Monday, August 12, 2024

Tisha B'Av Lakewood 5784

 כל המתאבל על ירושלים זוכה ורואה בשמחתה          
Check this page for updated content, programing, and Tisha b'Av resources.

Zmanim for Lakewood 5784
Fast begins 7:56 pm fast is over 8:46pm (50 minute zman)
Chatzos 1:01pm
Watch LIVE at the Kosel HERE or HERE

Live Tisha Bav Asia at Khal Zichron Yaakov
- Avos Ubanim Tisha bav program for boys fron2pm-6pm at the trailer shul 9th st and Monmouth Ave stories and divrei chizuk by Rav Dovid Gildwasser and Rav Simcha Back

- BDE: Petirah of Mr. Moshe Yonason, Gary Blum Z"L caterer at Ateres Reva hall at the age of 59. Levaya in Lakewood today at the chapel off 7th st at 4:00PM

- 5:00pm Tisha B'Av Hisoirerus at Khal Zichron Yaakov 175 Sunset Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen Rav Yitzchok Dwek Rav Nosson Levine Rav Dovid Merling  Rav Uri Deutsch, followed by Mincha 7:15 watch livestream HERE

-Lakewood grocery stores open today after chatzos.

- Chayeinu kinus programming on phone throughout Tisha Bav for Men, Women & Children 712-832-5656
Phone for kids Rav Kolman Krohn ztl and Rav Aaron Burstowsky
712-832- 5656 400#
24 hour programing on Lakewood radio stations 107.9 & 104.7

-Audio Rav Gifter in English on Tisha Bav Here
- Replay kinnus 5784 with Rav Zev Leff HERE

Tisha B'Av night Tonight
Local Kinnus and Inspiration

- BMG: Maariv begins 8:47pm in most Botei Medrashim, Rav Chaim Ginsburg shlita will recite megilas Eicha in the Yoshon B"M
 there will be a tikkun chatzos in the chabura rooms

- B"M Lutzk will have a drasha tonight fromnThe Yerushalmi magic Rav Asher Druk shlita 10:00pm

- Ateres Yeshaya kinnus 10:15pm with Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen shlita Rav Yisroel Neuman shlita Rav Yitzchock Basser shlita 908 E. County line Lakewood (Ezras Noshim open)

Kinus tonight at KZY Rav Gissingerr shul, drasha by Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin shlita

Mordys shtiebel tonight kinus with R" Yitzchok Feldheim followed by drasha by Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Samuels starting 8:45pm

Central court shul Rav Avrohom Kammer will be speaking tonight after Kinos @10pm Call in live 605 472 5609 Access code 442913.

Shachris in BMG botei medrashim is 8:30am

- Roberts Shul Shacris is at 8:55
Kinnos is led by Reb Aron Kotler , Reb Simcha Kalish , Reb Moshe Chaim Lerner Reb Menashe Miller followed by a drasha on the Matziv in Eretz Yisroel by Reb Aron Kotler.

- Khal Yismach Moshe will have Kinnos led by Rav Dovid Goldwasser Thuhsrsday day from 8:45 am - 1:45 pm followed by Mincha location at : 950 Massachusetts Ave open to the public 

-Rabbi Milstein will be sharing periodic divrei hisorerus throughout davening andb kinus at Ishay Yisroel 110 Miller Road

-Lakewood Residence shul (madison ave/1st) Shachris 8:20/Borchu 8:40 kinnos 9:20-1:00; each kinna briefly explained by Rabbi Ralbag

- Kinus for Women and high school Girls at Yeshiva Ktana hall 10:15 am- 1:15 pm to Listen live call   Chayeinu 712-432-3055 (additional call in 732-839-3003 ID 776-382-8466#)

- Live Kinnus hookup from camp Agudah midwest led by Harav Yitzchok Margereten shlita 9:45 am Dial in 605- 313-5329 code 374200

- Rabbi Milstein will be sharing periodic divrei hisorerus throughout davening andb kinus  at Ishay Yisroel 110 Miller Road

- Live Kinnus hookup from camp Agudah midwest led by Harav Yitzchok Margereten shlita 9:45 am Dial in 605- 313-5329 code 374200


  1. Lakewood Residence shul (madison ave/1st) Shachris 8:20/Borchu 8:40 kinnos 9:20-1:00; each kinna briefly explained by Rabbi Ralbag

  2. A Special Feature Shiur about the Tragedies of Klal Yisroel which occurred on Tisha Be'Av throughout history was given by Rav Michoel Sorotzkin .
