Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Getting Ready for Elul Zman

Witness the incredible growth and expansion of BMG as it moves into its 11th building this Rosh Chodesh Elul!" Video by Efraim Feder realty  Today, BMG boasts 11 buildings, each filled with Witness the incredible growth and expansion of BMG as it moves into its 11th building this Rosh Chodesh Elul!"

1. Yoshon (Bendheim Bais Medrash/Maon Zafir)
2. Mizrach & Maariv (Israel Henry Beren Hall)
3. Binyan Herzka/Bais Medrash Bais Yitzchok
4. Bais Sholom
5. Bais Aaron
6. Forest Avenue Bais Medrash
7. Carey Street Bais Medrash
8. Bais Shmuel - Princeton Avenue
9. Kleinbard - Alumni Bais Medrash
10. Woodlake
11. Avreichim


  1. BMG really, really does not need this video

  2. Typical Lakewood tuna bagel, lives for years in Lakewood, knows all about all the restaurants erc, but never put a foot into BMG

  3. he said 8 he dosent know
