Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Tuesday September 24 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 68° Cloudy.

- US intelligence has warned Donald Trump of “real and specific” threats from Iran to assassinate him, his presidential campaign says in a statement Tuesday.

- Article in Mishpacha on Tuition crisis "Opening the books"
Today’s frum schools are collapsing under historic deficits, while families are buckling under unprecedented tuition bills.
But why has tuition, always high, somehow skyrocketed in recent years?
How are schools and parents navigating this major source of tension?
And, are both sides doomed to remain in this chokehold, or is there any sort of solution on the horizon? More

- Migrant crisis in Lakewood bus loads of migrants coming daily to Lakewood from NY according to local Mexicans interviewed in Downtown Lakewood. They are looking for jobs which is hard to find and are sleeping on the streets all over downtown watch documentary video HERE

- Watermain break at Cedarbridge & MLK traffic backed up on Cedarbridge going north from Ave of the states

- Atzeres Tefilah on Gezeiras Giyus organizers are still planning to hold an event before Rosh Hashana the tentative plans are for this Sunday possibly in Manhattan and another one in Lakewood 

- A tropical disturbance that has been brewing in the Caribbean Sea for several days has strengthened into Tropical Storm Helene, and it’s expected to rapidly intensify into a major hurricane before it takes aim at Florida and Georgia in the next two days.

- Miznon kosher at Bell works opening tomorrow  September 25th  located in the  Bell Works building at 101 Crawfords Corner Road, Holmdel NJ 07733 Glatt Kosher under the supervision of the OU.open 11am - 8:00 pm

- Lakewood property tax increase the township received an additional 7Million in state aid yet still raised taxes by 8 million while also giving out tax abatements which cost a revenue loss of 8 million that would have gone tov the tax rolls.just last year the town raised taxes by 4 million.  Township comi

- Thousands are already in Uman ahead of Rosh Hashanah fearing they may not get out next week due to security situation. They are flying into Kishinev, Moldova and crossing the border into Ukraine for a 5 hour car ride others are traveling from Romania

Lakewood planning board meeting today 6 pm watch live stream Here see agenda Here
Application to create 76 lots off massachusetts and Prospect street on a empty parcel behind the high p[point condominium complex
The planning board will have a closed session on the Besader application to build 9 homes on a cuddle sac off 14th street 

- Agudas Yisroel launches  online $10 million fundraiser Donate Here

- Hachtara for new Skulener rebbe of Boro Park following the Petirah of the previous rebbe 2 weeks ago. The son Rav Aharon Meir was appointed rebbe of Boro Park and the younger son Rav Eliezer Zusya Portugal was appointed Skulen Rebbe of Kinden, New Jersey.

- A public elementary school in Morris County is closing at the end of the school year due to a “debilitating” loss of state funding, the district announced. Cozy Lake Elementary School, which teaches students in pre-K and kindergarten in Jefferson Township Public Schools, is closing because years of state aid cuts have left the district $3 million short for the 2025-2026 school year, officials said.


  1. https://www.faanews.com/2024/09/breaking-news-aaron-hirsch-files-major.html

  2. What has Agudah done besides attacking President Trump again and again
    Oh the free tuition that never came
    Or kissing up to the democrats at the DNC
    Or pushing themselves into Lakewood voting out a friendly republican
    Have they said anything about the gezeiras Giyus
    Meanwhile look what others have gotten done with government
    Tzedek got prison reform and funding for IVF
    The Satmar rebbe met with Trump to work on the gezeiras hachinuch in NY

    While lakewood still waits for free tuition from Trenton

    1. The fact that you list the satmar rebbe meeting with Trump (jr) really shows the way you think. He didnt accomplish anything. Your whole problem with agudah is that they don't worship the a"z of trump as you clearly do.

  3. Of course they are trying to have the asifa before Rosh Hashana, they are concerned that the giyus thing may be resolved, and satmar will nothing to be moiche.

  4. The Aguda follows daas Torah and the Moetzes so anyone attacking these helege askanim who work yomom vlayla for the klal need to worry before the Yomim Noraim.

    1. No they don't. They did not ask daas Torah before attacking Trump repeatedly
      They pick and choose which daas Torah suits the agenda aka Washing rally

  5. Seriously.Those Aguda askanim & oligarchs who control them need to be more concerned for their derailing our people

  6. Is the cul de sac off 14th St. called a cuddle sac because the 9 houses will be so close to each other, they could cuddle up to one another?

  7. The Agudah ship has long sailed

  8. If over 90% of frum Jews support Trump and voted for him
    Why does Agudah think they can publicly attack him and yet expect everyone to support them afterwards

    1. Because with all your (and my)opposition to some of the political behavior of Aguda they still remain an organization that does a lot for the frum world. אֶת־הַטּ֗וֹב נְקַבֵּל֙ ... וְאֶת־הָרָ֖ע לֹ֣א נְקַבֵּ֑ל?

    2. If they would disappear,a young broader generation would get going & shoulder much more

    3. So why doesn't that big talking young broader generation get going & shoulder much more while they are still around?

    4. Becuse they suck out the oxygen

  9. The משפחה article on tuition is very one sided and tilted to favor the schools and does not interview or present the other side of the struggling parents or the parents version on the subject.

    1. Par for these magazine course

    2. If your rich enough to waste your money and buy the mishpacha you shouldn't have a tuition issue.

    3. I cannot afford the paper magazine. I read this one article online for free.

  10. The problem is the Dormitory system, which kills parents on two ends.

    First, the gvirim are sponsoring dorm buildings, when they could rather sponsor school buildings. On top of that, parents are still on the hook for a dorm fee (for maintenance, insurance, utilities, etc.), which requires parents to spend thousands of unnecessary dollars each year.

    We need to stop this dormitory nonsense. Why can't bochurim sleep at home until they are old enough to get married?

    1. If you don't appreciate the concept of a bochur separating himself fully from his mundane life, to dedicate a few years to Torah and only Torah, you have no business offering opinions about Yeshivos.
      Dormitories are a fulfillment of הוי גולה למקום תורה. The Chasam Sofer writes that even when a Rav had a Yeshiva in his own town, he would send his children away.

      When a bochur is at home from birth until he is over the age of twenty, he never truly 'liggs in lernn', with no regard to הבלי עולם הזה. He hears a daily report of the news, listens to his mother's kitchen issues, and follows his sister's high-school politics. He doesn't sleep and wake up with the sugya in his head like a bochur should.

    2. You could have made your point without disrespecting the boy's mother.

    3. How is that disrespectful?

    4. @anon4:30AM

      Unfortunately, you are living in a bubble if you think that dorms don't cause terrible distractions. Many bochurim shmooz till 4 in the morning, etc. Those who don't wouldn't be shmoozing with their sisters either. The Chasam Sofer didn't have a dorm situation. In the Chasam Sofer's time, bochurim would stay by a local stanzia, where a local FAMILY would offer bochurim to sleep by them for FREE. He wasn't talking about the current situation.

      Speaking about the Chasam Sofer's children, see the Ksav Sofer at the end of Parshas Vayeira:

      The Ksav asks why Avraham delayed sending Yitzchok to the Yeshiva of Shem until after the akeida.

      The Ksav Sofer answers that Avraham was concerned that, even if Yitzchok's physical needs would be met, Yitzchok would be homesick away from his parents. Additionally, Avraham was concerned that, although Shem was a great teacher, Yitzchok might be negatively impacted by the other students in the Yeshiva. It was only after Yitzchok displayed his willingness to die for Hashem that Avaraham's concerns were allayed.

      Finally, dormitories are against halacha nowadays. See Shulchan Aruch, Even Haezer, siman 24.

    5. The last sentence is a horrific motzi la'az on the myriads of innocent wonderful boys

    6. 1. A mother is supposed to be busy with her kitchen. It's not disrespectful. But a Yeshiva bochur cannot have anything to do with it.
      2. The Chasam Sofer explains a centuries old minhag. A derush on Avraham Avinu carries no weight here.
      3. We give bochurim opportunities, we don't force them. If all bochurim slept at home, we wouldn't even have given him the chance to 'ligg in lernen' as he should. If he takes the opportunity, it's his business.
      4. Your Halacha has nothing to do with the metzius. Even your filthy canard that bochurim are considered perutzim, no dormitory has a problem of yichud.
      5. Sleeping at a family's house would be more problematic than a dormitory.

  11. Exactly. Not sure where they got their info from. I do believe Lakewood rabbeimand morahs are earning more than quoted in this article or we wouldn't have anyone standing in front of the classrooms.

    1. Do you mind sharing the numbers for a morah? Most people have absolutely no idea how little morahs are making they think it is similar to a starting office job pay - It used to be... - I call them paid volunteers

  12. Today every large Kehilla in US have their own shtadlim who are well connected. The concept of the Agudah is geshtorbin. They recently have a campaign with the lawyer and Co flying around to different communities to shcnor money. For what? It is unforgiving how they forced/tricked Lakewood to enforce the faker Schnell so they could have a footing in Lakewood, since in Brooklyn they are no longer needed with all the big Chassidishe Kehillos having their own connections

  13. BMG should remove themselves from the moetzes, especially now after the Agudah pulled the plug on the asifah

    1. The moetzes is only there because of BMG.....

    2. Aguda represents a large umbrella of yidden. The asifa had nothing to do with moetzes of aguda. Some rosh yeshicas and rewbbus woudl liek to make aan asifa . Let themn do it and leave aguda out of it. If a majorit yof moetzes were for it then aguda would back it...

    3. Assifah makes no sense - Your goal is to pressure the Israeli govt but you have to convince the American people somewhat - problem is there is no logical explanation to why Chareidim just registered in yeshiva get an exemption. There were all kinds of ideas such as opening a more frum unit etc. but everything gets knocked down as being in an army is not good for yiddishkeit - so who exactly should protect the country if being a soldier is bad? You cant make a protest based on a shtickel Torah that the ultimate goal is to not have any yeshivos - you need to convince the American people that there is something wrong in Israel for your protest to have some effect. It doesent take much for any American newspaper to make the chareidim stance to sound utterly ridiculous.

    4. Agreed. It makes utterly no sense.

      Think for a second: What percentage of Modern Orthodox Jews, Jews who believe in Torah and follow the Shulchan Aruch, agree that Haredim should be exempt from the military? I'd be shocked it if is even 1%.

      If we aren't capable convincing the Modern Orthodox, how could we possibly convince secular gentiles, who don't believe in the Torah and don't follow the Shulchan Aruch, that learning should be an exemption. Until we can figure out how to convince Modern Orthodox Jews, there is no point protesting. It's like protesting that we should have the right to be be cannibals. No matter how many people show up to the Let's-be-cannibals protest, nobody will take our position seriously. Let's regroup and try to convince a significant percentage of Modern Orthodox Jews. If we are successful, then we can try to work on Gentiles. This protest will only make us look extremely bad in the eyes of the Gentiles.

    5. Modox have an axe to grind & usually are WORSE than the secular-at least those who you term tinok shenishbu.
      Sinple.My former completely secular neighbor treif & everything who was an officer in the IDF agreed she wouldn't want her daughter going through with it

    6. Why bring up Modern Orthodox not believing in chareidi exemption - theres a huge percentage of reg. frum people incl. myself that dont believe in this blanket exemption for anyone registered in a yeshiva - unless im Modern Orthodox?

    7. Likely.Need to check you out.
      In what else you veer off from the classic or mainstream?

  14. why is 290 river being forgiven for taxes

  15. Meshugaim in Uman. Ledigeiers oisvorfs meturafim. There is nothing normal about it. You can still make it back home before Rosh Hashana and actually prav the Yom hadin properly.

  16. Where else can u get a free disco concert on moitze Rosh HaShana?

  17. The whole todays Uman RH is a farce. Nowhere did R Nachman ever say to gone daven by him on RH after he will be nifter

  18. Yeah Baby,
    Na Nach Nachman from Uman,
    Come on over and have some fun
