Friday, August 2, 2024

Friday August 2 News Updates Lakewood

 Friday, August 2, 2024 / כ״ז תמוז תשפ״ד
ערב שבת פרשת מטות-מסעי
Candle lighting 7:51pm
Shkiah/Sunset 8:09pm
Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av is Monday 
The 9 days begins Sunday night 

Weather: 96° Mostly sunny with some scatteredq thunderstorms this afternoon. Storms may contain strong gusty winds. High 96F. Chance of rain 40%.There is a marginal risk of severe weather today.

Shabbos day hi of 93 thunderstorms in the afternoon. Storms may contain strong gusty winds. Chance of rain 50%.

- North Korean leader Kim Jong-un: “We will always stand by Iran and will respond decisively to any threat to our ally. We warn the mercenary of global imperialism, namely Israel, not to make mistakes."

- Shabbos of chizuk for Lakewood area rabbonim this week at a hotel in CT with Rav Elya Brudny and Lakewood roshei yeshva

-The House Oversight Committee has informed President Biden that it is launching a probe of his administration’s role in a plea deal that allowed the mastermind behind the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks and two other terrorists to avoid the death penalty.

-Joe Biden climbed back up the stairs of an airplane he wasn't supposed to be on, as Kamala Harris and the Secret Service watched in disbelief.

$2.9 TRILLION wiped out from stocks this morning due to fears of a global recession.

-There was a progressive revolt last night over Shapiro as VP, several WH staffers that went all in on Palestine (wearing the keffiyeh, attending protests) openly threatening to quit, one donor also threatening to withhold millions (Jack Posobiec)

- This Shabbos is the 12th yartzeit of Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv Zatzal

-Local lakewood papers  front cover  news about Rav Eisemann court case dismissal

- This Sunday erev Rosh chodesh Yom Kippur Katan a atzeres tefillah will take place in all Botei Medrashim of chasidei Skulen including the Lakewood B"M to daven for the rebbe from BP who has been hospitalized. Yaakov Yeshaya ben Raizel.

- After many lakewood area residents received what appeared to be a fake medical bill from Ocala doctors it turns out the billing provider mistakenly sent them out. In a letter to patients, Dr. Preschel wrote, “The vendor responsible for the error has acknowledged their mistake and issued an apology. They will be sending a letter to all affected patients to provide further clarification. Additionally, you will receive a corrected statement.

-Rav Dov Landau issued a letter sue to the current matzav ibn Eretz Yisrael calling obn everyone to be mechazek in Torah and tefillah and not get to caught up with the news and only listen to what the public authorities instruct. See below

- Giyus Update: The Attorney General’s Office on Wednesday instructed theIDF to expand its mobilization of ultra-Orthodox men to include full-time yeshiva students and not only those members of the Haredi community who do not study Torah, and who are part of the workforce.

-Kyle Rittenhouse has said he will not be votring for Trump but for write in Ron Paul instead. Trump supporters on social media say has been working with Rocky Mountain Gun Owners, a gun lobby ran by serial Trump hater Dudley Brown. 

- A Mohel, from England R; Yonason Abraham, has been refused bail after being charged with performing an illegal circumcision on a young Muslim child in Dublin. the Mohel was arrested on Tuesday and appeared before Dublin District Court on Thursday. The Bris initiation society of England is working on the case and asked everyone to coordinate only with their legal team. 

- Friday Morning police enforcement on the new Vine street once again


  1. Bideb did NOT board the wrong plane; he went up into the plane to thank the pilot & crew and the others still on the plane that were involved in bring the hostages back.
    Biden boards wrong plane is Fake News!

    1. Did you believe that story for a second? All the rightwing rags know how to do is peddle fake news.

    2. Right. Biden is as sharp as a tack. How can anyone believe those rightwing rags who suggest otherwise?
