Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Wednesday August 14 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 86° plenty of sunshine
Chatzos is 1:01pm

- WHO declares monkeypox a global public health emergency

-Lakewood resident files suit in New Jersey Superior Court in Ocean County seeking to overturn the zoning Board's approval of a  application for a 4 story 74 unit complex off Chestnut and New Hampshire full story Here

- Online Fundraiser for Chavivim of Ocean county donate HERE

- In clips with Arabic subtitles, Jerusalem rabbis condemn Jewish prayer at Temple Mount Five prominent Jerusalem-based rabbis publicly reiterated the traditional ruling against prayer at the site, with a filmed statement by Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, the previous chief Sephardic rabbi, as well as statements from Rabbis Avigdor Nebenzahl,  Rav Shmuel Betzalel,  Rav Simcha Rabinowitz, and Rav Dovid Cohen Chevron R"Y

- Chai urgent care  Lakewood notifies customers they are working on billing statements that were sent outy to customers that may have been spam or overcharging for services
- The Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok rebbe was BH released from hospital and is back at the guest house in KJ

- Most Lakewood girls schools will be starting next school year on September 5th

- Brook Rd in Lakewood  will be paved starting tomorrow 

- Tefilos for the Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok rebbe shlita who is currently in the US in Kiryas Yoel and was hospitalized after he had trouble breathing name us Shmuel Yaakov Ben Yenta.

- Tefilos for the Skulener rebbe of BP who was placed on a respirator as doctors hope it will enable them to insert a trache and avoid infection name is Yeshaya Yaakov ben Raizel.

- Nostalgia restaurant in Lakewood on a message says We are taking a break 
Nostalgia kosher is currently closed for a refresh were working hard to come back and serve our valued customers soon wil keep you posted with updates

-Verizon runs to court after lakewood residents convince clifton avenue property owner to stall agreement for cell tower installation on top of the Eleanor Levovitz building more faanews

- A group of New York yeshivos seek appeal of new funding regulations against yeshivos deemed to be "inadequate" after a ruling that  the NYS education department is allowed to withhold funding and services such as busing and lunch to schools it determines to be inadequate. group of new york yeshivos argue that the regulations also authorize the state to completely shutter such yeshivos and to also to hold liable parents who send their children to such schools. more Here

Kashrus update from Tartikov Bais Din Chickpeas Jarred and Canned Galil brand has been found to be infested lot affected is BB/May/06/2027 it can be returned to store for a purchase credit 

- Shivty/Adireinu offering free download for Nein Hazmanim sugya: As many embark on travels during Bain Hazmanim and find themselves outside the physical walls of the Yeshiva, Adireinu is pleased to offer three complimentary download options of Shivti learning material focused on Hilchos Tefilas Haderech. Here 

 - A NY judge has again denied Donald Trump's request to step down from the hush money case, with sentencing set for September 18.

- Lakewood township to introduce the municipal budget tomorrow at the township meeting no word if they are raising taxes.after the township received an additional $7 million from The state 

- LIC meeting today on the agenda awarding a two year contract for Property Management and Maintenance Services for the Strand Theater and Apartments building.
transference of $3,000,000 of funds to Lakewood Township.

- Donald Trump will hold another press conference at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, this time in Bedminster, New Jersey.

- Krustik Sourdough bread no available in Lakewood 

- Google blames a “glitch” for how the Harris campaign was able to trick internet users into thinking reputable news sites were giving Kamala favorable reporting.
Axios released a report revealing how the Harris campaign edited news headlines on search ads to trick Google users into thinking sites like Guardian, Reuters, CBS News and others were giving her favorable reporting.


  1. Does anyone know who was the guy that uninvitedly got up to speak about shietels before the first official speaker at the woman's assifa?

    1. Sad that a Torah-oriented Litvishe town has been taken over by the worst of the radicals. They have created a new hierarchy of values, distorting and forging the words of the Gra, as though he also placed tznius on the top of the list. It is not, and it never was. Women are indoctrinated by other women, and told that their only value is tznius, and other, equally important, matters are pushed to the wayside.
      Those that have followed these things for years can trace it back to an insiduous worm of

    2. worm of sin'as hatorah, where people wished to display bnei torah in a bad light. They claimed, "your learning is nothing if your wife doesn't follow some rules made up by someone who doesn't learn." What they really wished to say is the first four words.

  2. Who are these " normal looking ," chassidishe Yidden u see on har habayos among the foolish misguided tzioni people? What's wrong with them??

    1. They are following their rabbanim such as Mishna Gemara Rambam Rav Moshe Feinstein Dayan Fisher among many others who clarly state that the only area forbidden to enter is the makom azara which is on the area surrounding the dome of the rock however the rest is certainly mutar after going to a mikva tahrara and one is mekayem several mitzvos by ascending including morei mikdash. Those rabbanim who forbade ascending is either because they are afraid of the irreligious going up without the requisite preparations and entering the azara area (which police anyways dont let jews enter) or because they are afraid it will incite arabs to harm jews neither of which are halachic reasons but which should be taken into account.

    2. Sorry, but Rav Fisher (Even Yisroel) was unequivocal about the issur.

      Reb Moshe, afaik, said nothing about it, deferring to Gedolei Eretz Yisroel.

      The prohibition is not just because of secondary reasons. We have no clear mesorah as to how far is permitted, which is another reason to forbid it. Additionally, without a wall, we are in a situation of סחור סחור אמרינן לנזירא, which is a decided Halacha, not a personal chumra. There are more Halachic reasons for this, see Minchas Yitzchok and others.

    3. @anon 10:33 Putting aside the rest of your comment are you telling me they went to a mikva on Tisha bav? I'm afraid many otherwise frum yidden see and hear of other yidden going and they ignorantly go without preparation

    4. RMF's SIL went up on har habayit.
      2. You can go to a mikvah the day before.

    5. They go before tisha bav and stay tahor (not so hard if you know the halachos) and most frum jews who ascend do tell others how to ascend kihalacha.
      Rav moshe (O.C. 2 teshuva 113) does state that there are areas on the har habayis where there is no doubt that one can enter. There is ancient tradition and mesorah that the even shesiya is in the dome of the rock and even if its a little further no serious halachic opinion says that the forbidden area extends past the upper platform surrounding the DOTR which the police don't let jews enter regardless ( and a wall and steps separates from the rest of the har so there is no safek).

    6. RMF is not responsible for any of the activities of his sons, sons in law, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren.

  3. Nu what does the olam say about the videos this year on tisha bav all about October 7th but pushing agendas about zionism showing Israeli flags and interviewing ladies dressed inappropriately to keep our families entertained and think about the churban

  4. I guess they are foolish misguided "normal looking" chassidishe people

  5. It's all a concerted effort to transform Judaism into Zionism each and every holiday or special occasion must be an occasion to commemorate the state of Israel, despite the leaders of the state of Israel obviously cavalier attitude to human life, we are meant to worry and pray non stop, And of course send Every available dollar to fund another cause in Israel. We are to elect politicians solely based on their position on Israel and disregard any positions which might affect us here in the United States it's all a given. As long as they recklessly teeter on the edge of the abyss what are we to do???? They love it that way......

    1. This is almost identical to the sentiment expressed by Jews in the US who were so apathetic during the holocaust. Minus the conspiracy theory about how everything is meant to turn Judaism into Zionism

    2. People like you were whining about why do we need to worry about and support those who are living in Eretz Yisroel way before the Zionists came around, In fact the early Zionist themselves when they first came to Eretz Yisroel gave their one of their to not be like those schnorrers from the Yishuv Hayason who rely on donations from abroad to stay afloat…. So you must be a Zionist of the Henrietta Szold mold if you are complaining like this

    3. Or plus the historical reality of the Zionist leadership interest in Jews dying during the Holocaust so that way they can milk the sympathy of the world to create a Jewish state "rak bdam they lanu haaretz"( yitzhak greenbaum head of the Jewish agency) Yes they have been playing the American Jews for fools since 1905. The Jewish state is not a response to the Holocaust , at the very least the Holocaust served their purposes...

    4. Yitzhak greenbaum declared arguably worse before the Holocaust "a toitklop tzu orthodoxie" i.e.all the religious
      His son was also a horrid kapo during the holocaust,though he was eventually killed.He got it from somewhere.

      Henrietta Szold was a typical mufka American innocent.The early Zionists admit on their autobiographies they took whatever she offered ,but laughed at her behind her back..has anything changed?

    5. Remarkably their own rabbis assured it.
      Their whole religion cherrypicking for kulos

    6. Some people think that Perfidy is the Bible.

      It's just a book, a well-written, funny, one, but not gospel truth.

    7. It’s actually amazing that these frothing at the mouth anti-Zionists treat Perfidy almost as with almost the same degree of reverence and trust as an haskafa sefer written by the Satmar Rebbe. Had the author of Perfidy written about any other topic it would border on forbidden reading for them.

  6. Those brainwashed tzioni fools bowing down on har habayos are no better than the brainwashed Hamas

    1. Much as I oppose going on the Har Habays I doubt you are less brainwashed then those who go on the Har Habayis. Or with less hate than the typical Hamas supporter

  7. טמא מת, ואפילו המת עצמו, מותר להיכנס להר הבית - הלכה פסוקה ללא עוררים!


  9. 12:36 pm
    Might be unpc,but he has something there.

  10. Maybe I m your Father or your Rebbe or Rosh Yeshiva? How can I make such a dumb comment not knowing who I am?

    1. I know my father and Rosh Yeshiva well enough to know that they would not write dumb comments online

  11. Many have suggested that must of the Jew/Israeli hatred , and terrible security situation today of Yidden, not only in EY but worlwide, is due to those idiots that go up to har habayos. Hey, wake up Tzionim we are still in Galus! Not the time to start up with the goyim

    1. You are fully responsible for the way you say things.

      To be moche for kvod Shomayim is a must. But be sure not to get diverted and turn it into persecuting Yidden for your kovod. When you persecute Hashem's children - even if some of their behavior is wrong - for your kovod, the danger is very great.

  12. -Relative to most other worse tzionim across the spectrum these types are usually pretty good, putting aside this weird exception issue

  13. It's disgusting of what was shown on the tishabav video binge yesterday
    The frum organizations and websites that pushed the narrative using the sad day to indoctrinate thousands of frum Jews to a Zionist state of Keira and displaying immodest ladies sick and disgusting
    What a shame that klal yisroel has fallen so low on a day we are supposed to do teshuva
    Shame on us that the leadership pushed this garbage shame that this has pushed mashiach away instead of bringing the geula closer

    1. No one forced you to watch the videos. The videos are a distraction from the main goal of the day. In fact, you should have spent the day saying kinnos til chatzos and then learning Eicha and related topics.

    2. That response is a red herring.Those who made & publicized the videos are responsible for pushing away.Towards them is where your vitriol should be turned

  14. Agreed those fools who "have" to go up to har habayos are responsible for today's matzav

  15. His issue is that these videos are promoted by our "Gedolim"

    1. There will sadly be more Tisha Bavs CV because of these videos it has turned the day into a mockery

    2. Perhaps ,but we have bigger issues.Much bigger

  16. Isn't all this Tziyoni great? Imagine, if we couldn't criticize and bash them, we would have to look inwards at ourselves and see what we need to improve on. At least let's show our hakoras hatov to the Zionists as well as the heimish Tisha B'Av movie producers for saving us from that ordeal.

    1. All part of the same.Or should be.

  17. Yes like ladies wearing silk cap shietels

  18. A lot of the anti-Zionist propaganda that you see is really just the frum version of Project 1619 and critical race theory.

    1. Cheap.Explain if you can.
      It's the opposite actually.
      Anti-Zionism goes back to the advent of the hijacking zionist & allied movements of our people.
      The phony comparisons are a present political hijacking of the classic semblance of what the US has given to the planet.
