Thursday, August 15, 2024

Thursday August 15 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Weather: 87° Sunshine and a few afternoon clouds 

- BDE: Tragedy in the catskills 2 heimishe youngeleit from Boro Park were niftar R"L R" Sruly Oshri  Z"L a Belzer chasid and R' Mendy Weinberger  Z"L a Satmar chosid, after their car was involved in a MVA which caused the car to flip over roll down a embankment and it burst into flames. It happened on Church Rd in Mountain dale near exit 112 off rt 17. They

- Ami Magazine Reporter and Lakewood resident Jake Turx asked Trump about  his faith in Hashem since the assassination attempt. Turx: "You've spoken about God saving your life... have you put much thought into why God saved your life?" Trump says God saved him to help "Save The World" it was a miracle I usually don't read the graph until late in the speech this time it was earlier and wasn't planned he said he usually has it in his left and this time it was his right side which caused him to tilt his head as the bullets flew by.

- Trump: "In the wake of the October 7th attacks we've also seen the scourge of antisemitism rearing its head right here at home ... What's going on now is exactly what was going on before the Holocaust."

- Minyan for Mincha at Trump estate today in Bedminster, NJ as he hosts a  event combating anti Semitism

- Trump holds press conference at his home in Bedminster, NJ
Call Kamala Harris a radical left socialist says no one knows who she is. When she's exposed we will beat her by larger numbers than we would have beaten Biden.

- Update from  STARS Please be aware that although the BOE will present LECC as the only option on today's Zoom meeting, a lot of work is being done behind the scenes to obtain the needed funding for STARS. We will let you know as soon as it's resolved.

- The Baltimore R"Y Rav Aaron Feldman shlita currently in E"Y paid a visit to the Israeli president Yitzchok Herzog

- Reb Sholom Mordechi Rubashkin is currently in E"Y delivering divrei chizuk to bochurim 

- Faa: Lakewood’s Township Committee has decided that it is high time to address the need for more dormitories and mid-rise residential apartment buildings in the Township. The Committee is set today to heroically introduce Ordinance 2024-034 which will create and adopt standards for a School Overlay Zone. The proposed Ordinance highlights an apparent major concern of the Township Committee: 
The proposed Ordinance retains the 3 acres minimum but eliminates the accreditation requirement. More

- American Airlines suspends flights to Israel until April 2025

- Noted  nightly daf yomi magid shiur at the kosel Rav Dovid Zicherman shlita spoke out strongly against the kumzitz and song singing by yeshiva bochurim that went on at the kosel over tisha Bav. He quoted the halacha that you are not tov gather together as a zimun because of aveilus and supposed to sit on the floor. Singing dveikus songs and holding hands over shoulders is not appropriate for Tisha Bav, as he quoted recent poskim who said not to do so. The  phenomenon which is forbidden by the Halacha, and which, according to him, is a dishonor to the Halacha and a dishonor to the shechina on the day of Tisha B'av, 

- Despite bein hazmanin there's still traffic on Lakewood roads  as construction projects close streets, and traffic from camp pick up and drop off.

- The STARS program will not be continuing for the upcoming school year after the lakewood BOE said theres a significant shortfall in IDEA funds, the NPSSP/STARS program has not been approved for the new school year. The district will be holding a virtual meeting today
on August 15, 2024, at 2:30 p.m. via Zoom. to discuss possible alternatives 

-Lakewood township committee meeting today watch livestream Here 
 see agenda Here  on the agenda
Municipal budget introduction
 bond o $4,6 million for capital improvements to purchase pick up trucks police cruisers and first response vehicles upgrades to IT ept 

A new School Overlay Zone is intended to provide an optional development technique for residential and school development in a rapidly developing section of the southwest portion of the township to facilitate both the orderly construction of schools and associated residential development for students and faculty along with necessary road and utility infrastructure. The School Overlay Zone is generally located east of the Jackson Township/Lakewood Township border, northeast of Faraday Avenue, west of West Cross Street 

The Dedication Of A New Right-Of-Way Street Known As Chestnut Gardens Square off Chestnut rd

Changing street name in Oak and Vine Known As A Portion Of Halsey Street, And All Of Clyde Avenue And Argyle Avenue Between Oak Street And Turin Avenue To "Gorlitz Avenue" pursuant to the request of Township officials and Rabbi Mordechai Rosenberg, on behalf of the residents of the local community.

- CHEMED and Chaverim of Central Jersey  team up today to Distribute 5,000 Car Fresheners toLakewood Community with a safety message to look before you lock and never leave a baby in the car they will be given out at Gourmet Glatt supermarkets, Aisle 9 and Evergreen today from 1pm - 5 pm and tomorrow from 9-1 pm 

-Despite the mainstream media saying for months that Russia blew up the pipelines, the Wall Street Journal has now revealed it was planned and executed by Ukraine at a cost of $300,000. When the CIA learned of the plan they told Zelesnky to abort it, however it still went ahead.

- El Al reports record quarterly profits in the second quarter of 2024, as it is one of the few companies still flying to and from Israel, El Al says it earned $147.4 million in profits, compared to the first quarter, when it earned $80.5 million.

- Free ride on NJ transit for Labor day weekend Governor Murphy today announced a transit fare holiday for all customers from August 26 through September 2, 2024. During this period, fares will be waived for all modes of transportation, offering free rides across the NJ TRANSIT network as a “Thank You” to the hundreds of thousands of loyal customers who depend on public transit.

-Dans Deals Update: New DOT rules require United to provide an automatic refund within 7 days of your scheduled flight or offer a flight credit valid for 5 years for canceled flights, if you don’t change your flight to another destination. If you want to keep your reservation active, you can select a 5 year credit. Your ticket would remain open until a year from purchase as a future flight credit (FFC), and it would then be converted into an electronic travel certificate (ETC) valid for the remainder of the 5 year period. United says you will still pay the fare difference to use the credit in the future. You can learn more about FFC and ETC

- Hackers have reportedly stolen Social Security numbers of every American from National Public Data, according to the LA Times*.

- Records for nearly 2.9 billion people were reportedly stolen.Most of the data was posted on an online marketplace

- Zichron Yechiel Michel (ZYM) Kallah Bracelet Gemach, has launched to make the purchase of kallah bracelets more affordable. The initiative aims to alleviate the financial burden of buying these essential items, which typically cost between $1,800 and $2,500 in stores. ZYM offers high-quality kallah bracelets at significantly reduced prices, ranging from $900 to $1,500. For more information or to schedule a viewing, please contact 908-705-7022.


  1. What is the link to the district meeting for stars children?

  2. B'mchilas Kvod Toraso, zimun is asur, but not singing together.
    Proof: Minyan is mutar, even though Zimun is assur? Teretz is, zimun is asur because eating is a joyful experience. But singing for hisorerus is mutar, just like davening with a minyan is mutar.

    1. And Eli Zion is sung EVERYWHERE. Even before chatzot.

  3. Why are they renaming streets in Oak and Vine and never renamed any street for R Ahron or BMG?

    1. Because they like it. Is it really an issue besides you have what to kvetch about! You sound like you love machloikes and gossip! It's time to grow up!

    2. 1. Because family never aske2. Just like KJ has streets named after towns in galus (even Litvish towns, by the way), the newcomers / developeri guess is a town near s wants rebbishe names.
      3. Do you like streets named after President Madison, who was good to Jews (though he wanted them to convert), Forest cause it's a good place to hide from goyish mobs, Clifton has a good number of yidden living there, luckily there's no Trenton, which used to have 3-4 shils, 3-4 kosher butchers, but today is dangerous (ask Assemblyman S, but there is a street named after dangerous person at end of Clifton.

    3. Creeping sectorism
      In Quebec (& other parts of the larger world) the style of renaming streets is called "creeping nationalism"


  4. What was it once again of people & media defending even a hint of deficiencies of female secret service ?

  5. Waiting for some instructive policy statements former POTUS rather than just noise
