים to be awakened.

  2. Ger seems to have such a minhag....pre chatzos

  3. Lutzk also has a early minyan

    1. Lutzk is a Stolin breakaway.

    2. Possible confusion here.

      Loitzk/Lutzk chassidus (such as it is) is headed by the brother of the Karlin-Stolin rebbe.

      The well-known Lutzk shtiebel in Lakewood is founded by a Sorotzkin, son of R Yitzchok Sororzkin (of Telz and Mesivta of Lakewood) and owes its name to R Zalman Sorotzkin, the (very Litvish) rov of Lutzk (and author of Oznaim L’Torah)

    3. My (not at all Chasidish) grandfather grew up right near Lutzk. According to him Chasidim were the majority there.

  4. Unfortunately there are many minyanim around the 5 towns of Lakewood for early slichos. For a ball game or hookah they'd be up but for late selichos they're too tired .

    1. People stay up to 1:00 to watch ball games? Even when they (believe) they can watch it earlier? Even if they did you need a lot less energy to watch than say Selichos with kavana. There is no need for kitrug during the Yemey Rachmim
